Chunji's Ending

No Words

Chunji was sitting in class when he had recieved a text message from you. He opened it and read:

Hey Chunji,

I'm sorry I couldn't say this in person... But I'm leaving, I had decided to go to Seoul... And I just wanted to say no matter what happens or happened between us in the past you will always have a place in my heart... Please don't wait for me... You were and will always be my first love and one of my good friends. Please take care of yourself.


After reading your message his heart dropped, 'that means she chose Ljoe over me... but wait maybe i have a chance to win her back!'

When class was over Chunji hopped in his car and went straight over to your house to see if you were there. He knocked on the door, no one answered, so he made his way the tree by your bedroom window to see if you were in there. But all your stuff was gone.

'The Airport!'

He got in his car and drove straight over to the airport. He ran around the place looking at all the people to see if you were there. But he could not find you or Minhyuk.

"All passengers for flight 477 to Seoul please report to the check in gate."

As the lady over the intercom spoke he ran to the gate. He looked through the line of people that was there, and finally there you were at the beginning of the line about to enter the gate. You were standing with your hair in a ponytail, and you had on brown boots, jeans, and the sweater Chunji had let you borrow months ago when you were still going out.


You looked up to see Chunji running towards you.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I came to get you back~ I can't live with out you!"

"Chunji~ please don't do this...." you started to tear up.

He wiped away your tears with his thumbs, "please don't go, I can't let you go..."

"I told you you'd have a place in my heart but I reciprocrate those feeling to you now... You had your chance Chunji..."

"______ please give me another chance~"

"I can't do this Chunji I already decided to move~" you walked away from him crying.


After you returned to your hometown, you had to face Chunji and you had to tell him about you and Ljoe. So you met him at the park. 

"Chunji... I..."

"I know... You chose Ljoe didn't you?" he looked down at your feet.

"Yes I did....."

"I understand"

"I'm sorry Chunji..."

"I know I shouldn't have let you go, and I was an idiot not to realize what I had with you. But I must accept my mistake and learn that the next woman that cares and loves me like you did I will not let her go... Thank you for making me finally realize that _____. And I am truly sorry for how I treated you when we broke up. I shouldn't have tried to force you to be the person I wanted you to be, or the person I grew up with, I really should have been there for you. Will you forgive me?"

"Yes Chunji I forgive you... I actually forgave you a long time ago" you hugged him.

"Thank you, for coming back" he hugged you as well.

"So we're okay now?"

"Yes we are~" he smiled at you.

You and Chunji became friends again, and soon Ljoe and Chunji were back as friends as well, in fact they became best friends. Chunji eventually moved out to Seoul with the rest of you guys and became a trainee with Ljoe.

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Chapter 14: Oh man I choose Chunji but this was still a nice story. But gosh sometimes I wish both of them can get the girl
I lovee this story <3 Its kinda sad.. I'll choose Chunji... No L.Joe... Idk, both?^^
Great story, author-nim! ;D
Chapter 13: Amazing but like everyone us saying what happned to chunji??? Thank for a great story! ^^
Damn-You #4
Chapter 13: What about Chunji??
Chapter 13: Awww! The confessions in this chapter. ASDFGHJKL:;
Chapter 12: Sweet! :))
Cutee ^^.
Awww sweet chunji ^^
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