Chapter 4

No Words

Because it was the weekend you decided to get out of the house, and Minhyuk wouldn't be back until later tonight. You walked down the street and to the mall. You loved shopping, it was something that would help you take your mind off of things. You walked around the mall and looked at the different shops. You decided to look in the bookstore.

You walked in and walked straight towards the fictional section. You looked at all the different books, you were so focused on looking at the different titles you didn't see the guy in the same aisle and you walked right into him. You ended up on the ground and he turned to face you.


You looked up and saw Chunji blinking at you. You smiled sheepishly as you got up then nodded apologetically to him. You your heels and started walking away but he reached out and gently grabbed your hand.

"Wait... Did you get my note?"

You turned back to him and nodded slightly staring at the ground.

"So you don't forgive me?"

You opened your mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

He sighed, "please forgive me... I was such a pabo back then..." he looked down at his feet.

You could hear the sincerity in his voice and you looked at him. You lightly squeezed his hand, which made him look up at you. You bit your bottom lip and and gazed into his eyes.

"So you forgive me?"

You nodded and he smiled slightly.

"Did you eat yet?"

You shook your head.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?"

You nodded.

"Ok~!" he said cheerfully and pulled you out of the store. He dragged you to a little ramen shop that the two of you always went to when you were together.

"You still like to eat here right?"

You smiled and nodded happily. The two of you sat down and he ordered food for the both of you. He looked at you when the two of you were waiting for your food to arrive. 


You looked over at him and raised your eyebrows.

"Would you give me another chance?"

You shrugged your shoulders as you thought back to the day you had ended things with Chunji. The silence that had fallen upon the two of you made you feel uncomfortable as you could feel his eyes on you. As if on cue the waiter came with your ramen and the two of you ate in silence. After you had finished with your meal Chunji had paid for the meal and you two walked out. He had insisted on staying with you while you walked around the mall, looking at clothes. You entered this craft store, you hadn't been near these things in so long it seemed like you didn't belong there. Chunji had ventured off into the store to find a new sketch pad for himself so you had to walk around by yourself. You passed paints and paintbrushes, you brushed your fingers over the tops of the items.


"Appa~!" you screamed as you ran towards your dad that had just walked in through the door of your apartment.

"Hey sweetie~!" he said pulling you into his embrace.

"Appa did you bring me my sketch book?!"

"Yes I did sweetie~ here it is all the way from New York" he said as he pulled out the most beautiful sketch book you've ever seen. It had a brown leather exterior with a strap of leather wrapped around it to keep it closed.


"_____~... _____?"

You turned to see Chunji standing next to you with a bit of concern on his face.

"Are you okay?"

You nodded and walked out of the store, he followed suit. His phone rang and he said he had to go. You waved good bye to him as he walked out of the mall. 

'Should I give him another chance?' 

You decided to leave the mall since you found nothing you wanted there and instead went to a more peaceful place, the park. You were walking around taking in the fresh air and beautiful scenery. You looked around at the people walking around and smiled at how happy they were. But a lone person sitting under a tree caught your eye. This person had something in their hands you slowly walked closer and saw it was a sketch pad in one hand and a pencil in the other. As if sensing that you were looking the person turned and looked straight at you. A smile instantly spread across the person's face and he waved to you. You tilted your head in confusion and stared at the stranger.

"_____!" he yelled.

You were still confused not recognizing this person. He got up and jogged over to you, as he got closer your face brightened up. It was L.Joe.

"Hey~! What are you doing here?"

You smiled at him.

"Just walking around?" 

You nodded.

"Want to come sit down with me?"

You nodded again, then the two of you returned to the tree and he began sketching again.

"This is an assignment for art... We have to sketch a landscape... But as you can see-" he turned the book towards you, "mine isn't turning out so great..."

You gave him a thumbs up to reassure him.

"You know you're a really nice person, but I know you're just saying that to make me feel better I know it's not that good..." he said frowning slightly.

Without even thinking about it you grabbed the sketch book from him and his pencil and fixed up some of the details he was trying to draw. He watched in awe as you worked effortlessly on his sketch. Not having been near a sketch book in a long time the feeling of drawing/creating something magnificent took over and you finished drawing the scenery before you. You drew every detail of that park, from the fountain that was sitting in front of you to the little kids running around while their mothers chatted on the sides.

"WOW! I didn't know you were a great drawer!!!" he exclaimed staring at the magnificent drawing that you had finished for him in just a few minutes.


"Appa~ I drew the park for you while you were gone~"

"You did?! Let me see that~" he said taking the paper from your hands.

He looked at the picture and he saw the fountain and also the little kids running around while their mothers chatted on the sides. You really drew all the details of the part of the park you were looking at in that one little picture.

"It looks great~"



"It looks great~" L.Joe said beside you.

Your eyes shifted from his face to the paper and you saw the picture you had drawn. Tears came to your eyes as you remebered the day you drew that same exact area for your father. The tears fell from your eyes and dropped onto the paper. 

"Are you okay ____?" he asked.

You got up and gave his stuff back to him and ran home. He looked at the picture you had drawn and looked in the direction you had ran.

'Was it something I said?'

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Chapter 14: Oh man I choose Chunji but this was still a nice story. But gosh sometimes I wish both of them can get the girl
I lovee this story <3 Its kinda sad.. I'll choose Chunji... No L.Joe... Idk, both?^^
Great story, author-nim! ;D
Chapter 13: Amazing but like everyone us saying what happned to chunji??? Thank for a great story! ^^
Damn-You #4
Chapter 13: What about Chunji??
Chapter 13: Awww! The confessions in this chapter. ASDFGHJKL:;
Chapter 12: Sweet! :))
Cutee ^^.
Awww sweet chunji ^^
Update Soon