Perfect — Valentines' special

DaeHyo one-shots. [Daehyun and Hyosung]

A/N: the sentences that are in ' ' are thougts; just thought I'd clear that up & omg, this is super long xD 

sorry if you don't like long updates. It was just asjdhkasjds, idk. otl. I just had to.

It was another calm, life-enjoying day. The sun was out shining down on the streets of Seoul, trying to warm the cement up from the cold temperature but it hardly worked.

“Do you think it’ll snow tonight?”

Hyosung looked up at the sky, smiling as she shook her head; “I don’t think so, oppa.” She turned to look at Yongguk, seeing how his face radiated from the sunlight shining down on him.

“That’s good…” he muttered out, lifting his hand up to caress Hyosung’s silky, short, brown hair. He watched as she smiled, linking arms with him almost immediately which caused him to chuckle. She’s always snuggling close to him, even if she wasn’t a big skinship fan;

“Oh, we’re here,” she smiled, unlinking her arm from Yongguk; “See you later oppa, and thanks~”

Yongguk smiled, nodding his head in approval; “Call me when your shift’s over.”

“Yeh~” Hyosung yelled out as she scurried off, entering the Chinese restaurant she worked at.—Mr. Wang’s Chinese Restaurant. After she had gone in, she came face-to-face with Sunggyu, one of her co-workers, nearly bumping into him; “Mian, Gyu.”

He chuckled; “Gwaenchana, it was an accident. Now hurry up and get dressed before the boss gets here and gets mad for you not being in dress code.”

“He’s not here yet?” she questioned.

Sunggyu shook his head; “Not yet, now hurry – change!” he swirled her around, pushing her towards the employee room.

“Yah! I can do it myself!” she yelled. She tried to get out of his grasp but it was worthless, for he was stronger than her by a lot more. “Aish, you moron!”


                Once Hyosung changed into her waitress dress, she strutted towards Sunggyu, who was off attending some young, high school-looking girls.

“Gyu, is the boss here yet?” she asked, ignoring that he had clients to attend to. Honestly she knew why they came – and it was obviously not for the food, but for Sunggyu. And she knew that because every single week the same girls would come and purposely ask for Sunggyu to be their waiter. It was totally obvious they had the hots for him, but not that she cared.

He turned to her, shaking his head; “Ani… wae?”

“Aish,” she growled under her breath. “No, nothing. Heh, anyway, have fun with your all-time clients.” She winked at him, turning around and walking away. She was only half-way to her destination when she accidentally collided with someone, causing the person to fall down, pulling her down with them as well; “Ahhh!” she screamed and closed her eyes.

“Hyo!” Sunggyu’s voice was heard; he sounded worried. “G-Gwaenchana?”

“A-Aya…” the person below Hyosung winced – and by their tone it was clear that it was a guy… unless if a girl had such a low voice, but, you know, it could be possible—still, that was highly unlikely.

Hyosung then opened her eyes wide, staring straight into someone else’s angel-like eyes; she immediately froze, getting lost in the person guy’s intense gaze.

“Gwaenchana? Yah, Hyosung, gwaenchana?” Sunggyu’s voice was heard behind her, but right at that moment she could care less—even if he did sound worried; “Yah!” She then felt two arms wrap around her petit waist, pulling her up and distancing her away from those intense, piercing eyes that had drilled a whole in her, already stirred up, heart; “I asked if you were okay… did the fall cause you to go deaf?”

Hyosung blinked, coming back to earth. She turned around, awkwardly glaring at Sunggyu; “I can hear you clearly, Gyu. I’m not deaf.”

“Well then you should’ve replied… idiot.” He muttered, rubbing his neck; “Oh!” he mouthed, pushing past Hyosung and helping the guy who, surprisingly, was sill laying on the floor. “Sir, are you okay?”

The fellow laughed, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up; “Sir? Do I really look that old?”

Hyosung’s back shivered at the sound of his laughter. It was merry, yet it still had some glint of sadness in it – like a mixed laughter of sadness and joy—fake joy.

“Mianhae,” Sunggyu slightly bowed, extending his hand out to the lad who was positioned on the floor; “Let me help you up.”

Hyosung eyed the guy with curiosity and awe. He looked like an angel – like someone you’d see in dramas, movies, and whatnot. ‘Great, not creepy at all Hyo.’ She thought to herself, scrunching her nose for checking the stranger out. But who could blame her? He was visually perfect. She watched as he took Synggyu’s hand. And in no time he was already standing up – right before Hyosung; “Jeongmal joesonghabnida,” Hyosung said, bowing lightly to the angel-like guy. She was still bowing at him when she felt a hand on her shoulder, followed by that adorable laughter of his—the stranger.

“Gwaenchana,” he said in a cheery voice. And in all honesty his tone of voice could’ve tricked anyone into believing it, but not Hyosung. She frowned, still facing the ground.

‘Why does he sound so… sad?’ she questioned herself. She straightened up, staring at his face. It was flawless.

“It’s not like I fractured by back, or broke a bone. Besides it was my fault – I should’ve seen where I was going. Mianhae,” he said in an apologetic tone.

“Alright guys, there’s nothing to see here; go on and eat, order, or whatever you were doing.” Sunggyu said as he shooed bystanders that had gathered during the incident away; “What are you waiting for? Go on.”

“Awh man,” some girl groaned as she walked back to her table; “I wanted to see more.”

Another girl beside her, apparently her friend, nodded; “Right? It looked like a scene from a drama. Ahh~”

“Psht. You girls are crazy. Let’s just hurry up and eat – that’s what we came here for anyway.” Another one of them said, sitting down at their table; “Waiter!” she called.

Sunggyu nodded, bowing at the guy standing in front of Hyosung before he strutted over to attend the girls. “Yes ladies, how may I be of help? Are you ready to order?” he said, throwing them his famous smile which they, obviously, fondled over.

“Oh, a-ani. It was my fault. I was up in the clouds, sorry.” Hyosung replied to the strangers self-blame. She was at fault, so why let someone else take the blame? She’s never been a fan of many things, especially guilt. That was one thing she hated with all her heart. She hated others taking blame over things she had done, even if they were just small things – it just didn’t feel right to her.

He smiled, shaking his head; “I said it was fine. No need to apologize for anything… especially since it’s not your fault.” He countered her, making Hyosung a little angered.

‘Aish, didn’t I already say it was my fault? Gahh.’; “Ani. It was my fault.” She responded, a little too quickly for her liking.

“Ehhh, aren’t you a stubborn one. I said it wasn’t your fault.”

“And I say it was my fault.” Hyosung spat out, feeling slightly flustered.

The guy let out another of his chuckles which caused Hyosung to freeze a bit; “Ara, ara. It was your fault… but it’s fine. Don’t worry.” He grinned, putting his hands in his pockets. “So do yo-”

“Dae, ready to go? What’s taking you so long? You were just going to get directions for the library.” Someone called out, cutting the grinning angel off. And yeah, that’s what Hyosung called him – the grinning angel; for he was always smiling… and he looked like an angel. Or maybe it should be sad angel, for he had a sad aura around him, but he looked like an angel nonetheless. “Does it seriously take this long to get directions?”

“Youngjae hyung, did you find Daehyun hyun- Oh, there you are!” a tall, dark blue-haired fellow said as he came behind the grinning angel—whose name was Daehyun, apparently—and the other guy, Youngjae; “Did you get the directions to the library?”

Daehyun, aka the grinning angel, nodded; “Neh, I got it guys. No need to worry.”

“Jinjja?” the younger one smiled. And that’s when he noticed Hyosung. She was wearing her waitress uniform – duh –, hair tied up into a short, puny bun. “Who’s she?”

“Nugu?” Youngjae asked.

The youngest grinned as he pointed towards Hyosung; “Ohhhh, don’t tell me she’s your new girl Daehyunnie. What’s your name, noona? I can call you noona, right?” he bombarded her with questions as he neared her, but was eventually stopped by Daehyun.

“Zelo, calm down. She’s not my girlfriend… she’s just an acquaintance – or not even that.” He replied, sounding rather cold.

Hyosung looked over at him, noticing his change of attitude and she pouted. ‘Tch, rude. Ahhhh, I see, I see. I guess I’m a nobody to you, alright. W-Wait… but I am a nobody to him, cause I barely even met him. So moral of the story… he’s not lying; he’s actually stating the facts – the facts of me being a complete stranger to him. So if I’m a stranger to him that means tha-’

“Jun Hyosung,” someone called her name, cutting her non-stop and blabbering thoughts in a second.

‘. . . – I’m ed…’ Hyosung mentally cursed to herself, turning around to face the one person she was looking for beforehand. “Y-Yeh?”

“What are you doing slacking off? Do I pay you to chat up with your buddies?” her boss, Mr. Wang, sarcastically asked.

Hyosung shook her head, “Ani.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Get to work.” He strictly ordered her and like an obedient girl she is, Hyosung rushed to her labor.

“Yes, sir.”

“And you guys? Are you customers or friends of my employee?” Mr. Wang asked. He received blank stares from the three guys, which didn’t help his patience; “Oh whatever.” He grumpily groaned, walking away from them.

Zelo tsk-ed, “What was all that about?”

“Molla,” Youngjae shrugged; “Let’s just go, Himchan hyung’s probably done with his school report by now.” He walked out of the restaurant followed by Zelo.

Daehyun on the other hand looked back, taking a glance at Hyosung once more. She had a smile spread across her face as she attended to some customers, her bangs were almost in the way of her eyes and there was a wrinkled part on her waitress uniform from when he dragged her down with him.

“Hyung, aren’t you coming?” Zelo called from afar, receiving dirty looks from people who were eating, but he shrugged them off like it was nothing.

“Yeah, coming.” Daehyun replied, putting his hands in his pocket and striding over to his friends, but not before taking a last glance back; “Hyosung, eh? Jun Hyosung…” he muttered under his breath, smiling.

“Eh? Did you say something?” Zelo asked, blinking at his hyung.

Daehyun shook his head, putting an arm around his big dongsaeng’s shoulder – “Nothing, just talking to myself here.”

“Tch, you crazy bastard.” Youngjae chuckled as he exited the restaurant, which the other two—Zelo and Daehyun—followed after.


                Hyosung stood out in the cold, dark, abandoned sidewalk in front of the restaurant. She had her phone in her hands and was going through her contact list searching for that familiar name to pop up soon.

Bang Yongguk

She smiled, pressing the ‘call’ button immediately. It rung two times before he answered it;

“Are you off now?”

Hyosung giggled; “Yeah… are you coming to pick me up?”

“Does it look like I have a choice?” he sarcastically asked through the other end which made Hyosung pout.

“You’re mean~”

Yongguk’s low, heart-warming laugh was heard—“That’s how our relationship works, dork.”

“Relationship? Yah! Are you crazy?” Hyosung yelled through the phone, smiling; “Why would I ever have anything to do with you? Yuck!”

He tsk-ed, “And you’re calling me mean?”

Hyosung genuinely laughed; “Mian oppa. You know I love you~”

“I know. Who wouldn’t? I’m irresistible.” He gloated through the phone.

Hyoung gagged, rolling her eyes; “Conceited much?”

“Nah, I’m just stating the facts.”

“Whatever,” Hyosung scoffed playfully—“So where are you? Are you almost here?”

There was a pause, followed by some girl’s laughter—“Yeah, I’m almost there… just wait a little.”

“Arasseo, hurry up cause it’s cold.” She spoke; “And if you’re not here in 15 minutes I’ll walk home by myself… or find a ride.”

Yongguk sighed—“Don’t worry, I’ll be there. You won’t need to find a ride. Stay where you are and don’t move – you don’t want to be assaulted and , eh?”

“O-Oppa, don’t scare me.” Hyosung muttered through the phone; “Ara, I’ll be here. Palli, okay?”

“Mm. I’m going.” He said before hanging up.

Hyosung pouted, sitting down on the restaurant’s front steps. It was empty and everyone had already left—even Sunggyu. He had offered her a ride but since his shift ended an hour earlier than her she had declined it. She didn’t want to make him wait for her… for a whole hour.

Bzzzz… Bzzzz… Bzzzz…

Hyosung’s phone vibrated, indicating she had received a text message – so she quickly took out her phone, checking to see who had bothered to send her a message this late at night.

Hey idiot, are you home yet? – Sunggyu

She scrunched her face, thinking off a response to reply back to him – should she tell him that she does need a ride or that she doesn’t? She ran her hand through her bangs, sighing to herself—“What if I tell him that I do need a ride, but later Yongguk shows up and gets mad cause I dipped on him? Or what about telling him that I already have a ride… but in the end, Yongguk ends up being super late? Aish, eotteokae?”

Not yet… but don’t worry, Yongguk’s coming to pick me up. – Hyosung

Oh, arasseo, just wanting to make sure. Call me if you need anything. :P – Sunggyu

Anything?  (゚ヮ゚)  Hmm… go buy me some ramen, or better yet some chocolates. You know I really love chocolate. – Hyosung

I didn’t mean food-wise, fatty. (-''-)  –Sunggyu

FATTY? ಠ,ಥ – Hyosung

Kidding. But to make it up to you I’ll bring you chocolates on Thursday, ara? – Sunggyu

YAY! GYU’S THE BEST ^^ – Hyosung

Yeah, yeah. I’m the best… only when I give you food. ˘˛˘  –Sunggyu

 (●´ω`●)  –Hyosung

After Hyosung had finished texting—and getting Sunggyu to buy her chocolates—she was startled with a tap on the shoulder. She turned around only to see Yongguk smiling at her oh-so adoringly.

“Oppa,” she smiled, immediately linking arms with him; “I’m so cold~”

He chuckled, taking off his scarf and wrapping it around Hyosung’s neck—“You shouldn’t dress so lightly during this time of the year. You know February is still cold… it’s not like its summer, dummy.” He scolded her. But she ignored his nagging and started walking, bringing him with her for their arms were linked; “Are you even listening to me?”

“Honestly… no.” Hyosung replied, giving him a smile – to which he just chuckled. “So who were you with a while ago?”

“Someone…” he muttered—“I’m hungry, you want to go get some cheesecake?”

Hyosung brightened up almost immediately, nodding her head like a little child. “Kaja~!”


                There was laughter heard from Yongguk and Hyosung’s table throughout the whole café – but it really didn’t matter, for there were only a few people there.

“Slow down, fatty – if you eat any faster you might just die.”

Hyosung scrunched her nose as she glared at Yongguk; “You’re mean… just like Gyu.” She spoke with a mouthful.

“We’re not mean. We’re just speaking the truth.” He grinned, showing off his gummy smile.

“Aish, you bastard.” Hyosung mumbled, earning a flick on the forehead from Yongguk—“A-Aya! That hurt.”

Yongguk stuck out his tongue; “Pabo.”

“Ayy~” Hyosung muttered, devouring a spoonful of cheesecake in .  She rolled her eyes at Yongguk when he widened his eyes, probably from watching her eat—“It’s not like you’ve never seen me eat.”

“I know, I know,” Yongguk smiled, taking a sip of his cappuccino.

Hyosung just continued eating her cheesecake while smiling. She couldn’t help but remember Daehyun’s angelic-like face. His eyes, his smile, his voice, his laughter – just about everything about him left her fascinated.


Two weeks later – Feb. 14th

                It’d been a couple weeks since Hyosung and Daehyun’s unexpected meeting. And even though they met at such state they managed to see each other once in a while. Sometimes Daehyun would go to the restaurant, not to eat but just to see her – sometimes he didn’t even enter; instead he just stayed out and watched her from afar. Sure… sometimes she never noticed him, but when she did she’s always wave and smile at him.

“O-Oppa, what are you doing here?” Hyosung asked, staring up at Yongguk who had just entered the restaurant. He was wearing a suit, his hair slickly groomed to the side – which suited him extremely well.

“I’m meeting with Jieun’s parents here…” he muttered out.

Hyosung automatically dropped the can she had in her hands, but Yongguk quickly picked it up and handed it to another waiter – who happened to be Sunggyu.

“Jinjja? Yo- You are?” she asked with an unreadable expression—“So then… it’ll be official?”

Yongguk smiled, causing Hyosung to jump with glee.

“Oh my god, yes! Jieunnie’s going to be my sister-in-law… literally.” She couldn’t hold it in any longer and roughly threw herself into Yongguk’s arms—“You’re the best, oppa! I’m sure Jieunnie’s umma and appa will give you her hand.”

Yongguk grinned, “Let’s hope so.”

“I know so,” Hyosung smiled as she was still in her older brother’s arms; “They already love you enough to be their son.”

“Hey guys, Mr. and Mrs. Song are here – so is Jieun,” Sunggyu, who apparently knew about the reservations for the Song family, called. He grinned at Yongguk then turned to Hyosung—“The boss said you could take the night off and join them.”

Hyosung’s eyes widened; “Really? B-But I didn’t bring any fancy clothes.”

“Don’t worry about that. I planned ahead.” Yongguk smiled, pointing out to the parking lot; “In my car there’s a dress and some heels. Also some of your makeup. I uh… I just put random makeup stuff in the bag so sorry if there’s something missing or you know.”

“Gwaenchana, oppa. Thanks! I’ll go change now.” She grinned, pulling him in for—yet—another hug. “Be right back!” she said as she exited the restaurant in a hurried fashion.

Sunggyu shook his head with a smile—“Crazy girl.”

“She’s even more excited than I am…” Yongguk spoke; “I’m nervous.”

“It’ll work out fine hyung, don’t worry.” Sunggyu smiled, patting Yongguk’s shoulder.

After changing into a short, lavender dress and heels, Hyosung finally made her way towards the table where Yongguk, Jieun, and Jieun’s parents were at.

“Oh, Hyosung, you’re here,” Mr. Song smiled as he noticed Hyosung walking towards them; “Please do join us.”

She smiled, bowing before the Song’s as she stood in front of them. She then took a seat right beside Yongguk who was incredibly flustered at the moment. He had little beads of sweat on his forehead and an awkward smile adorned his face—“Oppa… gwaenchana?” she whispered to him, worried.

“I’m fine Hyo, just a little nervous.” He replied.

“A little? Tch, more like a lot.” Hyosung before starting to eat.

He awkwardly laughed, causing himself to get even more nervous than before since Mr. and Mrs. Song were looking at him like he was crazy.

“Is something the matter, Yongguk?” Mrs. Song asked, confused.

Hyosung swallowed her food, speaking up for her flustered, older brother; “Oh, he’s just laughing cause of some joke I told him. Heh.”

“Really?” Jieun asked—“Tell us-”

“Sorry, I forgot it already.” Hyosung replied, cutting Jieun off and giving her the look; “But I’ll remember it sometime later, promise.”

                And so the night went on with some chatting here and there from everyone—but mainly Hyosung. She was a blabber mouth when it came to dinner and food.

“Will you excuse me, please.” Yongguk spoke up after being silent for somewhat time; “I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Oh why yes, of course.” Mrs. Song smiled.

Hyosung watched as he older brother stood up with difficulty. She could tell he wasn’t feeling so well – he looked sick, like he were about to throw up any minute.

“I-I’ll be back too,” she excused herself, taking off after Yongguk. She followed after him for a while until she finally had caught up to him when he was outside in the cold, breezy night. “Why are you out here, oppa?” she asked.

Yongguk didn’t need to turn around to know whose voice that belonged to – he knew it too well. “I need some fresh air. I’m not feeling so good.”

“Oppa…” Hyosung called as she wrapped her arms around his waist, back-hugging him and resting her head on his back—“It’s okay to be nervous. I would be too. But can you imagine how Jieun’s feeling? She’s probably nervous too. If you back out now, it’ll all be over. She needs you… right now – more than ever.”


”You can do it oppa,” Hyosung smiled; “Everything will turn out great. I promise.”

Yongguk sighed, releasing Hyosung’s grip on him—“And what if they say no?”

“Why would they?”

“Because they might think I’m not the right guy for her. But Hyo, Jieun’s my life – if they were to ever separate me from her, I’d die. I-I… I wouldn’t know what to do.” He whispered out. Hyosung laughed, making Yongguk look down at her—“What?” he asked.

“You see why they wouldn’t say no? You are the one for Jieunnie. You’d give anything for her. She’s your life, your light, your whole world. And that, brother, is the best reason to fight for her. That’s why you have to take this chance.” She said in a soft tone. Her eyes were twinkling under the stars and so was her gummy smile; “So? What do you say we go back in there and get this shiz done?”

Yongguk laughed, pushing Hyosung away from him playfully—“Woah, slow your horses down, Mrs. Love Doctor. Who made you my advice counselor?”

“No need to thank me peasant. I’m doing this because I, unlike others, have a noble heart.”

“Noble heart my ,” he grinned. Hyosung scoffed, playfully punching his shoulder but Yongguk pulled her in for a hug before she could even do-so.

She laughed—“LET GO!”

“Well… let’s go. We have a battle to win.”

We?” Hyosung scoffed—“I’m just going for the free food… at my own job.”

Yongguk sighed, “You and your food.”

“Besides there’s some specials for Valentines’ day!” she dreamily grinned, imagining all the chocolate desserts. “Can this day get any better?”


                Everyone at Hyosung’s table was happily gobbling away on desserts and junk when out of nowhere a huge bouquet of red roses passes by them and surprisingly stops right before Hyosung. They were beautiful red roses that looked healthy—like they’d recently had been watered.

“Are you Jun Hyosung?” the florist, who had carried the flowers over, asked as he stepped forward to eye Hyosung in the eye. She nodded her head, confused; “Then these are for you. They were sent here by a secret admirer and well, here’s a card. Have a wonderful day, miss.”

Hyosung raised a brow, still immensely confused—“For me?”

“Yes miss.” The florist smiled, bowing before he made his way to leave the restaurant.

“Ooooh, looks like my sister-in-law has a secret admirer. Who is it?” Jieun, being her nosy-self, asked as she walked over to Hyosung with fascinated eyes.

Hyosung shrugged; “Molla…”

“Well read the letter, what are you waiting for sweetie?” Mrs. Song asked excitedly.

“Oh, y-yeah.” Hyosung took out the white folder, opening it only to see a beautifully imprinted card. It looked hand-made, simple and cute – but still amazingly done. It had little hearts carved throughout the whole edges and in the middle was a huge ‘H’.

“Open it, palli!” Jieun ushered.

 Hyosung shook her head at her sister-in-law’s impatient attitude; “Alright, here goes nothing.” She carefully opened the card slowly, for she didn’t want to damage the fragile-looking masterpiece.

Mr. Song awe-ed while Yongguk oo-ed.

“This is so beautiful,” Jieun shrieked as she took a peak of what was inside.

Hyosung smiled, blushing almost immediately. Who knew she had such a sweet, dedicated, and gentleman-like admirer  stalker. She carefully read what the card said:

Happy Valentines’ Day, Hyosung.

I hope you always smile, because if you didn’t know, you have the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen – and let me tell you I’ve seen a lot. So I’ve been watching you from afar, and I know that sounds really stalker-ish and such, but I can’t help it.

I’ve fallen for you.

Every day I find myself standing right across the street from the restaurant you work at. And if I’m lucky – just if – you might even catch a glimpse of me.

I normally don’t do these things, as you can obviously tell by my horrible, un-romantic way of composing a letter and such. But what else can you expect from a dull person like me? Keke~

But anyway, what I’ve wanted to say is that I, unknowingly, fell in love with you. Your smile, your eyes, your hair, your voice, your laughter—just about everything about you captivated me. You’re one of the sweetest, kind, funny – sometimes stubborn – person I’ve ever met. And I know that none of what I say in this letter will ever make justice to your beauty. So will you, please, be my valentine?

“This is… who… who is this?” Hyosung questioned. She was touched – really. It was the most sincere—creepy—confession she’d ever received. Yeah, creepy, but it was still so cute.

Yongguk took the letter away from her—“Did he sign his name?”

“No… not that I saw.” Hyosung pouted. She needed to know who her admirer was, cause in all honesty… she had absolutely no clue who it could be. She was about to say something else when all of a sudden the lights to the restaurant went off.

Jieun shrieked—“What’s happening?”

“Did the power just go out?” Mrs. Song asked, holding onto her husband’s hand in the dark.

There were shrieks, laughter, panic, and screams heard throughout the entire restaurant. Everyone and everything was in such a ruckus that no one ever noticed when Hyosung was taken away.

“YAH! WHO’S THIS? LET GO!” She screamed—“OPPA! HELP ME! JIEUN!!” But unfortunately with all the screams and whatnot, no one heard her – not even her brother. She was being dragged away by some total stranger. Who knows where he was planning on taking her. Maybe he was a . ‘Oh faaaack. No. No. I don’t want to be – I still have a lot to live for. I still have to find out who my secret admirer is; maybe it’s my angel.’ She panicked to herself; ‘Stop thinking about him. He’s never going to pay attention to you – why would he? Right now what you have to think about is a way of getting out of this douche’s grip. Or do you want to be and possibly killed afterwards? Noooooo, right?’ she shook her head, practically talking to herself. ‘So now… let’s think of a plan. Oh, aha.’ She grinned to herself, getting ready to bite the person’s hand when all of a sudden she came to a stop. She groaned, bumping into the person who had been pulling her—“Where are we?” she unknowingly blabbered out, letting her eyes adjust to her surroundings. And that’s when she noticed she was outside – standing right in front of the restaurant, but there was something strange. There was a little stage right before her, with low lights shining on them—“What’s tha-”

“Shh… just listen.”

Her eyes widened. That voice. It was his – Daehyun’s. She stood still, watching him walk over to the mini-stage and sat down near the seat behind the piano. The lights were then , shining brightly on his angel-like figure. He gave Hyosung a smile, popping his knuckled before he started to play the piano to a well-known song – Baby baby by 4Men

I didn’t know the reason why I changed

I thought about it for a long time

After I met you, I think I changed a lot

As I hear this song, oh

He started singing, which eventually attracted much attention from bystanders and other people. But that didn’t matter, for his eyes were glued on Hyosung only.

I’m so thankful for you, oh baby

You are so pretty, oh

I can’t take my eyes off of you

In my eyes, I only see you

I only want to look at you, oh, really


Oh, baby

After Daehyun’s beautiful cover of 4Men’s song, applauses were heard – yet he didn’t mind. All he did was take a familiar, red rose out of his jacket. He stood up, walking over to Hyosung with a smile plastered on his oh-so gorgeous face.

“Will you answer my question now?” he asked—“Will you… be my valentine?”

Hyosung’s heart-beat increased. Had she heard right? Did… did he really just ask her to be his valentine? She wanted to yell yes and hug him ‘till she’s squeezed the life out of him, but all that came out of was—“Was it you all along?”

He nodded his head, looking like a cute puppy; “I’m your secret admirer. The one, and I hope the only one.”

“So you wrote the letter?”

He scratched his neck—“Yeah. I know it wasn’t the best or most artistic letter ever, but at least I tried. You got to at least give me credit for trying, right?”

“It was the sweetest thing ever,” she smiled before she launched herself on him; “And to answer your question, yes, I’d love to.”

There were awwh’s and ooh’s heard all around them, but they both could care less.

“But let me tell you one thing…” Daehyun  muttered in her ear, causing her to murmur a mere ‘yeh?’; “Being my valentine comes with one condition…”

Hyosung backed away from him just a tad—“What is it?”

“That you’ll be my valentine forever.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead.

Hyosung closed her eyes, savoring the feeling of his plump lips on her bare forehead; “I can deal with that.”

“Oh, and prepare yourself for a lot of love notes.” He whispered into her ear—“I spent nights writing many, many poems for you.”

She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck; “It doesn’t make sense, you are so perfect.”

He shook his head, snuggling himself closer to her neck which made Hyosung shudder in laughter.

‘I swear, you are beyond perfect. How is it that I, out of all the pretty girls out there, caught your eye?’ she thought to herself as she watched him grin at her like a little kid.

“Because to me….” He replied pulling her in for a sweet, heart-warming hug. “you’re the one who’s perfect.”



Hey guise, it's le lame author again *sighs*
I hope you don't hate me for updating such a LONG one-shot. It kind of got out of hand. Hehe.
and sorry for not updating... I've had trouble coming up with a plot for the story, maybe that's why the above one-shot suuuucked. xD
ooooh, and Happy advanced Valentines' Day. I hope you guys get a lot of chocolate and candy, and even get surprised by Daehyun at night so he can ask you to be his Valentine... or maybe just your crush xD .
- Please do comment and subscribe~ i love you guise! :3

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pls dont hate Hyosung bby. #WeSupportHyosung


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Jooleun #1
Chapter 16: I've just started to read these oneshots & I like them :)

But, it's just, to be honest I am quite disappointed with this chap's ending.. You should've written 'alternate ending' for the title (as you say in your A/N above) instead of 'final'. I don't know if it's just me but I do prefer the previous chap much, much than this happier ending one (although maybe you thought that one ). I think there could be people like me who prefers a real-ier story, albeit those angsts involved inside. Again, it's just my opinion. Sorry! >.<

Please keep writing more. Thanks..
Chapter 17: Ah, I always like long oneshots. And you always made one. That's why I love you<3
And super big thanks for making a happy one this time! I kinda need a bright fic after angsties are all around-...-
This chap really has many connections with exo, yea? From the title, the casts. But I do like it, from the beginning 'till the end >< Tho I wish more daehyo and hyoris moments XD
But anyway, I'm not going to urge you update really soon. Write when you're ready. We, as your subscribers will always wait for you;)) And about your family problems, you know you can always tell me if you want, bby!^^ Be strong!!
Chapter 17: Omg even though I ship daehyo
I cant help ship hyoris lol
I loved this though not expecting gaurdain angel thing
No wonder it was called 'into your world'
Hehe it was sweet but still made me sad that they couldn't really
Love your oneshots very much
Made me day
Chapter 1: huwaa .. i really love this fic. daebak! <3
lovedaehyun #5
Author nimmmmm. I missss youuuu. We miss youuu. Update soon please. Fighting!
Chapter 16: Okay, I just read this and this alternate ending isn't a happy one either ;w;
So.. *sniffs, taking a piece of tissue, and another one, and another one* Bby, I actually don't really like it when Hyosung gets hurt (whether it's in the reality or in fics) but I'm relieved enough when she could still pretending to be cool, to be looking a bit happy outside after everything she got from Daehyun and Jieun (which I never expect she'll be like this and oh my it hurts when knowing she cheated with Daehyun behind Hyosung's back, more like seducing him).

Andh, the problem is still on Daehyun and Jieun. Dae, because he became jealous so easily & being seduced so easily too while SsongJi, cause omg she seduced her bestfriend's boyfriend. How could her? ;o;
Buts I'm still glad because both Hyosung and Daehyun do still love each other. They just need to wait and since it's ended already, it means that you still left me hanging here, waiting for them to recover their broken hearts first T.T
Anyway, I need your update bby <3 Make a happy one, puhlease? Cheesy one is okay after this heartbreaking oneshot though ._.
Chapter 15: Awe the ending is so sad
You made me cry alot:(
But I love the fic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♡
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 16: Omg.. The best ending! I really live these kind of stories.. You sure do well author nim!you're the best!!! Update soon! Fighting!!
Chapter 16: xD I thought the third part is the final...
kekeke.. you should try harder later, Daehyun-ah!
primitian #10
Chapter 16: You did a great Job I love this :)