Crazy, for you.

DaeHyo one-shots. [Daehyun and Hyosung]

    It was a casual Friday night. The stars were shining, the breeze was cool, and all the party people were out at the clubs. And in those party people, Daehyun was included. He was out at Starlight Club, one of Seoul's most popular clubs. He couldn't help but smile as he stared at something, more like someone, who was seated at the table across from his. He watched as she spoke with her friends, occasionaly smiling here and there, showing her beautiful gums. He'd always be there on Friday nights, knowing for a fact that she'd be there. He didn't see her anywhere else, rather than there and he didn't know her name, as a matter of fact, he knew nothing about her. All he knew was that he was attracted to her, a stranger who he'd only see at a club on Friday's.

"So you're just going to stare, like always?" Youngjae, Daehyun's best friend, asked as he sat down beside Daehyun. He patted Daehyun's back, taking a sip of his drink. "Man up and go talk to her, for once."

"Tch. I don't want to seem like a pedo," Daehyun scoffed, eyeing his friend with a glare. "Besides, I don't know her."

"So? Like that matters." Youngjae paused, taking another sip of his drink. "All lovers start out as strangers, then friends, and lasty lovers."

Daehyun sighed, scratching his head. "Sure, whatever Mr. Love Doctor who, may I add, is still single."

"Shutup." Youngjae spatt out, standing up from his seat. "And here I am, trying to help you man up and talk to her, tch. Like as if I'll ever help you out again."

"I was just kidding," Daehyun chuckled under his breath, seeing a pouting Youngjae walk away. "Wow. What a girl, he's so sensitive." He then sighed, taking out his phone for he had received a text.

You know how much of a great friend I am? A great one. I'm such a great friend, that I'll even help you out a bit. Sincerely, Mr. Love Doctor. -Youngjae^^

"The ? What is he up to now?" Daehyun muttered under his breath as he replied, confused of what Youngjae was talking about.

What are you talking about? Help me out in what? -Daehyun~

"Excuse me, sir?" A girls' voice was heard behind Daehyun once he was done sending his text, causing him to turn around with a confused look.

"Ye- Yes?" He stuttered, his heart skipping a whole beat as he stared at the masterpiece of a woman in front of him. The girl whom he'd always admire from afar and to be frankly honest, she was even more gorgeous in person.

She cracked a smile, looking straight into his eyes. "Um. Your friend sent me over, he uh, he said that you could repair windows. Is that, uh, true?"

That bastard, Daehyun thought, knowing who exactly told her such a huge lie. He knew nothing about windows, or any house work as a matter of fact. "Er- Y-yeah. I do," I do? Holy , what did you get yourself into Daehyun?

"Wahh~ Thanks. Please come to this address tomorrow. I'll be home all day, so here." She smiled, showing her radiant gums as she handed him a piece of paper, probably with her address on it.

"Mm. Sure, I-I'll be there." Daehyun stuttered, mentally face-palming himself for doing so.

The girl smiled once more, putting her hands in her jacket's pocket. "Well, see you then. Oh, and thanks a lot."

"No problem." Daehyun answered back, showing her his heart-melting smile. "It's nothing, really." The girl thanked him once more, then hesitantly left back to her table. Daehyun watched her go, then he heavily sighed. What have you done, Youngjae?


    Daehyun wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans as he got out of his car, closing the door behind him. He took another glance at the paper in his hands, yeah, it was the correct address.

Alright, here goes nothing. He thought to himself, taking his first steps towards the door. He was about to knock when the door was busted open, causing Daehyun to step back a bit. He watched as a muscular guy stepped out, his face red, as if he had been yelling or something.

"You ing !" The guy yelled, pushing past Daehyun with a grunt. "Move- Wait, are you another one of this 's man? Hah, take her, she's nothing. Trust me, you can do better. She's just a , a good-for-nothing." He chuckled, turning away from the house as he walked to what appeared to be his car.

    As soon as the guy sped off, Daehyun rushed into the house. His eyes were rapidly searching for the girl, hoping that guy did nothing to harm or hurt her. Once he spotted purple hair, he sighed, slowly walking towards it.

"Gwaenchana?" He asked, seeing the girl scrunched into a ball. Her face was hidden in her palms, but he could still hear her whimpers. "Uljima, it's alright. I'm here, don't worry anymore." He whispered, crouching down beside the girl. He swiftly circled his arm around her, pulling her closer to him as he hugged her, letting the girl feel his warmth. And so, they stayed like that for few more minutes until finally, the girl controlled herself and stopped crying.

"I'm sorry," She softly spoke, still in Daehyun's embrace. "He- I'm sorry, really."

"It's fine. You have nothing to be sorry about," Daehyun said, his arms wanting to hug her tighter, but he resisted.

"B-But I do," She contradicted him, pulling away from his embrace. "You barely know me, yet you comfort me, why?"

Daehyun looked at her, a sweet and endearing smile forming on his handsome face. "Simple. Because I hate to see people cry, especially girls' and more if they don't deserve to cry." He said, pulling the girl's face closer to his, wiping away her tear-stained cheeks.


    Daehyun yawned as he stretched, letting his blanket fall on the floor. The corner of his lips curved up, forming a smile as he recalled to earlier that day.

-- Daehyun was done measuring the window, now all he needed was the glass and he'd be done. But if he repaired the glass today, he wouldn't need to come the next day.

"Is there something wrong?" The girl asked as she entered the living room with a tray of lemonade. She set the lemonade on the counter and walked over to Daehyun.

He nodded his head, turning around to face her. "There is, I uh, I don't know your name."

"E-Eh? Oh," The girl laughed for the first time that day, "The name's Hyosung. Jun Hyosung."

Jun Hyosung, Daehyun thought with a smile. "My name is Jung, Jung Daehyun."

"Alright, Daehyun-ssi." The girl, now known as Hyosung, smiled. She linked arms with Daehyun, causing him to stiffen. "Come~ You want lemonade? You've been working so hard, so relax for a while."

Daehyun followed her, his heart beat accelerating with her touch. "Mm. T-Thanks."

"No problem~" She winked, taking a seat on the couch as she patted the space next to her, signaling for Daehyun to sit down beside her. "Would you like your lemonade with ice or no ice?"

"Ice please, ma'am." He smiled, taking a seat next to her. "But don't worry, I'll pour myself the lemonade."

"Ah, ah, ah." Hyosung wiggled her finger, clucking her tongue as she whisked the lemonade away from Daehyun. "You're my guest, therefore I serve you." And with that, she poured him some lemonade, then handed him his cup. Daehyun took a sip, making a face of disgust as he finished drinking it for he saw Hyosung's gaze on him. "W-Was it that bad?" She asked in a surprised voice.

Daehyun coughed, acting like the lemonade had tasted awefull, when in reality, it was good. He slowly leaned in closer to Hyosung, making her shrink back from their sudden closeness. He chuckled, seeing her large and round eyes as he got closer to her, only inches away. "Bad? It was far from was, amazing."

Hyosung gulped, taken aback. "I'm sorry- Wait, what?" She asked, confused for a second, before she finally comprehended his whole sentence and pushed him away. "Wahh~ Such a tease!"

"Am I, for what?" Daehyun asked, leaning closer to Hyosung's face once again. "For this?"

Hyosung blushed, slightly pouting her lips as Daehyun neared her face. She stared at his plump lips, but quickly snapped out of it. "Y-Yah! What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just being a tease," Daehyun winked, turning away from Hyosung with a sly smile. His heart was pounding against his chest, almost popping out at any second. He knew what he was feeling, yet he didn't want to accept it. He wanted Hyosung to feel the same way before he could clearly confess.--

"Gahh~ I'm really going crazy," Daehyun mumbled under his breath as he ruffled his hair in dispair. "Crazy for you, Hyosung."


    "Would you like this kind?" Daehyun asked as he pointed to a type of glass, turning around to face Hyosung.

"Hmm," She hummed, raising a brow with a pondering look. "Molla. You pick, I have no idea about these kind of things."

Neither do I, "Uh, we'll take this one, ahjussi." Daehyun politely said to the ahjussi.

    Once they got the glass, they went back to Hyosung's house, only to be surprised by a special someone who was seated on the couch with a stern look on his face.

Hyosung gulped, walking ahead of Daehyun, into the living room. "What do you want, Kikwang?"

"Baby? I'm sorry," Kikwang, the same muscular man from last time, said with regret in his voice. He stood up, causing Hyosung to step back a few steps. Daehyun stood there at the door entrance, the glass still in his hands, watching everything. "I- You know I love you, right? Will you forgive me, baby?"

"K-Kikwang, I.." Hyosung spoke, her voice suddenly shaking.

Kikwang raised a brow, his gaze falling on Daehyun who was aslo staring at him. "What?"

"Nothing." Daehyun bravely answered back, shrugging his shoulders as he set the glass aside. He then proceeded to walk towards Hyosung-- hoping to give her phone back, since she had dropped it in his car- but Kikwang blocked him from Hyosung.

"Who are you, and what do you want with my baby?" Kikwang asked, folding his arms across his chest.

Daehyun chuckled under his breath, his lips afterwards. "Your baby? Oh please, don't make me laugh. Hyosung isn't yours, because if she was, you wouldn't have made her cry and called her names."

"Look little kid, I'm warning you now to stay away from Hyosung. She's mine and she'll always be." Kikwang smirked, glaring at Daehyun. He swiftly encircled his arms around Daehyun's shoulders, leading him out of the house ; making Hyosung's phone fall out of his hands. Kikwang had almost dragged Daehyun out of the house when a pair of arms stopped him from doing so.

"Kikwang, s-stop." Hyosung suttered, holding onto his arms. Kikwang took a glance at her, but still didn't stop ; instead he pushed Hyosung away and continued to push Daehyun out of her house.

Daehyun tried to fight against Kikwang, but he didn't want to start a riot for Hyosung's sake, so he just let Kikwang push him out of the house. What the is wrong with this guy, seriously? He thought to himself, fixing his jacket. He took a glance inside the window, seeing Kikwang embrace Hyosung. "It's better if we go our own ways.." He mumbled to himself, moping back to his car.

Daehyun, "I'm sorry.." Hyosung unkowingly spoke out as she was forcefully hugged by Kikwang, looking at Daehyun backing out of the drive-way.


Two months later:

    It was a bright sunny day ; birds were chirping, butterflies were happily flying around. The breeze was warm and enjoyable. Daehyun, along with his friends Youngjae and Himchan, were out at the park. They were all sitting down at a bench, watching kids play around ; except Himchan, he was checking out the girls who'd pass by here and there.

Daehyun cocked his head back, letting out a huge breath. "Hyung, how long have we been here?"

"Hmm, about 15 minutes. Wae? Y-You want to leave already? Nooooo! It's so fun, why do you want to leave?" Himchan asked with a pout.

"Hyung, we all know why you want to stay." Youngjae paused a while, "Girls."

Himchan dramatically gasped, putting a hand on his chest to act as if he were hurt. "Hurtfull~ but true." Daehyun rolled his eyes, getting up from the bench. "Yah, where are you going?"

"Home. You can stay if you want," He replied back in a monotone voice.

"Mwoh? So we have to go walking?" Himchan asked in a paniced voice, standing up from the bench ; also causing many passby-ers to stare.

Daehyun shook his head, turning around to throw them his car keys. "You take it, I'll just walk home." And with that, he left.

    As Daehyun was walking, he passed an ice cream shop. He meerly smiled as he walked into the shop, ordering himself an ice cream and some cheese cake to-go. After he received his ice cream and cheese cake, he exited the shop and continued his long-some journey to his house.

"Ice cream, seriously, why are you so delicious?" He mumbled to himself with a smile as he continued to walk down the busy Seoul streets. Okay, now where do I go next...Aha~ I should go t- "Oof," He groaned as someone crashed into him, causing him to loose his train of thought ; but even worse, it caused him to drop his cheese cake. And no one, I mean no one, should ever make him drop cheese cake ; it's one of his most prized possessions. "OH MY GOD. M-My baby! My cheese cake!" He yelled, quickly standing up as he stared at his fallen cheese cake.

"Omo, omo, omo. I'm sorry ; I really should watch my steps. I'm sorry."

Daehyun suddenly stopped, forgetting about his wrecked dessert. All that was on his mind was that voice ; that familiar voice which he longed to hear. "Hyosung?"

"E-Eh, Dae-Daehyun?" Hyosung stuttered, slightly enlarging her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered, lowering her head.

"Yah!" Daehyun frowned, making Hyosung look up at him. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I can always buy another cheese cake, no worries."

Hyosung pursed her lips, coughing with embarrassment. "I wasn't apologizing for that, well I was, but I was also apologizing for last time."

"O-Oh, it's fine." He warmly smiled at her, cautiously looking at her bruised cheek. "What happened? Apa?"

Hyosung bit her bottom lip, stepping away from him with a small nod. "Hyosung, d-did he do this?"

"I-I have to go," She blurted out. "See you an-another time. And sorry, again."

Daehyun frowned once more, seeing her walk away from him. No Daehyun, you can't let her go again ; not again. With that thought in mind, he ran, trying to catch up to Hyosung. And when he did, he immediately wrapped his arms around her. "Look Hyosung. I just want to tell you one thing, I'm crazy."


"Shh. Just listen." He hushed, his breath hitting Hyosung's neck. "For you ; I'm crazy for you, even before I met you. I used to see you every Friday at the club, and ever since, you've attracted me. I know this might sound weird, but I just had to let it out. If you want nothing to do with me, I'll understand-"

"I'm sorry," Hyosung silently spoke, her body still embraced by Daehyun. "I'm sorry, sorry for not being able to tell you this before, but I-"

"It's okay, Hyosung." Daehyun spoke, cutting her off. "If the feeling aren't mutual, there's no need for me to be here." He then turned around, only to be embraced by Hyosung ; her arms around his waist.

"No. I'm sorry for not being able to tell you that I ,too, am attracted to you. I wanted to tell you thise before, but I never saw you again since..last time. I wanted to go after you, but I was such a pabo, I'm sorry." She said, her voice muffled by Daehyun's back.

"Stop apologizing for everything, Hyosung. It's fine." He replied back as her grip on him tightened. "By the way, you what?" He asked as he turned around to face her, a teasing smile on his face.

Hyosung blinked twice, still confused on to why he was smiling at her with a tease. "Wha- Oh, haha" She slightly giggled, "I'm crazy for you, too." Daehyun chuckled, pulling her in for a hug.

"By the way, I still want my cheese cake." He smiled, winking at her as he intertwined hands, pulling her towards the shop he had just went to.




Okay, so here's the second one-shot.

Ew, I, I just don't like this one. It have re-typed this many times ; yet this is the best I came up with TT~TT

But please do look foreward to the next one~ Thanks for commenting and subscribing ^~^

--Until next time dear subbies \(^o^)/

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pls dont hate Hyosung bby. #WeSupportHyosung


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Jooleun #1
Chapter 16: I've just started to read these oneshots & I like them :)

But, it's just, to be honest I am quite disappointed with this chap's ending.. You should've written 'alternate ending' for the title (as you say in your A/N above) instead of 'final'. I don't know if it's just me but I do prefer the previous chap much, much than this happier ending one (although maybe you thought that one ). I think there could be people like me who prefers a real-ier story, albeit those angsts involved inside. Again, it's just my opinion. Sorry! >.<

Please keep writing more. Thanks..
Chapter 17: Ah, I always like long oneshots. And you always made one. That's why I love you<3
And super big thanks for making a happy one this time! I kinda need a bright fic after angsties are all around-...-
This chap really has many connections with exo, yea? From the title, the casts. But I do like it, from the beginning 'till the end >< Tho I wish more daehyo and hyoris moments XD
But anyway, I'm not going to urge you update really soon. Write when you're ready. We, as your subscribers will always wait for you;)) And about your family problems, you know you can always tell me if you want, bby!^^ Be strong!!
Chapter 17: Omg even though I ship daehyo
I cant help ship hyoris lol
I loved this though not expecting gaurdain angel thing
No wonder it was called 'into your world'
Hehe it was sweet but still made me sad that they couldn't really
Love your oneshots very much
Made me day
Chapter 1: huwaa .. i really love this fic. daebak! <3
lovedaehyun #5
Author nimmmmm. I missss youuuu. We miss youuu. Update soon please. Fighting!
Chapter 16: Okay, I just read this and this alternate ending isn't a happy one either ;w;
So.. *sniffs, taking a piece of tissue, and another one, and another one* Bby, I actually don't really like it when Hyosung gets hurt (whether it's in the reality or in fics) but I'm relieved enough when she could still pretending to be cool, to be looking a bit happy outside after everything she got from Daehyun and Jieun (which I never expect she'll be like this and oh my it hurts when knowing she cheated with Daehyun behind Hyosung's back, more like seducing him).

Andh, the problem is still on Daehyun and Jieun. Dae, because he became jealous so easily & being seduced so easily too while SsongJi, cause omg she seduced her bestfriend's boyfriend. How could her? ;o;
Buts I'm still glad because both Hyosung and Daehyun do still love each other. They just need to wait and since it's ended already, it means that you still left me hanging here, waiting for them to recover their broken hearts first T.T
Anyway, I need your update bby <3 Make a happy one, puhlease? Cheesy one is okay after this heartbreaking oneshot though ._.
Chapter 15: Awe the ending is so sad
You made me cry alot:(
But I love the fic ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♡
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 16: Omg.. The best ending! I really live these kind of stories.. You sure do well author nim!you're the best!!! Update soon! Fighting!!
Chapter 16: xD I thought the third part is the final...
kekeke.. you should try harder later, Daehyun-ah!
primitian #10
Chapter 16: You did a great Job I love this :)