Chapter 10 . The break up



Chapter 10

The break up

 “Pack your bags. We are going to the US as soon as possible”.

Tiffany’s POV

            “Pack your bags, we are going to the US as soon as possible” that sentence keeps on repeating on my head. It is like a bomb in my head that exploded. I was lost in the trance when Tae shrugs me. My innerness got me. “No! I don’t want to leave. I will stay here and get treated here” I told eomma. “Don’t act like that Tiffany. Your parents are so worried about you. They want you by their side while you are with that condition. They want you to get treated in the US the technology there is more advance than here in Korea. I will come with you” Eomma said. “No, still, I don’t want to go to the US” I said with an authoritative tone.

            “Is there something or someone holding you here? Is there someone else involve in your decision besides your friends? Is there something you wish to tell me? Speak Tiffany I’m waiting” She said. The tone of her voice changed the one I don’t like to hear. I shook my head face down but she insisted on interrogating me. She wants to know something; something I have kept for more than three years from her. “Tiffany speak. I am not kidding. I know something is holding you to go to the US. This is for your own good. Who is he? Tell me” She said. It took time before I answer her thinking that there is no point on hiding our relationship to her now that she already has a clue that someone exist.

            “It’s Siwon. I love him. It’s been three years since we started our relationship. My love for him is holding me from leaving” there I told her. Frustration is clearly seen in her face. “Oh my god. Three years already huh? And I presume all of you girls knew about this? Who am I kidding” She said sarcastically. “Eomma, don’t be mad. It’s my decision to not tell you about the relationship. I know you wouldn’t agree with it that’s why I ask them to keep it as a secret” I said as I started crying. “I am not mad Tiffany. It’s just I am disappointed that you kept a secret from me. Especially you, having a boyfriend for three years now it hurt my feelings” Eomma said now with a calm voice. “Sorry Eomma. You know the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I am scared that you would break us up that’s why I did not tell you about us” I told her. “You thought I would make you break up with him? You thought I am that cruel?” Eomma said. “I’m sorry eomma” I told her. I can’t control my tears from flowing. The girls can no longer hold their emotions. They were also sobbing quietly beside me.

            Eomma hugged me and caressed my back. She wrapped her hands as if I am a fragile item that could break easily. “Stop crying Tiffany. I understand the reason why you didn’t tell me. You were right about your suspicion that I would make you break up but after seeing you like this I might as well approve on your relationship” Eomma said. “I’m so sorry eomma” I told her again and again. I just couldn’t stop saying sorry to her.

Jessica’s POV

            Auntie Hwang made all of us stay in her house until tomorrow. She wants us to talk about Fany’s condition all together. She wants all of us to decide what’s best for her and she wants to do this overnight because she wants to start the treatment for Fany already. It’s not that we don’t want to help but we will only have a night to decide. This is ridiculous! I know auntie is just thinking for the sake of Fany but we have to think this thoroughly. All of us want her to be safe amd treated already.

            “What will we do?” I asked the girls. All of us are thinking thoroughly. “Sica, we should get Fany into treatment as soon as possible. It is not good for her if she stayed untreated. You now cancer, cancer is the most deceptive illness. One day your better and the next day we don’t know you are just getting worst then we expected” Tae said. “I know. We should think of an idea that would make her say yes immediately that she wouldn’t hesitate anymore” I told her. “But it is hard for her to make a decision especially when Siwon is involved. We all know that the best facilities to treat her is in the US and up to now she still insist on not telling Siwon  that she is sick” Yuri said. “I don’t understand why she does not want Siwon to know her condition. It will make our life easier if he knows you know” Yoona said. “Telling Siwon is not an option for us. It is Fany’s decision if she or he will tell Siwon about her illness. You know how many times we insisted on telling her that she should tell Siwon already but she keeps on saying no” I told them. “I wonder what Auntie Hwang and Fany unnie are doing. They have been there for so long already” Hyun said. “I assume auntie is still convincing Fany to go to the US” Tae said. “I can’t think of something that would make her yes to the treatment in US…aarrgghh... it’s so frustrating” Yuri said. “Don’t stress yourself too much Yul, Fany won’t like it” I told her.

Taeyeon’s POV

            It’s been hours and we are still here in the living room and with no surprise at all we still haven’t think of a plan to get Fany to the US. We are not giving up on Fany. We won’t let her suffer from her condition.

            “I think we need a break. We should take a rest first and continue thinking after thirty minutes I guess” I told them. “Ok, I’ll just go to the kitchen an find something to eat and bring it here” Yoona said and all of us nodded. “I’ll pass to that I’ll just sleep here for a while. Wake me up when the time is up” Sica said.

            I went outside for a while because my phone has been ringing, Teukie is calling. I answered my phone and Teukie has been worried because I did not send a single message to him all day. I apologized and told him that I am busy and I am with the girls. I was happy that he understood me and he didn’t argue with me. He just wants me to take good care of myself and the girls and he did not doubt on what we are doing. I hate it when I have to lie to him. We promised each other no secrets.

            I went back to the living room and still there is no sign of auntie and Fany. What’s taking them so long? I told the girls that we should continue on discussing what will we do to convince Fany.

            “Dang! After the break I still couldn’t think of something” Sica said. “Unnie, what will you think about if you’re sleeping right? Hahaha’’ it took us also forever to wake you up’ haha” Yoona said while all of us are laughing. Sica look at us with her sharp gaze and we stopped laughing. “We need to think already. We don’t have much time” Sica said. “We know but the only thing we could think of is telling this to Siwon or Tiffany going to the US without him knowing” Yuri said. “Fany unnie, will definitely not tell Siwon about her condition and absolutely she will not let Siwon hanging” Hyun said.

            “Not when I break up with him” Fany said. All of our eyes went wide and stare at her while she was approaching us with Auntie Hwang behind her.       

Tiffany’s POV

            “Not when I break up with him” I told them. All of their eyes are widen and focused on me. I sat down beside them. Me, myself don’t even think of saying those.

            “Fany-ah, what did you just say?” Sica said. “I will break up with him” I said while playing with my hands. “Are you insane?!” Tae said. “Are you kidding Fany?” Yuri said. “No I am not insane nor kidding. I thought about this and talked about this with eomma and with my parents” I told them. “You’re parents? But how?” Sica asked. “We talked to them through skype that’s why it took us so long inside eomma’s room. We’ve talked to my parents in the US” I told them. “What did your parents told you unnie?” Hyun asked with a worried tone on her voice. “Well, they told me to get the treatment in the US and they insisted. I don’t have any choice they did not give me the chance to choose” I said. “They just want the best for you dear” eomma said. “But it’s unfair eomma, this is my body. I should be the one making decisions” I told her. Tears are already on the verge of falling from my eyes but I could still hold them.

            “What did you talked about with your parents Fany-ah?” Sica asked me while she was holding my hand. “Well, we talked about the treatment that I would be having in the US. They insisted that I should go to the US immediately” I said. “Unnie, did you agreed to all of this at once?” Hyun asked. “Of course not! That’s why it took us so long” I said. “You should have seen the face and reaction of Tiffany’s father. It is the first time I saw my brother like that” Eomma said. “I told my father about the relationship I have with Siwon. He was angry because I did not tell them about it. When I told them about him being the reason I want to stay he became more furious” I told them. “I was so scared, it was the first time I saw my father like that but I insisted that I want to stay and be treated here. He told me a lot of things before he made me say yes to his offer” I added. “What did he told you that made you say yes Fany?” Tae asked. “He told me that if I and Siwon are really for meant for each other no matter what happens we will be together in the end” I told them. “What?! I think your father is using your beliefs. Everyone knows you believe in fate” Yuri said. “That’s what I hold onto now. My father also told me that if I don’t want to tell Siwon about my condition I should go to the US without telling him to get treated or break up with him and get treated to the US” I told them. “And I suppose you choose the latter?” Sica said. I nodded. “But why?” Hyun said. “I don’t want to hurt him while hanging on. I don’t know how long will I stay in the US to get treated. If I broke up with him he will not wait” I told them. “Why don’t you want him to wait for you unnie?” Yoona said. “Simply because I don’t want him to get hurt when the treatment won’t succeed. I don’t want to leave him hanging, waiting for nothing” I told them. “Just tell him that you’re sick!” Hyun said while crying. “I don’t want…I love him so much I don’t want to burden him with this. That is why I agreed to get treated to the US I don’t want to bother you either with my condition” I told them. “Unnie you’re not a bother. We want to take care of you because you’re our friend, we love you” Hyun said while hugging me. “I know but you’re attending school. You should focus more on your studies rather than taking care of me because of my condition. I think my decision is the best for all of us” I told them.

            After that conversation, our stay in eomma’s house was quiet. We don’t talk much but our eyes are speaking for ourselves. All of us stayed in one room so that we could cherish the last days of me staying in Korea. Eomma booked our flight a week from now so that I could say goodbye to my friends and break up with Siwon. My heart hurts whenever I remember that I will be breaking up with him. I never thought that this illness could break us up. We’ve been together for nearly four years and with just a gush of wind all of it will be over.

            It’s been a week. The girls have been staying in the apartment for so long now. All of us just talk, remembering the things that we have done since we were kids. Some days have been sad for us because every day they always tell me that they will miss me and I should take care of myself but some days have been fun because of the memories that I would always remember because of them. Today, today is the day I would break up to Siwon today is also my last day in Korea because our flight is scheduled tomorrow morning already. I already asked Siwon if we could meet each other in the park, he already said yes and we would meet this evening. It took time for me to ask him but I have thought that if I will break up with him the day before our flight he could no longer find me to talk because I will be no longer here already.

            I went to the park earlier so that I could take my final glance to the place where we always hang out. I remembered all the things that we used to do when our friends and I are having good times here worrying of nothing. I sat on the bench were we agreed on seeing each other and there I saw him approaching with Sifan. I asked him to bring Sifan because I want to say goodbye to our dog, our so called son. He was smiling once our eyes met and before he sat beside me and hugged me.

            “I missed you Tiff, it has been a long time since we have each other alone here in the park. I brought Sifan as you wished he missed you too you know” He said. I looked at Sifan and played with him a little. I will miss him. I will miss Siwon and Sifan. I couldn’t dare look at Siwon in the eyes because I know if I do that I will not be able to leave but I have to do this. I have to break up with him, get treated in the US and go back here when I am not ill anymore.

            “How are you? How is school?” I asked him still hugging Sifan not looking at him. “I am fine. School is great we passed our project already and we got the highest grade isn’t that great? We will be joining the contest for Civil Engineering students so we have to construct a new building with the concept of our won. I will be busy again and it will be fun” he said. He was very happy on telling his achievements. I don’t want to tell him my condition in this state it would just make him worry. “Wow, you have been doing great. I know you could do it. See you can do great even if we haven’t seen each other for so long. You manage to live and be happy” I told him faking a smile. “What’s with that? Yes I have been doing great and I am still alive. Yes I can be happy and live without you but I am the happiest man alive when you are with me and don’t you ever forget that” he said smiling and kiss me in the cheeks.

            Sifan jumped off me and run. He was very playful at this moment. It’s been four months since we bought him; he is now 6 months old. Siwon ran after him and played him a bit while I am looking at them by far smiling. I would miss his laughs, his jokes, his voice, his hugs, his warmth, his company and his love for me. I would miss all of him. After a few minuted he sat back beside me. I faced him with a heavy heart but I have to do this, I have to end our relationship because he will just be suffering if we will continue, “I have something to tell you”. “What is it?” He faced me smiling showing his dimple while playing with our dog, Sifan. I took a deep breath first before telling him what I want to say “I want space”. Those words just came out of my mouth nervously. Then I heard him chuckle and move a bit and he said “Is this enough?”

            When I saw him like that it just made my feeling worsen. Tell me how could I ever break up with a guy with a face like that? A guy who looks so charming even though he does not do it on purpose, a guy who is so kind, caring, loving, friendly and warm hearted. Now tell me what would be my reason for leaving him when he shows me everyday how much he loves me? Then I thought of one, I will leave him because I love him so much.

            I faced him with my eyes staring down and said “Let’s break up”.


Chapter 10 checked :) It's been a week since my last update right? Mianhe. I've been busy and I have experience a writer's block'' haha'' it's funny'' I'm sorry for breaking them up this chapter. Thanks for reading my story :) Sorry for the grammatical errors. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and subscribe :D

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rawankh #1
Chapter 19: Author ? Are you alive ?
Thank you for answering :D I am starting to reread chances and separated by home. Thank you for you willingness to wait until I update the stories again. Don't forget to pray for the passenger of the sunken ship in Korea. Let's not lose hope. Let's pray that there are still people alive and waiting to be saved.
sone4ever1996 #4
Chapter 19: please continue. I love your stories!!
Chapter 19: Please keep going~.. I love this story..I love your stories ♥♥♥..Hwaiting Author~nim...
Fanytastic09 #6
Chapter 19: Please continue (: This story is so amazing authornim :))
tiffany_pink_monster #7
Chapter 19: please continue... this is a great story :) hwaiting
angelstefenie13 #8
Chapter 19: Please continue
mcdgee #9
Chapter 19: Please continue will sure support ur fanficd
FanyGG #10
Chapter 19: Whatever decision you'll make, I'm with you. But a sad part of me is wishing that you don't abandon this amazing story. You're talented and we love you.