Youngjae 40

B.A.P. Oneshots


“Come with me! You promised.” Youngjae whined. He tugged on your arm. You glanced down at him.

            “Alright, then. But let me finish this first. I need to get it in before it’s due.”

            He sighed and plopped down on the sofa. “Fine. This is why you don’t procrastinate. It’s due in another hour and the mall closes in two. If we don’t get there in time, we’re really going to have to hurry. And you know I like to take my time when it comes to buying beanies.”

            You finished typing your document and blew your bangs out of your eyes. “Alright, diva, let’s get a move on.”

            Youngjae pretended to look offended. “Who are you calling a diva, princess?”

            You wrinkled your nose at him and Youngjae lifted you in his arms and twirled you around in the air. “Come on, I still need to drive.” He placed you down and took you to the car. He placed his hand on the transmission and backed the car out of the garage. You turned up the radio and nodded along to the song.

            Youngjae sang along with you and you glanced at his profile. He was so perfect, even though he could act like a little diva. He pulled into the parking lot and you got out with him. Without missing a step, he made a beeline straight for the beanie store. You shook your head and followed him. Only your boyfriend would find the one store in the entire universe dedicated to one style of hatwear.

            He picked up a yellow one and placed it on his head. “How do I look?” he asked.

            You shook your head. “Nope. It matches your skin tone a little too well.” You barely had time to duck his swat.

            “You’re horrible. If I were really so yellow, then the blonde hair would terrible on me,” he scolded.

            You smiled at him impishly. “I never said it looked good.”

            He rolled his eyes and placed one with tiny cat ears on his head, striking a ridiculous pose in front of the mirror. You raised an eyebrow and wanted to hide. Why was your boyfriend so darn embarrassing? You discreetly moved away but he grabbed your sleeve.

            “Nope. No can do. You’re going to stand here and give me feedback on everything.”

            You sighed and courtsyed. “Yes, Your Majesty. How else would you like me to take care of you? Does His Royal Highness request a cup of coffee?”

            Youngjae laughed and placed a green cap jauntily on his head. “This?”

            You shook your head. “Why do you want a new one again?”

            He puffed out his chest. “One can never have too many beanies. I bought a new set of plaid shirts and wanted to see if I can find at least three to accessorize with.” You glared at him. What an idiot.

            Youngjae shuffled through to the other side and pulled one out excitedly. It had stripes down the side, creating the illusion of being plaid. You bit your lip. That was one hideous hat. He placed it on his head and even admired himself in the mirror. “Not bad, not bad,” he murmured.

            You gagged and he caught your reflection in the mirror. “What?” he turned around and in a pose reminiscent of King Henry VIII, he glared at you.

            “I can’t! When I look at you, I feel like you’re either some ancient royalty or an idiot with a bad fashion sense.”

            He pouted and looked hurt. “Well then. I see. You pick something for me.”

            You let out a sigh of relief and shifted through the various piles. You found one with a small tassel and gave it to him. “It fits your style.” He looked at the horrendous limp hat and nearly let out a scream.

            “You’re joking right?”

            You tossed it into the reject pile. “Of course. But I figured since you liked the slightly more flamboyant ones, I would grant your wish.”

            Youngjae pouted and crossed his arms. “If you’re going to make fun of me…”

            You held out three beanies, each with its unique design and in appropriate color choices. “How about these?”

            He pursed his lips and carefully placed one on his head. The dark green complimented his eyes perfectly and you nodded in approval. Youngjae tried on the second one. The small stitching in the front had a special design and he grinned. “I like this.”

            The third one was a little abnormal for your choice. It was an electric blue and had tiny soft kitten ears. Youngjae raised an eyebrow. “You rejected one like this before,” he pointed out.

            You shrugged. “Try it on. I think this one would look good. You know, make your yellow skin pop and all.”

            He made a throat-slitting gesture at your comment and stared at his reflection. A saleswoman walked up to you two and nodded her approval. “Mmm, this looks very nice on you. It matches your eyes and your skin tone perfectly. This is a top choice.”

            You smiled smugly at him as he gudgingly picked up all his own choices and placed them back. It was only after checkout that he pulled you aside. “See this is why I bring you.”

            “I know,” you flicked his forehead. “Otherwise, you would be a walking fashion terror.”


requested by An_Yeong_Jae

sorry this is a bit lame but I honestly had no clue what to do ;;

tomorrow's Himchan's birthday :D 

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144 streak #1
Chapter 21: This was cute! Pretty unexpected but cute
144 streak #2
Chapter 6: So much emotion, it was good!
144 streak #3
Chapter 1: Ooh lovely start! Interested to see where this goes.
Chapter 297: The way he drew her got me dying out of laughter :,D

“Himchan da kimchi” I wheezed :D
Chapter 281: This made me cry :(
Chapter 227: This was so sad but so good
Chapter 30: This one is really cute, it also made me laugh :D
Chapter 278: asdfghjkll I cannot TT possesive and angry Yongguk is kind of so hot oml. I wish this was longer TT but thank you