
We're Married!

"You're going to be working with the members of EXO again." 

You raised an eyebrow and asked 'what?' because you were afraid you heard wrong. 

"You know, EXO." Your current 'boss' replied. "MAMA, MAMA~" He sang, doing a little dance from one of their songs, MAMA. You chuckled at his attempt at the dance and shook your head, "No, what I meant to ask was, why?" 

"Oh. Just because." He answered, giving you a knowing smile that you were quiet creeped out about. 

"What?" You asked again in disbelief. He shrugged, "Oh. It's nothing. It's just because you're so good at doing what you do. And EXO is really big in the industry right now, without you, they'd be lost. Just say you'll do it." 


"Okay?" You replied, still unsure of where this was leading and where all of this was coming from as it was so sudden. 

You giggled to yourself, recalling the short and really weird memory. You were really happy that you were going to work with them again. You did once but it was only for their debut and a performance and after that you were assigned to another group under the same company. You were so excited, you were skipping, bouncing, giggling and humming to yourself, things that you rarely do. 

"But wait, working for them means no more weekdays off. And you'd have to go wherever they go, to put it simply, whenever, wherever."

​You were so happy, you agreed, not really caring about weekdays off anymore when you could spend your days with your husband, although secretly. 

You hummed a tune that you didn't recognize but still it was perfectly clear in your mind. You went and did a little shopping after doing nothing at work because you had nothing to do. After that you went back home. To your sweet little condo. To your sweet little room. To your loving and not-so-warm bed. 

You dropped the groceries on to the table and went straight to your bed. You were pulled into a deep slumber as soon as your head hit the pillow. You didn't why you were so tired when you barely did anything. Though the sleep consumed you before you could figure out an answer. 

When you woke up the first thing you did was take a shower. After that you sat on your bed, thinking of stuff you should do. You pulled your phone out your handbag and realized there were some missed calls from your older sister. Man, you really need to do something about your phone.

'Or maybe you should put it beside your ear when you sleep?' You thought as you pursed your lips and went through the missed calls and contemplating whether you should call her back or not. 

You decided to do call her and maybe have a quick chat to catch up with her. You and your family (read: your parents) weren't exactly on friendly terms. Your parents never...cared for you as they did for your two sisters. One day they just refused to acknowledge you as their daughter and cared less, if that was possible. 

Your parents were Americans with Korean mixed in there, somehow, and you grew up in America, the only reason why you speak English. Korean was the language you spoke with your parents on the rare occasions that you do. Chinese was just a language that you decide to take up at school. You left yet they didn't look for you. Your sisters did, instead. 

Though through the years, you lost contact, they would somehow find you. It was amazing how they would do that. Even though you had two sisters, the only one who (you thought) cared enough to call was your older sister. Your older sister was like the mother you never had. She cared for you like a mother would so you never missed out anything. She's 8 years older then you and takes up a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. 

She is the only person who knows about your marriage with Byun Baekhyun and she was rather fine with it. She even flirted with your husband and told you that he was one fine man and she'd have him for herself if she wasn't married and had three kids. 

The quick chat turned into a long chat, one that you felt really happy you had. You went to sleep, peacefully and smiling. 

No Bacon fo you in this chapter~ /evil laugh/ 

I'm just kidding. I'm not evil. I'm just awkward, most of the time. This is short because I am writing under pressure and I have a time limit. My sister is looking at me weirdly and keeps asking me to let her have her turn on the computer. It also may not make sense. So I am sorry that I waited until the end of the chapter to tell you that. /bows/

This won't be the only chapter that the sisters/the family appears. i'm slowly revealing her past. nyehehehehehe. okay, i'm being awkward again. sorry. Oh, and sorry again about the chapter if it is crappy. I'll update again soon with one much better. Don't forget to comment, kay? 

also, I'm planning on making another fic. but i can't decide whether it should be about Luhan or Kris. because i just simply love the two. and i cannot pick, i tell you. so tell me who i should write about! weee! 

i apologize for being so hyper.


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ajleaanatasha #1
Chapter 22: update this story. pleaseeeeeeeeee. it just really awesome. i wanna know the end of it
secretdiary #2
Chapter 22: Maybe you should update this story...cause i wanna know the rest of story hihihi =)
tanyanru #3
Chapter 22: Update soon ~~
Chapter 22: update soon !!
Chapter 22: PLease update sooooonnnn~!!!! :)
Chapter 22: AHH Cliffies only God knows how much I hate 'em Update Super-Duper-SOON Autgor-nim !!! The suspense is killing ME!! >.~
Chapter 22: Author Nim !! Please Update soon !! >u<
b2stdaehyunnie #8
Chapter 22: baekhyun you better make up with her or i'm gonna kill you!!!
Chapter 22: Baekhyun!!!
FlyToTheMidnightSun #10
Chapter 22: Oh yeah thanks for the cliff hanger again I appreciate it thanks. Hahaha but seriously, I AM DYING OF SUSPENSEEEE. But maybe the call's from chanyeol or kris or someone other than baekhyun right?