
We're Married!

"So about you visiting mom and dad." Your older sister began. You looked up from your laptop. You were in your living room and only your sister accompanying was accompanying you. "Yes?" You inquired, blinking back at her.

"I'll book you the ticket and I promise you, I'll pay for everything. It's just that, are you sure you want to do this?" ​She asked, cocking her head. You sighed, "I haven't actually said anything to Baekhyun yet." 

"WHAT?! Why?!" She whined, "I'm leaving soon!

"Yeah, so?" You replied, looking back down to your laptop, reading an article about none other then your husband and his band mates. 

"You need to talk to him!" She shook her head, "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with me. Except for the fact that my husband is a singer and I don't have time to talk to him." You gasped when you saw an article saying he had a girlfriend. 

"You see him everyday!" She almost shouted.

"Yeah, well I can't just start up a conversation saying that I'm going to visit his mother-in-law and reveal my secret to everyone now, could I?" You murmured, your fingers started clicking and typing. 

"Yeah, well-" She sighed, "I don't know what to say. What's that?" She asked when she arrived by my side and was watching you read the article. 

"Ooh! Maybe he does have a girlfriend." Maria winked. "No, he doesn't," You snapped, "He wouldn't."

She shrugged, "Only joking."

You exited the site, closing the tab and slammed your laptop screen shut. "You jelly?" She said, her words muffled by the food in . You rolled your eyes, "No, bro."

She laughed, "You'll never know.

A knock cut you off before you could answer her so you stood up and opened the door. Yun was at the door with your husband, clutched by the hand, "We have 30 minutes, spill." 

"But how-?" You raised an eyebrow, cracking the door wider. "I said that we were going to buy food. Come on!" Yun marched in through the door with Baekhyun behind her. 

He stopped in front of you and narrowed his eyes, smiling. "It's nice to see you again." You rolled your eyes, and reached up to cup his face. You pulled him down for a kiss and was enjoying it but then Yun had to break you both apart by clearing . 

You groaned, and glared at the woman. "So who was it?" Maria appeared, clearly shocked by the appearance of your husband and an unknown woman. "Who's this?" She pointed towards Yun. 

"This is Yun and this is my husband." You told, cheekily, intertwining your hands with Baekhyun's. 

"It's really nice to see you again." Baekhyun grinned at Maria. She grinned back, "It's nice to see you too." 

"I hate to break it but we only have half an hour! Come on!" Yun urged. She pulled you with Baekhyun on tow with a confused Maria behind you. You grinned at Baekhyun who smiled back lovingly at you. "I love you," You muttered, flushing when he kissed your knuckles lovingly, "Don't do that." 

He gave you a boyish grin, "You love it."

"Okay, sit." Yun pointed to the couch while she sat down on the floor facing the two of you, who were now seated on the couch. "Now talk."

You turned to Baekhyun, and then began your story. 

"When I first came to Korea, my Korean wasn't that good. It was okay, but it was really awkward. Mostly because I only spoke to my sisters in English." You started. 

"I was studying to be a stylist before, and when I moved to Korea, I was about 17 or 18. I moved because of my parents. They weren't exactly the greatest parents ever. Plus they never cared for what I did. So when I moved out," You gulped, gripping Baekhyun's hand harder. He gave yours a small squeeze and pressed a kiss on top of your head. 

"They didn't care. I went to Korea to study and I met Baekhyun. I fell in love with him soon and he did too. And one day, he asked me to marry him. And I said 'Yes'. There, the end." You ended. You sunk your head into his shoulder when he moved you so you were on his lap, "I missed you." 

"I missed you too." He sunk his nose into your hair, "So much." 

"Well, that wasn't much of a story." Yun frowned, "Isn't there a better version of that?" 

"No, that's all you get considering the time we have. Now leave me alone." You muttered, closing your eyes, inhaling your husband's addictive smell. She rolled her eyes, "I'm expecting an edited, much better version of that tomorrow." 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." 

Baekhyun wrapped his arms around you, rocking back and forth, "Did you loose weight? You're kinda light." 

You shook your head, "At least I don't think so. I think I gained weight, instead." 

"Ah, so that was what was different." He teased. You slapped his arms playfully, "Shut up," You pouted, "I'm not that heavy."

"Do. Not. Pout." He muttered, placing a kiss on your forehead, nose and your mouth at the end of every word. 

"Aww, aren't they just adorable?" Maria awed, ruining your moment with Baekhyun. "Yes! Totally, it's like a movie!" Yun squealed.

You shook your head, pulled away and sat down beside him. "Shoot!" Yun cursed, checking her watch, "We need to go now." She pulled Baekhyun on to his feet and pulled him to the door. You waved him a goodbye and mouthed an 'I love you'.

Soon after you closed your door, another knock made you groan. You opened the door and was taken back when your husband was the one at the door. "I forgot something."

Your eyebrows furrowed, "What?"

"This." He bent down and kissed you. Hard. He sighed in content when he pulled away, "I can never get enough of you. Good night." 

You nodded, still shocked. "Aww, so adorable!" Maria cooed, "Baekhyun! When are you planning to have a baby? I'm not getting any younger! What if I don't live to see my nephew or niece?!" She scolded, hands on her hips. 

He chuckled, grinning cheekily, "I'm working on it." You shoved him playfully while your cheeks felt hot. "I'll see you soon," He placed another kiss onto your lips, "Bye."

Whew, there is so much in this chapter, you could slice through it with a knife. /coughcoughawkwardly/ anyway...aren't they just adorable?! I think so. Clearing things up, Maria knows how to speak in Korean, she just prefers to speak in English with Eun Byeol sometimes. C: Oh, and he's a short featuring the 12 members of EXO, and you who is Luhan's girlfriend, who he knocked up


"Shut up, Luhan! Stop talking to me!" Luhan's girlfriend barged into the room, Luhan behind her, anger clear on his food. The eleven members of EXO stopped what they were doing and watched the scene that was unfolding. 

"I know what you did, okay? Don't try lie to me!" She screamed. He flinched, before shouting back his answer. She would always do this, fight with him in front of his friends about cheating on her or some other junk. She knew he would never cheat on her. He was too...honest, for the lack of a better word. She was just trying to get his attention. And Luhan clearly knew this. 

"Didn't this happened last week already?" Sehun asked Baekhyun who was coincidentally beside him. He shrugged, "They fight about different things every week." Sehun nodded, "Ah." 

"What are they fighting about now?" Suho asked his fellow band mates. 

"Just leave me alone, Luhan! Why don't you go to your other girl friend, maybe she'll calm you down like she always does." She screamed again. "There's your answer." Luhan's band mate chuckled. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, she's not my girl friend? You are!" Luhan shouted, for the first time raising his voice towards her. She stepped back, tears already pooling, "I hate you so much, you...git. Stay away from me." And she stormed out. 

​Luhan sighed, shoulders slumping, "Every single time." He muttered before running off, presumably to go and follow her. 

"And how does this end up, every time?" Baekhyun grinned. 

"With hot make-up ." The eleven answered in unison. They all burst into laughter and shook their heads. 


​lol. what the junk? these thingies are fun to write! I'll keep posting one at the end of every chapter because they make my chapter seem longer and  I kinda like writing them and every time, it'll be about a different member. weee!

EDIT: I'm sorry, but what's with the lot of people who subscribes and then gets my hopes up that I'm an okay writer and then they decide to unsubscribe, making me feel like I'm a terrible one? I really love subscribers! But my heart aches when I see that I loose subsribers everytime I update. At this rate, maybe I'll have none in no time. But I still thank all of you who has commented and make me feel giddy inside. I'm just really upset about the unsubscribers. :C

speaking of insides, is it okay if I write an M-rated chapter? It won't be that graphic. It's just...kinda...it'smakeup. Just a little between the pair. That'll be okay, right? If not then, I won't write it! C:

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ajleaanatasha #1
Chapter 22: update this story. pleaseeeeeeeeee. it just really awesome. i wanna know the end of it
secretdiary #2
Chapter 22: Maybe you should update this story...cause i wanna know the rest of story hihihi =)
tanyanru #3
Chapter 22: Update soon ~~
Chapter 22: update soon !!
Chapter 22: PLease update sooooonnnn~!!!! :)
Chapter 22: AHH Cliffies only God knows how much I hate 'em Update Super-Duper-SOON Autgor-nim !!! The suspense is killing ME!! >.~
Chapter 22: Author Nim !! Please Update soon !! >u<
b2stdaehyunnie #8
Chapter 22: baekhyun you better make up with her or i'm gonna kill you!!!
Chapter 22: Baekhyun!!!
FlyToTheMidnightSun #10
Chapter 22: Oh yeah thanks for the cliff hanger again I appreciate it thanks. Hahaha but seriously, I AM DYING OF SUSPENSEEEE. But maybe the call's from chanyeol or kris or someone other than baekhyun right?