
We're Married!

You weren't exactly sure when you dozed off but it was probably when he hugged you from behind and started humming one of his songs. 'Angel.' You thought as you remembered asking him what song it was groggily. It was so soft and the melody was so sweet and in addition to his gorgeous voice, singing a few lines, you fell asleep. 

When you woke up, you had a duvet wrapped around you. The television was switched off and there was  note stuck to a mug, that was on the coffee table. 

'You looked so peaceful, I didn't bother waking you up. I'm sorry for leaving you while you were asleep, I had too. I'll call you later, though. And this is for you. Though, by the time you wake up, it will probably be cold. Still, enjoy! It was made with love! I love you! 

​P.S I promise I'll call you later! So don't forget to answer, ok? :)  x'

​You held the note in your hand and chuckled, shaking your head. He was so childish sometimes. You reached out for the mug, noticing how it was still warm. You sipped the content, bit by bit, planning your day in your head. You were going to take a shower, eat and then spend the rest of the day on the computer. And you did just that. 

You took a shower and put on anything you deemed comfortable - an overly large t-shirt and shorts. You switched the TV on again, finding a nice Korean drama to watch. Honestly though, you preferred English dramas sometimes because Korean dramas sometimes are overly dramatic and cheesy. You grabbed any food you could find in the fridge and sat in front of the TV.

You grabbed your laptop on the way and logged in to your social networking sites. Twitter and Tumblr. You were a big fan of Tumblr and it was addicting. Once you get used to it, there's no telling when you are ever going to stop. Twitter was like your own brand of heroin, you couldn't get enough of it. There you could interact with your group of fans. Yes, you only had a group of fans which you could count with your right hand only, if that hand was holding a calculator. Which is sad. Really. You loved them though. 

You went through tags after tags and sighed in content whenever you'd see Baekhyun's picture, mumbling about how he's so perfect. And yes, you are a fan of your own husband. That's not wrong, is it? You'd grin whenever you see him smiling, he looked so happy. Nothing could've ruin your day by then. 

Yet your heart stopped when you reached a picture of him with his friend, if you could call her that. His picture with another woman, who to you seemed more perfect than you are. And these were the times when you'd get so insecure about yourself and wonder why Baekhyun, bless that perfect man, married you in the first place, when he could have anyone he wants to have? 

You slammed your laptop shut, not even bothering to log out of your accounts. Your heart ached at the thought of him being close to someone else. Someone more gorgeous, someone prettier, someone more...perfect than you are. You sighed, and tried to focus on the TV instead. When it didn't work, you decided to sleep instead of watching the ridiculous drama that was playing. You screwed your eyes shut, trying to get the picture out of your head and cursed yourself when all it did was make it clearer. 

You fell asleep after a hard time doing so. Your dream was one of the saddest yet it seemed so real. Just like the erted ones, it seemed realistic. The dream was about you and Baekhyun, of course. You always woke up happy and grinning whenever you dreamed about him but this time you were completely the opposite when you woke up. You woke up crying and you felt like crap. 

In the dream, you and Baekhyun were happily married and you were on a picnic (which was weird because you'd never think of having one with him because you were afraid of people finding out of your marriage). That was quickly ruined when the Baekhyun told you that he was leaving you and he was never coming back. And while he did that, he was grinning or rather yet, smirking at you. You begged for him to stay but he didn't. 

It wasn't that sad but thinking of the realness of it, that he may leave you and never come back, made it sadder by a billion times. 

You woke up, tears wetting the pillow underneath you and your cheeks. You wiped them away, and sighed. It even haunted you in your dreams. You took your iPhone out from your handbag and saw notifications popping up when you unlocked it. 

'5 Missed Calls, 5 Messages' 

All from the same person - your husband. 

'Yah! I told you not to forget to pick up your phone!' 

'Pick up, please?' 


'I'm beginning to doubt your love for me.'

​'You know I'm kidding, right? I love you and I'm sure you love me too...right?'

You giggled at his messages, he would always do that - message you a whole bunch when you didn't pick up his call. Your phone rang again, signaling your husband's attempt on calling you again. You answered the call, only to be greeted with panting. 

"Yah! Park Eun Byeol! You finally decide to answer my call, huh? Did you know how worried I was? I was worried that something bad might have happened to you! You- aish!" You could feel his anger through the phone. He took a deep breath and sighed, "All that matters is that you're safe." 

"Why would I not be safe?" You muttered. He released a sigh, "No, it's nothing." 

You shook your head, smiling, "I'm fine and I always will be. How about you?"

"I ran as soon as you didn't pick up the fifth call. I was so worried." He said and you could hear the smile on his face.

You giggled, "Wow, what a nice husband I have." He joined in, your laughter mixing with his, "So, what you up to?" 

And the conversation went on and on. And just from talking to him through the phone made all the pain in your heart go away. Just like that. And you knew you didn't have to worry anymore just by the way he said I love you. 

I haven't read through it so it may not make sense. And it's kinda rushed too be cause I couldn't bear the pain...lolwat.The chapters I've been writing has been rather...cheesy. lol. sorry. a question though, do you enjoy the cheesiness? orz, so pathetic. Anyways, have you all seen Bacon's recent pictures? So adorable! hehe, okay. Don't forget to comment! 


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ajleaanatasha #1
Chapter 22: update this story. pleaseeeeeeeeee. it just really awesome. i wanna know the end of it
secretdiary #2
Chapter 22: Maybe you should update this story...cause i wanna know the rest of story hihihi =)
tanyanru #3
Chapter 22: Update soon ~~
Chapter 22: update soon !!
Chapter 22: PLease update sooooonnnn~!!!! :)
Chapter 22: AHH Cliffies only God knows how much I hate 'em Update Super-Duper-SOON Autgor-nim !!! The suspense is killing ME!! >.~
Chapter 22: Author Nim !! Please Update soon !! >u<
b2stdaehyunnie #8
Chapter 22: baekhyun you better make up with her or i'm gonna kill you!!!
Chapter 22: Baekhyun!!!
FlyToTheMidnightSun #10
Chapter 22: Oh yeah thanks for the cliff hanger again I appreciate it thanks. Hahaha but seriously, I AM DYING OF SUSPENSEEEE. But maybe the call's from chanyeol or kris or someone other than baekhyun right?