
We're Married!

You woke up with a jolt, the alarm being the cause. "You awake, sis?" Hana was at your door. You nodded, "I guess, why?"

"Are you planning on going back? To the US?" You shrugged, "Maybe. Why?" She exhaled a breath and sat down at the edge of your bed, "I don't know. Just asking, I guess?" She didn't sound really sure.

You nodded, "Okay. Now, I have to go to work. Make yourself at home, kay?" She nodded, and gave you an earnest smile before trying to exit your room but you stopped her before she could, "Hana? Can I talk to you?"

"What's it about?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "What about lunch later? There's this cafe a few blocks from the company. You can ask Finn to drop you off?"

She thought about it for a while before nodded, "Okay. But what's it about again?"

"It's just important. I'll text Finn later." She nodded, "Okay."

You stood up and got ready, pulling on a white silk blouse and a black skirt that fell until your knees. You pulled on a wool knit cardigan and paired it with a pair of flats before picking up your keys and starting your journey to your company.

"Good morning." Yun greeted you, a smile splitting her face. "What?" Your eyes narrowed to slits.

"Baekhyun," She whispered, "Told me all about it."

Your eyes widened, "About what?"

"Your marriage and with details this time." She said, a proud smile on her face. You shook your head, "Okay. So what's the schedule for today?" 

She flipped through papers before settling on a certain page, "Well, we have EXO at 10, for a trying of tomorrow's performance's outfit.  And there's this new girl, she's debuting soon," She added, "We have her at 12. And then we have EXO again and this time for an actual performance."

"Wait, new girl? What? Why me?" You asked, pursing your lips. "Sorry, that doesn't work on me." Yun teased. You blushed, "I wasn't trying." She shrugged.

"10, huh? So what are we going to do for now? You asked her. She shrugged, "I don't know."

"The EXO boys have rehearsal now, want to go sneak around and watch them?" You looked at her, giving her the are-you-serious look. "What? You know you want to."

You scoffed, "I hate how you're always right."

The both of you sneaked around, watching for any of the staff that passed by. You finally arrived to the place where they always rehearse with Yun by your side. She gasped when she saw all twelve EXO boys, dancing, "They are perfect." She whispered, mouth hanging in awe.

You nodded, eyes only on Baekhyun. He was so perfect. You gulped, shaking your head, "Okay, this is so wrong. Come on, let's go."

She grinned cheekily but walked beside you anyway, "Baekhyun told me that he really loves you."

You nodded, "And that you are sweet and honest when you're with him."

You nod again, but then a thought popped up and you smirked, "He didn't really tell you anything did he?" She pouted and shook her head, "I was hoping you'd fall for my little trick. It always seem to work in CSI."

You grinned, "Maybe next time." She shrugged it off.

"Maybe now? I mean, you don't have anything to do now-" She began but you cut her off, "No." She groaned, muttering curses and how you were annoying under her breath.

You picked up your bag from where you left it and fished out your phone, reading the message that was sent to you by presumably your sister from your sister's phone. 

I can't come later. Sorry! We'll talk at home? C:

You groaned but quickly tapped back a response before dropping it into your purse. Now that you thought about it, a cafe wasn't really the perfect place to talk about your, ehem, secret. The door of the room opened, and in walked your husband, a smile on his sweaty face. Even though he was grinning, you could see that he was tired. 

You stood up and met him halfway, smiling at him also. You wrinkled your nose when he pressed a kiss onto your forehead, "You're sweaty!" He chuckled and wrapped you in a hug. 

"Oh, babe?" You looked up to his flawless face. He raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

"So you know how my sisters are staying at my place?" He nodded.

"Yeah, so they invited me to go visit my parents. And...can I?" You peeked at him through your eyelashes. He didn't look happy as he released a sigh, "If I say no, you're still going, right?" 

​You nodded, "It's just for a few days. I promise!" You held out your pinky, "I pinky promise." He intertwined his with yours and chuckled, "Fine."

​You grinned and kissed his very perfect lips. He his lips after you pulled away, "You sure have a way with persuading people." You both just stood there, hugging each other. Soon he pulled away and excused himself after another kiss and a wink. You rolled your eyes and sat back down beside Yun who was grinning from ear to ear. 

"Hey, who's that girl who's debuting soon?" You asked, turning to Yun. "Erm," She flipped through the papers, "Eun Ji. That's all it says. We're meeting her later." 

You nodded, "Okay." 

Sure enough at ten, the EXO boys were ready to try their outfits. They were as usual, noisy as ever. And it went by just like that. Baekhyun sneaked in a kiss or two which made Yun roll her eyes. 

At twelve, the new girl who was debuting appeared with her manager and a whole bunch of people, crowding the already crowded room. What made you annoyed and pissed beyond words was how she kept flirting and winking and touching and giggling and probably trying to seduce your husband. She introduced herself and announced that she loved EXO, especially Byun Baekhyun. 

Which made you choke and cough out the water you were drinking. "FAKE AND Y" was written all over her, which made you hate her guts more. Even though you should be used to people liking your Baekhyun, her liking him was a whole different thing. And what was worse was that Baekhyun was putting up with her every action. 

You had to take deep breaths and calmed yourself while Yun kept flashing you a 'it's-okay' smile. You gripped your bag tightly in your hands, trying hard to not scream at the girl and your husband and the EXO members. You faked a smile whenever they turned to you. The room was filled with laughter and her annoying, squeaky voice. 

When she stood up and "tripped", "accidentally" falling to the person  who was closest to her, which was Baekhyun, and "accidentally" fell on top of him, that was the last straw. You threw your bag to Yun, only taking your phone with you, slammed the door and tears started falling. That stupid...female dog. 

What calmed you down, on the rare occasions you were mad were always ice cream. Cold, delicious, creamy, yummy-tasting, pretty looking ice cream. You walked, because walking also calmed you down, to the cafe blocks away from the hell hole. You ordered with the money that you had on you, and sat down way back, at a table which was close to the windows. The cafe was pretty homey and it wasn't really crowdy. There weren't a lot of people. You checked your phone, as it was on silent, and realised there were a bunch of messages from Yun.

'Baekhyun looked sorry. And sad. Come on, come back. They left already.'

'Where are you dummy? I am worried. Reply now.' 

'It was just an accident. Come back, we'll deal with her later. Baekhyun is worried also.'

You swore it hasn't been that long. You were just enjoying your strawberry and chocolate ice cream. Your phone rang and you picked it up after checking that it was not Baekhyun and just your sister. You had no mood to talk to him, even if he did call, you wouldn't have picked up. 

"Yo! So, I didn't really say much in the message. Sorry 'bout that." Hana explained and apologized, "Anyways, the thing we're talking about, can't we do it through the phone?" You sighed, "No. I can't. It's too important."

"Well, we'll talk about it later? Right now, I'm at the hospital," She said, "Well, outside.

"What? Why?" You asked, suddenly worried. When are you not worried about them anyways? 

"Oh, it's nothing. Daniel just got a little tummy ache. I'm just here because Maria promised me food." She giggled. You sighed in relief but still you were worried about your nephew, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Yup! Don't worry. So, any clues about the talk later?" She asked. You thought about it, and answered, "Just wait.

She sighed, "Fine. See you later.

zer you go. uh oh, i'm sensing a little rivalry going on here, even though she just met Eun Ji! :O I smell something fishy~ (and it's not the fish burger I'm currently eating~) No short this chap, 'cause I a lazy arse. This is not over yet! Wait for the next chapter, I promise there will be a lot of drama! Also, I haven't checked and re-read this chapter, so I am sorry for any mistakes and if this whole chapter does not make sense. /bows/

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ajleaanatasha #1
Chapter 22: update this story. pleaseeeeeeeeee. it just really awesome. i wanna know the end of it
secretdiary #2
Chapter 22: Maybe you should update this story...cause i wanna know the rest of story hihihi =)
tanyanru #3
Chapter 22: Update soon ~~
Chapter 22: update soon !!
Chapter 22: PLease update sooooonnnn~!!!! :)
Chapter 22: AHH Cliffies only God knows how much I hate 'em Update Super-Duper-SOON Autgor-nim !!! The suspense is killing ME!! >.~
Chapter 22: Author Nim !! Please Update soon !! >u<
b2stdaehyunnie #8
Chapter 22: baekhyun you better make up with her or i'm gonna kill you!!!
Chapter 22: Baekhyun!!!
FlyToTheMidnightSun #10
Chapter 22: Oh yeah thanks for the cliff hanger again I appreciate it thanks. Hahaha but seriously, I AM DYING OF SUSPENSEEEE. But maybe the call's from chanyeol or kris or someone other than baekhyun right?