
We're Married!

You sighed as you went through the wad of paperwork that you had. Even though you were a fashion stylist, you had paperwork. You felt it was irrelevant but did it anyways. Paperwork for you mostly consisted of drawings, sketches, list of brands that you'd love to work with, list of photographers and dates and all of that sort. 

Your job was important in the music industry, heck, it's important in any industry, as without people like you, they'd be all messed up and not have proper clothing. You rubbed your temple as you stare blankly at a drawing. The house phone rang, pulling you out of your misery, but you took your sweet time to answer it. 

"Park Eun Byeol, I know this is your day off but I need your help." Your best friend, you recognized her voice - it was always in distress - whenever she called. "Please, please, please, please come. It's an emergency." She begged. 

You gave in and said that you'd be there in 15 minutes. You pulled on a t-shirt, which was your husband's actually, but decided to still wear it. It was a little big for you but you liked it as it was comfy. Leggings and a pair of flats to go with it and you were ready. You grabbed your keys and remembered to lock the door of your condo. 

And in 15 minutes (plus a few more because you got lost of looking for her), you were by your best friend's side, rushing through the corridor of the same company your husband was under. "Come." She pulled you by the hand into a room. 

"You can speak Chinese, right?" She asked as she stopped, still having a tight grip on your hand. You nodded slowly, "Yeah, but it's not THAT good." 

"Never mind that. You still can, right?" She asked again, a smile that rarely appeared, making an appearance. "Why?" You inquired, eyebrows furrowing. 

"I need you to talk to them for me." She said, pointing to a group of boys that you recognized as the members of EXO-M. 

"That's your emergency?" You asked in disbelief. She gave you  sheepish grin, mumbling an apology. Something snapped in you and you felt pissed. She made the F1 driver in you come out for her to speak in Chinese? Nuh uh, brother, you don't do that. 

"That's your emergency?!" You repeated your sentence, feeling the need to stress how stressed you felt right now. "Sorry! Don't kill me!" She raised her hands up in defense. 

"Luhan of EXO-K speaks perfectly fine Korean, why couldn't you talk to him?! You made me rush here when I should be resting at home because I have this headache that is really not helping right now." You lectured. "So not helping." You mumbled, rubbing your temple again. She pouted, "I didn't know that."

"You don't know anything." You snapped.

She pursed her lips, "Jeez, chill. I'm sorry. It's stressful, you know." 

"You're right and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you or screamed at you or whatever I did. I'm really sorry, Yun." She gave you a soft smile, "It's alright."

"What's the big D, anyways?" You asked, taking a deep breath and following behind Yun who was walking towards the boys. "I need to have them ready and in their outfits in 30 minutes, that's all. Hey, a thought just occurred to me, is it possible that you might be preggers?" She turned to you, eyebrows raised, asking for an answer.

"NO!" You almost scream, eyes wide, pulling everyone's attention towards you. "No way." You denied. 

"You could be for all you know. I mean when was the last time you had ?" She asked. "Can you help me out?" She handed you a jacket, "Tell Kris to put this on. The rest of his outfit's by the door." 

"Well, I think it was- Hey! Why would I tell you?" She threw her head back and laughed, "Come on we need to hurry." 

You shook your head and approached the giant leader of EXO-M, and made a gesture for him to stand up and follow you. You led him to the garment racks and told him to put on his outfit. I handed him the jacket, and he immediately shrugged it on. "It's nice to see you again." He said. 

"Yeah, you too, Kris. You too." You replied in English, making sure his outfit was perfect and there was no error to it. "Oh, shoot." You mumbled when you saw that a button on the jacket had come off. "Take it off. I need to fix that." You told him, pulling on the jacket. 

"Baekhyun's looking at you again." He claimed from behind you in English. You raised an eyebrow, looking to where your husband was and indeed he was staring at you. "So he is." You gave him a small smile and turned back to Kris, giving him the jacket again after you finished sewing the button back in, "There you go!" 

"Thank you. You like him, don't you?" He smirked. 

'Is it wrong to like my husband?'

"Shush, Kris." You shushed him, motiong for him to turn around so you check if it had flaws, again. "And you are done. Thank you for being co-operative." 

He gave you and actual smile and said, "You should tell him that you do. You'll never know what's going to happen." and then sat back down at his place. 

"You have no idea, Kris. No idea." You mumbled to yourself. 

Just to clear things up, 

1. This is not the best chapter since I had no inspiration but I desperately wanted to post this. 

2. She used to work as EXO's stylist and that is why Kris knows her and she will work for EXO again. 

3. I have no idea what I wrote, but please, enjoy it! :) 

4. Comments? If you have any suggestions on what should happen or what you want to happen, please, don't hesitate to tell me! 

5. The friend's name is Yun, kay? And she doesn't know that Eun Byeol is married. 

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ajleaanatasha #1
Chapter 22: update this story. pleaseeeeeeeeee. it just really awesome. i wanna know the end of it
secretdiary #2
Chapter 22: Maybe you should update this story...cause i wanna know the rest of story hihihi =)
tanyanru #3
Chapter 22: Update soon ~~
Chapter 22: update soon !!
Chapter 22: PLease update sooooonnnn~!!!! :)
Chapter 22: AHH Cliffies only God knows how much I hate 'em Update Super-Duper-SOON Autgor-nim !!! The suspense is killing ME!! >.~
Chapter 22: Author Nim !! Please Update soon !! >u<
b2stdaehyunnie #8
Chapter 22: baekhyun you better make up with her or i'm gonna kill you!!!
Chapter 22: Baekhyun!!!
FlyToTheMidnightSun #10
Chapter 22: Oh yeah thanks for the cliff hanger again I appreciate it thanks. Hahaha but seriously, I AM DYING OF SUSPENSEEEE. But maybe the call's from chanyeol or kris or someone other than baekhyun right?