New Found Love?

Eyes Like Stars

-One Month Later-

Yumi stood and stretched her arms out.

‘Ahhh, it’s good to be out here!’ She smiled, ‘and thank goodness Nichkhun’s activities are in motion again, I was so worried!’

Yumi had been pushed into a hectic schedule, much more brutal than her regular trainee classes. She was preparing for her debut with Sunah, herself, and two other girls. A new JYP girl group, about to debut!

‘Thankfully Nichkhun and I have both been super busy. I’d hate to be the only one rushing around and not have time for him…ACK!!!!’ Yumi’s thoughts were paused as she looked down at her watch. ‘I’m going to be late!’

Flying out her dorm-room door, Yumi ran towards the bus shelter, got on, and 10 minutes later, flusteredly pushed open the doors to the JYP Entertainment building.

Yumi was in such a frantic rush, she didn’t notice that she had rammed right into someone head first.

“Owwwww. Oh my, I’m terribly sorry!!!!” She looked up, and immediately, her face light up. “Oh, Wooyoung, it’s you!”

“Yes, it’s me,” Wooyoung said hesitantly as he gently brushed himself off.

Yumi stood straight again and did a full bow in apology, “I’m so sorry. I’m rushing to get to my lessons.”

“Oh right,” Wooyoung held is hand out in remembrance, “you’re debuting soon! How is it? Hard work no?”

“Yes it’s a ton of hard work. I’m also still getting to know the two other girls I’ll be in a group with, thank goodness I already know Sunah very well!” Yumi chattered away.

“Does your group have a name yet?” Wooyoung questioned.

“Mmm, kind of. It might change. So far, JYP has named us ‘Dream’ but he’s still unsure.”

“Dream…has a ring to it. Makes me think of angels!” Wooyoung smiled.

“Ha, exactly what I thought!” Yumi nodded in agreement.

“Where’s Nichkhun?” Wooyoung scanned the hallway.

“Huh? You didn’t know he had a schedule today?” Yumi cocked her head to the side, ‘how odd that he doesn’t know…’

“Not really. I only follow the activites the 2PM group does as a whole and my own personal schedule.” Wooyoung shrugged.

“He’s filming some episodes of ‘We Got Married’ with Jo Kwon and Ga In. Teaching them English.” Yumi explained.

“Ah, I think he briefly mentioned it. Ha, Jo Kwon learning English!” Wooyoung snorted.

Yumi smiled, then it faded and her eyes widened, “Oh goodness! I got to get to lessons now! See you Wooyoung!” Yumi waved as she zipped down the hallway and slipped through a door.

“Where were you?” Sunah approached her sternly.

“Ehehehe…Caught up in conversation?” Yumi offered her lame excuse.

“Yumi, you really should be here on time. You are the lead singer in ‘Dream’.” A tall, lean girl with exotic features stepped forward.

“As is Sunah the leader of ‘Dream’!” Yumi was desperately trying to make it up to her group.

“I agree with Bomi,” another girl stepped forward. This girl was more of the cute style, with her semi-long hair in loose waves and full bangs across her forehead.

Yumi put together her hands, praying for forgiveness.

“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry, Sunah! Sorry, Bomi! Sorry, Eun Jung!”

“Enough ‘sorry’s’ we get it!” Eun Jung bounced and giggled.

“Can you at least TRY to get here on time next time?” Bomi sighed.

“You’re lucky JYP hasn’t come in yet,” Sunah jerked her head towards the door.

“What? JYP is coming today?” Yumi moaned, “I would have been DEAD if I wasn’t here!”

“That’s right,” Sunah continued, “even though you’re my friend, you’re also now my member. Please be on time from now on!”

“Yes Sunah…” Yumi dropped her head in silence.

Nichkhun’s side of the story:

‘I wish I could have seen Yumi today, but I gotta do this.’ Nichkhun sighed as he stood outside of the Adam Couple’s house waiting for his cue to ring the doorbell.

Extending out his hand, Nichkhun put on a smile and waited for the couple to answer the door. As it opened, he was greeted by a horrified Jo Kwon and an excited Ga In.

“What the heck? Why are you here?” Jo Kwon pouted.

“Omo omo omo!!! Otoke???? Omo omo!” Ga In repeated.

Nichkhun smiled and laughed. ‘She reminds me of Yumi in a way!’

“Ya! Yobo!” Jo Kwon had rushed over to his wife’s side and was glaring at her. “You can’t say he’s handsome!!! NO!!!!”

“Omo, omo…YOBO~!!!” Ga In whined.

“Hey guys!” Nichkhun spoke in English.

“Why are you speaking in English?” Jo Kwon pestered him.

‘Cause it’s my mission…dummy…’ Nichkhun said in his mind, “I’m here to teach you guys English. You’re going to Hong Kong soon no? You either have to introduce yourself in English or Chinese.”

“AISH! You speak Korean quite well Nichkhun-hyung! SPEAK KOREAN!” Jo Kwon emphasized.

“Water? You want?” Ga In held up bottled water from the fridge.

“Ah, yes! I like water!” Nichkhun smiled.

“Beer?” Ga In held up a beer.

“Water is fine!” Nichkhun laughed. ‘Yup, definitely, like Yumi.’

Nichkhun finally was settled in and began teaching the Adam Couple their speeches. He witnessed the couple’s intimate interactions and finally Ga In was sent to get food. When she came back, she immediately began preparing food.

‘Reminds me of my dream…’ Nichkhun smiled, ‘but I hardly think Jo Kwon’s a good kid!’

Being a gentleman, Nichkhun felt the need to help Ga In with the cooking. Chopping up some garlic, he could feel Jo Kwon’s laser glare and finally went back to sit down.

When the food was ready, Nichkhun began to think about married life. Questioning the Adam Couple on their thoughts of being married, he was internally considering everything they told him.

‘I want to get married…Yumi…’ Nichkhun smiled as Ga In cleared the dishes. Ga In’s form though changed in Nichkhun’s head and Yumi took her place. “You’re cute…” he said absent-minded.

Well, of course Ga In thought he was talking to her, and gradually Nichkhun found himself stuck in the middle of tons of “omo omo omos” and “YA! YA! YAs!”
Sighing inside, Nichkhun put on another smile as the uproar died down and he began to teach the couple again.

‘Must be nice…Sometime soon for me, hopefully!’

Wooyoung’s side of the story:

Wooyoung watched as Yumi happily waved down the hallway. Raising his hand to wave back, he realized she’d already disappeared through a door.
Sighing, Wooyoung turned around and shook his head.

“Must not seem interested, must not seem interested, I’m not interested in girls!” He repeated softly to himself.

“2PM boys, and girls!” JYP’s voice boomed through the dance studio and the room went silent, “This is Yumi and she’ll be participating in your special dance number.”

Wooyoung wasn’t as excited as the other members were and turned his back to stretch some more.

‘Don’t have time to be looking at girls. Must focus on 2PM activities. I can’t have a girlfriend. Besides, I bet she’s just some girl with a pretty face who wants to be a big celebrity and all that.’

Turning his head to catch a glimpse of the girl to confirm his hypothesis, Wooyoung was stunned to see the cute petite girl.

Blinking, Wooyoung couldn’t believe it, he felt it in his heart.

‘Is this what love at first sight is?’

Shaking his head Wooyoung turned his back again and began to calm down his racing heart.

‘No, can’t do it! Besides I bet she already has a boyfriend, she’s too cute to be single.’

JYP came back after 10 minutes and assigned partners. Unfortunately, Wooyoung was disappointed not to been paired with Yumi.

Throughout the whole lesson, Wooyoung could barely concentrate. He was busy looking at Yumi.

‘She’s stumbling a lot. Doesn’t have much dance technique, why did JYP put her in here?’

Wooyoung laughed as Yumi stepped on her own foot and wobbled. ‘So cute, so cute!’

At the end of the lesson, Wooyoung hoped he could get to talk to Yumi a bit, and was stopped as he saw Nichkhun lean in and whisper something in Yumi’s ear. He saw her blush in return and watched as her eyes followed Nichkhun out the door.

‘I see how it is…I’m already too late.’ Wooyoung sadly thought. ‘Might have been for the better. I don’t have time for a girlfriend…’

Wooyoung lifted his head.

‘Why did I think of that time?’ He wondered. Rolling his head once, Wooyoung made way to the 2PM practice room. Setting his stuff down, Wooyoung began to stretch and again, remembered the conversation with his band members before their performance.

Wooyoung slightly glared as Nichkhun entered the room. Every 2PM member huddled around Nichkhun, except Wooyoung.

“With Yumi again?”

“Yeah, why, you’re jealous?”

‘Jealous? Tech…no!’ Wooyoung thought, ‘okay…yes…’

“I’m jealous, and mad at you. You never told us you were into her. It’s not fair you had a head start!”

‘True that. You go Junho! Yell at him!’

“Sorry…but you know, you snooze, you lose! Geez, lighten up!”

‘You snooze you lose. Hell, I didn’t even know Yumi until a week ago! You met her way before me. One word, UNFAIR’

“How can we? You stole the girl we were after. We’re bros man!”

‘Yeah Nichkhun, bros! We used to be tight! Now I’m completely crushed you got the girl first!’

“Yeah we’re bros. And therefore, you should accept the fact that Yumi is mine and be happy for me.”

‘WRONG! We can’t be happy…I am not happy…NO ONE’S HAPPY!’

“Whatever. I’m going to the stage to warm up.” Junsu left the argument and flounced out the door.

“Where’s Leadja?” Nichkhun questioned

“Not here.” ‘He went to the bathroom…hasn’t been back yet…but there’s no WAY I’m telling you that.’

“He’s still doing all that ‘yo’ business” Taeceyon showed up.

“Why? His variety show ended at least 3 days ago.”

'True, why IS he doing that? So uncool. Wait no! I’m NOT agreeing with Nichkhun now!’

Confused, Wooyoung didn’t realize that soon, the room was empty and he was left behind. Sighing Wooyoung stood up and walked towards the stage.
‘Why am I doing this? Nichkhun’s my bro, my pal. I can’t think so negatively just because he’s got a girlfriend…one that I actually like too…GRRRR!’

“GRRRR!” Wooyoung growled out loud.

“What’s wrong?”

Wooyoung turned to see Junsu behind him.

“Nothing, just thinking about past events that make my blood boil!”

“Well, okay then?” Junsu looked at his friend as if he were crazy.

“Nevermind. Let’s practice?” Wooyoung offered.


As both boys moved to the beat, Wooyoung eventually forgot he worries and poured his heart out into the dance.

‘I’ve decided…I’ll make Yumi mine!’

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Wow this is really cute