Is It Right To Love?




Kahi POV

Did I just lose in his gazing right now? Oh my god, his eyes were beautiful. The bright brown eyes of him really can make many of woman melt in his gaze.  Omo why did he lean his face closer to mine? Did he want to kiss me AGAIN? Although I believe that he do not remember how he kiss me for the first time but still..I have a war inside my mind right now. Should I just let him kiss me? Why my body still frozen even after I know that he going to kiss me? Aishh stupid body, please move..!!

I try to move my body but I fail to do so. I guess I'm just weak in front of him. I can't do anything. Next seconds, I feel his warm lips again mine. What is with the feeling? It sends a tingling sensation through my body. Not that I don't enjoy the kiss, but it feels wrong. Wait a minute; did I say I enjoy the kiss? Yahh Park Kahi, get back to your sense now. How can you let him kiss you again and again? Without I realize, myself actually totally lose control as he try to deepen the kiss and tease my lips with his tounge. I can feel his lips trying to find a way into my mouth. I know that I will give in to him.

Suddenly my phone ring and it make me wake up from the Loveland and I break the kiss. I can see his disappointed face when I break the kiss out of sudden. Half of me feel relieved that I actually get back to my sense before it become too intense but there’s a voice inside my head that curse my phone for crying out loud at that time. Yes, I think I had gone a little bit crazy right now. I excuse myself and picking up the phone. It’s a call from my horseback riding instructor. He asking me to come on time for the course as he had another business after that and it make him unable to finish the course a little bit late as usual. I take a look at my watch and realize it’s only 30 minutes left before the session started.

I ended the call and walk back to where I leave Nichkhun earlier. “I had to go. I have to attend horseback riding class” I said to him without looking to his face. I just want to be disappeared in front of him right now. It’s really awkward. I turn around and want to walk back to my car as I feel his arm on mine. He grabs me softly and he said “Can I come along?”

Oh great, just when I think that I can run away from him right now. What should I do? Should I turn him down? Will he hate me if I decline his request? Think Kahi think~! I force myself to think for an answer as I still standing facing my back to him. I turn around as I decide to say sorry because I have to reject his request. I need to calm myself from what happened earlier. When I had face him I only can see his puppy begging eyes looking straight to my eyes.  All the things that I want to say seems like it being swallowed down. “Ye..yes…” I stuttered when I answer him. Urghhh~!! Kahi~! Why did you say that? I mentally slap my head. But once he flashes his smile after hear my answer all my guilt fly away. Yes, his magic eyes work on me. (*~*)

Nichkhun POV

I felt excited, scared, and happy at the same time. I was excited about seeing the horses. I was scared because I didn't know how Kahi will think of me again after I kiss her earlier. And at the same time I was happy to meet her again and spend some more time with her. It’s only just the two of us. I guess I just want to try to forget my problem right now. That's all I think. It was nothing else right? But why did I kiss her just now? I do not have an answer for that. I just know my heart at peace whenever I'm around her. It's not wrong to have a friend that makes us feel comfortable right? I just kept talking to myself until I notice we already reach the horseback riding place. She parks the car at VIP place that had more privacy compared to others. We head out to the instructor office. I was walking behind her as she never talks freely towards me like before. I guess it’s still awkward because of the kiss. Aishh Nichkun, you shouldn't do that. I regret a little bit for my action. Only a little bit? Oh good, seems I questioning myself right now. (+_+)"

I shook my head to the left and to the right while keep walking when suddenly I bumped Kahi who's walking in front of me. I don’t realize that we had reached to the instructor office. Realize how clumsy I am, I quickly apologize to her. She seems shocked from what happened. I guess who’s not getting shocked when a man perfectly had eyes, not blind though, but can bump to someone who walks in front of him. Look where you walk Nichkhun, I shout to myself mentally.

Kahi had started to introduce me to the instructor and ask him whether I can join the course or not. Not to forget, to keep it secret. I don’t wanna stir some chaos again to be under the spotlight of angry netizens if they caught me here. I promise to lay low, but it didn’t mean that I can’t get a life out of my dorm right? Let’s said, I need to inhale outdoor air too. Calm my mind and release my stress. Being lock in my dorm all the time can only increase my tension. I do feel regret for what happened but it didn’t mean that I can just shut myself down. It is just not fair. People do make mistake and idol is a people too. Doesn’t it seem like outrageous to think that an idol needs to be 100% perfect in any aspect? Honestly, it’s bull. Yeah I’m cursing right now but only when I had an argument between myself. I never said something like this out loud.


While I busy in my world, Kahi drag me back to the earth when she hand me the form that I need to filled to join this course. I filled the form and read the terms and condition as fast as I can but it do not means that I don’t have any idea about what it say. It just my habit, but believe me I can get all of what stated even I just read it once. *proud face..\(0.0)V

I finished reading it in less than 3minutes and realize that I need to pay certain amount for join this course. Obviously for private course it cost more as it have more privilege, as such as your own private instructor, the private area for the lesson, the high quality of horse and etc. not to mention, I can picked my own horse. It’s pretty expensive but it’s worth it. I stand up and walk towards the counter to pay the fees. Kahi stopped me half way. “It’s on me” she said and wink to me. Aigoo I felt like I had been shoot by a cupid. Really Nichkhun? Baby cupid? What the.. Ahh, I turn my head right and left to chase those cupid imagination and follow Kahi walk out from the office.


“You need to attend half an hour seminar as you are newbie’s in this” the instructor said to me.

I nodded and said ok to him. I turn to Kahi and she tell me that she’s gonna head to the barn to start her lesson. She’s already been allowed to ride a horse by herself but still with a supervision of the instructor all the time. How much I hope to just skip the seminar and just ride along with Kahi. To be honest, I don’t quite like to attend any seminar without a partner. But I guess I don’t have a choice. I drag my feet to the seminar room. As it was private lesson, its only me and my instructor.


Without realizing, the seminar had already over and I need to go to pick out my horse. Yes, I still can be able to see Kahi riding the horse. I plastered a little smile on my mouth. I choose a white horse out of many horses in that barn. The reason I pick him is because he seems friendly to me. When I enter the barn, he starts to make a noise and lean his face to me as he wants me to choose him. He’s a cute horse I thought to myself. My instructor, let me said his name is Mr. Jaesuk lead the horse to the practice area. When I reach there, I can see Kahi on her horse. Wow! She’s like a princess. My jaw drop a little bit. I quickly close my mouth to prevent me drooling.


“Staying on a horse's back requires balance and concentration, and becomes much more natural and easy with practice. Be careful to keep the horse under your control, and watching for anything that may spook or cause the horse to rear up” the instructor said to me. I nodded and standing on the left side of the horse and climb on to the horse. I began to ride slowly. It’s quite exciting. It’s different from riding that horse in Thailand. It’s a small horse compared to this one. The picture of me and Victoria at Thailand flashed again in my mind. I’m getting tired just to think of it. I try to distract my mind elsewhere and try to enjoy the ride.


“You don’t enjoy it?” Kahi voice spear through my ear. I turn my head and see she’s riding her horse by my side. The different is I still had my instructor grabbing the reins of my horse. The reins are, effectively, the "steering wheel" of the horse. To turn him left, you pull the reins left, so that the bit puts pressure on the horse's mouth, cuing him to move away from the pressure, turning the horse's head in that direction. I know the basis.

“Hello~” Kahi talk to me again. Oh yes I didn’t answer her question earlier.

“Anniyo, just thinking of something”

“Mind to tell me what it’s all about?” She seems concerned. “It’s nothing” I just shook my head and keep silent.

I don’t want to tell her about it. I don’t want to be seen weak in front of her although I do feel weak every time I think of Victoria. I guess I’m just a er for love.


No one POV

After they both had finished with the horseback riding course lessons, they had back to the car parking. Kahi lead the way as Nichkhun seems to be spacing out a little bit. It’s his behavior lately.


“Want to go somewhere to eat?” Kahi said.

“Urm, I don’t think so. I just gonna head back to my dorm” Nichkhun replied.

“Oh come on, I bet you didn’t take lunch yet right?” Kahi insist.

“Anniyo. I eat pizza and jjangmyun for lunch earlier. I still full” Nichkhun said and smile.

Kahi stop asking when she notices that Nichkhun seems to avoid her. She doesn’t have any idea why it is so. She wants to ask but she’s afraid to get the same answer again; “it’s nothing”. So, she decides to keep silent along the way to her car.

The walk to the parking site seems far away. Both of them just keep silent and lost in their own thought. Once they arrived, Kahi push the car alarm to unlock her car.

“Come on in, I give you a ride back to your dorm” Kahi offer Nichkhun a ride. She don’t want to push Nichkhun to keep her accompany although she feels hungry right now.

Nichkhun nodded and get in the car. “Thanks, I owe you again” he said.


“Yep, again. You do remember you pay for the fees right?” he said try to make Kahi remember about it.

“Oh it just a small matter. Actually I got a discount for bringing a friend to take the riding horse course here you knows” she said and laughs a bit.

“But, I still feel like I owe you though. I promise I will make it up to you”

“Okay, I’ll wait for it” Kahi said and hand out her pinky to Nichkhun.

“Pinky promise?” Nichkhun chuckle a little bit. “Aigoo, you such a baby” Nichkhun said and hand his pinky to Kahi’s pinky.


With that promise they head out to Nichkhun’s dorm. Kahi park her car a little bit far away from the main gate. Nichkhun thanks her again and get out from the car. He carefully walks to his dorm. Before he enters the main gate, he turns around and wave at Kahi.

Kahi flash a smile and wave to him back. She started to drive away. Without they both notice, there’s a couple of eyes witness both of them.





Hello there my readers and subscribers..

Sorry for the late update. I got caught with work..

Enjoy the reading, if I can gain another subscriber I will make it a double update for today..kekekeke

Please comments and feel free to make any suggestion..^^,







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will be updating chapter 7 soon..please wait..>.


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 16: Ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plzplzplzplzplzplz update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im waiting, waiting, waiting, ... So c-something is cheating on tori? And khun is falling for the other girl and tori is somewhere in the middle.
happy reader
Haiflyhigh #2
Chapter 16: Wow! Please...keep writing this story. It's so interesting. I want to read more...I'm hoping you change your mind and update this story.
Chapter 16: Update plizz plizz :)
khuntoria22 #4
Chapter 15: is this true story or just a make up? ><
paquitz #5
Update please :)
silvermercury #6
this fic is so good, please update soon~
ChoSoohyun #7
Chapter 16: update soon please ..
Chapter 16: awww nice chapter. i hope you can update more this fic is just so beautiful.
qkhunv #9
sad not khuntoria fanficㅜㅜ...
DarkestAngel #10
khun... why you so slow dude.... whenever you had the chance just grab her and kiss her