1st Meeting

Is It Right To Love?

Nichkhun walk out from the bathroom after had done taken a bath. He just wearing a towel that cover from his waist until his knees. He looks y in that way and his muscular body can really be seen. The hard six pack or chocolate abs on his body show the result of the hard training that he had been through. He slowly walk to his bed and sit down for a while. 

"Aigo..my stomach really need to be fill.."he murmur to himself when his stomach making another sound.

He looks at the watch. It's already 11 pm. He didn't realize that he had taken a long time in shower. It just because he feel a little bit at ease when he keep himself under the shower. He get up and pick up a cute t-shirt with his red hoodie and a black jean. After he finished dress up he take his wallet and his handphone and put it in his jeans pocket. He put up a sunglass as one of his item to disguise himself from being known. He decided to walk because his license had already been suspended and he do not want to bother his manager. He walk out from his dorm and walk slowly at the side road.

He goes to the nearby restaurant. The restaurant had always been the place that he always go with other members when they want to eat the ddukbokki. The ddukbokki there is really delicious and suit his taste. He sit down and ordered a plate of ddukbokki and fried rice. He pick a table at the corner that is not too expose and quite hidden than others. He wants a little bit privacy while eating. 



Kahi get out from her car and walk into the well known ddukbokki restaurant as she had been craving to eat it for a while. She choose the table next to Nichkhun. She didn't realize it was Nichkhun after all because she only focused to fill her stomach first. She ordered two plate of spicy ddukbokki because she want to try it and one vanila ice cream to tolerate with the hot sensation of the ddukbokki later on. 

After waiting around 10minutes the ahjumma there bring her the food that she ordered and make her curve a beautiful smile with an adorable dimples on her cheeks. She eat the food wih enjoyment and keep shaking her body as the sign that she satisfy with it. Her eyes tear a bit as the result of the spicy ddubokki that she eat. She try to endure with it as the ice cream that she ordered had not arrived yet. She sobs a bit and wipe away her tears that began to fall. Suddenly, there's someone pat her shoulder and give her a glass of vanila ice cream that had been half eaten. She do not have time to look at that person face and quickly grab the spoon and eat the ice cream hungrily to lessen the burning that she feel on her tounge. She can hear the person burst into a laughter when she eat the ice cream in that way. She do not care how bad she look right now as she just want to make the pain that she face right now go away. A little bit regret come to her mind because she ordered the spicy ddukbokki.


Nichkhun POV

After waiting about 15minutes the food that I ordered had been serve for me. I look at it and smile happily when seeing the food that can make someone begging to taste it. My nose keep sniff the delicious smell that come from the food that really make me want to dig into it right away. I began to eat the fried rice and ddukbokki without an intention to wasting any single of it. In a half way eating, I suddenly remembered Victoria. The moments of our virtual married couple keep playing in my mind. The moment when we eat the spicy ddukbokki and when we eat the fried rice that she cook play in my mind like a theather that can't be stopped. My hand that hold the spoonautomatically stop from feeding the food into my mouth. I stared at the food blankly. I lost in my own world at that time.

I don't know for how long that I've been lost in my own world when suddeny I hear someone sobbing close to me. I come back to my sense and look at the table that near to my table and see the back of a girl that trying to hold her tears from bursting out. I get up without thinking anything and try to sneak up for a look to the person that had the hoodie and make it difficult for me to clearly saw her face. I turn my head on the able and see that she having a spicy ddukbokki and realize the reason why she sobbing just now. "Ahh it had to be this spicy ddukbokki that make her cry, I once had felt this experience before with Victoria" I said in my mind and I hurriedly grab my leftover ice cream and handed it to her as soon as I realized that she do not have any water or dessert that can reduce the spicy taste. She quickly grab the ice cream that I pass to her and eat it without saying anything. I let out a laugh as I think it is really cute of her to act that way. I still remember the look on my face at that time when I eat it with Victoria. Only Victoria eat it in a cool way although she burst in tears but she manage to stay calm. "Oh how adorable she is" as i thought about it in my mind and once again I lost in my world for a moment.

Only for a couple of seconds before I hear a soft voice saying "thank you" to me. Although her voice in a state that she out of her breath, I still can hear the soft voice that so beautiful to be heard and I turn my face to see her face and my mouth suddenly gasp a little and keep the O curve because I was too shocked to see who exactly in front of me right now. 

"Park Kahi...?" I said with a shake voice.

Kahi POV

"omo, Nichkhun??" I said as I startled to see him right in front of me. Such a small world I thought to myself.

"I never thought I can meet a beast idol at this place" I said jokingly. He throw a sweet smile to me and said, "I also had never dream to see the great dancer in girl's group here". I chuckle at his words and feel my cheek had become red and slowly looking down.

"Are you eating here alone?" he ask me to start a conversation that help to kill the awkward mood between us right now. 

I nodded my head several times to answer his question. "Yes, I come alone as I now quite a loner after leaving the group you know?" I said to him.

He keep smiling. "Yup, I know the feeling because I'm also a loner right now" he said and fake a laugh. I know exactly what he means. It is due to the DUI case that he had been involved. Because of that he can no longer join any activities and had to be hiatus from the entertainment industry. Such a waste to lose people like him in our industry I think to myself.

"Urm, how you doing lately?"he ask me. " Oh, I'm in the preparation stage to make a solo album, but it still at the early stage so I had a lot of free time compared to when I still in the group. So, to kill the time, I take a course of horseriding right now. It's quite fun actually. I think you have to give it a try someday if you are bored. I can show you where to go" I said happily.

I don't know why, but my heart feel happy to see him here. I still remember the first encounter between us at the Idol Army show. I can't denied the adorable face that he had and even more adorable when I see him up close. Not to mention at the time when he sing Nothing better, I froze for a moment when I hear the angelic voice from him before I burst into laugh when his rose stuck to his jacket when he want to pass it down. But still, he continued to sing the song until the end and make him look evenmore adorable. No one know this, but, at that time, I wish, he will give the rose to me. Although it had been a long time, but the memories still fresh for me.

I gasp a little when I realized he had poke me with his long finger right on my head. "Back to earth Kahi" he said. I feel embarrased at that moment and smile awkwardly to him.

"what are you thinking so deep just now?" he ask me.

"anniyo, I just miss my dongsaeng" I make up a stories. " anyway, I really feel grateful to you for your help back then. You are such a life saver" I said to him.

He smile to me when he hear the words of "lifesaver" that I said. At that time, the ahjumma bring out a two cup of vanilla ice cream to my table. I look at her confusedly and about to ask her before she cut me off. "I'm sorry on behalf of my worker. They forgot to bring out this ice cream to you earlier. As apology, I treat you with this ice cream, please enjoy it" she said. I thank her for her kindness and she left.

"Looks like it's your lucky day then" I said to Nichkhun. He then look at me and about to say something when I hand him one of the ice cream.

"This ice cream to replace your ice cream that I eat earlier" I said to him and he thank me before both of us start to dig into the ice cream.

"Can I ask you something?" he said while eating the ice cream.

"yes, go ahead" I said like mumbling as my mouth full with the ice cream.

"cute" I hear he whisper and make my cheek burn hot. He then continue with his question.

"How should I call you?Should I call you noona?"he ask.

"I don't mind. It's up to you whether to call me noona or just Kahi" I said but deep down I want him to call me with just "Kahi".

"Ok if it that way, I can call you just Kahi right?you do not seem old for me" he said with a smile. A smile that make my heart melt. I don't know what exactly happening to me. Suddenly I remember her gossip with Victoria and my smile dissappear right away.

"What about your case?How long you will be hiatus?They will mis you, you know?Especially Victoria shi" I said to him.

His bright face become darker when I ask him that question. It make me feel guilty for throwing that question to him. He keep silent and face down to the floor. It really awkward at that time when I suddenly can see a teardrop on the table. I get up immediately as I call his name and kneel down to see his face. Once again, I feel shocked when I see his wet and red eyes while the tears keep rolling down on his cheek. Automatically I take him into my embarace and try to pampered him to make him feel better eventhough I don't know what exactly the reason for him to cry.


Nichkhun POV

When Kahi suddenly mention Victoria's name, I try to hold on my tears as I really feel the pain in my heart keep going stronger and killing me inside. But I failed to hold it in and I burst into crying. However, I get shocked when suddenly Kahi get up and hug me and keep saying "it's okay,just cry it will lessen your pain". I continued to cry as I had hold it for a while before this. My hand unknowingly wrap around her body and hug her tightly as I cry.

Few minuttes later, I loosen my hug as I had stop crying and quickly apologize to her. She just throw a sweet smile to me. We talk for a little bit before we get up and walk to the counter to pay the bills. I insist on paying for both of us eventhough Kahi do no want to at first, but as I am the first one to take the cash out, she had to accept it at last.

We walk out from the restaurant and I walk her to her car. Before she enter the car, she suddenly turn around and ask me to go for a drink and this time she will pay for it. I reject her offer politely as I still feel a litle bit trauma because of the last case. However she promise me that he will send me home after the drink and keep trying to ask me until I agree to her offer. I get in her car and then she drive away carefully.

She stopped the car near Han river and I feel like I was about to choke at that time because that place is where I confess my feeling to Victoria last year. My heart bleeding again at this time. "why it had to be this place???"I thought to myself.

Kahi POV

I manage to ask him for a drink at last. I want to repay him because he had help me earlier and it also as the sign of apology for asking him a question that make him cry hard before.

I choose the table at the corner and order 2 bottle of soju. He seems surprised when he hear the order. "It's sorry to say, but I'm quite a drinker you know?"I said.

We both drink the soju glass by glass and I can see Nichkhun try to swallow the soju as many as he can. It seems like he want to forget something in his mind right now. His face had become burned red and it make him looking evenmore cute. I smile  silently as I watching him but few seconds later, Nichkhun passed down on the table. I try to wake him up but failed.

"He's really have a low tolerance with alcohol"I thought it in my mind.

I ask for a help from the ahjussi at the food stall to bring Nichkhun into my car. After thanked the ahjussi, I get into my car and start the engine. But, I just stand still at the driver seat and keep thinking about where  should I sent Nichkhun to. I want to send him to his dorm, but then I afraid that someone will see us as it was the company dorm afterall and it will be bad for both of us if we get caught. Ten minutes later I start driving as I decide to take him to my own apartment because it will be more safe compared to others. My apartment is similar to the apartment that Nichkhun had stay when he filming WGM so it had more privacy compared to other normal apartment.

While driving, sometimes I turn to my side and see the peaceful face of Nichkhun who already had been in deep sleep. My lips curve a smile. Half an hour later, I reached at my apartment. I get out of the car and slowly take Nichkhun hand around my shoulder. I walk slowly and bring Nichkhun to my bed and cover him with a blanket before I left to take a shower to refresh myself.



to be continued...


sorry for my bad english again..

i hope you can leave a comments and please subscribe..thanks..

next chapter maybe a hot moments between kahi and nichkhun??maybe??^^,

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will be updating chapter 7 soon..please wait..>.


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 16: Ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plzplzplzplzplzplz update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im waiting, waiting, waiting, ... So c-something is cheating on tori? And khun is falling for the other girl and tori is somewhere in the middle.
happy reader
Haiflyhigh #2
Chapter 16: Wow! Please...keep writing this story. It's so interesting. I want to read more...I'm hoping you change your mind and update this story.
Chapter 16: Update plizz plizz :)
khuntoria22 #4
Chapter 15: is this true story or just a make up? ><
paquitz #5
Update please :)
silvermercury #6
this fic is so good, please update soon~
ChoSoohyun #7
Chapter 16: update soon please ..
Chapter 16: awww nice chapter. i hope you can update more this fic is just so beautiful.
qkhunv #9
sad not khuntoria fanficㅜㅜ...
DarkestAngel #10
khun... why you so slow dude.... whenever you had the chance just grab her and kiss her