That Accident~

Is It Right To Love?

Nichkhun sitting alone in his room as others 2PM members had go to Japan for JYP Nation Concert. the concert that supposedly being attend by him as a fellow of 2PM members. He always looking forward for this concert because he had put alot of effort in improving himself in singing, dancing and also physical strength. He always dream to be along with others under JYP which are Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM, miss A, JOO, San E, JJ Project and J.Y. Park on that day. It had been a long period since he perform on stage and he miss it. The latest activities that he attend to is in special episode of Running Man Idol Olympics and MBC Star Idol Olympics. He really enjoyed the both shows that he attend since he's really love sport and good in it. This had been proved by his friends and fans. That's why he manage to make idol team wins in Running Man Special idol Olympics and also he wins in table tennis where he paired with T-ara’s Jiyeon. But, all the joy and happiness he feel ended drastically after that incident.


He had dinner with fellow JYP Entertainment artists after a rehearsal at that night on last July 24. After dinner he drink a 2 glass of beer although he feel he don't  want to drink on that night. But as a sense of respect towards others who invite him to drink so he had to. He excuse himself a little bit early than others because he feels really tired after a long rehearsal on that day. He want to have a nice rest as they will fly to Japan on the next day. When he was driving home at about 2:30 AM suddenly out of blue moon, a motorcycle appearde in front of his car. Although he did not drive in high speed but due to the situation when the motorcycle suddenly appeared,he lost control and he hit the motorcyclist. This happened in the Gangnam area in Seoul which close to his dorm. He really shocked when that happened and he immediately hit the break but still can't manage to avoid the accident from happened. After a while, he pull up his spirirt and get out of his car and kneel in front of the motorcyclist who had been lying on the road. He really feel sorry.


"what have i done..?' Nichkhun said. He looked straight to the motorcyclist and the tears slowly fall to his cheeks. He space out for a moment.

"'s hurt..." said the motorcyclist. Nichkhun suddenly awake and quickly take out his phone and call the police and ambulance. He also call his manager, Minjae shi to inform him what happened.

"don't move, and stay where you are..i'm afraid you might hurt yourself even more if you force yourself to stand up" nichkhun say to the motorcyclist when he saw the motorcyclist tried to get up.

The motorcyclist just let out several groans in order to express his pain. Nichkhun lost words and just keep kneeling in dront of him. Several people start to gather to see what actually happens because it happens in the late morning, not many people had gathered at that time.


15minutes later, the sirens from ambulance and police car can be heard. Minjae also arrive almost at the same time when the police arrived. He come closer to Nichkhun when he see the police had surrounded the accident scene and want to start asking several question to Nichkhun. One of the police office taking out a breathalyzer and ask Nichkhun to test his breath. A breathalyzer test showed his blood alcohol content to be 0.056 percent, which is above the percentage that being allowed in Korea law. It will resulted in the automatic suspension of his license. Because of that, he was booked by the police for drunk driving. He feel that it was the doom for his careeer. 


"yah Nichkhun, what have you done?"ask Minjae.

"mianhe hyung..i don't know how this can happen..i..i..."Nichkhun chuckles on his own words and Minjae can see his tear rolling down on his cheek. He can also see how pale Nichkhun's face at that time.

"be strong..i'm here..."Minjae said and gently pat his shoulder.

"can the two of you follow me to the police station to discuss about this accident?" one of the police officer suddenly said that to Minjae and Nichkhun who stood silently at that time. 

"ok.."Minjae answer shortly and he ask Nichkhun to enter his car and follow the police car. The ambulance had already leave the scene to send the motorcyclist for treatment.


On the next morning, all the news state about Nichkhun accident. Due to that a lot of netizens become angry towards him and said that motorcyclist is the victim eventhough the police department still do not done yet with the case investigation. They put the blame on Nichkhun shoulders as they sayid it totally Nichkhun fault for driving under influence and hit someone. This situation continued until now.


Park Jin Young immediately call Nichkhun to his office on the next morning and lose his temper towards Nichkhun. He ask nichkhun to take a break and not participate in the JYP upcoming activities. Nichkhun can only said that he really sorry and agree with the punishment that he received. Deep down underneath, he feel its also the right thing to do because he do not have much strength left to face the angry netizens. He just nodded his head to everythin that JYP said and leave the office after that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now, here he is. Everyday he just spend his time in his dorm and gym. He always let out his anger, and regret with kickboxing exercise. He feel lonely. Only his mom will accompany him day by day. He afraid to surfing the internet as it can demotivate him even more. He had do it once, and he really regret it when he read all the negative comment towards him that make him feel down. But, with his mom advice, he's no longer do it. He will find any video that can make him happy and less pressure. 


Nichkhun look at his phone and open the contact numbers. He search for Victoria name. Yes, her virtual wife. That is what other people said, but they do not know that between them, the relationship is not virtual, but real. He dial Victoria's number and waiting fot her to answer it.


"Hi, I'm Victoria..I can't answer your call right now. Please leave a message after the beep tone" .


He let out a long sigh..This is not the first time he heard that line. Ever since the night of accident, he had try to reach Victoria. He only manage to get throuh her two times. But i'ts only for a short talk. He realized that victoria had change in the past several months. She seems cold towards him and he don't know why. He only thinks that Victoria had been busy to promote her new comeback song "electric shock" so, he just let it go. But the rumours that he heard about   Victoria and the lead actor in the chinese drama that Vic act make him feel uneasy. He remember that he had fight with Vic when he find out that Vic had to do a lot of kiss scene in that drama with the lead actor. However Vic give him the 'work' as a reason for her to do so. But,still it's bother him untill now because he knows from krystal that vic still keep in touch with that actor. He miss her right now. She's used to be her partner whenever he want to talk to, whenever he happy, sad, mad and down, Vic will be there for him. It is the same goes to Vic. It had been a year since they officially being a couple without anyone knows except 2PM and f(x) members.


The ring from his phone make him startled a little. He looks at the caller and his lips begin to smile. It's Victoria.

"yeobsaeyo.." Nichkhun said.

"yeobsaeyo, khun are you okay?I'm sorry i can't answer your call just now, i'm quite busy here" she said.

"kenchan-na, I just want to hear your voice. I miss you" he said in a deep voice.

"urm..Khun, i miss you too.."she hesitately answer. Nichkhun can notice that something is not right.

"Vic, do you want to tell me something?"he ask.

"Nothing's it's nothing" she stopped talking and keep silent. Nichkhun start to thinking negatively.

"Vic, if you want to said something, just say it..i'm ready to hear all about it"..nichkhun say in a low voice yet he feel afraid to hear what she will tell him.

"Khun, i'm sorry to tell you this, but i think i can't always be by your side anymore"..she said in one breath and Nichkhun feels like his heart had been stab by a bucket of sword. He froze at the moment. He don't know what to say, speechless. Only the tears on his cheek now show how he feels.

"i'm sorry khun, but it's a lot thing that happen lately. i have to manage a lot of thing and i can't find a time to spend for you. i think maybe we need to take a break right now." she said again when Nichkhun just keep silent.

"are you leaving me?" Nichkhun ask with a shake voice. She knows that Nichkhun crying at that time.

"I'm not totally leaving you..I just need a space to think about us..I want to focus in my career evenmore..If fate will bring us together again than we will be together Khun" she said calmly.

"I hope you can take care of yourself, be strong okay..i need to go.."Victoria add and cut the line.


Nichkhun just froze at that time. He stares at the wall blankly and the tears never stop to rolling down.


"why all this happen to me?why did you must leave me at this time. when i need you the most, you just..." Nichkhun can't finish his words.He crying out loud as he feel that his hear had been hurt deeply. He ended up sleeping in tears on the couch at the living room. The day had change to the night and he still sleeping as he had ran out all of his energy due to the current situation that he had face. What even worse is that, the only person that can be his strength also had leave him. what a cruel fate.......


~~to be continued~~~


p/s:sorry 4 bad grammar.

to khuntorians, i'm sorry because make victoria character that way, it just for fun and nothing else..

i'm khuntorians though..:D

kahi will appear in the next chapter..wait for my update..^^,






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will be updating chapter 7 soon..please wait..>.


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 16: Ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plzplzplzplzplzplz update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im waiting, waiting, waiting, ... So c-something is cheating on tori? And khun is falling for the other girl and tori is somewhere in the middle.
happy reader
Haiflyhigh #2
Chapter 16: Wow! Please...keep writing this story. It's so interesting. I want to read more...I'm hoping you change your mind and update this story.
Chapter 16: Update plizz plizz :)
khuntoria22 #4
Chapter 15: is this true story or just a make up? ><
paquitz #5
Update please :)
silvermercury #6
this fic is so good, please update soon~
ChoSoohyun #7
Chapter 16: update soon please ..
Chapter 16: awww nice chapter. i hope you can update more this fic is just so beautiful.
qkhunv #9
sad not khuntoria fanficㅜㅜ...
DarkestAngel #10
khun... why you so slow dude.... whenever you had the chance just grab her and kiss her