Is It Right To Love?

After one hour spent for shopping the groceries, we arrives at Kahi's apartment. I bring all the groceries inside and not even let Kahi to bring any shopping bag. I want to do it by myself. I want to let her know how much I appreciated her being my closest friends while i'm in hiatus. It's mean a lot to me..


I put all the things we buy on the kitchen cabinet. Kahi's left to her room to refresh herself. She insisted on helping me, but I keep saying it's okay and push her aside to let her take a bath. I start chopping the ingredients to be use in cooking the spaghetti. Aside from that, I also prepared the ingridients for a beef steak. This two main dish is my specialty. I got confidence in cooking that. I smile to myself when the sauce is cook perfectly. I'm hoping that Kahi will like it.


While the sauce being cooked, I take out the bottle of red wine that I bought secretly at the mall. I had to lie to Kahi by saying that I need to buy a bottle of sauce for the members and she really buy it. Hehe.. I setting out the table and serve the spaghetti first while the meat still being cooked. I hum to a song that being played in my phone when waiting for the meat to be fully cooked. 


15minutes later, I finished cooking and make a way to the bathroom to wash up my face. If only I had bring an extra clothes, I'll be more than happy to hit the shower. It's a lil' bit uncomfortable cause the last bath I take is this very early morning. I dried my face and head to the stairs. Kahi's still not show up till now, so I need to called her right now before the food get cold.


"Kahi-ah, food is ready. Come and fill your grumbling stomach" I said jokingly. But all I get is a silent answer although I had call her several times. I climb up the stairs and head to Kahi's room. It's being slightly open. i slowly take a step closer to her bed room door and try to knock softly, afraid that i might startled her. I don't want to rudely enter a girl room. It's not proper for grown up men to do that, that's what my mom taught me.


After the third knock I still get no response. I start to feel worried because of it. It's been more than one hour that she's gone to refresh herself. I try to knock again and when all my attempt failed, I decided to enter her room. I'm worried if there's something bad happens to her. I pushed the door slowly while calling her name. Her bed room are clean and neat. She's sure know how to decorate her room well. The plain pink paint combine with a light blue coral paint give her bedroom environment a relaxing aura. 


My eyes start to roam around searching for her and it suddenly fixated on her bed. I see her laying lifelessly. She seems so adorable. I believe that she's in her dreamland right now. I call her, but still no answer. I approach her by walking slowly and carefully, afraid that i might making some noise that will make her jump out from her dream state. I take the chance to admire this beauty goddess like. My hands move on its own will as my knees bending down to take a closer look on her face. I trace her face from her eyebrows, down to her nose and caress her cheek that have those beautiful dimples. Seconds later, my thumbs had caress her tempting lips. I gulp down my saliva. I start to imagine the scene when I get to kiss those lips. I'm trying to gain control of myself, but my body lean closer and closer until my head is only several inches from her face. 


Out of nowhere my phone suddenly rang and it startled me to death as Kahi's also open her eyes. She's also surprised to see my face being too close to her. I swear my face right now are being red as tomato. She's abruptly sit down while a take a few step back from her bed. I scratch my head and try to clear up my throats. 

"Dinner is ready. I try to call you several times but don't get any response. Sorry to enter your room without your permission" I said but try not to looking towards her. 


"I'll be waiting downstairs". With that I hurriedly excused myself and ended up bumping my head with her door and stumble backwards. I curse myself by being so clumsy. I get up as soon as I can and head out from her room. Before I close the door I barely hear her chuckle and said, "how cute". It somehow lessen the pain I feel right now.


I wait for her at the dining table while rubbing my temple. It's a lil' bit red because of that hit. My mind have a war within myself because of what i did earlier. I regret it so much cause I've enter a woman's bedroom without getting permission from the owner. While I lost in my thought, a soft hand had been place on my temple, rubbing it softly. I looked up. Fully known whose hand it is. Kahi bent down to take a closer look to my red temple. She blow softly towards it that make my mind went blank by her action. And the next thing she do TOTALLY, ENTIRELY make me want to pass out.


She's just freaking KISS me...!!!

Okay..Not that KISS..

But a quick peck on my temple...

I can feel my blood rush up on my face..

My heart is beating repeatly..


"It's look delicious. Sorry cause I accidentally fall asleep just now.Let's eat.." She said and make me stare at her regaining my concious mind.


She flashed her beautiful dimple smile to me and I believe I can see the blossom flower falling down...Is this LOVE?

I think I'm just being shot by a cupid, right straight through my heart......

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will be updating chapter 7 soon..please wait..>.


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 16: Ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plzplzplzplzplzplz update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im waiting, waiting, waiting, ... So c-something is cheating on tori? And khun is falling for the other girl and tori is somewhere in the middle.
happy reader
Haiflyhigh #2
Chapter 16: Wow! Please...keep writing this story. It's so interesting. I want to read more...I'm hoping you change your mind and update this story.
Chapter 16: Update plizz plizz :)
khuntoria22 #4
Chapter 15: is this true story or just a make up? ><
paquitz #5
Update please :)
silvermercury #6
this fic is so good, please update soon~
ChoSoohyun #7
Chapter 16: update soon please ..
Chapter 16: awww nice chapter. i hope you can update more this fic is just so beautiful.
qkhunv #9
sad not khuntoria fanficㅜㅜ...
DarkestAngel #10
khun... why you so slow dude.... whenever you had the chance just grab her and kiss her