Is It Right To Love?




It’s been a week after Khun confession to s about the current status between him and Victoria. Can’t be denied that it do lessen the burden in his heart. Not totally though but at least now, he had to depend too. They are like a family to him; the bond that they share together is really tight. Thus, it makes him strong to go on.


Today Nichkhun had the chance to meet Kahi again. The smile plastered on his face. They had the same class for horseback riding lesson this afternoon. Several classes that he had to attend alone really bored him. It’s because she’s not there with him due to the something that she need to attend regarding her solo album. But, he manages to learn fast through that boring class and today he’s at the same level with Kahi. (A/N: I told you he’s the fast learner..kekeke)


He wakes up that day with a bright smile and keeps smiling. He gets out of the bed and makes his way to the bathroom. Done with the bath, he wear a short pants and a spongebob t-shirt. He walks to the kitchen and start to prepare breakfast. He makes a western breakfast, hot dog, baked beans, scramble egg and not to forget the toast. He prepared six plates of breakfast set.



After finished sitting up the table and satisfy with it he turn around to ’s room to wake up them so that they can have their breakfast together. Before he reaches Wooyoung’s room he notices that Chansung had already wake up or should be said “half wake up”. He still is being covered by the duvet. He sitt sit still while the duvet covered him from his head and only his front face can be seen. His nose seems to sniff something. He’s the monster when it coming to food. Chansung sleeps in the living room but he’s not the person to wake up early. Nichkhun then decide to ask Chansung to get up and washed up before they eat breakfast.


“Chansung-ah just wakes up already. Your big stomach can’t be filled just by sniffing. The food gonna get cold anyway.” Khun said and pull over the duvet from covering Chansung.

On the second hearing about the mentioning of “food” automatically Chansung stand up and open his eyes widely looking at Nichkhun.

“Hyung. I’m not dreaming right? I did really smell something and it’s indeed the food you made right? Tell me hyung!” Chansung said excitedly and while he reach out his hand, put it on Khun’s shoulder and shake his body.

“YAH!! Stop it. You gonna make my head spinning” Khun yell at the maknae.

Chansung let Khun go and rush to the kitchen.


That maknae scream and try to reach the food that had been served. Only 1 cm before his hand reach the food, Nichkhun grab his hand and drag him to the bathroom ignoring the whining maknae.

All the members seems to wake up from Chansung’s loud scream. They all get out from their room only to see that maknae being drag off.

“What happen? I heard someone screaming” Junsu said, scratching his not itchy head.

“Why did you guys so loud in the morning? It’s only 8.30 a.m” Taecyon add still sleepy.

They got schedule on 1 p.m. So they all preferred to sleep a little longer to gain back their energy from the pack schedule. Junho and Wooyoung just stand there and yawning several time.

“I’ve make your guys breakfast. So all of you wash up your face right now then we can eat breakfast together while it still warm” Nichkhun tell s.

“Hyung, let me go. I want to eat” Chansing said and trying to break free from Nichkhun’s grasp.

“Wash your face first maknae-ah” Junho cut Nichkhun’s off before Nichkhun can say anything.

“Hyung, it’s really rare for you to make us breakfast. Did something good happen? Or did you hit your head when you fell out of bad?” Wooyoung asking.

Other members just staring at Nichkhun, waiting for an answer. It’s true that he doesn’t really the type of person that wake up early just for the sake of making breakfast for s even though he did it sometomes. But, it’s really rare. He admits that. But, since he’s in a good mood today so he decides to make breakfast for them. Other than that, he just want to show a gesture to that always there to support him.


“Yah stop interrogating. Do you guys want to eat or not?” Nichkhun ask them.

“It’s delicious hyung” Chansung voice can be heard. They all turn their attention to Chansung that already starting to dig on his food. No one notice how that monster food maknae got there. Last time they check, he still with them. Realizing that Chansung had starts eating alone, they scattered around and make their way to wash their face quickly before all the food being swallowed by that monster.

Nichkhun just smiling to see clumsiness. He then walk back to kitchen and sit beside his maknae and start eating together after all the members join them. Wooyoung take away his plate from the table when Chansung try to steal his food. They all tease each other during breakfast make them look adorable.


Nichkhun had already waiting in the living room. He ask Minjae to drop him off at the horseback riding place as it was the same way where 2PM gonna head too. While waiting for to be ready his phone vibrating. “Bzzz.. Bzzz” Nichkhun take out his phone from the pocket and read the message that he just received.


From: Kahi the Dancer Goddess

“Did you really sure that you don’t want me to pick you up?”


Nichkhun just smiling and typing something to reply Kahi’s message. Kahi open the message that she received.


From: Prince Nichkhun

  “Ne, I’ll manage. Can’t bear to burden you always. You’re not my driver..kekeke”


Kahi smile even wider when she read the message.


To: Prince Nichkhun

“I don’t mind being your driver, my Prince..kekeke..Okay then. I’ll see you there”




Kahi arrive at the horseback riding place 10 minutes earlier. She decides to stay on her car to wait for Nichkhun. Five minutes later she notices the van stop by the roadside and she see Nichkhun getting out from it. She curves a smile when she sees that face without she notice it. Waiting till the van go away, Kahi then get out from her car and wave at Nichkhun.




Nichkhun P.O.V

Aishh, how I miss those smile. My unconscious mind speaking. I raise my hand and wave back to her. I walk towards her slowly while enjoying the view in front of me right now. I miss this person, I can’t deny it. Just by looking at her face make my problem go away. I love when she smile and those dimple of her shows up. It just makes me mesmerize by her beauty. Although I should call her noona, I don’t want to do it. She’s still look like a teenager in my eyes. She wears simple attire. A pair of blue jeans with white t- shirt and a black jacket. Make her look younger.




“Hi, long time no see. You look great” I start the conversation when I already stand in front of her.

“It’s only one week, you exaggerating. You look dashing too” she said still showing her attractive dimples wile pointing at me. i just smile to her compliment.




“It’s quite boring to practice alone” I pouting.

“Aigoo stop pouting” she said while she playfully pinched my cheek. I’m quite surprised when she do that so I just stand froze at that time. She also seems startled after seeing I froze and quickly remove her hand from my cheek as her cheek start to change it colour. She just look down, afraid to look at me. “how cute” I said in my mind. I can feel both of my ears burning right now.


Kahi P.O.V

Did I just pinch his cheek? Aishh stupid hand. Who said you can move freely. I mentally slap my hand that touches Nichkhun’s cheek right now. OMG, I can feel my cheek burning right now. So embarrassing. I keep looking at the floor until I hear he said something.

“Kahi-ah I think we should head to the barn. We already 5 minutes late”

I raise my head and looking at him while nodded.

“O-Okay, let’s get moving” I stuttered a little bit.


I can’t believe when my coach said that Khun had already in a par with me. It means that he really progress a lot in a short amount of time. He’s smart enough to be on the same level with me. Well I already being categorized in the advanced beginner stage, where it means I can sit on a quiet, well-schooled horse without losing her balance when it is loping or cantering. There’s a several stage in riding the horse, starting from the pre-beginner to the advanced. It’s all six stage where the stage I’m on now is the third stage. We starting the lesson slowly as Nichkhun’s coach keep praising him by saying that he’s so close to the next stage, which is the intermediate rider. Intermediate rider is when the rider may show signs of competitiveness or seriousness about riding. When works with a school horse, you can mount without assistance, walk, trot, canter, ride circles, serpentines, knows what diagonal or lead she is on, and can stop the horse from any gait. That’s what my coach said during the class.


I admire him. He’s so perfect. I know that there’s no one that perfect but for me he close to the perfection. The way he ride the horse is sooooo charming. He looks like a prince. Oh how good it is if he’s the prince and I’m the princess. I began to think nonsense and spacing out until I feel the horse stop walking. I look down and I can see my coach hold the longe line/reins of my horse and direct it back to the barn.


Finished with today lesson, we walk back to the parking site. As walking we keep talking and laughing. He tells me that he’s so boring when practicing alone until he talks to the horse that he rides. He’s so cute I think. He also asking me about my solo album progress and saying that he really looking forward to hearing it and can’t wait to purchase my album. He also did mention about getting my autograph when he purchase the CD.


“You had any plan after this?” I ask him when we reach to the parking side. I unlock my car and throw my bag at the back seat.

“Anniyo. I think I just go straight back to the dorm”

“Why don’t we fill our stomach first? I really hungry right now” I make a suggestion. It’s not that I really starving but just to find excuses to spend some more time with him. Don’t tell me why, because I don’t have the answer for that. I just follow what my heart said.

“That’s a great idea. Can we grab Mc Donald? I crave for their new burger. Grilled Chicken Burger. It looks tasty when I saw it on TV commercial last night.” He excitedly said. I just nodded and ask him to get in the car. I start driving to the nearest McDonald restaurant. We just make a drive thru to avoid from being recognized. I drove my car towards the lake that I brought him last time. Omo, I suddenly remember about the kiss incident and I began to choke with the fries. I start coughing. When he notice that I start to choke he quickly hand me the coke.

“Thank you for the coming to my rescue for the second time” I said when I manage to get out from choking.

“Second rescue?” he wrinkle his forehead show that he doesn’t understand what I was saying.

“Ddukbokki accident? Does it ring a bell?”

“Ohh okay I get it” he laughing after that. That make me feel confused. Just when I want to ask him for the reason, he cut me off.

“Seems like I need to always be there when you eating, so I can come to your rescue” he make out a joke while still laughing.

Although it’s only a joke but why is it my heart start to beating fast?

Dageun.. Dageun…

There it comes again. Nichkhun. What spell that you had cast on me? I shook my head and continue to eat. 

“What do you say if we watching a movie after this? It’s still early” I said when we finished eating.

He looks at me while cleaning up the mess on the bench. I make pleading eyes.

“Hurm.. I don’t know. What movie that you want to watch?” he smiles.

“Batman the Dark Knight Rises” I excitedly said it out loud.

“Puhaha..” He laugh and put his hand on his stomach.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Anniyo. I don’t think you’re the type of woman that attracted to this kind of movie. It’s a bit childish but I like it” he said when he manage to stop laughing. I pouted. He pat me on my shoulder.

“Okay, don’t get sulky. I’m sorry. Let’s go watch the movie. But I think I need to borrow your cap” he said while pointed at my cap inside the car.




We finished watching around 6 p.m. Thank god that there weren’t so many people today. Since it’s a weekdays. People tend to watch the movies on weekends. While driving him back to his dorm he suddenly said “ Kahi, you know that I like to spend time with you. But..”

He stopped while my heart keeps beating faster. Don’t tell me that he don’t wanna go out with me again. Did he afraid people will know? A lot of things come through my mind right now.

“But I think I need to pay you back. You’ve done a lot of favor for me and I think I owe you” I let a relief sigh.

“Tell me what I can do to make it up to you” he said again.

“Cook for me” I said. I don’t know where I got the idea, but it just came to me. The next thing I hear make me smile again.

“Okay, let’s go and by the groceries”





“Krys, I really bored today” Amber said looking at Krystal who’s lying on the couch. They watching the television and all alone as other members had their own activity.

“Yahh.. How come you can say you’re bored when you had the chance to spend time with me?” Krystal snapped.

“An-Aniyo. I didn’t mean it like that. I just feel boring when we just watching TV all day long. I want to do another activities” Amber said, scared to the mini ice princess.

Hearing that Krys throw a smile. “a Aigoo, my llama is really cute when she’s nervous” Krystal ruffled Amber’s hair. Amber just grinned showing her dorky smile. He love’s it when Krystal ruffled her hair.

“So what do ypu plan to do?” Krystal ask.

“Why don’t we go to the club? It’s been a long time since the last time I go clubbing” Amber said.

Krystal hesitate a lil’ bit. “ Urm, I need to ask my unnie first” Krystal dial Jessica number and ask for her permission. Amber just staring at Krystal waiting for her to finished the call.

Once Krys put the phone down, Amber shoots her a question. “What she say?”

Krystal makes a sad face and let out a sigh. Amber understands it and joins to sigh after that, she look down. Her plan to have fun with Krystal FAILED.

Suddenly Krystal giggling and Amber throw the confuse look before she realize that Krystal just play around with her. Feeling betrayed she began to tickling Krystal until Krystal out of breath. She stops and rests her head on Krystal shoulder. “Don’t make me like a fool again or you know what I’m gonna do to you” Amber whispered. Krystal turns her face to the right where Amber rest her head.

“What can you do?” Krystal smirked.

“You’ll know it when you do it again” Amber said while staring at Krystal eyes.

“I want to know it now” Krystal command.

“You really want to know about it princess?” Amber said while lean closer to Krystal.

“Y-Ye-Yes” Krystal stuttered. She can feel Amber’s hot breath on her face right now. She close her eyes when she feels Amber’s soft lips on hers. They both began to drowning in each other’s arm.




Later at Night

Amber and Krystal arrived at the club. This club can be say as the private club where it’s only the members can enter. Amber holds Krystal’s hand while making a way towards the bar counter.

“Two soda please” Amber said to the bar tender.

While waiting for their drinks, they both sit on the chair provided and looking around the club when suddenly Krystal shake Amber’s hand and pointed to the dance floor.

Amber’s jaw drops when she sees that the girl kissing in the middle of the dance floor is her leader; Victoria.










“I can’t believe umma said that. I know they already break up but she’s not supposed to talk like that”

“It’s my life, let me decide”

“Make love to me..”

“Where are you?”



hi guys..thanks for the new subscribers and those who read my story..

please comments and subscribe..

i'm open to any suggestion..hope you guys enjoy..^_^


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will be updating chapter 7 soon..please wait..>.


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meemow123 #1
Chapter 16: Ohmygod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plzplzplzplzplzplz update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im waiting, waiting, waiting, ... So c-something is cheating on tori? And khun is falling for the other girl and tori is somewhere in the middle.
happy reader
Haiflyhigh #2
Chapter 16: Wow! Please...keep writing this story. It's so interesting. I want to read more...I'm hoping you change your mind and update this story.
Chapter 16: Update plizz plizz :)
khuntoria22 #4
Chapter 15: is this true story or just a make up? ><
paquitz #5
Update please :)
silvermercury #6
this fic is so good, please update soon~
ChoSoohyun #7
Chapter 16: update soon please ..
Chapter 16: awww nice chapter. i hope you can update more this fic is just so beautiful.
qkhunv #9
sad not khuntoria fanficㅜㅜ...
DarkestAngel #10
khun... why you so slow dude.... whenever you had the chance just grab her and kiss her