How did you know I like cupcakes?

I'm Entirely in love

The day went by quickly. Kris and your father thought it was better to tell Mr and Mrs Wu about this and by the eveing they came to visit. And youmade decisions over the night like , now that the doctor has told to do less work for your father you decided to do all the paper work till your father isallowed to take then over again. You even told sunmi and she offered to stay with you in the hospital woth you over the days.

It was past mid night now and your dad went to sleep. Since you cant stay in the hospital you wentt back home with kris.


The next morning you left for the hospital woth kris. He dropped you of before going to SM for his schedule.

"I'll come by to meet you and Mr Kim after my schedule is over. 9 or 10" He sia d before he left. And your were excited. You usually dont see him onweek days but now that you can it excited you. You'd ask how his day went like every other good caring wife or fiance. Though the thought gave you a uncomfortable feeling, you and kris arent really like the other couples.

You sat on the stood besides you father's hospital bed going through the paper work of this month. You were the heiress of the SM equity shareholder,so you  did have some responsibility over the job.

You ganced over to the wall clock it was 10:37 pm. Kris came on time from past three days but today he is unusually late today. You eyes shifted tothe sleeping figure of your father. His treatment is going well but you can see the fact that he has got thiner, was it because of the hospital food or wasit because of the illness.

Mr Yoon left early today and sunmi dint come. What if kris doesnt come and you have to be in the hospital over night? Yoy slight hit your head forthinking such thing. Of course kris will come! just because he is late doesnt mean he will forget to pick you up. From past three days kri has beensleeping over in the pent house and not at the drom. So he visits your dad and takes you home.

You sighed as you looked at the wall clock again 10:43 pm kris wasnt here yet. You goared and ruffled your hair making it messy. Unknow to youyour father silently observed everything. He wasnt sleeping he was pretending to. I was entertaining to see his daughter wait for kris who is runninglate. Its not that your afraid he will leave just wanted to see him cause you miss him, Mr Kim knows! you just dont.

He has been observing the way kris sees you these days. He knows that look anywhere, those same soft, gentle loving eyes he sees you mother with.

And the way you wait for it to tick nine so you can see kris again. May be you dint identify those feelings yet, but kris has. Mr Kim knew KrisMina willwork out, and he is your seceret shipper.

Comfirming that you are not looking Mr Kim slowly and quitly tungs his phone out of the pillow and types away.

To : Kris Wu

Your running late!!

P.S : She likes cupcakes.

From: Kim Yong Ho send @ 10:45 pm


It was past 11:15 and kris dint wasnt here yet. "Yi Fan! where th.---"   the door opened with a tired and panting looking kris walking in. You crossedyour arms and forwned at him.

"I'm sorry Im late" Kris whispered sitting on the chair panting. You noticed it and walked up to the small table besides your dads bed. You grabbed theglass jug and poured water in the glass and maked your way to kris, handing him the water. he mumbled a inaudible "Thank you"

"You better be! where have you been?" You asked making your voice soft so your dad wont wake up from hos sleep, or if he was but your dint know that.

"I had extra hours practice for SM Town in seoul so I ran late" Kris explained giving you the water glass. "And it took me more time to go buy these"

kris handed you a plastic bag.

You took the bag from his grab and peaked in , It had the logo of your favorite bakery "What is it?" You asked but dint wait for kris's reply and just sat next to him  and pulled the cardboard out and opened it.


Cupcaked with full cream of different colors and sprinkles were welcoming you. You beamed and looked at kris "these are for me?" You asked. You wanted to kill yourself for asking that. of course they were for you. But yet, you wanted to comfirm.

Kris nodded smiling "I heard you like cupcaked" he said. Kris's heart finally was on ease to see you smiling and it felt even better that the reason you were smiling was because of him.

"Who told you that?" you asked admiring the cupcakes. You just loved how they look like. Sometimes you feel like just leaving them they way they are and not eat them but you fail on doing that eventually.

Kris's smile was soon replaced by a panic frown. He cannot tell you that your father told him to bring them for you, You'd fell sad on knowing that krisjust brought them cause you father said so, and he wouldnt if you father dint.

"I....erm....its.....umm.....I-I" kris stuttered bitiing his lower lip avoiding any eye contact with you. And up on seeing your anxieous face wont help  a bit.

"Ahemmmmm" You father's loud cough and shift in his sleeping position starteled both you and kris.

"I think we should go or appa will wake up" you whisper carefully holding the cupcake box in on hand and your purse in ther other and walked out of the room, purposely letting the question go on lose.

Kris sighed in relief then mouthing 'thank you' to your father and received a wave and a wink in return from him. Kris chuckled and left the room slowing closing the door behind him. 'The things he does just to see his daughter happy'







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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^