I'm Entirely in love

I'm Entirely in love




You a daughter of Kim Yongho who owns 20% share in a entertainment agency SM. Your 18 old Korean girl with strain natural brown hair, 165 cm tall with curves at every right place in your body.  are you rich? ofcruse but you like to live a simple life despite you love for expensive, stylish clothes and cars. you are the only child because your  mother died when you were 3. you only had 2 people in your life, your father and your best friend sunmi. Even though your somehow related to SME you wernt a trainee or ever met the SM artist, because you wernt really interested though you like KPOP. you dint like obvious fangirling because of your high  ego issues.

"Seung mi~na!! wake up" your dad called from the other room. You shifted your position and pulled you blanket up to your ears. it was 11 in the morning and you were still in bed. Your dad walked into your room and started to sweetly wake you up "wakey wakey my little kitten" he shook you. he referred you to a cat because to him you resemble their characters.  Your dadpulled you out of the bed and dragged you to the bathroom that is attached to your bedroom. he pushed you in and you gore "appa!!" you sounded like a zombie. 15 min later after washing up and putting on comfortable clothes the day you made your way to the dinning room.

Sweet aroma hit you nose. you found your dad in a apron and making pancakes for breakfast. you dont have a chef because your dad always cooks for you. your dad rather act as a mother then a father. when you were young you dad would always make your hair. he did everything what a mother does, thats why you sometimes feel like calling him omma. "appa! it smells so good" you complemented and digged in. you dad sat across you on the dining table and digged on his pancakes. honestly, your dad cooks really delicious food. " by the way seung mi~na Im having having office party tomorrow and i want you to come with me" your dad said.


You instantly looked at your dad, he usually doesnt take you to his office parties and you wernt even interested cause they were always boring. "I want you to be very presentable, pick out the best dress and look beautiful" he continued. your dad never actually told you to do 'look presentable' or to 'look beautiful' so you were sure something was up. you put your fork down and interlinked your finger, lifting your hands and resting your chin over them "why do you want me to come appa?"you asked curious to know the answer. "there are some important people i want you to meet" your dad replied. this got you more curious "important people?" you asked him another question. you dad got up and put on his overcoat "you'll see tomorrow. now im off to the office" he bend down and kissed the top of your head "have good day sweetie" with that he walked out of the main door.

You quickly messaged your best friend Sunmi too meet you at the mall in an hour. you decided you'll use the 'look presentable part as an reason to buy new clothes. you walked down the street in your flora top, denim skinny jeans and killer heels. A group of girls rushed with their cameras through you, dashing you "WATCH WHERE ALL GOING" you shouted in irritation. they clicked their camera at the two men that stood next to you at the signal to cross the road. you dint notice them till the girls round you started to click pictures of them.

'who are they?' you mushed. you saw two guys, both of them were really tall....meaning really tall. one of the tall one which you happen to notice better because he stood right next to you. he had golden hair, with long and face, but a very mesmerizing. the other one was smiling creepily showing off his pearly whites.

You shifted you eyed to the golden haired tall guy. you slightly jumped because he was looking back at you. he looked down at you, with his Sharpe eyes, like he was trying to make a hole in the middle of you face. you took a step back and bummed slightly with some girl at your back, and she push you forward again. you couldn't look away, its was like he held your eyes. "do you mind moving?" the guy asked you, you realized that your shoulder was touching his.

You were surprised by this rudeness, you glared at him with your famous wtf-look "whatever " you replied rudely too and stood straight waiting for the cars to stop. And thank fully they did and you crossed the street and made your way to the mall. those girls followed the two guys where they went, they all disappeared somewhere and you dint bother to bring yourself to care.

You walked inside the mall and saw you best friend Sunmi waiting. "Seung mi~na! what took you so long" she walked up to you. "the signal was too long" you replied. "yeah right" she replied sarcastically and you pouted. "mianhaeyo" you said that in the cutest possible way you can. you both started laughing and started doing what you came here for, Shopping.

After 3 hours of shopping. you both decided to sit down at the food court. "seung mi~na, since its party in SM building get me a autograph from Lee Taemin...PLEASE" Sunmi hugged you by the arm. you sighed "Sunmi its my dad's office party! I dont think I will find SHINee there".
you hear her 'aww' and let go off your arm. "why is he taking you anyway?" she asked sipping on her juice. "I dont know, he wants me to meet some very important people" you replied with a confused look on your face. Sunmi's vibrated, she picked it up "Seung mi~na I must go now its mom!" with that you goodbyed each other and went to your homes.

The entire night the golden haired guys"s face pop in you mind randomly every now and then. His sharpe staring eye gave you goose bums every time you thought of them. You nuzzled your face in the pillow in irritation and drifted off to sleep. The next morning you woke up 3 hours before the party starts. You put on you white and black dress that ended till to your upper thighs, reviling you long doll like legs. you tired your hair in a messy bun and applied make up. You loved dressing up and you did it quite well. you put on your killer black heels and stood in front of the long mirror. you check yourself with a pose and walked out of the house satisfied with how you looked.

You drove to your father's office, your heels clicked  as you walked in the quite corridor making you way to the big hall. You a familiar face was walking towards you when you entered the place, it was dad's assistant. "Miss Kim you look very beautiful' she complimented and you smiled and nodded as 'thank you' " your dad is over there Miss Kim" she pointed towards your dad.

You found your dad looking at you with a big smile on his face, obviously satisfied with how presentable you looked. "ahh, Seung mi~na you look very beautiful" he conplimented you as he patted your back. You smiled and thanked him.

The next few hours went in you sitting on some couch at the Conner of the hall all alone and bored yourself to death because there were all business people there and all they did he talk about the company (SM), how it started, about its popularity, its stock market every business related topic. The worse part was that your phone was dead. You sighed in boredom 'what happened to dad's important people that he wanted me to meet?' you asked yourself and got up and search the room for you dad.

Just then you saw your dad indicating you to go over to him, you did as he said "appa! what about those people you wanted me to meet?" you asked as you approached.

Your didnt say anything and walked over to some old couple at the couch area and you followed him. "appa?" you called out but stopped when your dad lifted his hand pointing to the people. "Seung mi~na this is Mr and Mrs Wu" he intoduced to the old couple. You have heard of them, they are your dad's far distance close friend, your dad speaks about them but you never met them.

You gave them a 90 degree bow. "and this his their son Wu Yi Fan" you dad then pointed to a very tall guy in tux. you looked up to see him.

you month drop at the sight. the guy that stood in front of you was the same rude guy who u stood next at the signal yesterday afternoon. the golden face guy.

'Is reality kidding with me?'

You found him looking at you too, he looked like he recognized you too but then he was back to his face. You looked at your dad as he continued "he is your future husband". You choked,






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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^