night club?

I'm Entirely in love



You laid on the couch of the living room of your pent house. Yesterday was the oh so sucessful engagement. Just thinking about made mixed feeling overcome you. 2 weeks past but you were stilling living the same pent house with kris. Thanks to your father.

"Appa, its too late can we go home?" you whispered in your dad's ear. Your dad looked up at you and smiled. He was sitting with the Wu's and some other business couple that included Mr Lee SooMan. Sunmi and EXO went home an hour ago. But you and kris had to stay because you were the main people ofthis entire event, even thie entire 'event' was over hours ago, the older people dint seem to get tired and leave. It was 2am and you were exhusted also tomention kris sitting in some corner and dozing off.

"Sure dear You and kris can go home" you dad said aloud taking the other couple's on the table their attention, as if you and kris were already a couple and going home together was the most normal thing ever! you looked over to the other older people on the table and gave them a sheeply smile.

"But appa you told I live with you when your back from your business trip? 2 weeks are over appa. kris and I dont have to living in the pent house anymore remember?" you whispered through your teeth press together in a fake smile.

Your dad laughed out like you cracked a joke "Dear there are change in plans, you'll be now living with kris till you both get married and then after that we will buy you both a new house" your dad said aloud again "Isnt that right Mrs Wu? and Im sure Mr Sooman doesnt mind either" your Parents-in-law looked over at you and smiled nodding thier heads.

"Yes sweetie, we thought 2 weeks arnt enough for you two to get to know each other, and it'd better if you both lived togther from now on so you both wont have problems after getting married" Your Mother-in-law said while your father and father-in-law nodded along. Its so weird to call them that......

"Yes I okay with kris living with his wife" Mrs Sooman said smiling......well it was suppose to be one.

"Fience" you corrected hi with a fake smile.

The looked over to you whispering something in each others ears, how awkward is this?!

"And I dont mind getting a grandchild before you both get married" Mrs Wu chimed and the entire table erupted into laugher. You face was red with embaressment.

You covered your face with your hands "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" You squeeked and ran away. 'OMG! LADY YOU SHOULD SERIOUSLY STOP WITH THE GRANDCHILDREN THING!!!!!!!!'

You could hear the laugher from the table behind you while you make you way to a sleeping kris. 'Man! I Dint know olderpeople were so evil!'

"Yah! wake up" You shook kris's shoulder. He looked up at you with a half open eyelids "What?". You swore your heart did a little dance when kris's y sleepy voice entered your ear. You cleared yout troath "Lets go home"

"Yeah, your going home with your dad right? bye~" he said laid his head on the table again. You bit your lower lip and played with your fingers "erm....our parents did a little 'change in plan. They we have to continue living together in the pent house" You whispered the last parent but kris manage to catch it. You lifted his head and looked at you.

"Theyr said that?" He asked and you nodded. "Silly parents!" his hissed under his breath and got up. "Lets go then" he grabed you wrist and yanked you towards the exit.

"Y-yah, wait----APPA WE ARE LEAVING" You called out and waved them goodbye~

Thats how you ended up here in your pent house the next day on the couch watching mindless TV. It was 4 in afternoon and kris was still asleep in his room.

Lee sooman gvae kris 2 days off on schedule to spend time with you, not knowing that kris was speading it on sleeping. Not like you wanted to spend time with you....

Hours past and you still and you were still on the couch watching TV, only this time kris laid down on the floor right besides the sofa watching TV with you.

You have been bored all day and wanted to do something, well something in perticular but you needed kris's help. So you decided to give it a shot.

"kris...." You flip over to your right and hung your head down from the couch to looked at him, only to have you open brown hair to fall all over his face.

"oops!~" You quickly throw your hair behind your shoulders.

Kris stared at you blinking "Is there something you want?" You nodded.

"Kris is there something you want to do now that you dint do before and that you cant do after we get married?" you asked.

Kris looked at you confused and thought for a minute "I...dont think there is something I want to do" kris answered. You nodded and laid back down on your back again. You thought it was better you wont ask again.

"Is there something you want to do?" kris asked. You nodded frequently and fliped over your right again and again to have your hair fall all over kris face.

"Sorry again and yes I do have an idea" You said and flips your hair behind you back like a shampoo model.

"Then what is it?"

"I want to go the night club!!!" You chimed smiling widly.

Kris shot up in a sitting position and looked at you like you slapped him with his eyes wide as saucers "EXCUSE ME?"











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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^