dont hurt her

I'm Entirely in love


"LAY!!!" You exclaimed.

Lay punched the guys around you "Get you dirty hands off her!" He pushed then away. The guys dint fight back and just ran when lay mentioned cops.

He then bend down to you creasing your cheeks. You looked at him with tear continues to fall down your face. you scooted up and hugged lay, your arms around his waist and your face dugged in his chest. You started to sob.

Lay hugged you back, holding to holding you really thigh "Hey, its okay....shhhhuu shhhuu Im here now, everything is okay~ your safe" Lay patted the back of you head clamming you down. You both were in such a tight hug your bobbies might get glued together. You slowly pulled back whipping your tears.

Lay couped your face and wiped your tears with his thumps "Ill take you come....come on" He lifted you up. You grabbed his shirt not to let go of him because your legs felt weak and you wernt sure if you could walk.

The two of you walked back to the taxi stand and in matter of few minutes there was a taxi waiting for you two of you to get in. Lay carefully let you get inside the cab and sat besides you. He told the drive the address. The driver watched the both of you in awe probably thinking what a sweet boyfriend was lay caring his girlfriend who looks horribly terrified. Yes lay was caring about you and yes you were terrified but the only thing her is lay wasnt your boyfriend but just a friend he wasnt suppose to be so caring but the person who should be left you alone and went home.

The driver kept looking at you and lay from the review mirror. Lay never let go off you, his arms were wrapped around you protectively because he knew if he let go you will collapse and you had your head resting in his shoulders. The feeling that lay's protective arms gave you was like no can hram you in anyway, it felt safe so comforting.

You looked up at lay, his were dark. His expression meant remained you of kris for some reason. Lay's jaw kept moving from side to side like he was clenching his teeth. He looked have never seen this side of lay before. He looked scary honestly. You looked away and rested your head on his shoulder again.

Soon enough you and lay reached your house, lay paid the taxi driver before he drove away. You and lay stopped in front of the main door and lay rung the bell, in few seconds it opened reviling kris.

You could look at him, you just couldnt so you looked down at the ground beneath your feet. Unlike you, lay looked right into kris's eyes. Kris stood at the door scaning you, wondering why you looked so terrified and why lay looked like he was about to burst out anger?

"Whats wrong with her?" Kris asked.

"Let us in and i will tell you" Lay replied in a monotone with kris has never heard lay in. Kris moved while you and lay get in. He looked at lays arms being around your shoulders protectively, Lay dint even lose touch with you as he let you sit on the couch, his hand holding yours. Kris scrolled, that annoying feeling returned when even he sees yo with lay but this time it was more stronger on seeing lay holding you hand. He could help but feel  like he should walk over and rip away your hand from lay's.

"Tell me now" Kris ordered walking over to you and lay.

"You want to know what happened kris" Lay started not in the mood to use formalities like 'gege' or 'duizhang' because when it comes to talking care of your kris dint act like duizhang at all. "She..." Lay continued pointing at you "....was about to get !"

Kris's eyes widen and his eyes shifting to look at you then back to lay. "But how?"

"How? You ask me how?" Lay slightly raised his voice, he wanted to shout but he could do it in front you. so he indicated kris to follow him to the kitchen. "I'll be back okay,stay here" Lay told you ad he carefully place your hand back on your lap. Kris mouth twisted at the sight.

"I cant belive you kris!" Lay spung to look at his careless friend. Kris stood there infront of lay clueless. "Why did you leave her alone?" lay asked.

To kris's own surprise he dint know the answer himself.

"You just dont leave a girl alone at midnight kris!!!! You dont leave a girl to come home alone when you know that anything could happen to her? He could get , rubbbed, killed, kidnapped~ anything!" Lay shouted. But kris dint say anything, he has never seen lay be so angry before...never.

"But the worse happed, She got dragged into an empty alley by 4 drunk guys who had all intentions of her." Lay said. Kris could feel goosebumbs overcoming his whole body.

"Kris~What if I dint get there get there on time, What if I never followed her? What if I also left her alone like you did?" kris knew the asnswers to all of this, he looked down while holding on to the counter so he wont fall with all that lay hit him with.

"They would have her" Lay said in a low voice, fear hiting him. Kris closed his eye tightly, He cold bare the answer lay gave him. He could bare to even think of it. Kris and lay both looked at your direction from the kitchen before turning back to each other again.

"She is your responsibility kris~ none of this would have ever happened if her father was her. But he isnt, he left giving his daughter to you to take care of till he came back" Lay was right, you were his responsibility. He remembered when he had talked with your father once long before he left. He promised your father to take care of you and wont let anything happen to you. Thats the reason why he saved you from being hit by a car.

Pain ran over kris's body. Lay walked up to kris "Listen kris~ I know you dont like her, I know you dont want to marry her, heck! marry anyone for that matter. But you have no choice now kris." Kris looked at lay ready to get his lecture this time he was listing to lay.

"I know that for some reason you dont like it when seung mi~na is with me, I can see that face you make when she is around me. And I know thats the reason why your mood was awful today, because the photographer thought I and her were couple and when i touched her, I saw the face you made then" Lay was being start forward with  his words and it made kris realized that the angry feeling he gets when he sees you with him, kris doesnt like it when you are with lay.

Lay continued "I also know that is also thats the reason why you left her behide today. But please let go of you ego just for the sake of her, just dont do this anymore......Dont....hurt her" Lay pleaded looking your way. Seeing you like this hurt him very much.

Kris was looking at lay the entire time he spoke, he sees lay glancing at you every now and then..also the look in lay's eyes when he sees you is deferent too.
 "I promise"  Kris responded.

Lay sighed and walked out of the kitchen over to you with kris following him. Lay knees down in front of you so he can see straight at your face "I have to go now the other might be worried. Take care of yourself and forget what happened...arraso?" Lay creases your cheek.

You look at him with your teary eyes, and nodded slowly. "I'll see you later" Lay wasnt sure when was this later. He leaned in to your forehead and planted a small kiss. You felt lay's soft lips over your forhead, it felt so right.

Lay dint care weather kris was looking at him from across the room trying hard not to throw daggers at him. Lay bid goodbye and head of to the dorm.

You got up to go to your room, you needed sleep badly. You stopped as kris's tall body blocked your way "Whats that?" you look down to where kris grabbed your hand, you wound from the nail.

kris ran his finger over your cut, and you fliched from the touch. You quickly steped back. "i-its no-n-nothing" you shuttered and walked towards the stairs. But kris grabbed your hand and pulled you back. Kris dint want to hurt like he promised lay and your father.

You yanked you arm from kris's grab "I had enough of men touching me today" You said coldly and climed the stairs. "And you know what kris? I would have fallen for lay if I wasnt suppose to marry you" You dint know if you meant that but you felt like saying it.

Little did you know that your words were like anchors to kris's heart. 'Does she hate me so much?'









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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^