Kris is acting weird

I'm Entirely in love

The 11 boys slump down on the cold floor of their practice room drenched in sweat from 2 hours of continues rehearsals. Thats except kris, who laid flat on the floor with his left hand on his left cheek that was burning up like it was on fire.

"I think there is something extremly wrong with kris hyung" baehyung whispered.

"I have noticed too." sehun asnwered playing with luhan's fingers who's head was on his lap.

"When is he not weird" Kai said sacarstically which earned him a slap on the back of his head by D.O "Ouch! hyung I was just stating the truth" kai rubbed his sore wounded head.

"He just can't get his hand off his cheek" chen said.

"He slapped my hand away when I touched it" tao pouted and suho patted his back feeling sorry for his dongsaeng.

"Did seung mi~na slap him across the face?" chanyeol asked and the others bursted out laughing, even lay. But kris was too much in thought to hear friends laugh.


Early that morning kris came to SM for EXO's usual rehearsals. He opened the door of their practise room-with his free hand hand because his left hand was still on his cheek- where the other EXO boys where busy fooling around. "Look kris gege is here!!!" tao announced and ran to his beloved duizhang.

"Hi there duizhang!"

"Kris hyung I missed you!"

"What did you do you 2 day with seung mi~na mei mei kris~~"

Tao pulled kris into a tight hug and pulled away "Kris gege I missed you the most" tao chimed. Kris just nodded and replied with a "Missed you too". "Kris its nice to have you back" Luhan came over and patted the supposively younger boy's back.

Luhan and tao both looked at kris in utter confusion when they saw the taller guy's left hand on his left cheek. "what's wrong gege?" tao asked pointing at kris's cheek. "Nothing at all" Kris slowly removed his hand from his cheek.

Luhan's older brother instincts unleashed. Concerned he pick up his hand reaching in to touch's kris's left cheek "Are you sure?". Kris widen his eye and stepped away from luhan before he could touch his cheek where you kissed him "DONT TOUCH THE CHEEK" kris yelled just leaving tao and luhan flabbergasted.

Tao did the same as luhan concerned about his gege "Gege what happened?". But kris gently slapped tao's hand away "I SAID DONT TOUCH THE CHEEK" kris exclaimed again and walked over to the other member.

"Whats up with kris gege?" tao pouted and went to baekhyun.

A knowningly smirk spread over luhan's baby face "I think I know why?"

Kris wasnt over your kiss that you gave him on cheek. All night he slept with his hand on his cheek. The contact of your lips over his skin gave him million of butterflies dancing in his stomach. And everytime he thinks of it a smile spreads across his face. There are many girls that kissed kris's cheek but none gave him such a feeling. This feling was foreign to him And this is how kris ended up lying on the floor falt like in the beginning of the chapter.


"I think I know excatly why our duizhang is being werid today" luhan sat up straight smirking at kris while sehun pouted when luhan's head distached from his lap.

"WHY??" all unitioned except lay who also smirked at kris.

"Watch this" luhan got up from his place and walked towards kris "Kris~~~" luhan sang snapping kris out of his thoughts. Kris sat up striaght "Luhan gege?" Luhan sat besides kris and leaned in closer to him to whisper in his ear.

"Kris did mei mei kiss you on the cheek?" luhan asked. Kris widen his eyes bigger then tennis balls and kept shooking his head "No no no nothing like that happened" he lied.

Luhan ltilted his head to the left and smirked at kris "You know kris I was excatly like you when my ex girlfriend kiss me on the cheek for the first time" luhan said "So I know why you are acting like that" he wiggled his eyebrows "spill it out"

Kris bit his lower lip, ke knew it wasnt any use hiding this from luhan. He may look like the most innocent one but he knows his ways to get scretes out of his members some how or the other. Kris sighed louadly and looked at his feet "....yeah...she kissed me on the cheek" he gave up pointing his cheek where you kissed him. Luhan grined widely clapping his hand and standing up " I KNEW IT" he yelled.

Kris blushed all the shared of red before soemthing hit him. He furiously got up "XI LUHAN! YOU LIAR! YOU NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND! YOU CHEAT!!!!!!!!" kris excalimed but before he could reach for luhan, luhan had alread ran away to the other members.

"OUR DUIZHANG GOT KISSED BY HIS WIFE!!" luhan announced and wild cheered erupted the room even the manager and the dance choreographer hawled. "Yah no luhan is lying" kris tire to clam his wild member down while they smirked and . Even lay clapped 'I knew you both will get along'

"Ugh! they going to tease me all night today. There goes my stay at the drom! Luhan I'll stab you!" kris cursed and covered his ears.


Meanwhile, you fluttered your eyes open as the sun shone brightly on your flawless face. "what time is it?" You pulled out your phone and saw kris's miss 3 missed calls and one text as your awake up call an hour ago taht you missed. You opened his text to read it.

To Seung Mi~na :

Wake up lazy! Hows your leg? Can you walk? Btw, Im going to sat at the dorm with EXO M till weekend because there alot of schedule. Dont skip meals because Im not there and avoid walking alot today. I suggest you stay at your appa's till the week end Or call sunmi over. Okay I have to go now. Take care.

P.S: Watch when your walking down the stairs not because I dont want to see you hurt again but because your heavy to carry :P

P.P.S: Your lips are soft!

From Kris send at 12:15 pm

You were smiling madly at the text before replying it.

To Kris :

Im not lazy! Im awake now. I think my leg is fine but I will still avoid walking. I think I'll stay al appa's I miss him. I take care you too. And say hi to everyone especially Tao and lay oppa.

P.S: How dare you call me heavy you over grown gaint!!

P.P.S: BYUNTAE!!!!!!!!!!!

From Seung Mi~na at 1:10 pm.

You tugged you phone under you pillow and stared at the roof remembering how you pulled kris and kissed his cheek. You had no idea what came over you when you did that. You were just really happy that kris took so much care of you.

You blushed madly at the thought of kris's soft cheek under your lips "Ahhhhhhh~" you scremed and burried your face in you pillow chimming like a child.

"WHAT DID I DOO!!!!?!!" you shouted waving your hands and legs in mid air.





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I was about to update chapter 33 today for kris's birthday. But my pathetic net connection is acting gay and wont ket me. So I apologize for the delay and I tmr


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 1: Just started reading :) It's interesting! I look forward to the upcoming chapters :D
Chapter 46: ahahaha... just wow!!!!!!!!! update soon
LascoTM #3
Chapter 2: I love the conservations between characters and the observations you slip in here and there. ^^ , adore the casual flow of the story too '
Great job , keep it up !
Chapter 44: great update!
chooseme #5
love this...
givinkrishead #6
Chapter 42: Yeayyy double update!!
Aiyoo just confess already?

I wanna read fluffy soon!!
Palli palli
krisus1029 #7
Chapter 42: awwww... the father is cuteeee
Chapter 42: Awww... I would like a cupcake from Kris anytime.. hehehe ^^

But.. still Appa!
Chapter 41: Update soon, Author-nim~! Daebak^^
upew21 #10
Chapter 39: caring kris^^