
The Fault In Our Stars.

Chanyeol entered his Physics class, unaware that he was ten minutes late. “Thank you for wasting my time, Chanyeol.” His Physics teacher, Mr. Kim pointed out sarcastically. Chanyeol didn’t miss a beat and grinned back, “You’re welcome!”, causing many people to laugh.

Mr. Kim glared at Chanyeol and said, “Okay class, we have a new student. Please treat him well.”
A not-so-short boy entered the classroom and instantly, there was a flurry of whispers. Chanyeol looked up, bored, and was immediately struck dumb.

The boy that entered was gorgeous.

He had beautiful tousled brown hair, y naturally red lips, pale flawless skin, adorable eyes and he had beautiful long pale slender fingers. It was impossible not to stare at him. Chanyeol felt his mouth hang open and his mind was a complete blank.

“Holy … that guy is gorgeous.” He managed to mumble out, his eyes turning into little stars.

Around him, everyone else was feeling the same. He could see everyone, no matter guy or girl, eyeing him interestedly and his possessiveness suddenly grew. He glowered at all of them. I saw him first!

That boy lightly his chin with those long slender fingers and Chanyeol thought he was going to keel over and die. He glanced anxiously at the class, shuffled his feet and bit his lip nervously. Chanyeol felt a sudden impulse to jump out of his seat and hug the boy.

He shook himself out of his reverie. He had never felt like this for anyone before. He stared at the boy as Mr. Kim introduced him “His name is Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun, please find a seat.”

Baekhyun glanced at the class again anxiously, unsure of where to sit. Chanyeol raised his hand and yelled out, “He can sit with me, sir.”
Baekhyun looked at him and Chanyeol thought he could die happy. Mr. Kim nodded absentmindedly and said, “Go over there, Baekhyun.”

Baekhyun walked over and sat down next to Chanyeol. He ran a hand in his beautiful brown hair and Chanyeol felt his heart thump faster. He turned around and smiled hesitantly at Chanyeol. “Hello, my name is Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol grinned at him. “I’m Park Chanyeol!”
Baekhyun widened his eyes suddenly, his face turning pale. Chanyeol continued grinning while eyeing him quizzically. Why does he look so freaked out? He caught a glimpse of himself in the window and groaned mentally. Holy , I just freaked him out with my grin. Damn it, Park Chanyeol! Why must you scare him off on the first day?


He immediately stopped grinning and looked down sheepishly. “Sorry.”
Just then, Baekhyun giggled. His eyes crinkled up adorably as he smiled at the tall flustered boy next to him. “You’re cute.”
He turned away and looked to the front, leaving Chanyeol to gaze at him, completely gobsmacked. He fought the urge to squeal like a fanboy and tried to stay calm.

He had fallen hopelessly in love with Byun Baekhyun.

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pls continue this
InvisibleGurl21 #2
Chapter 20: It finished already?? I thought there will have a more chapter bcz u didnt write the 'completed' word yet on ur story. Im waiting here author nim. Btw, i really loved ur story. Fighting!! ^_^
will u continue this??
Hello ^.^. Uhm i found this fic through tumblr from a fanart post...and i am really happy i did. I havent read it yet but i am excited!(mainly due to the comments below) So you will see more comments from me in the near future. Have a great day!
Chapter 20: Omg my feels ;_; I love this story (':
HI omfg i hope you update this because i was just going through your list of stories and i found this and SQUEALS because you have this story named after one of my favourite john green novels!!! (did you get the name of that book? c: )
chokochipp #7
will u still continue this?
please dont leave us hanging T^T
kikinana #9
are you going to continue this story?