
The Fault In Our Stars.


Kai adjusted the sleeves of his expensive looking hoodie and faced the full length mirror of the dance practice room. A catchy dance song started thumping and a familiar rush of adrenaline rushed through his entire body. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, an intent, y look in his eyes, as he allowed his entire body to move with the beat. He could literally feel himself ripple and pulse in time to the pounding beat of the music, he wasn't just dancing, he was telling a story with his body, letting his body say the words that he, himself, could never say.

He paused the music and sat down on the floor. He grabbed his water bottle and took a long swig from it, letting the ice cold liquid trickle languidly down his throat. He leaned against the mirror and closed his eyes. Just then, the door opened and Chanyeol walked in. Kai glanced at him and muttered "Go away." Chanyeol ignored him and sat down abruptly next to Kai. He gazed at his best friend and said slowly "What's wrong?" Kai closed his eyes again. "Nothing's wrong."

"You're lying. I'm your best friend, Kai. You've been extra moody this past week, even more than you already are."

"Just go hang out with Sehun and Luhan. Leave me alone."

"No. You're going to tell me what's wrong."


Chanyeol poked Kai and he flinched slightly. Kai was super sensitive to pokes and tickling, and Chanyeol knew it. He continued to persistently poke Kai until Kai jumped up frustratedly and said "Okay, okay! Enough!" Chanyeol beamed his signature eye-twitching grin and said "That's more like it." Kai sighed and slumped down on the practice room floor. He the zipper on his hoodie and mumbled "I'm... confused." Chanyeol stared at him cluelessly, "What are you confused about?"

".... I'm confused about being confused."

"And what about?"

Kai kept quiet and just then, a figurative lightbulb flashed in Chanyeol's head. He grinned at Kai, "Is this about that guy you told me last time?" Kai flushed slightly and remained silent, but Chanyeol knew he was silently admitting to it. He laughed loudly and slapped Kai lightly on the back. "I never thought the day would come when I would see Kim Jongin all hung up over love problems. I thought you were aual and you were going to die an old maid." 

Kai glared at Chanyeol. "I'm a guy."

Chanyeol blinked back at him. "Fine, an old guy-maid then."

"Is that even a real word?"

"So!" Chanyeol jumped up, ignoring Kai's question about the legitimacy of the word. "Are you really in love with that guy?"

Just the mere word love caused Kai to shudder. "Don't say that word." Chanyeol looked confused, "What word?" Kai replied "You know... that word. Love. I don't like that word." Chanyeol rolled his eyes at Kai "Then what word do you want to use to describe your feelings for that boy, whoever he is?" Kai shrugged "I don't know. Like, maybe?" 

"Fine. Do you really like that guy?"

".... I don't know."



Two hours later, Kai exited the dance practice room, dangling his hoodie over his shoulder and leisurely sipping from his water bottle. Chanyeol had given up on questioning him and stormed away from the room a while ago, loudly declaring Kai as an idiot who wouldn't understand love even if it stuck its foot up his . Kai had just simply smirked and watched his wild haired tall lanky friend storm off.

The entire school hallway was dark. He was probably the last one. He was just about to leave when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the music room. He froze and his entire body tensed up, trying to identify that voice. He turned around and walked quietly to the music room. There was a small window by the door and he peered through it. His eyes widened as he recognized Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo was playing a black grand piano, his long beautiful fingers moving quickly across the keys, creating the most beautiful notes imaginable. His back was facing Kai and his entire body seemed to sway towards the melodious notes of the song he was playing.

Just then, he started singing and Kai felt like all the blood in his veins had frozen up. 

Kyungsoo's voice was absolutely beautiful.

Kim Jongin had never felt anything like this in his seventeen years of existence. He could literally feel his entire body tingling and goosebumps rising on his skin. His eyes darkened slightly, and he felt even more confused than before. He stared at the shorter male inside the room, who was still playing the piano and singing, lost in his own world. For a moment, Kai felt envious. He wished he could be in wherever Kyungsoo was in right now. He wanted to be in Kyungsoo's world too.

He sat down outside the music room and leaned against the wall, quietly listening to Kyungsoo singing. He felt an odd calm settle onto him and he slowly fell asleep, still immersed in the beauty of Kyungsoo's voice. 



Kyungsoo closed the lid of the black grand piano and grabbed his bag, getting ready to leave the music room. It was past ten o'clock at night and the entire campus was dark, lit only by the streetlights. He knew the security guards were going to chase him out soon so he decided to leave before they could. He opened the door of the music room and stepped out. He was just about to walk away when he heard a slight sigh and some scuffling. He raised his eyebrow and turned around.

Kai was leaning against the music room's wall, fast asleep. His hoodie was lying next to him. He had a slight smile on his face, as if he was in a nice dream. His usual cold exterior seemed to have completely vanished in the dark and he looked as vulnerable as a five year old child. Kyungsoo felt his entire heart melt. He slowly walked away and leaned down, gazing deep into Kai's sleeping peaceful face. Even asleep, Kai was so handsome, it made Kyungsoo wonder why the Creater was so biased when making this fine specimen of a male. 

He picked up Kai's hoodie and wrapped it gently around Kai, his fingers lingering over Kai's shoulders. Kai stirred slightly and mumbled something. Kyungsoo stiffled the smile that threatened to burst across his face and gently caressed Kai's hair, tucking a stray lock away. He stood up and stared at Kai one last time, before walking away. 




Hey, everyone! Sorry for the late update. I went on a missionary trip with my friends and I was internet-less for quite a few days. And I also got stung by a bee so my left hand was terribly swollen and painful for quite a while. It's much better now, but it still hurts a little when I type stuff, hence the slow update. Comment and tell me what you think of this chapter! I love reading all your comments. And no worries, I won't bite. :p


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pls continue this
InvisibleGurl21 #2
Chapter 20: It finished already?? I thought there will have a more chapter bcz u didnt write the 'completed' word yet on ur story. Im waiting here author nim. Btw, i really loved ur story. Fighting!! ^_^
will u continue this??
Hello ^.^. Uhm i found this fic through tumblr from a fanart post...and i am really happy i did. I havent read it yet but i am excited!(mainly due to the comments below) So you will see more comments from me in the near future. Have a great day!
Chapter 20: Omg my feels ;_; I love this story (':
HI omfg i hope you update this because i was just going through your list of stories and i found this and SQUEALS because you have this story named after one of my favourite john green novels!!! (did you get the name of that book? c: )
chokochipp #7
will u still continue this?
please dont leave us hanging T^T
kikinana #9
are you going to continue this story?