
The Fault In Our Stars.

“Guys, I'm telling you, he’s gorgeous.” Park Chanyeol practically squealed out as he embarrassedly buried his head into Kai’s shoulder. They were at their favorite café and for the past hour, Chanyeol had been rambling on and on, telling them everything he knew about Byun Baekhyun and how absolutely perfect that boy was.

“Does he know that you’re… gay?” Sehun asked tentatively.

Chanyeol’s mood immediately dampened and he wailed out, “Oh no, I haven’t thought of that! What if he’s straight?”
Luhan puffed his chest out proudly, like a peacock. “He’s definitely gay. He was checking out my in the hallway.”

Chanyeol’s face darkened as Kai snickered. “Why would he be checking out your ?” Luhan giggled, “Everybody checks out my . I’m like a ing Greek goddess.” Sehun nodded, “I agree.”

“He should be checking out my . I’ve been sitting next to him in Chemistry for one entire hour!” Luhan stuck his tongue out, “It’s not my fault my is more checkable than yours.” Everyone laughed, except Kai. He turned to stare out of the window.

“Hey, Kai, are you okay?”

He turned to look at his friends. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Sehun pointed out, “Well, for one thing, you’ve barely touched your food. Second, you’ve been quiet since we came in. Third, you look like you’ve got something on your mind. So, what’s up?”

Kai picked at his salad. “I’m fine.”
Everyone gazed worriedly at Kai for a moment before changing the subject. If Kai didn’t want to talk about it, then fine, let him be. They knew better than to force him to talk about it. Kai was… well, Kai. He had a very cold demeanor, but underneath, he was just a kid, like all of them.

Just then, the door to the café opened and two boys came in. Chanyeol glanced up and froze. Oh my God, oh my God, it’s him.
He immediately ducked behind Kai and hisses, “He’s here! Cover me!”

Sehun and Luhan chuckled but they immediately leaned forward, trying to block the tall gangly awkward boy from view. Kai just rolled his eyes and looked up.
He froze up too.

It was Baekhyun and that boy from the hallway. The two of them were cheerily talking about something and Baekhyun was laughing merrily, his eyes crinkling up adorably. That boy was smiling too as the two of them walked towards the counter to order.

Kai immediately ducked his head and turned his gaze somewhere else.

“Psst! Guys, can he see me?” Chanyeol hissed from behind Kai’s shoulder. Sehun snorted, “Oh, like he could ever miss a tall 185cm giant with a freaking Afro hiding behind a shorter man’s shoulder.”

Luhan giggled at Chanyeol, “I told you that the perm was a bad idea.”

Chanyeol blushed furiously as Kai rolled his eyes again.


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pls continue this
InvisibleGurl21 #2
Chapter 20: It finished already?? I thought there will have a more chapter bcz u didnt write the 'completed' word yet on ur story. Im waiting here author nim. Btw, i really loved ur story. Fighting!! ^_^
will u continue this??
Hello ^.^. Uhm i found this fic through tumblr from a fanart post...and i am really happy i did. I havent read it yet but i am excited!(mainly due to the comments below) So you will see more comments from me in the near future. Have a great day!
Chapter 20: Omg my feels ;_; I love this story (':
HI omfg i hope you update this because i was just going through your list of stories and i found this and SQUEALS because you have this story named after one of my favourite john green novels!!! (did you get the name of that book? c: )
chokochipp #7
will u still continue this?
please dont leave us hanging T^T
kikinana #9
are you going to continue this story?