
The Fault In Our Stars.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

- Julius Caesar, Shakespeare



Baekhyun didn't know what possessed him to walk out in the middle of the night, with his panda print pajamas. He was frustrated from the endless trips of his mind. Whenever he closed his eyes, he envisioned Park Chanyeol's beaming face and he was furious at himself. He was furious for being such a fool in love, for being so stupid, for loving someone who clearly didn't love him back. The snow gently fluttered down and landed all around him, but he was oblivious to everything else. His panda print pajamas were a stark contrast to the pure white snow, making him look like an odd entity in the darkness of the night. 

He sat down on the snowy floor and willed himself to forget about Chanyeol. He knew he was being ridiculous, sitting out here in the snowy night, but he didn't care. He just wanted this uncomfortable ache in his heart to vanish completely, instead of lurking in the shadows and getting ready to strike him when he was most vulnerable. He didn't know how long he sat there for. It could have been a few seconds, minutes or hours, for all he knew. The stinging cold was biting at him through the thin material of his panda print pajamas, and he knew he would definitely be sick when the day arrived.

"..... What are you doing here?"

His eyes immediately shot open and he looked up. He saw Park Chanyeol standing in front of him, dressed in an adorable set of penguin print pajamas, his hair unruly and messed up with shocked wide eyes. Even in this disheveled state, to Baekhyun, Chanyeol still looked perfect. Baekhyun's heart felt like it was going to out of his chest at a breakneck speed. He quickly looked down, a slight flush colouring his cheeks.

"Nothing. I just felt like sitting here to admire the snow."

"Fine, I won't bother you then. Bye."



Park Chanyeol could feel the cold stinging him, rendering his senses blind. He straightened the hem of his pajamas and turned to leave. 


He turned around and looked at the beautiful boy who was quickly standing up. Baekhyun stared at him, in a surprising mixture of frustration and something else. He couldn't fathom what emotion that was, but somehow, it scared him and it made his heart thump faster. He felt a weird emotion tingling in his entire body, making his toes curl up, and not because of the stinging cold. It was like he was anticipating something, even though he had no idea what it was.

"W-why are you here?" Baekhyun asked, tilting his head up and staring at him. Chanyeol felt himself take a step back. 

"....I was thinking of someone and I just decided to take a walk."

"Who were you thinking of?"

"Just... someone."

Baekhyun felt disappointment crush through his insides. Chanyeol probably has someone else right now. He felt his entire mind to slowly sink into a torpid state and he didn't need cognitive psychology to be able to assess that he was upset. He swallowed slightly and mumbled "I wish you the best of luck with whoever that person is." He turned to walk away.


"That person is wearing a set of panda print pajamas, by the way."

Baekhyun felt a sudden frustration. Why the hell is he telling me that!? As if I care what that person wears- wait... what? He looked down at himself and saw that he was wearing a set of panda print pajamas.

He could feel Chanyeol's stare burning a hole into his back.

He froze up. No... it can't be.... He turned around and saw Chanyeol's deep piercing gaze on him, and he realized that Chanyeol was dead serious. He felt like an idiot as he pointed at himself and said "Are you talking about me?" Chanyeol's grin deepened and he replied "No, I'm talking about the world's most clueless idiot."

"So.... me, right?"

Chanyeol shrugged and said, a devilish grin on his handsome face, "How about you find out?" Baekhyun felt frustrated again and he stomped his foot. "How am I supposed to find-"

The next thing he knew, Chanyeol's soft lips were on his own and he felt like the entire world had frozen over, trapping them in their own personal infinity. He was numb, but he could feel Chanyeol's soft warm hands on his hips, and the unfamiliar patterns Chanyeol was making with their lips. It wasn't rough but it wasn't soft either. It was... perfect. He couldn't help but relax into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Chanyeol and pulling him closer. He felt Chanyeol smiling into the kiss and he felt bliss course through his veins. Suddenly, he didn't feel cold from the snow anymore. The snow still fluttered down slowly, in beautiful patterns around them, as if it was sealing them infinitely in their own little universe.

Just then, Chanyeol pulled away and stared at Baekhyun. Baekhyun stared up at him and said, albeit a bit dumbly, "So.... it's me, right?"

Chanyeol burst out into his signature wide grin and kissed Baekhyun on the forehead. "It was always you." 

Baekhyun reddened slightly and he couldn't stop himself from bursting into a huge smile and he rested his head on Chanyeol's broad firm chest. Chanyeol wrapped his arms around him, and in the slow descent of the pure white snow, Baekhyun felt like they were infinite.



"Isn't tonight beautiful, Sehun?"

Sehun stared at Luhan, who was currently skipping happily in front of him and mumbled "Yeah." He didn't know why Luhan insisted on going for a walk to enjoy the "night view" when they could have stayed at home, snuggling up on the couch and watching dramas. He stuck his hands in his pockets as his adorable boyfriend turned back and glared at him "Sehun! Try to appreciate this beauty more."

Sehun stared at his beautiful boyfriend and mumbled "I do appreciate beauty."

Luhan blushed "I don't mean me."


Just then, they heard some scuffling and mumbled whispers from behind a bush. Luhan's eyes widened and he leaped into the arms of the rather unprepared Sehun. He whispered "There's someone there!" and Sehun widened his eyes. Slowly, the two of them approached the bush and Sehun's entire body was tensed, as if he was prepared for a showdown. Luhan reached out and cautiously swept back the bush with his hand.

Both of them widened their eyes again, but this time, for different reasons.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sitting behind the bush, making out. The two of them didn't realize that they were discovered, and continued furiously making out. Luhan let out a shrill scream and they immediately jumped off each other, trying their best not to look guilty. Sehun rolled his eyes. He didn't know that Chanyeol was so quick in making a move. Luhan jumped out of Sehun's arms and pointed at both of them, trying to hide the expression of glee from his handsome face.

"You! You! The two of you are making out!" 

Chanyeol stood up and brushed the snow off his body. "Thanks for stating the obvious, genius." Sehun smirked at the flustered couple in front of him and said "Come on, Luhan, let's leave the two of them in peace." He grabbed Luhan's hand and pulled him away from the still embarrassed couple behind the bush. 

"Oh, and congratulations, by the way!" Sehun yelled from his shoulder. Luhan chuckled too and yelled "Don't stay out all night!" The two of them started giggling like immature kids and quickly fled away from the scene. 


The moon shone brightly that night.


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pls continue this
InvisibleGurl21 #2
Chapter 20: It finished already?? I thought there will have a more chapter bcz u didnt write the 'completed' word yet on ur story. Im waiting here author nim. Btw, i really loved ur story. Fighting!! ^_^
will u continue this??
Hello ^.^. Uhm i found this fic through tumblr from a fanart post...and i am really happy i did. I havent read it yet but i am excited!(mainly due to the comments below) So you will see more comments from me in the near future. Have a great day!
Chapter 20: Omg my feels ;_; I love this story (':
HI omfg i hope you update this because i was just going through your list of stories and i found this and SQUEALS because you have this story named after one of my favourite john green novels!!! (did you get the name of that book? c: )
chokochipp #7
will u still continue this?
please dont leave us hanging T^T
kikinana #9
are you going to continue this story?