
The Fault In Our Stars.


It was a cool winter night.

They had all already left the cinema. Luhan and Sehun walked back to the apartment, hand in hand, giggling and snuggling up to each other, just like the lovers they were. Chanyeol and Baekhyun had gone off to eat hot rice cakes, and only Kai and Kyungsoo were left.

The two of them walked on the pavement, lost in their own thoughts. Occasionally, they would sneak a glance at each other, only to hurry and look away when they caught the other one peeking at them too. It would be adorably hilarious, if it were happening on someone else.

They passed by a roadside stall selling hot steaming cups of coffee. The scent of the freshly grounded coffee beans wafted from the stall and filled the air. Kai could feel himself getting tempted. Kyungsoo walked over to the stall and bought two cups of coffee. He walked back, and handed a cup of coffee over to Kai. Kai blinked in surprise. He looked up at Kyungsoo and said, “You didn’t have to do that. “

Kyungsoo shrugged and sipped his warm coffee. “It’s okay.” Kai felt an odd fluttering in his chest as he sipped the warm coffee. The smell of the delicious coffee seemed to spread through his insides and all of a sudden, his entire body seemed to have warmed up, and he felt strangely whole.


He glanced up at Kyungsoo, “…. Thanks.”

Kyungsoo smiled at him and Kai felt himself turning beetroot red. . He quickly looked down and avoided eye contact. The winter night was getting steadily colder, but the warm coffee seemed to have warmed them up. Kai the lapels of his trench coat as they continued walking. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun shared an apartment, in the block next to the apartment where he, Chanyeol, Sehun and Luhan shared. Soon, they stopped outside Kyungsoo’s apartment building and the atmosphere suddenly turned really silent. Kai could feel his palms sweating.


He put on a blank face and said, “Well, bye.” He was just about to walk away when Kyungsoo hurriedly said, “W-wait!”

Kai turned around and looked at him. There was a slight flush on Kyungsoo’s pale cheeks and his eyes seemed abnormally bright, as if they were filled with a tinge of hope.


“W-will I see you again?”

Kai’s hand tightened around his cup of coffee. The scalding hot liquid trickled down his palm, burning him slightly but he was oblivious to it. He stared at Kyungsoo and answered, one simple word, “Yes.” 

A slight smile tugged on the corners of Kyungsoo’s lips and he said softly, “I guess I’ll see you in school tomorrow then.” Kai just nodded, his conversation skills seemed to abruptly have been halted. Kyungsoo slowly and hesitantly stepped inside the door, like he didn’t want to go in.

Kai looked up and peeked at him once more, just when Kyungsoo turned around to look at him too. The two of them immediately looked away and Kai quickly walked off, while Kyungsoo hurriedly entered the building.


Both of them had flushed cheeks.




“Chanyeol ah, this tastes so good.”

Chanyeol beamed. The two of them were at a rice cake stall and Baekhyun was happily eating the rice cakes, while Chanyeol stared at him, clearly love struck. Baekhyun smiled up at him, his eyes crinkling adorably at the corners. “Thanks again for bringing me here, Chanyeol. This is so good.”

Chanyeol stuttered, “S-sure.”

The two of them left the rice cake stall and walked down the street. The silence between them was strangely comfortable, and they acted like they knew each other for decades. When they stopped outside Baekhyun’s apartment block, Baekhyun looked up at him and smiled, “Thank you. It was fun hanging out with you and your friends.”

Chanyeol flushed adorably. “I had fun too.”

Baekhyun nodded, “By the way, Chanyeol, what’s the exact location of the rice cake stall again? I’ll bring my girlfriend there next time.”

The entire world seemed to have stopped still, and then abruptly crashed down, leaving Chanyeol in a pit of nothingness, with a confused heart and blank eyes.


“Yeah. Oh, wait, I remember, it was in Gangnam. Anyway, thanks again. Bye!” Baekhyun waved and walked inside, while Chanyeol remained outside.


…. Girlfriend?




Surprised by the number of subscribers I got over these past few days, despite the short chapters. :p  Thanks, everyone! I'm currently studying in Oxford now, and the schedule's really hectic, plus AFF hasn't brought back my deleted chapters from my Wanderlust and Falling In Love With Sehun fanfics. Hope you all will comment more, and tell me what you think. :) 


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pls continue this
InvisibleGurl21 #2
Chapter 20: It finished already?? I thought there will have a more chapter bcz u didnt write the 'completed' word yet on ur story. Im waiting here author nim. Btw, i really loved ur story. Fighting!! ^_^
will u continue this??
Hello ^.^. Uhm i found this fic through tumblr from a fanart post...and i am really happy i did. I havent read it yet but i am excited!(mainly due to the comments below) So you will see more comments from me in the near future. Have a great day!
Chapter 20: Omg my feels ;_; I love this story (':
HI omfg i hope you update this because i was just going through your list of stories and i found this and SQUEALS because you have this story named after one of my favourite john green novels!!! (did you get the name of that book? c: )
chokochipp #7
will u still continue this?
please dont leave us hanging T^T
kikinana #9
are you going to continue this story?