What is the truth?

It's all lies.. ( Sequel of I remember )


“Aish..!!” Yongguk scream from his room. All s ran towards his room, in panic mode. They all wonder what had happen to their leader. “Hyung,what’s going on..?” Zelo asked as he walked closer to their leader who almost ripped of his head.

“You’ve gone mad..” Youngjae muttered and end up getting hit by Himchan with his elbow. “Shut it!” Himchan hissed and told the members to leave them all alone. The members nooded and leave both the eldest alone.

“Let me guess, it’s about her..” Himchan said as he sat on Yongguk’s bed. Yongguk got up from his lying position and nooded. “I can’t sleep, I can’t eat heck!! I can’t do anything without thinking of her and that kid..” Yongguk complaint as he messed his hair.

“How about we go out for some fresh air..?” Himchan suggested and the hopeless leader just nooded. They got out from their room and the members immediately got their eyes on the both men.

“Hyung,gwechana..?” Daehyun asked worriedly. Yongguk just remain silent as if his soul had left his body. “We’re going out for a while, don’t wait up..” Himchan stated and the others nooded.

They went out and Himchan took him to the park for a some peaceful time. “So? You wanna talked about it..?” Himchan tried to make Yongguk speak, hoping it might make Yongguk felt more better.

“It’s just…….” Yongguk stopped for a while and he noticed this park.

They used to have their date in here..

It was a simple but a memorable date..

*After all these years, I still remember..*

[ Flashback ]

“Yongguk, where are you..?” you said as Yongguk walked away from you. Both of you were at the park having a date. Yongguk had you wore a blindfold.

“Just listen to me..” Yongguk grab a box and sat next to you. One you felt Yongguk near you and you slowly felt calm down. “Okay, now can I opened these..?” you plead.

“Neh.. In 3..” Yongguk stated.




You opened the blindfold and your eyes slowly adjust to the sudden change of light.

“SURPRISE……….!!!!!!!!” Yongguk yelled as he hold a cake in front of you.

“Yongguk, my birthday is months away..” you said. “Aigo, babe, It’s our one month anniversary..” Yongguk said as he pinch your cheek.

“One month anniversary..? You know you don’t have to do that. I rather spend a one year anniversary with you. Can you promise me that..?” you look into Yongguk’s eyes and soon he soften with your sudden statement.

“I don’t want 1 year, I want 50 years.” Yongguk smiled sheepishly. “Would you mind spending half of your life with this man..?” Yongguk murmured.










“YES. I would love too..” you said as you hold his hand. Yongguk turns to you and his right hand made its way to your left cheek. Slowly he leaned in a kiss you.







There it goes, your first kiss..

“I love you, Park Jiyoon..” he said sweetly.

“Can I eat the cake now..?” you ask innocently and he laughed. “YAHH..Said you love me too, then I’ll let you eat the cake..”

“Arasso.. I LOVEEEE YOOOU…” and you kiss his cheek.

“now, can I eat the cake or not..?” you asked again and Yongguk ruffle your hair. “Arasso, it’s your favourite flavor chocolate..” he beamed and your eyes immediately sparkle.

[ End of Flashback ]


Your best friend and his fiancé was on babysitting duty. Babysitting your son,of cos. They were about to get married and planning on to have children. Your best friend had to beg you to agreed. Since you barely trust people with your child but your best friend is reliable. You couldn’t said no to her.

Today was 1 march,..

The day that you always celebrate with him…

Even after you two broke, you still celebrate the day..

Maybe alone but at least you still have one day where you could reminisce some of your memories together.

You took a walk around your neighborhoods and saw a bakery place.

You walked in and buy a small cake.. Chocolate cake..

You still remember the cake that he brought you and how stubborn you was..

You keep asking if you could eat it or not..

As you continued walking you end up at a park near..

Not just an ordinary park.. It was the park where you two celebrate your one month anniversary.

You suddenly chuckle remembering how innocent Yongguk was..

You remember the bench that you both sat down on.. you walked towards it and sat down..

You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly..

You look at the cake that you brought and pulled it out..

You slowly light it up.. You stare at the cake for a while..

Not knowing what to do,….You closed your eyes and ready to make a wish..

“I hope Yongguk oppa will be always be happy. He deserve it.” You opened your eyes again.

“CHUKKAE YONGGUK OPPA..” and with that you blew the candle.. *I STILL LOVE YOU*

But what you didn’t know was..

There were peoples behind you.. To be exact there were 2 peoples behind you..

Yongguk & Himchan..

They’ve been watching you since you sat down..

They heard your wish..and Yongguk didn’t know if he should be happy that he found you, or be mad cos you lied to him..

It was mixed emotion that he felt.. *It's her. I knew it!*

He look back at Himchan and Himchan understand him.. Himchan back off as Yongguk walked forward..

Every step he took suddenly felt heavy, it was like he have stones attached to his legs..

You were still closing your eyes, enjoying the wind that blows slowly..

“Oppa, live well..Ara..?” you whispers but Yongguk heard it.

“It’s you, I know it’s you..” your body froze when you heard that voice.

You turn around and saw Yongguk.. Your whole body stop functioning but there’s one part that still works. Your heart.

It was beating too fast…

Yongguk slowly approached you and you stood up instantly.

“Why did you lied,Jiyoon..?” you keep your heads down, afraid that you might make the situation more worse than it already was.

Suddenly you felt a pair of hands cupped both your cheeks. It was Yongguk’s hand for sure, he made you look at him..

It’s been a while since you felt his touch and feeling him this close to you later soo many years, it seems like nothing had change.

He still have the ability to make you giggle,blush and fluttered inside..

“Tell me Jiyoon..” you slowly opened your eyes and meet his sincere eyes. You couldn’t resist fell in love with him again.

“I—I—It’s just I don’t wanna bother your life anymore..” you lied and he knew it. Yongguk could read you like an open book and sometimes it can be a bad thing.

“Jiyoon, I know that’s not true.. Tell me Jiyoon-ah..who is that kid..?” Yongguk plead once again and your tears started to fall.

You were afraid that he might not accepted his son. His own son.


“Omma!!!” your eyes shot out and you saw little Yongguk ran towards you with your best friend and her fiancé.

“He’s keep asking when were you gonna go home..” your best friend, Eunjae said.

“He started to cry cos he miss you.” Her fiancé said, Hyunsik.

“So,we brought him to you, you don’t mind don’t you..?” Eunjae asked and you shook your head.

“It’s fine. Thanks for the help anyway..” you thanked them. They walk away and….

“AHEM..” you forgot Yongguk. Geez, how can you forgot..?

Little Yongguk look at Yongguk and those 2 words immediately slip.

"Appa..Yongguk appa.." before you can stop him, he already spill those words.


"Who is he..??" Yongguk asked and you’re started to get worried.


"My son.." you said bluntly.


"Is he mine..??"


"N..no! NO! He's not yours!!" you deny immediately. *Please just leave it alone*


"Relaz, I was just asking, why are you panic suddenly..?" *There's something fishy about this*


"It's...it's just, he's not yours.. Okay..??"


"Then why did he called me appa..How did he even know my name..?? How old he is..?"


"He's 5 years old.."


"Wait, we..did it 5 years ago..Jiyoon-ah.."




“Tell me the truth!! Is he mine..???” Yongguk raised his voice and you flinched.


“No!! I’m married already..!!!” You lift little Yongguk and walked away. Yongguk froze hearing the word married. Of cos you weren’t married to anyone but you figure it might make him leave you alone.

*MARRIED..!! You forgot me that easily*

“Don’t you dare lie to me,Jiyoon..!!!” you heard Yongguk yelled.


“Omma, why is appa yelling..?” little Yongguk look his dad worriedly but still waved goodbye.


“He’s tired,baby. Don’t worry about it..” as you rubbed his back.


“Yonnguk, what happen..?” Himchan said as he approached his friend. “She’s lying, I can felt it, she’s hiding something..”


“Let’s follow her to her house. That way you can find out the truth..” *Wise move,Himchan*


With that, they followed her..


*I knew you’re hiding something Jiyoon..*

Another update.. WOW!

I can't believe what I'm seeing.. 59 subs and I only have posted 3 chapter..

GOMAWO!!! *bow*

I'm watching you,Jiyoon.. lol. ( Just imagine this is how he stalked Jiyoon )

Thanks! I love you all too.. 

I'm gonna party hard, thanks to all my subs..


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chp 4 huh? I didn't get a single comment but I'll work harder! I promise!!


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Crazy96 #1
Chapter 18: Haha.. DaeBak!!! Yongguk was so CUTE~~ Nice story.
hippo_guk #2
Chapter 18: AHHH I love you story!!! Best one ever!!!! keep up the good work!!!! :DD
Chapter 18: Omg this story is so cute!! Yongguk with aeygo
Chapter 9: Sad chapter.. Great story so far
Chapter 18: I Loved the ending >.< it's so cute :) I loved your story. I loved your story
Chapter 18: I like the ending.. it's so dramatic.. hahah.. like seriously.. I LOVE THIS STORY.. the storyline is unique... keep writing author-nim..:)
AndreaCx #7
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I was soooooooo scared... I liked this happy ending:3 i loved this fic, it was awesome♥
ailisu #8
pheww!!! You had me scared!!! Yay for happy ending:)
nikkihikari #9
That had me worrying. xP
Yongguk is so sweet though. :3 ♥

I loved this. :D