
A Test of Fate


A week had passed since the examinations. The results were out and I was happy I passed. Jiyong topped the batch. We also finished taking the college entrance exams on Dongguk University and fortunately, we passed too. 


And now, finally, it’s graduation day.


I was among the audience as the students were called one by one. Because of the incident last two weeks, I wasn’t able to march with them. But I already have my diploma ahead of them. I don’t mind really. As long as I ‘graduated’.


I saw Jiyong facing me. He flashed me his toothy smile and a peace sign. I flashed the camera again as I caught another cute picture of him. And it turned out he wasn’t done yet as he flashed another pose, this time with his puffed cheeks and his peace sign beside it. I laughed as I flashed another shot. I laughed even harder when the emcee called his name because it was his turn but he was still busy flashing his cute poses.


When he received his diploma, a proud smile crept my lips.


“Congratulations,” the Principal greeted him as he politely bowed while receiving his diploma.


Jiyong then took a step forward and spread his arms; a smile was widely spread on his face. I quickly took a shot of him and smiled at the photograph. He really looked proud and happy.


If only he graduated valedictorian, he must have been more proud and happier.


Now that I think of it, why didn’t he receive the award? I mean, he topped the final examinations, not to mention, he was also active in extracurricular activities.


‘Too bad you couldn’t get into the honor roll, anymore, eh?’ Youngbae’s words clouded my mind. Why was that?


Was it something Jiyong kept to himself? But, didn’t he say that there will be no more secrets between us?







I frowned not seeing Dara at her spot a while ago. The ceremony was about to end but where had she gone?


When it finally ended, the students started to take pictures of themselves with their parents, friends, and classmates. As for me, since my parents weren’t present and no friends had invited me for a picture yet, I was looking forward to taking a picture with Dara. But she was nowhere to be found.


I checked my phone for a message. And I received one from her.


                Went home first. See you.


I frowned. Why did she go home first?


I looked around and saw every people I knew taking pictures with their friends. Then someone pulled me.


“Let’s take a picture together!” Seunghyun told me.


Seungri and Daesung were behind him. They linked their arms on mine and posed. After the camera flashed, a look of sadness immediately replaced the smile I masked for the picture. When my friends left, I frowned again.


I wish I could have taken a picture with Dara. Why did she go home first? We could have borrowed someone else’s graduation gown and let her wear it. Or it’s actually alright if she wasn’t wearing a gown like most students here. I just wanted to take a picture with my love. And it was a very special day for both of us.


After being pulled from every direction, flashing a fake smile, talking with some schoolmates I never learned the names of, chatting with friends I was sure that I wouldn’t be meeting for years after this, shaking hands to congratulate people or being congratulated to by teachers, I was able to be free. There would also be a graduation ball for all the graduates but I refused to go.


I looked at my watch; it was almost seven in the evening. The ceremony lasted for three dragging hours plus the talk-and-greet with people after it lasted for almost an hour and a half. Now, I missed Dara more.


I wondered why she left to go home first though. Did she have a stomachache? Or a headache perhaps? Or… what? Was she hiding something from me? It was not like I didn’t trust her. It was just that after all the things that happened to us, I was more keen on her every need.


I kicked the engine to life. Then I zoomed off.






I punched in the codes to my apartment unit.


“ERROR,” it said.


I frowned. Did I change the code? Then I punched on it again, but the response was the same. Aish! Annoying.


Did Dara perhaps change the code? Why would she even do that?


I picked up my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. But it was busy. Irritated, I put it back into my pocket.


Maybe she’s inside. I pushed the doorbell. After a few seconds, there wasn’t any response. Was she inside? Or is she sleeping? Or taking a bath, perhaps?


I pushed the doorbell again. No response.


“Dara!” I called while knocking on the wooden door. Aish! Modernization made it impossible for me to unlock this door with just a pin or something. What if something happened to Dara?


Panicking, I loudened the knockings. After a few seconds, the door flew open.


“Hi!” Dara greeted, panting hard. Beads of sweat were on her forehead.


“Are you alright?” I asked her.


She nodded enthusiastically. Then as if she was relieved, she sighed. She then raised her arm and wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand. That was when I noticed a ladle on her hand.


“Why do you have a ladle on your hand?” I asked.


She gasped and hid it behind her. She shook her head frantically.


“Were you…cooking?” I asked.


She did not respond.


I stepped inside and was able to smell the fresh aroma of newly-cooked food. I followed it and was led towards the dining room. A couple of dishes were prepared neatly on the table. A candle was lit in the middle and even the table cloth was changed.


I stared at Dara in awe. “Did you prepare these?”


She nodded shyly and refused to look me in the eye. “I thought you would want to eat something since you said you wouldn’t attend your graduation ball.”


I smiled. She was too shy she looked cute. I went to her in a second and hugged her tightly, maybe too tightly.


“Aw! Ji…” Dara said.


“You are the most adorable person I have ever met!” I said as I kissed her hair several times.


“Le-let’s just e-eat.”


I immediately let go of her. “Where’s the camera?”


“Aren’t you hungry?” she asked as she was about to sit on her chair.


“I am, but let’s just take a photo together first,” I suggested, too excited for my own sake.


She gave it to me. “But look at me. I wasn’t able to get ready because you arrived earlier than I expected.” She was wearing an apron over her casual clothes.


“I don’t care,” I said as I helped her removed the apron and then pulled her to me.


We set the camera on self-timer and we stood next to each other. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her to my chest.


“Say saranghae,” I said.


“Saranghae,” we said in chorus.


After that picture, we took several selcas and then we took our seats to eat our dinner.


Dara helped me served myself as she scooped me a bowl of my favorite fried rice.


I nodded as I stared at her, still chewing on my food. “This… is great!”


She smiled at me. My eyes then shifted to a bowl of steak and I tasted them too. I gave the same response like before. Then my eyes caught a familiar favorite. After tasting it, I stared at her.


“How did you know how to cook Pho? This is like one of my favorites!” I said. Pho is actually a Vietnamese meal that I had tried at a restaurant. It was actually a beef noodle soup.


“Just learned it today,” she said, still smiling at me.


“You are a great cook, you know!” I said.


“Try this,” she said as she scooped a spoon of another dish and fed me with it.


“This… really! You are so…” I couldn’t even describe it. She was so amazing. The dish she made me taste was actually a Japanese dish called Chazuke, which was actually made by pouring green tea over cooked rice.


She was still smiling at me as I was still busy tasting every meal she prepared.


“Eat up,” I said, while chewing on a meat.


“It’s okay,” she said simply.


“Eat up,” I repeated. “I won’t continue eating if you won’t eat.”


Reluctantly, she complied.


“Seriously, where did you learn cooking all of my favorites? I don’t remember showing how to cook them to you, because I, myself, do not know how to cook them,” I said, still amazed of her skill.


“As I said, I learned them just today and I guess I was just lucky that it turned out fine,” she said.


“It’s not just fine, Dara! It’s amazing!”


Her smile grew wider. I could see that she was sincerely happy that I liked her effort. And I was sincerely amazed of her skill too.


“Oh, I’m sorry if It took me long to open the door,” she said.


I looked up. I forgot about it. “Oh, it’s alright. But, why was that, though?”


“I was panicking when I heard you knocking. I was still in the middle of cooking when I heard them. So, I was running here and there then I stumbled,” she said, chuckling.


I dropped my chopsticks. “Are you hurt anywhere?” I asked worried.


She stopped chuckling. “I’m alright, it was just a scratch and it didn’t-“


The doorbell interrupted us.


“Are you expecting someone?” I asked her.


She shook her head. “Did you perhaps invite your friends?”


I shook my head too. I knew that all of my friends attended the graduation ball. I frowned. “I’ll get the door.”


She pulled my wrist and shook her head. “I will get it. It’s your special day anyway.”


I didn’t get to protest more because she already left to open it. After a few seconds, I heard the door opening. After a few more seconds, there was silence.




I opened the door, expecting any of Jiyong’s friends. But what met me was an unfamiliar guy. He looked like he was nearing his fifties or maybe more than fifty. He had thinning hair and a few lines on his face. And beside him was a young girl, perhaps ten or eleven years old. She smiled up at me.


I shifted my attention back to the guy. “May I help you?”


“Is Ji-“


“Dara, what took you so long?” Jiyong called from the dining room. I heard him pulled his chair and stand up. I then heard him walking towards me. “Who is it? Is it someone we kn-“


He got cut off when the girl ran inside with her arms spread.


“Oppa!” she shouted.


I gazed away from the older guy and shifted my eyes towards the girl, who was already hugging Jiyong. Jiyong was apparently shocked by the sudden intimate actions. For a while, I doubted that Jiyong and the kid knew each other. But Jiyong’s lips started to curve upwards as he reached out to her and wrapped his arms around the girl.


He looked so genuine, so sincere. He looked really happy.


“It has been a long time, my son,” the guy beside me suddenly said.


I whipped my head towards the guy. He wasn’t looking at me anymore. He was smiling at Jiyong’s direction. I followed his gaze and saw Jiyong’s shocked face. Then he composed himself.


“Appa…” Jiyong said.


Jiyong’s father entered the unit as he made his way towards Jiyong. He spread his arms for a hug.


“I missed you, Oppa,” the kid said to Jiyong.


Jiyong had his smile again. “When did you arrive, Appa? You could have called me so I could have fetched you.”


“It’s alright. It was supposed to be a surprise. You know, it’s your graduation,” the father said. He then rummaged something from his luggage which I did not notice him carrying. “Here’s a gift for you.”


Jiyong’s face lit up upon receiving it. He hugged his father again. Then his sister gave him another present.


They were having their little family reunion in the middle of the room, while I was still on the doorway, still holding on to the doorknob, staring longingly at them. Somehow, I was jealous. Jiyong had still his family, while, as for me, I was already alone in this world. I could clearly see their strong family ties, while that of mine with my family before could not happen again. It was beyond impossible because my parents are dead now.


Suddenly, a choke escaped my throat. I saw Jiyong turning towards me as I immediately whipped and turned to the outside of the apartment unit. I quickly and inconspicuously wiped the tears away.


“Dara?” Jiyong called.


I turned around as I readied a perfectly fake smile, too fake that I was sure anyone could fall for it.


“Are you alright?” he asked, worry apparent on his voice. He was already in front of me in a second.


I faked a hiccup. And I nodded. “Just a…hic…a bad case of…hic…hiccup.”


He went to fetch me water without waiting for my protest. I looked at his little family as they stared at me. The fake smile I prepared was totally lost.


“Here, drink this,” Jiyong said, guiding the glass towards my lips, as if I couldn’t drink from a glass by myself. “Feeling better now?”


I nodded and smiled at him. “Thank you.”


Sensing the awkward silence filling the unit, I walked towards Jiyong’s father and offered my hand.


“I’m Sandara Park,” I said. “Nice to meet you, Sir.”


When I expected him to not respond nor offer his hand, he never failed me. I was about to drop it when Jiyong appeared beside me.


“Appa, this is my girlfriend,” Jiyong started. I stared at him, totally shocked. I was supposed to be introducing myself only as Jiyong’s friend. “Sandara Park.”


His father then plastered a smile on his lips. At first I thought it was fake, but no, there was some genuineness on his smile that a smile crept my lips too. For a while, I even thought that I saw my father in him.


“Nice to meet you, Sandara,” he said, shaking my hand. “I can see how Jiyong loves you so much. Who am I to object, right? By the way, I can see he’s in good hands with you.”


I chuckled lightly. “Thank you, sir.”


“Oh, and this is my little sister, Dami,” Jiyong said, pushing his sister a little.


“Annyeong, unnie,” Dami greeted, shaking my hand.


“Annyeong,” I said. “Oh, I prepared dinner. Let us eat first.”






The dinner turned out to be awkward, well, mostly for me, anyways. Most of the time, Jiyong and his family are talking, catching up on things they missed on their lives, on the long years that made them separated. Many times had Jiyong tried to make me join to their conversation, but I only answered curtly or just nod.


I wasn’t comfortable. I wanted to run freely and be alone even just for a minute. Seeing Jiyong and his family caused me with too much envy and jealousy. I missed my parents so bad. But I couldn’t show it tonight. Tonight is Jiyong’s night and I couldn’t spoil it with my selfishness.


At least for the rest of the night, I could pretend to be strong, right? Pretend that there was nothing wrong, that I was not the least bit affected by their reunion. Then when everyone would be asleep tonight, perhaps I could cry myself to sleep too.


“Right, Dara?” Jiyong’s voice broke my reverie.


I lifted my head and met Jiyong’s gaze. “What?”


“It’s alright for us to stay for the night, right?” Jiyong’s father said.


“Oh, that decision does not depend on me,” I said, shaking my head frantically. “It depends on Jiyong.” I stared at him beside me.


“I already said yes, didn’t you hear? Since we both live here, I also need your confirmation,” Jiyong said.


I stared at him in shock. Did he just admit to his father that we live under the same roof?


“Well?” Jiyong urged me.


I nodded reluctantly. “It’s more than fine. You can stay here forever.”


Jiyong’s dad laughed. “You obviously did not hear our conversation, neh, Sandara?”


I stared at him in confusion, then to Jiyong.


“Grandma called just now. But since you were too preoccupied with your own thoughts, you did not notice,” Jiyong said. I reddened in embarrassment. “Anyway, she called to congratulate me and that she will arrive tomorrow evening. Dad and Dami will be living on Grandma’s new house here, but since Grandma isn’t here yet then they will stay here for the night,” Jiyong explained. “And oh, Appa said that we will also sleepover on her house.”


I stared at him shock. Then I regained my composure. “Oh, by ‘we’, you mean you, your Appa, and Dami, neh? It’s alright; I can manage on my own here.”


They all laughed, even Dami.


“No, Sandara,” Jiyong’s Appa said. “We plan on introducing you to his Grandma tomorrow, night.”


I widened my eyes in shock and stared at Jiyong for confirmation. In my utter bewilderment, Jiyong nodded, along with a smile on his lips.


“What do you think, Dara?” he asked.


What do I think?







*poster credits to heydara

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Chapter 51: Finished reading this amazing and great story and I believe every challenge in your life specially in relationship and the determination of fate will succeed ended full of happiness forever after and one of best story 👏of daragon fanfic thanks authornim for this amazing story you share with us♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 44: Like Dara my heart full of depressed feeling while reading this chapter ♥️
Chapter 43: My heart full of emotion 😔
Chapter 41: Nice decision Dara 👏👏👏
Chapter 8: Poor Dara never ended the calvary in live.
Chapter 6: I admire Jiyong he do everything for Dara♥️
Chapter 5: I'm eager to read again this beautiful amazing story about to how to ♥️ and deeply in♥️ the want you love most.
Chapter 52: Re reading this beautiful story, April 2019 when I found this beautiful story and my faith for both of them will end up togetherness.
Chapter 51: Omg this story was so great also my faith to my Otp to be real in the near future.