Bought By Money

A Test of Fate




I waited as Jiyong’s motorbike disappeared from my sight. As soon as it did, I heaved a long sigh and faced the café.


“Unnie!” Jungmi’s high-pitched voice met my ears. “We saw the whole thing!”


“Oh my gosh, unnie, he’s so sweet,” Hayi seconded. “I wish I can have a boyfriend like him.”


I forced a smile and willed myself not to appear weak in front of these kids. “YA! You go back to work!”


“Aish!” Jungmi and Hayi playfully stomped their feet as they went back to their posts. They will be taking over the counter, while I would be in the kitchen with the other staffs.







It had been almost two hours working nonstop. I hadn’t taken a break since the moment I arrived. It was the peak hour since it was morning and most students, teachers, and employees came by to eat breakfast at the café and we were too busy that we couldn’t even take a second to breathe in a lungful of air.


But after that, we were able to rest and move freely. I watched the other staffs as they wiped their sweats off and fanned themselves. I smiled as I noticed how hardworking they were.


“Unnie! We’re going!” Hayi called out.


“Bye. Take care,” I waved while Jungmi and she walked out of the café. They were still high school students and were working part-time to at least not burden their parents with their allowance and other expenses. They wanted to earn their own money, they said.


I exhaled audibly as I leaned on the wall, taking a short break. It wasn’t really my break yet and if Manager Jaesang would notice me slacking off, I would surely get scolded. But there weren’t many customers anyway.


Thinking of thoughts like these made me forget the saddening ones. However, as I was able to take a break, I remembered it and it made me depressed once again.


I pulled out the crumpled paper from my pocket and smoothened the creases. I exhaled once more before I read the letter.


Miss Dara,


                I would just like to inform you that you’re grandfather decided to go back to Tokyo, as he promised before. But it wasn’t the only thing that made him decide to go back. Actually, he’s going to be mad at me for telling you this, but I don’t want any of you to regret this later. Your grandfather’s health is going worse. The doctor said that the stress and fatigue he was going through added up to his sickness.

                I am not luring you to come with us, because I personally know how stubborn you can be. But, at least, give it some consideration. You might not come with us, I understand that, but at least see him off before being treated at Tokyo and at least send him some prayers.

                As the butler of your family for years now, I only want happiness from the both of you that’s why I am telling you this.

                The flight is going to be this Wednesday at four in the afternoon, Incheon Airport.




“Ya! Stop dozing and get back to work!” Manager Jaesang’s voice boomed across the kitchen. I abruptly leaned away from the wall and went to my station when Manager’s voice stopped me. “Someone wants to see you.”


I turned to him, unsure if he was talking to me. Well, he was surely looking at me, so I pointed at myself just to make sure. He nodded.


I scratched my head as I furrowed my brows. I stepped out of the kitchen and expected Danny. It was normal since it was him who wanted me to see them off. But it wasn’t him.


It was the monkey.


I was supposed to be irritated like I usually felt every time I see him, but I found myself amused and half-smiling as I needed some kind of distraction. Though he was annoying, it was exactly the characteristic that made me momentarily turn away from the problems I had.


He was already inside the café, by the doorway and I wondered why he stayed there. He wasn’t looking at me, though I knew he saw me. I took a step to snap an insult at him or anything to help me forget about what I had in mind.


However, the door of the car parking in front of the café suddenly opened and out came someone I dreaded to see.


The monkey opened the door of the café for her as if she could not do that kind of simple thing herself. And the moment she stepped inside and as she lifted her eyes to meet my gaze, blood immediately drained from my face.







She looked at me with those intimidating eyes as she had her fingers tapping on the table, filling the awkward silence engulfing us.


I gulped many times, waiting for her to say something. I didn’t have an idea what she had in mind, why she had to call me during my working hours, and why she was staring at me like he wanted to lunge at me anytime.


I gulped for the last time as I prepared myself to speak. I had been practicing the statement inside my head but for some reason, I couldn’t get it out of my mouth.


“I…you…have…a taste of t-this coff-coffee. I-it’s—“


“I’ll make this short,” she said for the first time.


I stared at her, anticipating what she would say.


“You already know that I don’t like you for my grandson, right?” she said. Not waiting for my answer – and I didn’t intend to answer it anyway – she spoke again. “I want you to just leave his side already. You’re such a ba-“


“You know exactly well that I can’t do that. I love him so much that I couldn’t li-“


“I don’t care. I just want you off his side. You’re disrupting his studies and his future. I don’t want that.”


I stared at her incredulously. “His future?” I asked. “Please excuse my manners, Madam Kwon, but don’t you think you’re referring to YOUR future? You’re controlling him. You make him do things he didn’t want in the first place.”


She squinted her eyes, indicating that she didn’t like what I said at all. “Your manners, young lady. I hate them too. As much as possible I want someone with a lady-like manner for my grandson, not someone like you. You obviously lack manners. Didn’t your parents teach you that?”


I clenched my fists under the table. I was fine with what she said a while ago. She was just insulting me and I was perfectly fine with that. I didn’t care at all. Because I could manage them by myself. But when she mentioned my family, that was when she hit the spot.


“Don’t you ever speak of my family, Madam Kwon. I’m warning you,” I muttered.


She smirked. “Your manners…”


I glowered at her.


“I understand the problems you’re suffering right now – financially and emotionally. Though I can’t help you with your emotional problems, because I’m no psychiatrist or whatever, I am willing to help you with your financial problem,” she said.


I furrowed my brows.


She then motioned from behind me. I turned my head to see who it was and it was Teddy. As he passed by me, I noticed him avoiding my gaze. As for me, I was silently throwing daggers with my stare on him.


As he stood beside Madam Kwon, he carefully placed a suitcase in front of her. He opened it and turned it towards me.


My eyes widened and my jaw literally dropped as I saw stacks of money inside it. I was just staring at them until Teddy closed the suitcase again.


I looked up and met Madam Kwon’s amused stare. “What do you say? Leave my grandson alone and you’ll have this.”


I stared at her incredulously. Was she bribing me? Like seriously?


“Look…” she interrupted my thoughts. “I know exactly what your thoughts right now. I met a LOT of people like you. Seeing this much money, I know how much you dread the fact that you couldn’t have it. And therefore…”


“But I don’t-“


“…I’m offering you this once in a lifetime…”


“Seriously, I’m not-“


“…chance to be rich in one day. I just want…”


“I’m not planning-“


“…you to leave my grandson alone,” she breathed as she finished with a smile.


I shook my head. This witch could be very incredible, doing things to this extent just to get what she wants. “What do you think of me? Blinded by the temptations of money?”


She scoffed. “I know exactly what blinds you. It’s already right in front of you and your reaction just now explains everything. I don’t need your excuses and lies.”


“What are you talking about?!” I burst out. “I am not what you think of me!”


“Please. Spare me your outbursts. I don’t need time for this,” she said starting to stand up. “Teddy.”


Teddy understood the witch immediately even without the need of words. He instantly went towards the suitcase and carefully placed it beside me.


I was about to push it away from me when the witch spoke again. “I don’t like you and I will never will. Leave my grandson and I shall spare you.”


Teddy passed by me and I thought I heard something from him, but it wasn’t audible that I missed what he said.


I was left frozen on my seat, my eyes fixed at nothing in particular. For the first time since we first met, Madam Kwon’s words hurt me and it sent daggers piercing my heart.


I didn’t know how long I was sitting there but when Manager Jaesang appeared before me, I snapped into reality.


“What are you doing here sitting like a robot? Go back to work,” he said.


But I didn’t budge. Instead, I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. I felt my whole body trembling as my fists clenched on my lap. I hastily wiped the tear away and faced Manager.


“I’m going to take an off today,” I told him. “I’ll be working hard twice tomorrow so don’t worry.”


I stood up after I grabbed the suitcase beside me. I didn’t wait Manager Jaesang’s approval. I needed to finish this. I was tired already – physically and emotionally. And I wanted to end this right this instant. This couldn’t wait.


I was walking by the street, a destination in mind. Every stride I took was full of motivation. My grip tightened around the handle of the suitcase as I felt its weight on my hand. I was panting real hard, my legs strained from walking a far distance. But I became more motivated.


A car honked behind me. I thought it wasn’t for me since I was just walking peacefully by the roadside. But when it honked again, I turned sharply.


“Need a ride?” he said, a smile plastered on his ugly face. But it wasn’t a genuine smile though. It was more of a forced smile to me. But why?


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Chapter 51: Finished reading this amazing and great story and I believe every challenge in your life specially in relationship and the determination of fate will succeed ended full of happiness forever after and one of best story 👏of daragon fanfic thanks authornim for this amazing story you share with us♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 44: Like Dara my heart full of depressed feeling while reading this chapter ♥️
Chapter 43: My heart full of emotion 😔
Chapter 41: Nice decision Dara 👏👏👏
Chapter 8: Poor Dara never ended the calvary in live.
Chapter 6: I admire Jiyong he do everything for Dara♥️
Chapter 5: I'm eager to read again this beautiful amazing story about to how to ♥️ and deeply in♥️ the want you love most.
Chapter 52: Re reading this beautiful story, April 2019 when I found this beautiful story and my faith for both of them will end up togetherness.
Chapter 51: Omg this story was so great also my faith to my Otp to be real in the near future.