Have You Realized?

Seven Days to Love Again

  After another 4 hardcore rounds of ddeokbokki, we finally forced ourselves to stop. I seriously could not handle anymore. Onew looked like he reached his limit too. I swallowed the last piece in my mouth with much disdain.

"Hyung… We should go now," I mumbled.

"Yeah. We should... I'm stuffed! Where would you like to go next my Kibummie?" he smiled.

"Why are you making me pick places to go??" I inquired.

"Eh? Because I'm a nice person," he replied.

"Ch. Whatever."

"Well. If you're not going to pick, then I will. Do you think there is a chicken store near??"

"Ah hyung! That's not even funny."

"Kekeke. So do you know where you wanna go or what?!"

"Umm. Shopping? Namsan Tower? Banpo Bridge? Ahh. We should go there later in the evening. Uhhmmm. Ohmigosh."

I suddenly remembered the place that I’ve always wanted to go to.  Thank God we don’t have a schedule today.  Ahh!  Daebak daebak!  Well that is.  If… we do go there.  I set out a plan in my head to convince Onew hyung to take me.  Begging?  No.  That’s going to scar my diva image.  Bribing?  No.  That’ll be to shallow and it will also ruin my diva image.  AHA.  I got it. 


"Lotte World."

"Ahh. Does my Kibummie want to go there?"

I turned to face him with puppy-like eyes, trying really hard to match up to Taemin’s aegyo.  Psh I could easily surpass his aegyo if I tried though.    


I found my arm to be hooked around Onew's once more.

"Kaja!" he grinned.

Nice Kibum nice!  Lotte World here I come!




 The train hummed softly as we walked through the sliding doors with the tickets in our hands. I kept my head down, not wanting to attract attention. Or any sasaeng fans. They scare me. That’s why I was walking behind Onew throughout the subway stations. If there were indeed any sasaeng fans, I could just use him as bait and dash away to safety. Kim Kibum.  You are a genius.

"Yah yah. Why are you walking behind me like that huh?" he questioned.

He turned around and grabbed me by the wrist, tucking my arm under his.

"Pabo. What if we are seen?!" I hissed under my breath.

"Then let the world see," he smirked.

He snatched my hand and held it tightly. I could sense the irregular beating of my heart that was blasting in my ears and it felt like the sun just slammed into me. So, I ended up silently followed him.

We sat down on a nearly empty row of seats. Everyone else was situated across from us or further down into the adjacent section of the subway train.

"Hey you."

I looked at him. "What?"

"I’m wanna go to sleep. Let me borrow your shoulder ok?"

"Wae?" I replied clasping my shoulders and shifting away from him.

"Because I said so!" he retorted scooting closer to me, removing my arm from my right shoulder and placing his head on it.

"You’re such a child hyung," I sighed.

He closed his eyes and smiled. "Good night,"

"Un. Sleep well hyung."




I flinched awake when my forehead met with the steel pole attached the side of seat. That did not feel too good. My faced scrunched up and I massaged the aching source of the pain with my fingers. There was a soft moan and a bit of shuffling. I tried to not wake up the kid that was laying on my shoulder. I positioned his head so that it wouldn’t roll off my shoulder and slouched against the steel seat.

I turned my head and look out the window. The landscape was white and fluffy looking. There were large heaps of snow randomly dotting the vast terrain. I eventually eased my gaze onto Onew hyung because my neck was cramping up and spasming. I slowly dug in my pockets for my phone to check if where I hit my head was red. When I finally got it out, I peered at my pixilated image that was displayed on the screen. My forehead was only a light shade of red and to my surprise, my cheek wasn't that bad either. I sighed in relief and slide my phone back into my pocket.

Onew hyung slid downwards a bit. Maybe it was instinct maybe it was a reflex or something other than the two but automatically, my hand caught his shoulder and supported him back up to his original position. I peeked down at him. He was still asleep. Onew hyung looked shiny, and no pun intended. The sunlight that was seeping through the glass window hit his face at the perfect angles. Onew hyung was simply radiating.

Onew hyung?

Huh. Maybe it's become a habit. I swear I had always addressed him as Jinki hyung since. Well. Since... I don't even know. I'm pretty sure I've always called him Jinki hyung when it's just us living normally. When did I start calling him Onew hyung? Jinki. Jinki hyung. Onew hyung? Well. I should call him by his name properly. Jinki hyung.


Oh my God. Since when have I started complimenting him so nicely in my head?! I gave him a glance and immediately looked away, afraid of waking him up and being caught staring at him. Radiating? Now that I think about it, why did I think of something so corny??? My God I am confusing. I tried to look at him with the corner of my eyes. My mind aimlessly traveled back to about 40 minutes ago.

I think I might just be fall-

OH MY GOD. Fall-? FALL WHAT? My heart was beating irregularly again. No. Ani. Onew err Jinki hyung is a friend. FRIEND. And a hyung...right? JINKI HYUNG IS A CHINGU! And everything he's done for me in the past 48 hours are just friendly gestures right? Don't mistake it for anything else... I mind face palmed myself and gave him another glance. AISH. Stop looking at him dammit Kibum! Ok wait. Breathe. Think. Onew err Jinki hyung was always like this to me before right? It's his manners. That's why he's nice to me. Not just me but everyone else too. Right? RIGHT?


I snapped out of my train of thoughts.

"We're here Kibummie," he smiled.

"Ah. Oh. Geurae?

"Ai. Why are you spacing out all of a sudden? You were so excited to go to Lotte World so hurry before the train sets off again!!"

He snatched my arm and was dashed through the sliding doors and into the crowded subway station. I tried keeping my face partially hidden while Jinki hyung err Onew hyung ERRRGHH JINKI hyung was zig-zagging through flocks of people, clearly not giving a crap about hiding himself from the public.

We found the exit in no time.  We plowed through the last flock of people before reaching the stairs that unfortunately led us to a few more clumps of people and a really cold breeze.  Jinki hyung threw his hands up to call for a taxi throwing me off my balance, well since he was just holding onto my arm and all earlier.  An ahjussi drove up and Jinki hyung opened the door. 

“Kibum.  Get in ppalli!  It’s cold!”

“Ah.  Sorry.”

I threw myself into the taxi and Jinki hyung followed swiftly and slammed the door shut. 

“Ahjussi.  Lotte World please!” Jinki hyung said cheerfully.

The driver ahjussi nodded and the car projected towards our destination. 





..............  Don't kill meh.  D:  Ok so this is not all of Chapter 12.  There was suppose to be more...  But I felt bad for not updating throughtout my Spring holiday...  although I said I would...  FAIL.  I was spending time with relatives in another state and forgot to bring my trusty laptop with me....  DOUBLE FAIL.  I had to resort to typing this chapter on my ITouch.  LOL.  Which was rather frustrating because my iTouch hates me...  :'(  ERGHHH.  But I had to update though.  I like just got back home and the jetlag is roasting my brain. @ ^ @  But I had haddd HADDD to update.  I don't like half-assery and not being able to keep my promises...  Chapter 12 was going to be like a thousand times longer than this but I can't type it all...  I'm sleepy...  And I have school tomorrow!  I'm so excited I could dieee!!  - .-"  Anyways.  I hope you like this *COUGH* half-asseried chapter.  Merging the last part of chapter 12 with chapter 13.  Thanks for reading!  SARANGHAEYOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!  No seriously.  I love you guys a lot.  :D  OH HECKS.  Did I tell you how much of a dork Onew is!??!  Freaking adorbs dork.  xD  Him and his Onew Condition.  :)                                                          

-Annyeong Pussycat!  MaMa Mamii!


P.S:  Ooh!  Quick questions.  Do you guys prefer JongKey or OnKey?  Personally, I am in love with both.  OnKey is just adorbs and I freaking adore them.  JongKey is just....  hot beyond belief.  xD  What other kpop couples do you guys like?  I've thought up a basic plot for another fic for when I'm completely done with this fic.  I'm not sure who the main characters should be.  ;)    Shhhhh.  <3

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for a moment there i thought the poster said french gay LOL
MakiMaki #2
Chapter 21: Waaahw author-nim I really liked this story!
Kyah. I love this story so much.
kibum, jinki hyung is still waiting for you at the park. :(
I feel you. T_T It's hot where I am too, and I don't have access to the internet much either.<br />
<br />
Loved this chapter though.
SOoooooooooooooooooooo adorable. Whenever I read this fic, I think "If only my crush would do such things to me"
kolmilyo #7
it's so hot from where i am too!<br />
do not worry, i'll wait for your updates.<br />
These two need to get together...and SOON! <br />
It's driving me crazy, all the cute, weird Jinki flirting and all xDD<br />
Update soooooooon!! <3