Chapter Seven

A Month to Success




Hyo-Eun's POV


This is it.  This might be the last time I'm alive.  Mom, Dad, if I don't survive this operation, I'll meet you soon.  But God, I don't really want to die.  Not yet, I mean...
The doctor put a mask on me, and that's when I out.


Jinki's POV


She's in room 607," the nurse smiled at me.
I rolled my wheelchair to wherever the room was.  I didn't actually believe her when she said she had a tumor.  I thought she was kidding and it was actually some post-pregnancy thing, I don't know.  But she seriously had a tumor?
I cautiously opened the door and peeked inside.  She was in the right corner, and the only thing that proved she had life left in her was the consistent beeping coming from the heart monitor.

She'd been asleep for two days after the operation ended.  This was normal, apparently.  I sat by her and counted the rhythmic beeps: "one, two, three..."  I felt an urge to touch her hand, brush her hair out of the way, something.

But I didn't.  I just continued counting.
I had reached a thousand and four, but there was nothing, not even a flinch, from her still body.


"Is there a pulse yet?"
"No, sir."
I woke up to a loud commotion; there was an unceasing, high pitched bleep coming from the heart monitor instead of the steady beeps.
"What's going on?"  I muttered, mostly to myself.
"Not yet, sir."
I head someone murmur a string of curses.
I don't know how long this went on for, or when I'd started crying, but here I was, uselessly pulled aside, tears flowing one by one down my face.
"Get her to the emergency room!"  All of a sudden, everyone began rushing out.  The heart monitor disconnected, and the screen went black.  From then on, everything seemed to happen in slow motion.  Her body was dragged out, a doctor in a stained lab coat was struggling to put an oxygen mask on her, and a nurse was getting all different shots ready.  I saw her arm, her lifeless arm, hang over the side of the bed as she was pulled out of the room.
I waited seconds, minutes, hours, just wanting her to come back alive.  I was supposed to be getting the last of my treatment today, but how could I be getting better if she was on the brink of death?
A nurse walked into the dark room; she hurriedly switched the IV bag with one marked "Vasopressin", and put a new set of blankets on the night stand.
Vasopressin?  Heart failure?  My heart dropped down to my stomach.
Almost as soon as she left, Hyo Eun was wheeled into the room, still looking as lifeless.
"What's her BP?"
After a pause, someone replied, "110 over 70."
"Who gave her ACE inhibitors?"  The man who was working over Hyo-Eun looked up.  "Who the hell gave her ACE's?!"
"I-I did, sir."  A tall, young doctor sheepishly raised his hand.
"You son of a ..."  The older one swiftly left the room, and in seconds he came back with a different liquid.  He injected the shot into her arm, and checked her BP again.  "116 over 80.  Give her midodrine every 3 hours, and the inhibitors will be out of her system.  You, come with me."  He gestured at the young doctor.
After a few minutes, everyone left the room, and I sat beside her, again.  The covers were neatly changed and tucked in, and her arms rested on her stomach.
"Why isn't Jonghyun here to take care of you?  I thought you guys were married."  I said, though I knew she wouldn't be able to hear me.  I sighed, and rested my head on the metal bar of the bed.  Then it hit me.  She didn't have a ring.
There wasn't a ring anywhere to be seen, not even on her right hand.  ...she had a kid and they're not even married?!  Oh no, this is bad.  Who knows about it?  If the school finds out, she's gonna get kicked out.  And she's gonna be called names!
I stood up hastily, knocking my wheelchair over.  I frantically searched the room.  Did anyone hear?  Does anyone else know?
"Oh no, she's already sick...  if people find out, it's going to stress her out too much!"  I crept out of the room and  headed back to mine, all the while worrying and worrying about her secret.


Hyo Eun's POV


I peeled my eyes open, and with a yawn, I extended my arms in a V and stretched -- or tried to, at least.  Both my arms were tangled in wires connecting to bags of transparent liquid.  So I survived, huh?  Attempting to sit up against the neglected pillow, a butterfly needle in my brachial artery flew out, disconnecting the IV, but that was fine.  What really hurt was the excruciating pain in my abdomen, much worse than the jabbing cramps from the hours of sit ups and cardiovascular exercises.  I felt an almost unbearable, sharp, throbbing sensation all throughout my torso.  Every movement was nauseating; I could feel the tenderness nagging me, nagging me to slit my insides open and shred every organ I had apart until the metallic smell of blood would intoxicate me, until I could feel the pain no more...
It almost would've been better if I hadn't lasted through.  Nevertheless, I did persist, and here I was, holding back every iota of moisture that pushed to seep its way through.  I wanted to call for help, I wanted to move, but I was terrified that the tiniest movement would indeed cause my body to annihilate, to become a lifeless, useless heap of junk.
I was fearful, fearful that I might not be able to endure the pain.


Heh, I was feeling a little more poetic today...
Hehe, I hope you guys like this chapter.  I haven't proofread it or anything, but I was really eager to update as soon as I could!  ^o^
Thank you guys for sticking with me!   Oh, and please do subscribe and comment!  Good or bad, please, I'd love for you to comment!
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^3^  I love you guys, really!  
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Accidentally clicked on the title....and how grateful I was that the mouse slipped. Keke! This fanfic's so funny.^^ I've just read the first lines of Jonghyun...*drumroll* 'a few insults wouldn't get through her fat'---EPIC!!!! My sister and I got tears in our eyes from laughing real hard.. now off to read the rest. hwaiting!^^
I don't miind. >.<
angelcity #3
HA! Your poll died. c:<br />
ooh i like this fic :D<br />
angelcity #5
oh da baby girl is coauthroing with me ~ (:
xu_min456 #6
angelcity #8
WAIT WHAT NO. I DON"T HATE YOUR WRITING. T_T YOU MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY NOW. *sobs* YOU *points* are a great writer! Keep it up! ~ Hwaiting! :) I LOVE THIS STORY. >:D
angelcity #9
LOLOLOLOL. It's alright, (: