Chapter Twelve

A Month to Success


Jonghyun's POV


"Park Hyo-Eun was in love with Jonghyun all along?"

"She only lost weight because she wanted to date him?"

"Wow, she's so desperate!"

I heard the girls in the class whisper fairly loudly.

"I expected some big revenge thing from her.  What is this?"

"I'm so disappointed.  I thought she was different."

A few guys muttered.

"Damn, she's hot."

"Who knew the fat had such a great body?"

"I can't believe she went blonde, though!"

"The blonde suits her.  I like it.  I can see why Kim Jonghyun couldn't reject her offer."

"Do you think they slept with each other already?"

The guys were staring hungrily at her.  Freaks...  Why would I ever sleep with her.

"Jonghyun!"  Key whispered.

I turned slightly towards him.

"Stand up for her!"  What kind of boyfriend are you?"


"Come on!"

"Later, Key."  I gritted my teeth.

"Fine."  He slumped over his desk, resigned.

I glanced at Hyo-Eun, who was nervously biting her nail.

It's not like I like her.  I'm only playing her...  I thought, and faced the front again.


The bell rang, and Hyo-Eun immediately rushed out with her bag against her chest.

"You jerk!"  Key jabbed me in the stomach.  The class was almost empty now, except for a few guys staring curiously at me.

"What?"  I retorted.

"You should've stood up for her!  She was about to cry!"

...she was?

"So?  I don't like her!"

"Still!"  Key huffed in anger and abandoned me in the now empty classroom.

Was she really hurt?


Hyo-Eun's POV


"She's so desperate."

"Wow, what a ."

"She's looking for way too much attention.  She even went blonde!"

"All because she wants to sleep with Jonghyun."

"I thought she was different.  I guess every girl is the same."

I was surrounded by all these vulgar comments (which I could clearly hear, and which were not true) as I made my way into the cafeteria.  First of all, I cannot even be classified as a because I've never liked anyone, nor have a I dated or slept with a guy.  And I didn't dye my hair blonde for attention -- Key dyed it.

The first 3 periods were so nerve wrecking; I couldn't concentrate at all.  I took a seat and placed all my notes I had mindlessly taken on the table where I used to sit when I was...  let's not talk about that right now.  Anyway.

After a few minutes of trying to engross myself into the notes, I gave up.  I could feel the stares boring into my back, and I knew there were rumors being spread about me at the moment.  Instead, I took out the clear plastic container which held the cupcake Kim Jonghyun had bought me, and placed it on top of the my notebook so I could stare at it.

Sure, I was upset because I was being criticized, falsely accused, and having rumors spread about me.  I guess even if you're not drop dead ugly, people will always target you.  I used to be picked on because of my body.  Now, I'm being criticized not only because of how I look, but because of something I didn't do.  But that's not it!  I think I was even more upset because Jonghyun didn't bother saying anything -- to me, or the rest of the class.

What did I expect, though?  I wasn't expecting him to fall in love with me, though it would've been nice if he at least stood up for me...

Except he didn't, because we meant nothing to each other.

So how in the world was I supposed to break his heart if he wasn't going to like me?  I should have thought this through...

"Hyo-Eun?"  I turned and saw Taemin, Minho, and Jinki staring at me with wide eyes.

"I heard that you dyed your hair blonde...  I didn't know it was true."  He exclaimed.

"Yeah, it was Key."  I said, as if it would explain everything.

"Key hyung did a pretty nice job.  He always does."  Taemin nodded as if he understood.  "Is that why you didn't reply to my message?"

"What was why?"

"Were you with Key and Kim Jonghyun?"  Minho clarified.

"Only Jonghyun."

"What were you guys doing?"  Jinki Onew spoke up.

"He gave me a ride to school.  Sorry I didn't reply."  I shrugged.

"Did he give you that cupcake?"  He frowned.


"He probably poisoned it.  Don't eat it."


"What are you talking about, Onew hyung?  Jonghyun hyung wouldn't do that."  Taemin said.

"Isn't it kind of suspicious?  Why would he buy you a cupcake if he doesn't like you?"

"Maybe he was being nice."  Taemin was on Jonghyun's side.

"Was he being nice to you any other time today?"

He didn't stand up for me...  but...

"Did he defend you when the whole class was badmouthing you?"  Onew questioned.

"No..."  I shook my head.

"Then do you think he bought the cupcake out of love?"

"Well, no."  I shook my head again.

"But that's pretty unreasonable, Jinki."  Minho knit his eyebrows together.

"It's Onew, not Jinki."  Taemin corrected.

"Onew, whatever.  No matter how much of a jerk Jonghyun is, he wouldn't try to hurt someone."  Minho said.

"You never know."  Onew said firmly.

"Do you have something against him?"  I asked.

"N-no.  It's just..."

"Look, Jin-I mean Onew.  I'm not really in the mood, okay?  Let's talk about this later."  I sighed and shoved the notes and cupcake back in my bag.

"Well, I'll see you guys later."  I quickly left and went to the outside courtyard.  I took a seat on the damp grass and leaned against the large stone fountain.  I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the offensive words that replayed in my mind.


*Ring Ding Dong*

I must have dozed off.  The bell rang and students began rushing to get to class.  I hastily got up and tried to sling my bag over my shoulder, but lost balance and my bag fell into the fountain.


I could feel the front of my t-shirt skimming the cold fountain water as I reached for my bag that was already floating to the center.

...if only my arms were a little longer.

I extended my right arm out, and stood on my tiptoes.  My waist was hooked onto the corner of the fountain, and that was the only thing that was keeping me on the ground.  I could feel my body toppling over, and my stomach felt like it was going to tear open.  It was too late, I was going to fall.  I couldn't stop the tears that were falling already.  This day couldn't get any worse.  I braced myself for the cold that would devour me, and squeezed my eyes shut.

My face was just about to sink into the water when...

a pair of arms wrapped securely around my waist.  I was so shocked, I gasped.  It would have been okay to gasp if my face weren't in the water, but unfortunately, it was, and I happened to take in a big gulp of water to my lungs.


Jonghyun's POV


"Jonghyun, isn't that your girlfriend over there?"  Someone asked me.

I looked to where he was pointing.

"Jjong!  That's Hyo-Eun!"  Key gasped.

It sure was.  She was stretching her arms out above the fountain on her toes.

"I'll see you in class."  I told Key.

I calmly walked out to the courtyard and stood a few meters behind her.  I was going to call her name, but saw her foot slip.  She was going to fall in the fountain.

I should have left her to fall.  I should have went to class.  Besides, I was only playing her.

But no, I had to act on impulse.  My arms were around her waist, and in a flash, I was pulling her into my chest.

I held her up as she sputtered water out.  Instead of letting her go, I turned her around and her back, trying to calm her down.

She had tears flowing down her cheeks, but she had stopped spitting out water all over my arms.

"Why're you crying?"  I asked.  I hate it when girls cry silently...  it's just...  if they cry like that, I can't leave them alone.

"Kim Jonghyun?"  She looked up at me with misty eyes.

"Why're you crying?"  I repeated again.

"I -- nothing.  I'm not crying."  She looked away.

"Yes, you are."  I insisted.

"I...  It's nothing.  We should go to class; we're late again."

"You're going to get sick.  I'll take you home."  The words slipped out before my mind could register what I was saying.

"N-no.  I have to go to class."

"Come on, your shirt is white and it's wet.  And you're shivering."

"I'll be fine."  She pushed my arms off her waist and backed away.  Oh...

"If you're going to go to class, wear this."  I threw off my sweatshirt and handed it to her.  "Just take it.  Your shirt is see through."  I pushed it into her hands.

"I - thanks..."  She turned away to wring out her shirt.

"Here."  I reached into the fountain for her bag.

"Thank you."  She whispered, and took the bag from my hands.

"I'll take you to class."

She nodded and followed me into the school building.

"So are you ever going to tell me why you were crying?"

"It's really --"

"What are you kids doing!"  A stern voice barked.

Damn...  it's the principal.


Another update!  3 days in a row!  :D

So how was this chapter guys?  Comment and subscribe!  ^^ ♥


Comment replies:

aquapopcorn: Aw, thank you so much!  It really means a lot to me!  *u* ♥

angelcity: LOL oh, okay. :D  Really?  So am I!  But I grew an inch since last year...  hopefully, I'll keep growing.  Another inch or two, possibly.  xD  I'm sure you will, if you're 14 ^^

ktcyab: ahahaha xD  continuously.  Life is full of hatred... and love :D  yeah, it was kind of random...  o.o I thought he would fit, but idk. LOL.  

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Accidentally clicked on the title....and how grateful I was that the mouse slipped. Keke! This fanfic's so funny.^^ I've just read the first lines of Jonghyun...*drumroll* 'a few insults wouldn't get through her fat'---EPIC!!!! My sister and I got tears in our eyes from laughing real hard.. now off to read the rest. hwaiting!^^
I don't miind. >.<
angelcity #3
HA! Your poll died. c:<br />
ooh i like this fic :D<br />
angelcity #5
oh da baby girl is coauthroing with me ~ (:
xu_min456 #6
angelcity #8
WAIT WHAT NO. I DON"T HATE YOUR WRITING. T_T YOU MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY NOW. *sobs* YOU *points* are a great writer! Keep it up! ~ Hwaiting! :) I LOVE THIS STORY. >:D
angelcity #9
LOLOLOLOL. It's alright, (: