Chapter Four

A Month to Success


Chapter Four:


Jinki’s POV


One moment I was yelling, cheering for her…

…and before I knew it, I was enveloped in a tight hug.  Hyo-Eun was hugging me.

I don’t know what to do.  Do I hug her back?  Do I push her away?

And why is my heart beating so fast?  I felt my face heat up.  Nice one, Jinki.  You and your red face.

She quickly pulled away and fiddled with the scale.  “Wow, I think I’ll be able to do it.  I really think so.”  She smiled nervously, spots of pink on her cheeks.

I cleared my throat a few times before answering.  “Yeah, I think so too.”

“So, err.  What are we having for breakfast tomorrow?”  She coughed.

“You always have the same thing,” I chuckled.

“Oh, right…  Then, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”  She walked out.  Extremely awkwardly.

Oh no.  Oh no.  Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.  I didn’t want to lie to her – I just wanted to make her feel hopeful, so I fiddled with the scale…  So whoever stood on would be 10 pounds lighter than their actual weight.  I guess she believed it, though…

Why the hell is my face still red?


Key’s POV


“Jjong~” I called, looking around.  The halls were empty and eerily quiet.  I can’t believe we actually came to school today.

“Key?”  I heard a familiar voice calling me.

“Taemin?”  I’m not the only one.  “What are you doing here?”

“Minho hyung had soccer practice today, so I decided to watch.  What are you doing without Jonghyun hyung?”  He raised an eyebrow.

I chuckled.  “I was just looking for him.  He thought the other girl might show up today, and he wanted to check on her.”

“Oh, Hyo-Eun?  I don’t think she’s coming back.  At least, not this month.  Jinki hyung is helping her with her diet I guess.”

“Who’s Jinki?”  I have never heard of a Jinki.

“…my older brother.”

“OH!  The nerd!?”  I grinned.  I know that one.  Wait, what?  “You have an older brother?  How come you’ve never introduced him to us?”  I raised an eyebrow.

He laughed.  “Jinki hyung’s not very social.  That’s why nobody knows he exists.  It’s a wonder, though, how he’s decided to help Hyo-Eun.”

“He’s… helping the girl?”  My baby is not going to like this.  But damn.  I want to help her, too.  I just love giving girls makeovers.  Hair, makeup, clothes, you name it – I’m the best.  “Can I help?”

“Help with what?”

“Cheese and rice! (a/n: cheese and rice is a substitute for “Jesus Christ” because I’d rather not use His name in vain. >.<)  How long have you been there?”  I jumped when I heard Jonghyun's voice behind me.  My baby cannot, and will not find out about this.

“Uh, I just walked in.”  He made a face.

“Don’t look at me like that.  It makes me feel stupid!”  I pouted.

“It’s okay, Key, we accept you for who you are.”  He grinned.


“There’s Minho hyung.”  Taemin waved to a tall, muscular figure walking towards us.  “I’ll see you guys later!”

“Wow, he’s so tall!  No wonder he has girls stalking him!”  I exclaimed in fake awe.  There, I hit his weak spot.  That’s for calling me stupid.

“He’s not that much taller than me!  Besides, I still have time to grow.”  Jjong scoffed.  “Let’s go see if that whale is here.”  He dragged me out of the school building.


Jonghyun’s POV


Aish.  Where is this girl?  She couldn’t have decided to skip every single day of school so far.  I gave up looking for her and decided to walk around town.

Why am I looking for her every day?  No, I’m not attracted to her.  I will never ever be attracted to her.  But I’ll admit I am a bit worried that she might actually win the bet.

I don’t know what’s worse, her winning the bet, or losing it.  I have no idea what I’m gonna do to make her regret anything if she loses, but if she does win, I’m gonna look so stupid.

I sound like I have ADHD or something.

“Are you worried you’ll look like a loser when she appears in front of you all pretty and skinny?”

Oh dang.  How’d he know?

“No, not at all.  I’m positive she won’t win.”

“Alright, but I’m just saying, she looks pretty skinny right now.  Around 115 I’m assuming?  I have to say, though, she’s not ugly at all.”

“You haven’t even seen what she looks like right now.  How can you say that?”

“Well, I’m looking at her.”  He jerked his chin toward a girl in a plain green t-shirt.  Oh my gosh.  Is that her?  No no no no no.  It can’t be.  It’s only the 3rdweek.  We’re hallucinating.

I rubbed my eyes and slapped my cheeks.  I’m imagining things.  I am imagining things because I’m so paranoid.  Yes, that’s it.  I looked up.

…she wasn’t there.

So I really was imagining things.  Thank the Lord…


Hyo-Eun’s POV



That was so close.  If I’m lucky, they’ll just think they were hallucinating.  I can’t let them see me, though.  Not just yet.  I only have 10 more pounds to go, and 10 days left.  I can do this.  I can do this.  I can do this.


Oh no.  It’s them isn’t it?  I quickly put on a large, thick sweatshirt and sweats, and covered my face with my long black hair.  I refuse to reveal myself to them.

“Hyo-Eun!  Open up!”  It was a mellow voice, not Jonghyun’s voice.

…but it might be the other guy’s voice.  The one standing next to him.

Hmm.  I stood in front of the door debating what to do for a while.

“Hyo-Eun ah!  It’s me, Taemin!  I’m here to help you.  Are you still alive?  Can I come in?”

Ah, Taemin.  Jinki’s brother.  I opened the front door without any hesitation.

“This is Minho.”  He pointed out in response to my blank expression.  I waved, and Minho waved back.


Talk about awkward…

“Whoa, you look…  different.”  Taemin’s lips curved into a smile.

I bit back a smile.  “So why are you here?”

“Jinki hyung’s sick today so I decided to help you out.  Well, Minho is going to help.  I’ll watch.”  He plopped down on my couch.

“Okay.  Ready, set, run!”


Oh my goodness.  I'm late with my updates again.  T_T

I will update soon though.  I just needed to catch up on my sleep and other things.  :D

So how was this chapter?  Please leave comments and subscribe!!  :)  But I can't believe I already have more than 15 subscribers!  Honestly, I doubted that this story would get much readers, but I guess I'm doing okay?  (:  Please, though, don't hesitate to click that button or to leave a few words - I love all of you guys so much, and they're my motivation.  I'll try better to make this story more interesting, fun, etc.  Haha, well, I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting again, and I hope everyone liked this update (:

...well I don't expect anybody to.  That wasn't my best chapter - I kind of just rushed it because I wanted to get an update in.  T_T  Gah. I won't be doing that again...  But anticipate a better chapter!  (:  If you hate this chapter, just forget about it - there's really not much of a point in it anyways...  haha..........

Whoa.  Anyways.  :D


Happy (belated) birthday to SHINee's Bling Bling Dinosaur, Kim Jonghyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Accidentally clicked on the title....and how grateful I was that the mouse slipped. Keke! This fanfic's so funny.^^ I've just read the first lines of Jonghyun...*drumroll* 'a few insults wouldn't get through her fat'---EPIC!!!! My sister and I got tears in our eyes from laughing real hard.. now off to read the rest. hwaiting!^^
I don't miind. >.<
angelcity #3
HA! Your poll died. c:<br />
ooh i like this fic :D<br />
angelcity #5
oh da baby girl is coauthroing with me ~ (:
xu_min456 #6
angelcity #8
WAIT WHAT NO. I DON"T HATE YOUR WRITING. T_T YOU MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY NOW. *sobs* YOU *points* are a great writer! Keep it up! ~ Hwaiting! :) I LOVE THIS STORY. >:D
angelcity #9
LOLOLOLOL. It's alright, (: