Chapter Five

A Month to Success


Jinki’s POV


Ugh.  This is my punishment for deceiving Hyo-Eun so many times.  I can’t even get up without falling over.

Well, okay, I fall over when I’m not sick too, but it’s not because of my condition right now.  My head’s spinning.

And I must be hallucinating.

…because I see Hyo-Eun right in front of me.

It must be my guilty conscience.  I feel as though she found out I was lying to her, especially because she looks really angry right now.

“Lee Jinki.”  She glared.

“I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to!  I just didn’t want to disappoint you.  I was so stupid.  Why did I even bother lying to you when I knew you wouldn’t be able to lose that much weight?”  I slurred.  Is this a dream?  It probably is, because there’s no way I could manage to talk in complete sentences with a headache this bad.

“What?”  She snapped back.

“You’re actually still 140…  I messed with the scale.  Ugh…  And you know the new clothes I bought you?  Were they super tight?  Yeah, they were actually form-fitters to make you look skinny.  And I’ll be honest…  I don’t think you’ll lose 80 pounds.  At least, not by the end of this month.  And I –”

Did a door just slam shut?  What kind of dream is this?

 “And I actually used some of the money we raised to buy chicken…”  I finished.


Hyo-Eun’s POV

You’re actually still 140…

I don’t think you’ll lose 80 pounds.

Why did I even bother lying to you when I knew you wouldn’t be able to lose that much weight?

Why did I even bother lying to you when I knew you wouldn’t be able to lose that much weight?

Why did I even bother lying to you when I knew you wouldn’t be able to lose that much weight?

Why did I even bother believing him?  Why did I even expect anything out of myself?

I ran out with tears streaming down my face.

Stupid, foolish me.

And I actually thought I made a friend.


Taemin’s POV


“Taemin, what happened to all that money you made from selling the snacks?”  Hyo-Eun sat down beside me after changing into sweats and a t-shirt.

“I gave it to Hyung, but I don’t know what he did with it.”  I thought about it momentarily.  “Well, he does seem to be eating chicken a lot more often…”

“He used that money to buy chicken?”  She raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, you don’t know the relationship between Jinki hyung and chicken; and you don’t want to.”  I cringed.  I remember he bought 400 drumsticks for his birthday party.  He ate all of them because nobody showed up…

“Where is he?”  She groaned.


“Yah!  Lee Jinki!”  She yelled as soon as we were in the house.

I covered .  “Don’t wake him up!  He’s really sick!”

“Okay, okay!”  She pushed my hand away.  “I just need to talk to him if he’s awake.”

“First door on the left up the stairs.”  I pointed to the red oak staircase.

…Minho hyung’s still in the shower!


“Hehe, hi, hyung.”  I grinned sheepishly.  He ignored me.

“Hyuuungg!”  I tugged his arm.  He pushed me away.

“Come on, I came back!  I’m really sorry, okay?  I’ll play soccer with you, and basketball, and I’ll even go jogging with you!”  I jumped up and down.  He stopped.

“Really?”  He grinned.


“Really,” I smiled uncertainly.  He’s almost as crazy about sports as Jinki hyung is about chicken, and I mean crazy.

We walked the rest of the way home pleasantly, without much talking, because Minho hyung barely ever talks.

“Hyo-Eun, let’s play basketball~”  I skipped inside.  It was too quiet.  “Hyo-Eun?”

“Ahhh!”  someone yelled.


I ran up as fast as I could and burst into his room.


Oh.  It was only Jinki inside.

“What were you yelling about?”

“Someone taking my chicken…  What were you yelling ‘bout?”  He slurred.


What?”  He stumbled over.

“I mean…  Where’s Hyo-Eun?”  I took a few deep breaths.

“What do you mean, Hyo-Eun?  She… here?”  I nodded.  “YOU MEAN SHE WAS IN MY ROOM?”  He jumped out of bed and dashed out.

“Where are you going?  She didn’t take your chicken, don’t worry!”  I grabbed his arm.

“I need to find her.”  He wriggled out of my grasp, eyes frenetic, and started tumbling down the stairs.

“You’re sick!  You can’t go!  Talk to her when you’re better!”  I yelled after him.

I sighed.  He always so hyper when it comes to chicken…


Jinki’s POV


“Please, tell me she didn’t hear what I said.”  I gasped for breath and stopped on Hyo-Eun’s lawn.  “I have to talk to her.”  I grabbed my head with both hands, trying to stop the spinning.  “Hyo-Eun…”  I felt my knees going weak. 

“I didn’t do it because I wanted to hurt you…”

And the smell of freshly cut grass intoxicated me.


Bad chapter...  Sorry :/
It's been hectic, you know?  I hope you guys still like this, though.  Stay with me please~  comment & subscribe hehe

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Accidentally clicked on the title....and how grateful I was that the mouse slipped. Keke! This fanfic's so funny.^^ I've just read the first lines of Jonghyun...*drumroll* 'a few insults wouldn't get through her fat'---EPIC!!!! My sister and I got tears in our eyes from laughing real hard.. now off to read the rest. hwaiting!^^
I don't miind. >.<
angelcity #3
HA! Your poll died. c:<br />
ooh i like this fic :D<br />
angelcity #5
oh da baby girl is coauthroing with me ~ (:
xu_min456 #6
angelcity #8
WAIT WHAT NO. I DON"T HATE YOUR WRITING. T_T YOU MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY NOW. *sobs* YOU *points* are a great writer! Keep it up! ~ Hwaiting! :) I LOVE THIS STORY. >:D
angelcity #9
LOLOLOLOL. It's alright, (: