Chapter Thirteen

A Month to Success

Hyo-Eun's POV 


"So are you ever going to tell me why you were crying?"

Why is he being so nice all of a sudden?

"It's really --"

"What are you kids doing?!"  A stern voice barked.

Great, now I'm going to get in trouble.  Today just .

"I'm sorry, I dropped my bag in the --"

"Why is your hair blonde?"  The principal gaped at my hair.


"Sir?  Your wife is on the phone."  A small woman rushed up to him.

"My wife?"  His eyes widened and he cursed under his breath.  "I'll be right there.  You kids go ahead; there's an announcement in the theater so get there."  He warned.

"Neh," we bowed and he quickly walked away.

"I wonder what the announcement is."  I said, just to make conversation.

He shrugged.  So much for him being nice...

I sat beside him in the back row, only because there weren't any other empty seats.

"Is everybody here?  Can everyone hear me?  Alright, students please settle down.  I have a very important announcement to make, so listen up.  I'm sure all of you know about this trip to Hawaii.  Well, it will not be happening in 3 weeks."  The vice principal spoke into the mic.


"No way!"

"You !"  People booed.

"HEY!  I wasn't finished!"  He snapped.  "Instead, the trip will be before graduation.  I suggest you all begin packing --"

The room erupted into cheers, cutting the vice principal off.

"I suggest you all begin packing because the flight will be early Saturday morning, thanks to our lovely planner."  He scowled into the mic sarcastically.

"And another thing: the top three people with the highest GPA will be getting all expenses paid, and can pick a partner for first class seats and luxury suites.  Lee Jinki, Lee Taemin, and Park Hyo-Eun, please come onto the stage.  You three have the highest grades."

"Park Hyo-Eun?"

"Well look who's the I-got-everything princess."

"Her life keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?"

I wanted to snap and yell at them.  Tell them I wasn't any of the things.  Tell them I could hear them.  Tell them that I didn't have everything...  because I really don't have everything.

The three of us were up on stage, standing rather awkwardly.

"You're not Park Hyo-Eun..."  The vice president glanced at me.

"Yes, I am..."

"But Park Hyo-Eun was..."

"Yes, she was fat.  So she lost weight and changed her appearance because she was sick and tired of being picked on because of it."  I swallowed the lump in my throat.  "But maybe it wasn't such a great idea because either way, people are going to criticize me, even make up rumors about me, and teachers can't recognize who I am now."  That was it.  I was blinking back tears, I was embarrassing myself, but I had to say something.

Maybe this deal really wasn't such a great idea.




Jonghyun's POV


"But Park Hyo-Eun was..."


I jumped.  It was Key.

"How did you get here?"

"That's not the problem!  I told you to stand up for her!"

"First of all, I don't like her.  Second, just because I stand up for her, people aren't going to stop saying stuff about her!"

"It's not about whether they stop of not.  It's so that she knows we're there for her!"

"But I'm not!"

"Jonghyun, I want you to go up on stage, stand up for her, and tell the school that you're dating her because you like her."  He warned.

I sighed.  Well, why not, right?

I walked up to the stage and Key followed along.

"Stop blaming her."  I said blandly.

Key elbowed me.  Ugh.

"Seriously, stop jumping to conclusions!  The blonde hair wasn't her idea --"

"It was mine!"  Key raised his arm and grinned.

"She's not desparate; she isn't any of the things you called her, okay?"  I'm only doing this because Key's blackmailing me.  I'm only doing this because Key's blackmailing me.

Key jabbed me harder.

"What?"  I whispered.

"You know what.  Insoles."

I'm only doing this because Key's blackmailing me.

"And I'm dating her because I like her, so stop making stuff up!"

This is all because of Key.  None of this is true.

The room went silent.

After a long pause, the vice principal spoke into the mike again.

"I apologize, Hyo-Eun.  I think the whole room owes you an apology."  He gave a solemn look.

"Sorry..."  They muttered.

"On the other hand, you won first class tickets and hotel suites!  You may now pick your partners."

"Hyung!"  Taemin yanked on Onew's arm.

"What?"  He looked up with a frown.

"Pick your partner!"

"Uh, you pick first Taemin."

"Okay...  Choi Minho Hyung!"  Taemin called out, and Choi Minho stood next to me.

...why is he standing next to me?  Is he trying to show off how tall he is?

"What about you, Miss Park?"  The man turned to her.  "I assume Mr. Jonghyun?"  He raised an eyebrow.

"I - what?"

"It's alright if you pick him, Miss Park, but there are some matters we must discuss.  I will trust you will be responsible, and you will treat each other with moral respect.  After all, he does like you.  But no matter how in love you kids are in, there will be no such things as s -- we'll further discuss this in my office."  He gave me a stern look.


"And Mr. Lee, our valedictorian.  Since you are a senior and a valedictorian, you may have the suite to yourself if --"

"No, I'm his partner Mr. Kang!"  Key shot.

"Is that so, Mr. Lee?"

"What?"  He looked up again, with the same frown on his face.  

What, was Mr. Valedictorian worried about his speech?  I scoffed in my head.

"Alright then, you 6 follow me to my room.  The rest of you, head to class.  Additional information will be given to you in class."

The students groaned but they trudged out of the theater.


"Here is your flight information and schedule for your trip.  You can come to school Saturday morning by 5:30, or you can go directly to the airport by 6:15.  Each of you will be given a card for souvenier and food expenses only -- nothing else."  He cleared his throat.

"So I've changed all suites to 2 beds, so there will be no need to sleep together.  I don't want any funny business between you two."  He glared at me.  "I don't want any high school pregnancies, alright?  Clothes must be on at all times.  No sharing beds, no kissing, no touching, no staring, NO .  Understood?"

I stiffled my laughter and nodded.  That won't be hard at all.  I don't like her, and she's not that hot.


HAI GUISE!  ^∀^  How are you?


So have you heard about the concert that's supposed to be in New York?  I really hope they don't cancel it...


Some of you have been asking for my Tumblr, so here it is!  Oh, and if you have a Heello account, listen to me!  Let's ping~ ^∇^


Please comment and subscribe! :D


Comment replies:

aquapopcorn:  Ikr?  I hate it, too, but life like that.  :(  ah really?  You're so tall!  T_T  lucky...

StephanieBoo:  He was nice again!  But he was being blackmailed, so I don't think that counts... haha

angelcity: haha, yeah.  Sorry for the late(ish) update!





I don't even know...

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Accidentally clicked on the title....and how grateful I was that the mouse slipped. Keke! This fanfic's so funny.^^ I've just read the first lines of Jonghyun...*drumroll* 'a few insults wouldn't get through her fat'---EPIC!!!! My sister and I got tears in our eyes from laughing real hard.. now off to read the rest. hwaiting!^^
I don't miind. >.<
angelcity #3
HA! Your poll died. c:<br />
ooh i like this fic :D<br />
angelcity #5
oh da baby girl is coauthroing with me ~ (:
xu_min456 #6
angelcity #8
WAIT WHAT NO. I DON"T HATE YOUR WRITING. T_T YOU MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY NOW. *sobs* YOU *points* are a great writer! Keep it up! ~ Hwaiting! :) I LOVE THIS STORY. >:D
angelcity #9
LOLOLOLOL. It's alright, (: