Red Winter Wine 4/8

Love Notes at My Door

Finally, I managed to write and finally do all of my editting, it may not look like much, but this took me forever!

Anyway, I just want to say I'VE MISSED ALL OF YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!

This chapter has just about everyone by Sulay (mian Sulay fans). I'm pretty sure theres subtle shows of Hunhan, but barely.

And Taoris and Baekyeol nearly took over the chapter! XD But I just had to include them.

This chapter will also reveal Chen's jealous tendencies. ^^ I so love him !

Last but not least, I hope you enjoyy~ Leave you're comments, they are so fun to read! Lol.

I also included a quote from an episode of Family Guy (It's pretty obvious) and the first person that can

1.find the quote


2.tell me who said it, I'll find me some time, settle down, and write you a oneshot of a pairing you want. It doesn't have to be Exo or . It could be anyone.  BYE NOW!


Xiumin had to force Chen to go home. The tall boy didn't want to leave his side for a single moment and it was hard to concentrate on watching his teammates play against each other with a piece of perfection sitting next to him, breathing so close that Xiumin could feel himself falling in sync with his every breath and finding his concentration swaying.

"Tomorrow, I promise," Xiumin said as his teammate’s calls for the next scrimmage to take place in a few minutes met his ears. Xiumin had excused himself from the game to say goodbye to Chen, walking away with his hand close to Chen's fingers, debating whether or not he should take his warm hand or ball his small fingers into a fist. His face blossomed with crimson when he literally felt Chen release a huff of air before taking his hand and smoothly locking their fingers together. His teammates slyly pried their eyes away from the match and the people playing along the rim of the field slowly kicked the ball back and forth to cover the fact that they were spying on them too. Chen smiled, though deep down, his inner conscious was beginning to worry again. We're just friends? Chen held the false smile plastered to his lips and squeezed Xiumin's hand a bit harder before releasing his hold on the slightly cold fingers. A friend, is that all I am to you? A friend! It's already beginning to piss me off!

"Xiumin," Chen spoke his name lowly, attempting his best to reign in on the annoying feelings swirling inside of his core. Xiumin blinked innocently, he had been looking more and more adorable clad in his soccer uniform, and looked up into Chen's brooding orbs with a questioning look fit for an adorable child. Chen took a deep breath internally and turned towards the shorter male, his fingers closing into tight fists before opening again and raising to grip Xiumin's shoulders. He told his brain to stop thinking and just do what his heart continuously growled at him.

Kiss him right now.

He's practically begging for it.

Why is he so cute?

Taking another deep breath for safe measure, Chen craned his neck downward and leaned in closely to take in all of Xiumin's pale, rounding face. It wasn't fair that Xiumin could be so perfect, his large orbs automatically drooping slightly as he breath quickened in tempo. His cheeks were cutely pink and soft looking, Chen decided one day he just might have to bite him. When he with satisfied with the way he drew in Xiumin's eyes, sweet light honey, he leaned in a bit more and kissed Xiumin's parted lips. Xiumin quickly pressed his lips back to Chen's, sighing dreamily as his hands found their way to his chest, pulling him in closer.

The kiss they shared was slow and sensual, the soccer team and coach Junsu cheering in the background as their lips pressed together in fevered movements. I know we aren't together, but I want to be yours more than anything else. Xiumin's thoughts swirled together in a mix of Chen's eyes and the sensation of kissing striking fast at his emotions. His chest began to tighten with a lack of air and Xiumin was forced pull away from Chen's warm lips. Chen smiled at how Xiumin panted, his cute little form holding onto him as he attempted to catch his breath. He ran his arms around Chen and reeled him in for a hug that Chen returned, leaning in to kiss Xiumin's soft hair.

"You have practice," Chen murmured playfully, smiling as he withdrew himself and gave Xiumin a playful push towards his rowdy team. He his heel and walked away with his back straight to a y angle and his hips slightly swaying in the wind. Xiumin watched his raven haired soon-to-be lover with his mouth slightly parted and eyes unimaginably large. Did his Chen just do that? It was a new sight to behold, Chen was different then, it was anger, hunger, and a burst of flames all in one. It left Xiumin slightly woozy and dazed. Everything looked slightly distorted from Chen filled eyes; Xiumin nearly fell if not for a soccer ball slamming against his .

"CAPTAIN! WE HAVE PRACTICE! STOP FACE AND GET YOUR OVER HERE!!" Xiumin gritted his teeth and bent down, slowly due to the unpleasureable stinging in his , to pick up the ball. When he managed to stand and turn, his eyes were no longer stuck in the clouds, but were harder than cinder blocks.

"40 LAPS! NOW!" Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being Captain, Xiumin mused as he sat against Jinyoung's back with his arms crossed, the soccer field covered with uniform clad boys doing sets of pushups, not bad at all.




"Chanyeollie, do you have our locks?" Baekhyun asked as they entered the dimly lit building with the other couple behind them. His very tall, curly haired lover reached a long, slim arm into his pocket and pulled away to produce two locks, one designed with bacon and the other with chickens and eggs. They found the two very distinct locks cuter than life and thought that it fit them perfectly as the ‘Breakfast Couple.’ The two behind them, one just as tall as Chanyeol if not taller, and his little Chinese panda followed, grumbling along the way.

"Why did we have to come too?" Kris walked with his arms crossed and Tao holding onto one of his arms, looking around with frightened eyes. He was not only afraid of ghosts, but of the dark, spiders, clowns, and balloon animals.

"Don't you want your love to last?!" Chanyeol called back to them in his deep booming voice, making Tao flinch.

"I don't have to be here for that to happen," Kris countered, "I'll always love Tao. Stupid egg." Tao managed to giggle against the dark lighting of the room as they walked through the lobby, the receptionist and a few other people around, mostly couples and a single person every now and then. Kris guided Tao along as best he could with the limitation put on his sight and felt relief surge through him when they reached the elevator. His dark haired boyfriend still clung to him then, his head finding comfort leaning against Kris' muscular arm. The elevator was rather small, squishing the four people inside and causing the two couples to bicker.

"Yeol, move over!" Baekhyun elbowed his boyfriend, who was already very much pressed against the cold metal of the elevator, and tried to gain more space by moving over and right into Tao.

"Get off of me Baekhyun," Tao complained and used his shoulder to press Baekhyun away from him. To dissuade the situation while the elevator reached the top floor, Kris merely pulled the fuming panda into his side and draped his arm over his shoulder. The little ding of the elevator caused the small group to visibly relax, a large smile quickly spreading to devour Chanyeol's face as he linked arms with Baekhyun and dashed out onto the huge platformed roof. He had been even more excited about going than Baekhyun was and wouldn't let a sulky dragon ruined his fluttering heart. Looking around the vast plane, at all the locks, Chanyeol couldn't help but squeal in excitement. They had made it, he and Baekhyun, this far, to the point where their locks would reside here among hundreds, thousands, of the wishing and hoping.

The wish that their love would continue to grow and shine, that they would always be together.

Chanyeol still couldn't believe he had managed to find a nice, cozy place in Baekhyun's heart; that he alone could call Baekhyun his just as much as he was Baekhyun's. Looking at the different assortment of locks, Chanyeol looked around in the faint light for the perfect spot to attach his and Baekhyun's locks to the gate. Baekhyun allowed himself to be pulled along by the gentle giant as he surveyed the available space, a pretty smile on his lips as his face glowed with the golden orange horizon. If only Chanyeol could open up his chest and see how manic his heartbeat was, Baekhyun stifled his laughter at the thought, and pressed closer to his big Happy Virus as they walked over to a less populated part of the gate, where two locks lay together, one Sea Foam Green and the other Aquamarine. For some reason, Baekhyun felt drawn to them, as if placing their locks by the two was the most flawless idea he had ever formulated.

"There," He voiced his thoughts with a soft, wispy voice and pointed at the two locks, "Let's put our locks over there." Chanyeol nodded his head, agreeing that it was the perfect spot for their locks to go, and the pair walked closer to the gate, leaving behind Kris and Tao to their own little world.

"I know you didn't want to come," Tao began as he forcefully pried himself off of Kris' arm, he would’ve rather stayed there, but he wanted to try being romantic for once since Kris was usually the one to sweep him off of his feet, "And I'm sorry that this may be the stupidest thing in the world but," Tao pressed a trembling hand into his pocket and pulled forth the two locks he had bought that very day while with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Now that he stood before his sometimes intimidating boyfriend, the panda and dragon print locks felt more childish than romantic and Tao truly want to slip them back into his pocket, but he refused to be a coward, though it was still pretty cowardly to stare down at his shoes instead of Kris' expectant face and raised brow. 

"I thought that maybe we-we . . . We could, uh," So much for romance. Tao retracted his hand full with the two locks and sighed.

"Give me my lock." Tao raised his head in alarm, feline eyes widening as his lips parted to form a circle in his surprise. He nearly dropped the two locks in tow.

"Y-You'll do it!?" Kris could only smile at his adorable lover and take Tao's hand, weighed down slightly with the two unique locks, and nod his head.

"It's something you want us to do together; of course I will. I'm sorry if you thought I would say no."

"No . . . It's just that-you-didn’t-yeah." Tao bit his lip as his cheeks and ears dusted over in a light hue of pink, the color soon reached his neck, and decided he should just stop talking or else he may ruin their current moment.

"I knew you'd want to, that's why I brought this," Kris spoke matter-of-factly, producing a black sharpie from his back pocket and giving Tao a look full of loving care. He knew? Tao felt his eyes water and before he could help himself, he began to cry, the waterworks turning themselves on and hot tears trickling down his beautiful face. He could no longer pretend to be the strong, supporting boyfriend, not when that small act of affection touched his heart so deeply and reminded him of why he fell for someone like Kris. He was so charming, and kind, and patient, and he gave Tao everything he had ever needed. He gave him a place to remember, memories he could create with no other, a love especially made for him. Why did he have to give up this man to a continent? And more so, why couldn't he go with him?

"Tao," Kris sighed and stepped forward, allowing the thin Sharpie to fall from his loose grasp and wrapping his arms around Tao's thin waist, pulling the crying boy into his arms and sighing again. There was nothing he could say to make any of this better, he was leaving soon enough, and he knew Tao wasn't in the mood for sweet words. With his arms still tied around the boy’s waist, Kris walked them over to where Chanyeol and Baekhyun had taken out their phones and used the light permeating from the screen to further admire the locks. They had already left theirs next to the Sea Foam Green and Aquamarine locks, feeling it was the best place on the gate. Gently pressing the boy into Baekhyun's arms, Tao instantly clung to the surprised boy, Kris jogged over to the fallen permanent marker and backtracked, taking Tao back in his arms and his lock from the boy's vice like grip.

While the boy buried his face into Kris' neck, tears wetting the blonde’s collar, Kris smiled at the sensitivity. He hated seeing his favorite person in the world cry, especially over something so trivial, but Tao did look especially huggable during these instances. With the fainting sun his only source of light, Kris squinted his eyes and turned his lock over, scribbling two words in mandarin across the elaborate dragon pattern bursting with flames. He recapped the marker and moved his hands to hold Tao's waist, gently pulling them apart for fear of breaking him; Tao was soft and small, he was comparable to a glass figurine Kris kept in a jewelry box.

"Do you want me to write for you?" Tao nodded his head childishly, his wet eye lashes sticking together in breathtaking motions, his eyes big and glossy. Tao pressed his lock into Kris' awaiting grasp and watched him turn the warm metal in his hand, bringing the sharpie to the white background and writing the opposite of what he had scrawled across his own. When he finished the grueling task, he looked up at Tao in the last remnants of sunlight, the sky beginning to twinkle with growing stars, the dark blue canvas blossoming with glitter. Instead of giving Tao his lock like the younger had anticipated, Kris dropped his dragon lock into the boys waiting grasp and smoothly slid Tao's lock in his pocket.

"I've decided that next time," Kris began, "Next time we'll leave our locks here." Next time? The assumption was perhaps much too easy to uncover; Tao wanted to cry again but he had already ruined the atmosphere so he decided against looking so weak again; he rubbed the tears from his eye, luckily he had worn no makeup, and peered up at his boyfriend in a new light. The next time.

The next time we'll be together.

"I'm yours."

"You're mine."


"Alright everyone, practice is officially over," Xiumin called from his seat on the bench, smirking quite evilly as he watched his teammates moan and groan over the intense practice. All of the members shot Yongguk dirty looks for being the one to make that comment which set off the little captain's dictatorial streak. Xiumin smiled and waved at each of the exhausted boys as they passed, his smile genuine, but his eyes holding unforeseen evil.

"XIUMIN!" Said male turned his head quickly to the sound of his name being called and looked at the top of the bleachers. From the lights pouring out from bulbs surrounding the stadium setup, Xiumin could make out Luhan and Kai waving at him, Luhan's arms flailing childishly and Kai holding onto the elder’s collar to make sure he didn't fall and hurt himself. Xiumin returned the wave in full, standing from the bench and leaning forward to pick up his heavy bag. Once the bag was in hand, he slung it over his shoulder out of habit and walked past the bench to the grueling flight of steps leading to the school grounds.

"HEY XIUMIN!" Luhan called excitedly, trying to escape the clutches of Kai in order to check on his favorite little Minnie. Xiumin walked up the thick cement steps two at a time and continued this way until he was at the very top, smiling weakly as he watched Kai release Luhan and the beautiful singer rushed over, hugging his sweaty body to a frail chest. It was rare that the trio managed to walk home together; Luhan was usually the first one home after his singing lessons, and Kai was second, seeing as he had dance practice and stopped by Kyungsoo's dorm on the way.

"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned as they fell instep, Kai to his left and Luhan to his right.

"Chanyeol went on a date with Baekhyun, Sehun is staying back for extra practice, and Soo told me to go away," Kai. Stated, "I had no one else to walk with."

"Way to make me feel special," Xiumin muttered as he gave the younger a pointed look. Kai smiled innocently and hooked his arm around Xiumin's shoulder.

"Of course you're special. I don't show- OW!" Xiumin had slapped him directly behind his left ear.

"I swear to KRIS, if you don't stop bringing up that story, I'll tell Kyungsoo how you got so drunk you tried to kiss me thinking it was him." Kai’s arm stiffened in its place around Xiumin’s neck, his throat drying instantly and resulting in the younger nearly coughing up an organ. He drew away from Xiumin and peered over at Luhan, the only male out of the trio who was unaware of this tidbit of destructive information.

“Xiumin, you wouldn’t.” Xiumin decided to humor Kai, peering up at the moonlit sky with a thoughtful expression and pressing his pointer finger to his pouty lips. It would do him justice to finally initiate his revenge against the dancer for always embarrassing him and dragging him into unruly situations, such as Kris’ car and being a one night stripper, but then again, if not for the party at that God forsaken club, he would’ve never officially met the love of his life.

So Kai could get off.

This time.

Everybody gets one.

"Fine. Be grateful that you've actually done a good thing for me. Otherwise, Kyungsoo would be receiving one long text."

"You have his number!? Delete it." Xiumin tossed Kai's arm from around his shoulder and switched sides with Luhan, leaving the baby deer walking in the middle, his thoughts elsewhere.

"Why? Think I might change my mind?" Kai pouted and crossed his arms, trying to act cute in order to soften Xiumin. Yes, Kai was a badass whose ideas usually ended in utter failure and near death, it was just once, when he thought it was a fun idea for he and Sehun to take part in the cinnamon challenge, but anything related to Kyungsoo was different. He made Kai different.

"No. The only person who should have his number is me. Delete it. Now." Xiumin peered around Luhan's skipping figure to fix an eyebrow at Kai.

"And what makes you think I will Jongin? Watch your mouth or else I'll kick your harder than a soccer ball."

"Don't call me that and with those two inch legs of yours? HA." That did it. Xiumin dropped his bag and quickly reached his foot behind Luhan and used the heel of his soccer toned leg to kick the side of Kai's long limb, effectively tripping him up and almost making him fall.

"Say that one more time Kai!"

"Y-Your. Two. Inch. L-"

"Stop fighting," Luhan stopped skipping and turned around in the sweeping light of the street lamp to see the mess his two roommates had created. Kai was still hopping around on one foot and Xiumin was ready to go in for the kill, "Kai, Xiumin's legs aren't two feet tall! Xiumin, don't call Kai Jongin! Down boy!"  Xiumin crouched down and swept his bag from the floor and took Luhan's hand, sticking his tongue out at Kai who had since lost his balance and fallen flat on his .

"Let's leave that idiot behind." Luhan agreed and the group journeyed home with Kai trailing behind, and groaning about his injured leg.

It was a pretty night, the stars twinkling in all the right places, the moon full and circular. Chen sighed as he laid on his back, the back of his head perfectly cushioned by his arms. A lot of peculiar thoughts continued to mush themselves together as they orbited his brain, but none of it could erase the jealousy coursing through his veins. The annoying idea that Xiumin merely viewed him as a friend replayed again and again and it truly made him upset in a way no one but Kyungsoo had witnessed before. Deep beneath his quiet outer shell hid intense feelings of bitter revenge, malicious intent, and the wish to dominate. Xiumin always seemed to cause that side of Chen to unleash itself without even trying. All he really had to do was bat his long thick lashes and Chen would feel a burst of protective courage flush through him. He had never felt quite like this, which was why it was so peculiar.

He just . . . Loved Xiumin so much that after losing him just once, he never wanted to lose him again. Finding an invisible plane where Xiumin should've been that very next day, the soccer ball that had slammed against his head lying there abandoned on the isolated playground; it had broken Chen's little bitty heart.

But this time, Chen wouldn't allow Xiumin to slip through the cracks in his fingers, he would keep his hand held tightly around him,

So that nothing could keep him away.

Nothing would break them apart.

"Tomorrow. Tomorrow I won't be scared." Tomorrow he would claim his prize or fall prey to the boiling in his stomach. It was the final thought swirling around in Chen's mind before he drifted away on a little boat to dream land.

"I swear if you ever make fun of my height again, I'll Sparta kick you." The clashing roommates had just settled into their house and Luhan thought cereal would be the perfect form of dinner and set to it, pulling down the box of Fruity Pebbles, because Fruity Pebbles is delicious, and finding three clean bowls.

"You already did! How the hell am I supposed to dance now," Kai yelled as he limped towards the bathroom. Xiumin had kicked him so hard he could barely walk straight, stupid bun face. Just as he leaned against the bathroom door, Kai suddenly had one of those light bulbs blinking in his mind, a new plan that would most definitely reel in benefits.

One injured Kai = One nurse Kyungsoo

"Why thank you Xiumin. My life will definitely be interesting from now on."









Next chapter will be a Xiuchen date ~ Yaaaaayyy ^^

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Ughh, mian everyone, I had to take chap 18 down for some adjustments. but no worries, it'll be here soon! I promisee


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Chapter 24: This is good! so fluffy
Megane_senpai #2
Chapter 24: Ooh~~~ Sehuns pissed. OMFG Xuimin why!?!? Awww poor Baekhyun ;~; baby come Baek!!!!!.
Katira_Elise08 #3
Chapter 24: Wtf Xiumin?! How can you even CONSIDER feelings towards someone else other than Chen?! You ! And pfft got what ya deserved Luhan! :D omg what happened to Lay and Suho?! D: BAEKHYUN COME BACK SWEET BEAUTIFUL AMAZING CHANYEOL NEEDS YOU!! D:
Katira_Elise08 #4
Chapter 24: Oops for chapter 21 that was meant to be *amazingness*
Katira_Elise08 #5
Chapter 22: Poor Baekky :( and LOL go Lay and Suho!
Katira_Elise08 #6
Chapter 21: Whaaaattttt! You can't do that after that amazing eyes Xiumin! Now you HAVE to win!
Katira_Elise08 #7
Chapter 19: Ok. That. Was. The. Best. Chapter. Ever! OMIGOSH THAT WAS SO GORGEOUS LOVE YOU
Katira_Elise08 #8
Chapter 17: hahahaha omg stooopppp!! The endings are too much!!!!
Katira_Elise08 #9
Chapter 16: Hahahahaha the endings r always hilarious! Your amazing!
Katira_Elise08 #10