Red Winter Wine 3/8

Love Notes at My Door

It gets a little funny towards the end of Xiumin's pov . XDDDDDD And I actually have no idea how to play soccer. Just putting that out there.

Xiumin analyzed the gait and pace Woohyun walked away with, the princely air he exuded and how his feet sloppily picked up to a half beat. There was something off about the way he handled his feet, as if he were putting on the allusion that he were normal and it was a regular occurrence to walk as such. The pale boy felt boiling blood course through his veins as his wide set eyes narrowed, his suspicion becoming accurate the moment Woohyun stepped on a small rock, how his foot placement fell out of sync with the rest of his body and the way his lower back tightened to cover the loss. It was then he knew that there was no way he could possibly lose to Woohyun twice in a row; it was impossible.

Woohyun walked with a carefully concealed limp. Only someone watching closely would be able to see the dip and drop of his left leg in comparison to the right and the shiver curling up his spin with each step. Woohyun had walked with a limp the entire time; he had just been covering the vulnerability with the effective use of his teammates and a technique with his legs that helped give him balance. If I can disrupt his focus on the field, I'll win. We'll win. He just needed to fix his speed and execution and get his team up to speed to face their rival positions on the field. Unlike Woohyun, his team was comprised of well exercised runners and kickers that would be hard to face; but with Lay back as goalie and Tao as a centerfielder, there was a good chance for an even match.


"Seyong, I want you, Tao, Jinyoung, and hey, Yukwon!" Yukwon had been the new edition to the team a little over 2 weeks and had simply sat there to keep the bench warm, staring and soaking in the sight of Xiumin and the others playing true soccer against each other. He came from a much smaller school and had even heard of Kris and Xiumin there; his awe of the captain giving precise orders was unconditional. He stood with his head of bright red locks, reminding everyone of Jinyoung and Suho, and jogged over to the circle of boys with a bright Cheshire smile on his lips. Xiumin found him endearing and moved aside so that Yukwon could stand beside him.

"I know you've only been here for a short time, and everyone else may find it unfair, but I've seen what you can do and I think you'll be good to play in the upcoming game. Do you think you can?" Yukwon shook his head instantly, his limbs repressing the urge to just jump and shoat and be abused afterward, and after the kitten had calmed down, his serious face came into play. Xiumin looked back to see another loose circle, his teammates he would be playing against for the day. The lead had been given to a muscular midfielder named Yongguk and he had chosen Niel, a left fielder named Minsoo, Gongchan, Jihoon, and unfortunately, Lay as their goalie. If it was one thing Xiumin was sure he had over Yongguk, it was stature. He was smaller, therefore faster, and could probably steal the ball with one precise kick, easily passing it to Seyong since they had telepathic teamwork. Then again, Xiumin knew not to get ahead of himself, since Niel and Gongchan together could be a major problem. Gongchan could steal Jinyoung's attention away from the ball and Niel was quick on his feet, but perhaps Minsoo would be his own undoing. Turning back to face his team, Xiumin looked at Jinyoung.

"Don't get near Gongchan." Jinyoung pouted and Xiumin rolled his eyes at the drama of it all. 

"But Captain, he's wearing the new socks I bought him and they look so cute!"

"You're such a girl," Seyong muttered, rolling his eyes when Jinyoung looked over to see Gongchan waving.

"Yah!" Jinyoung swerved his head back around.

"Okay, fine. Do I take right field then?"

"Yeah, go after Niel and don't let him get to the ball." Jinyoung nodded his head and Xiumin dismissed his team, the bodies fanning out across the massive field to face their opponents. The ball lay in the center of the field and Xiumin could see Lay dancing in front of the goal post. He could see how happy the taller seemed to be ever since that morning and knew it had something to do with Suho sitting in the stands and watching him, cheering occassionally. 

"GAME. START!" The coach, Junsu and his assistant Changmin yelled togehter, and in the rush, Xiumin could see the buildings around him being passed in his peripheral. His legs crashed down the field towards the untouched ball, Yongguk closing in at the same moment, and it felt strangely like de ja vu, as if Woohyun would appear in that black smoke again and pass him by. Xiumin shook his head and watched with sulking as Yongguk stole the ball and ambled passed him and Seyong, who doubled back to stop him getting to Dahyun, the goalie of the day. 

"XIUMIN, YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!" Lay called from across the field, and Xiumin agreed wholeheartedly; he could do so much better. Running into a deep arch, Xiumin ran passed Yongguk and turned quickly, kicking the ball with his left leg before being tackled to the ground as Yongguk ran into him. They bowled over the field in a few rolls before coming to a stop and groaning about 'big idiots' and 'stupid little people'

"Get the hell off of me Bang!" Yongguk pushed away from Xiumin and brought a hand to his head, brushing his short hair back and scooting away as his captain sat up, glaring at him. He jumped back onto his feet and helped pull Yongguk up despite almsot falling over again. All the while, both teams kept the game going, neither scoring, but always on the brink. Xiumin left Yongguk and ran over to Minsoo, who had possession of the ball. Using his left leg, he litterally sailed through the air and kicked the ball from under his feet with the tip of his left foot. The ball sailed through the air towards Lay's side of the field, farther than everyone else's location.

Both teams scrambled for the ball, dodging passed eachother and trying to get to the rolling projectile without being injured. Xiumin ducked under Niel's arm and passed Jihoon and Minsoo in one stride, Seyong and Yukwonrunning on his far left and Tao blocking off Jihoon on the right. The ball was aligned with his feet perfectly, just a few feet away from the perfect shot. I've got this, just a little more. . . Xiumin caught the ball between his feet and menuvered it with his left leg, kicking the ball up and onto his knee. He only had a few seconds before the ball could be taken by the other team, and knowing this Xiumin propelled the ball higher usuing his knee and kicked with every ouce of his muscle.

Lay never had a chance.

And he screams like a girl.

"I said I was sorry!" Their scrimage match had been put on hold for the last ten minutes due to Lay's unfortunate accident. His hands had been cupping his rather important male appendage where the soccer ball had hit with full force. Even with Suho by his side as he laid across the bench did nothing to aid his stinging pain and the urge to snap Xiumin into even smaller pieces. In XIumin's defense, he thought Lay of all people could catch the ball. I guess not.

"Don't . . . come . . . any . . . closer!" Okay, so kicking a soccer ball into Lay's gonads wasn't Xiumin's initial intention, but he didn't have to be treated like the plague or something. Xiumin sat against the grass closeby since Suho wouldn't let him get any closer without threatening to suspend his rank as captain and Lay sent teary glares every minute his eyes weren't squeezed closed.

"So does this mean we won?" Coach Junsu sighed and nodded his head in defeat, muttering 'bunch of retards' under his breath as Xiumin's team cheered over their unofficial victory. Junsu called over Xiumin, who sent Lay a few more apologenic stares before pushing off of the grassy field and jogging over to the older male.

"Yeah, Coach?" 

"Besides the obvious, you did a good job out there. You chose you're teammates well and they worked perfectly under your command. You're execution is actually just like Kris, better even. If you keep up this good team work, Woolim High won't have a chance. Just try not to hurt anyone else's balls. I can't be sued again."

Chen had been passing the field on his way for the dorms, absentmindedly humming a tune and fiddlign with his fingers in his boredom. He had seen Xiumin only twice that day and both times Xiumin seemed distracted, sad. Chen kept feeling as if it were somehow his fault. Maybe Xiumin had regretted going on that date with him and he was avoiding him to save Chen's feelings. Or maybe he was just shy and didn't know what to say. Either way, it had been nagging Chen the entire day. He looked out onto the field where he could see a few of the soccer team members playing a match against eachother as practice. Maybe he wouldn't mind if I went to see him? Sehun was at Xiumin's house with Luhan, Kris and Tao decided to sleep in the late afternoon, and Kyungsoo went on a date with Kai. With no one to go to and no one waiting for him, Chen steered off into the stands and stepped down the aisle until he could see who ran across the field. He knew it was Xiumin the moment the small boy passed by with the ball, a look of determination hardening his face to something deep and dark, his lips forming a thin line as his eyes stared ahead.

Chen had never watched Xiumin play soccer, he had always been to nervous, but with these turn of events, he wanted to see Xiumin doing something he loved. And he did. The fire burning bright in his eyes was vibrant and lively, the way his hair whipped back in the wind to embrace his face looking more like a photo shoot than real life. He shot passed a blocking teammate without so much as a second thought and kicked the ball up for it to land on his knee. Chen leaned over the railing in awe. Xiumin could do something like that? He watched Xiumin look towards the goal post where Lay stood taunting him and the pale boy used his knee to propel the ball back into air before jumping and kicking the ball with a force no one could have foreseen. The ball sailed through the air before -


Chen flinched as Lay froze in his place, dropping to his knees before falling flat on the ground. Suho was the first to his side, racing across the grass faster than the soccer placers themselves. He helped carry lay towards the bench and lay him down, the Chinese male and groaning about not being able to see anymore. Chen easily hopped over the railing and stood there, thinking over whether it was okay to be seen with Xiumin now that he was there. Yes, they went on a date, they kissed, Chen knows that Xiumin cares for him, but he didn't know whether Xiumin was okay with being seen with a boy. Everyone they knew happened to be gay, but that didn't matter. 

"Don't be a coward, he'll be happy to see us," Chen's inner Prince murmured, guiding  his feet along as Xiumin spoke to his captain. He waited patiently until the captain walked away dejected, and shyly bit his lip as Xiumin turned around to see him. His serious expression softened instantly, as if he had been carrying a gigantic weight and seeing Chen suddenly whisked it away.

"C-Chen, what are you doing here?" Chen's expression dropped, his eyes drooping towards the ground and his teeth burrowing deeper into his thin lower lip. Don't be so sensitive. Chen released his bottom lip and cleared his throat; his eyes were still trained on the floor.

"I wanted to see you. I  . . . missed you." His face flamed as his inner self forced him to speak the words deep in his heart, but he felt that smile only Xiumin could bring touch his lips when Xiumin's eyes widened into an impossibly innocent expression.

"I missed you too," He said quickly, taking Chen by surprise by stalking forward and wrapping his small arms around his torso, "I'm happy you came to see me."

"You look amazing out there," Chen spoke quietly, "I'd never seen you play before. I see you still hit people in important places." Xiumin flushed against Chen's perfect uniform, his blood boiling as he remembered Chen telling him of how they met, and then the kiss, and-

"I am sorry about that. . . really."

"It's fine. I'm glad you weren't this good when we were younger or else I would've died." Xiumin pulled away from their hug and laughed, the look brightening his face and making Chen almost go blind like what Suho does to everyone else. 

"Come with me, I'll introduce you to my teammates." With a smile, Xiumin easily took one of Chen's hand, purposely locking their fingers together, and walked over to where his teammates sat or laid for their five minute break. Jinyoung was the first to see Chen, before his eyes honed in on the way they walked, how they lightly swung hands. Captain is totally gay, I knew it!

"Hey everybody," Xiumin called them to get their attention. It was pretty obvious to them what was going on, but for people like Yongguk, Xiumin wanted to be sure, "This is my friend Chen. He's special to me so don't you even dare try to be mean to him. I'll kick your then I'll kick you off the team. Understood?" 

"Yeah." "Whatever." "He's too cute for you!"








Just a filler of sorts and some Xiuchen. Another date next chapter. I'll update when I think of where. And I'll show Baekyeol at Namsan tower also. Please wait for me loveliees.

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Ughh, mian everyone, I had to take chap 18 down for some adjustments. but no worries, it'll be here soon! I promisee


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Chapter 24: This is good! so fluffy
Megane_senpai #2
Chapter 24: Ooh~~~ Sehuns pissed. OMFG Xuimin why!?!? Awww poor Baekhyun ;~; baby come Baek!!!!!.
Katira_Elise08 #3
Chapter 24: Wtf Xiumin?! How can you even CONSIDER feelings towards someone else other than Chen?! You ! And pfft got what ya deserved Luhan! :D omg what happened to Lay and Suho?! D: BAEKHYUN COME BACK SWEET BEAUTIFUL AMAZING CHANYEOL NEEDS YOU!! D:
Katira_Elise08 #4
Chapter 24: Oops for chapter 21 that was meant to be *amazingness*
Katira_Elise08 #5
Chapter 22: Poor Baekky :( and LOL go Lay and Suho!
Katira_Elise08 #6
Chapter 21: Whaaaattttt! You can't do that after that amazing eyes Xiumin! Now you HAVE to win!
Katira_Elise08 #7
Chapter 19: Ok. That. Was. The. Best. Chapter. Ever! OMIGOSH THAT WAS SO GORGEOUS LOVE YOU
Katira_Elise08 #8
Chapter 17: hahahaha omg stooopppp!! The endings are too much!!!!
Katira_Elise08 #9
Chapter 16: Hahahahaha the endings r always hilarious! Your amazing!
Katira_Elise08 #10