Le party

Maybe Next time We'll Meet Again


Chapter 23
"Who's this" Chanyeol says in a serious tone 
I look at Kai and Chanyeol, aren't they suppose to be in the dressing room? 
"Shouldn't you guys be at the dressing room?"
"I asked you a question first" said Chanyeol 
He's acting so weird...not his usual self , he's  angry
I glared at him 
"Minhee...it was Exo-m that's suppose to be there not us" says Kai nervously
The tension between me and Chanyeol was obvious
"Si Yun, you know these guys?" 
"Yeah...they're from my company" 
"Si Yun?" Chanyeol and Kai questions
"Boram Hyung! " 
A boy with short hair and dark skin came towards us
"There you are, the parties gonna start soon..."
He looks down and sees me 
"Oh...who's this?" 
Boram gets up and puts his hand out. 
I stare at it and grabbed it, he pulled me up.
"Maru ah, she's the one I've been talking about"
He smiles 
"Oh Noona, annyeoassayo I'm Maru"
*cough cough * 
I turn my head and look at Chanyeol
"You still haven't tell me who he is" says Chanyeol
"He's Boram..."
For some reason Chanyeol didn't argue back...I know he wants to know more..but he didn't say anything.
Kai out of nowhere took off his sweater and wrapped around me.
Maru also stares and his eyes stretches
"Noona, your bleeding!"
Boram glared at Maru and smacked his arm
What? I look down and saw that my legs are dripping red juice
Are you serious? 
The boys look away and things got awkward.
"I'm not bleeding...I accidentally sat on juice. Look over there if you don't believe me" 
I pointed to the bench
"Oh" mouthed the boys
"Noona! There's extra clothes in the dressing room. You can change into those" says Maru
"Is it okay though? "
"Yeah, it is. I'll get it for you"  says Maru
Does he even know my size? 
Barom stares at me as if  he  knew what I was thinking.
"Maru ah, I'll do it" 
He quickly went to the dressing room.
I look at Kai's sweater and see red stain on it 
"Kkamjongie...mianhaeyo... I got stains in your sweater"
"Oh...no it's not...it's okay " Kai scratches his head
"I'll wash it before I return it" 
"Oh yeah...Noona, are you coming to the party later?" Asks Maru
"Maybe? Kai, are the others coming too?"
"Yeah, after they're finished " Kai replies
Barom comes out with an outfit and quickly grabs my hand.
I stare at him and Chanyeol and Kai stares at my hands.
"Come..." Says Barom 
He drags me to the  bathroom and softly push me inside.
 "Change into this" he hands me the clothes
I look at the clothes, it was a black sweetheart dress with lace sleeves.
There were also black heels.
I took my clothes off and changed into the dress.
I washed my pants and put them in a bag.
I stared at myself after changing...
The outfit looked good on me.
Surprisingly it fit well, so does the shoes.
I came out and Barom was standing in front of me
Barom smiles
"I was right..." He mutters to himself
"Did you say something?" 
"You look good" he replies 
He places his hands around my shoulders and starts to walk the other way
"Aren't we going to go with the others?" 
"Don't worry , they already went there when you were changing"  says Barom
Really? That's so unlike Kai and Chanyeol though...
Kai would never leave without telling me.
Barom opens the door and we went inside
The party was in the biggest auditorium in the studio, it was tastefully decorated.
There weren't that many people  there, well the party actually doesn't start yet.
I spotted Chanyeol right away...he was the tallest in the room 
Kai spotted me immediately too, and his jaws dropped .
"Minhee..." Says Kai
I came towards Kai and Chanyeol
Chanyeol turns around and his eyes were stretched
" wow..."
"Min you look..."
Barom comes over and sneakily put his arms around me
Kai and Chanyeol stares at Barom 
"Ummm...Minhee, who's this? " says Kai 
"He's Barom, my best friend " 
'Best friend? I thought I was your only best friend? How come you never talked about him before?' Thought Kai 
"Best friend?" Chanyeol raises his eyebrows
"I hate to interrupt you guys but we have  some catching up to do" says Barom as he leads me to the other side of the room
Chanyeol gives Barom a dirty look
 We sat at a table and there were already drinks there
"Here" Barom hands me one
I can tell its alcohol, probably  
"You know it's alcohol right?" 
"You do know I'm not old enough to drink right?" I said in English 
 Barom smirks 
"Since when did you ever do what your suppose to do?" He replies in English
I took a sip
"Since when did you became so clingy to me?" 
Barom looked serious 
"Since you disappeared 6 years ago" 
Barom kept staring at me , while I looked down
"What happened? Where did you go...why didn't you show up at the competition? " 
I can't tell you...I don't want another person to feel sad for me...I even didn't tell Chen the entire truth.
My eyes were watery
"Si Yun ah...did you know how much I missed you"  Barom's voice was cracking up 
Yes, I know...just like how much I missed you guys...
"We won...we won the competition by the way" Barom added
"That's good...your dream finally came true" 
"It didn't...without you it didn't...I didn't go to America" 
"What? You didn't go to America...why? It was your dream"
"I was looking for you..." 
I didn't expect you to look for me... I didn't expect you to give up your chance of going to America and becoming a dancer
" Si Yun ...your mom...she..."
"What...what about mom?" 
Barom looked really sad
"She died" 
What! How...I don't believe this
"it's not true..."
Barom puts his hand on my shoulder 
"It's true..."
"How...how...did she died" I stuttered
"After you disappeared, she was very sad...she thought that it was all her fault, she thought that she forced you to run away...it led to depression and then cancer" 
Tears came out of my eyes 
It's my fault...mom died because of me
I pushed Barom's  hand away and ran out 
 I kept running until I bumped into something 
"Hey! I told you not to run!" yelled Kris
I started to cry
He looked down and patted my head 
"Hey...I didn't mean to yell at you" he said softly 
For some reason Kris's soft voice made me cry harder
He pulled me close to him and hugged me
"It's okay...what's wrong" 
"It's my fault...it's my fault..." 
"What's your fault?" 
" My mom died because of me"  I sobbed 
If only I came home sooner...she wouldn't have died
"What...it's not true. It's not your fault" says Kris as he rubbed my back 
It is...I shouldn't have argued with her...I've should have done what she told me...and now there's no way for me to apologize
I continued to cry 
Kris wipes the tears off my face 
"It's really my fault!" 
How can I not think of how she felt! 
Kris stares closely 
He leans in close and closes his eyes 
What is he trying to do? 
He kisses my cheek 
*thump thump*
My face reddens and my heart felt like it was going to explode
He looks at me and I look down 
He interlocks his hands with mines and leads me back to the room . 
I stare at his hands, they were big and connected to mine.
He lets go of my hands when we were near Exo-m's table.
"Found her" says Kris 
"Minhee, where were you?" asked Chen 
"Umm...just wanted to get some air" 
Chen stares at me and understood 
 "Okay" Chen replies 
Tao, Xiumin and Luhan was staring at me
I tugged my dress a little downer...this dress was a bit short
"Minhee, you weren't wearing that earlier" says Xiumin 
I know...it's all because of that red juice
"Yeah...My clothes got dirty so I changed" 
Tao looked  like he wanted to say something , his hands were on his mouth.
Chen nudges Tao 
"Minnie, you look very pretty"  Tao squeaked 
His face looked very red 
Luhan whistled and winked
Kris smacks Luhan 
"Hey!" Says Luhan 
Kris cut his eyes ( a type of glare/ dirty look)
"We're in a public place...it's not like she's a cow" 
"Cow?" Questions Xiumin 
"Farmers whistle all the time to tell their cows and sheep's to come home" says Lay
Kai and Chanyeol came towards us
"Where were you guys" asks Luhan 
They stare at each other 
"Over there..."  They pointed to the alcohol stand 
Kai doesn't usually drink...why would he be there? 
I look around the alcohol stand and saw Barom with someone near there.
Did Barom tell them anything? 
"Hey lets sit down" says Chanyeol 
I sat in between Tao and Kai
"Hey Minhee, why did Barom called you-" 
"Kaiiii ~ Would you be a dear and get me a margarita" Chen interrupted 
Phew! Thank god, Chen's thirsty 
Kai raised his eyebrows 
"I just got back from there" 
"Please, why don't you do Hyung a favour?" Chen bats his eyelashes 
"Uhhh...why don't you do it yourself " says Kai 
"Because...I want you to get it " 
"Just go! He'll just bug you until you go" says Xiumin 
"Ughhh" groans Kai 
He got up and went to get it,by the time he was back he forgot what he wanted to say
All these things happened ever since I came back from China...
is it just pure coincidence ? 
Bumping into Barom, Rosaceae finding me...those men in black...mom dying...
It's too all of a sudden
"Si Yun!" 
I look up 
"Did someone say something?" 
"Yeah, we were talking about the S.M 20th Annual celebration" says Lay 
I thought I heard someone call out my name
"I heard mr. Lee has a big announcement to make" says Luhan 
Big announcement? There's usually just a celebration party only
"I wonder what it is" says Xiumin 
"Hey Kris, your the duizhang. Did you know anything about it?" Asks Tao
  "Like Lay said, it's a big announcement. Why should I know?" Replies Kris
"Oh...well just thought you know cause you are duizhang" Tao replies 
"Ch..." Kris rolls his eyes
"Well it's in a month, we'll find out then" says Lay
"Si Yun!!!" 
This time it was louder; I am sure I heard someone 
I looked around, Barom was no longer at the alcohol stand...who could it be?
I glanced at Kris and he stares at me too
He looks somewhere else...he's acting like nothing happened
"Minhee?" Tao pokes my shoulder 
"Were you listening?" Tao asks
"What...yeah...of course"
"So are you going?" Asks Tao 
To the S.M celebration right? 
"Yeah...why wouldn't I? " 
  Tao smiles
Weird...why is he smiling? 
"Uhh...I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" 
"Ok" says Chen 
I took one more glance at Kris before I got up
He looked like he didn't noticed me...
I got out of auditorium and headed to the bathroom 
I stare at my tattoo on my arm 
I traced the marking of it 
I'm sorry mom...I'm tainted now...I can't go back
Tears came out of my eyes
Rosaceae knows where I am...he also knows where dad lives.
I already lost you...I can't lose him too...
I'm really sorry...everything's my fault 
I wiped my tears 
A girl that was shorter than me came out of a stall
She had purple shoulder length hair with a cap and mask.
She came closer to me and handed me a hanker chief 
I wiped my eyes  with it 
I was about to hand it back to her but she left...also it's kind of unhygienic 
I walked out and heard it again 
"Si Yun!" 
I followed the voice and headed towards an empty hallway
"That's not the deal!" says someone 
"Boss says it's 10 grand now " says a familiar voice 
10 grand? This person sounds familiar...
I hid behind the wall and saw two guys 
"It's either this or nothing" says the familiar voice 
"Pass it... I wanna check if its the deal" 
"We've done this many times...do you really think I'll trick you?" 
"You never know" 
He throws the  package and I manage to see it
The guy opened it and tasted it
My eyes stretches......they are doing a drug trade right now 
"You tested it already... Now it's time to pay" says the familiar voice 
"10 grand is too much...I know somewhere that's cheaper" 
"Cheaper in quality...otherwise you wouldn't be here asking me" says the familiar voice 
*drop* a mop fell
They turned and I saw their faces, it was Heechul and some man 
I looked around and saw a little bar on the ceiling, I think there's supposed to be a ladder there leading to the roof.
I quickly jumped up and clung  onto the bar
*footsteps coming* 
I think it's them...
"Are you sure someone's there?" Asks the other man
"We have to make sure...everyone knows who I am" says Heechul 
Yeah...everyone knows you. They just don't know that your a drug dealer
 They walked closer and were literally right below me
I am clinging on to the bar...I am scared of slipping down
 I'm not scared of them but...it's a bad idea if I'm caught...
"There's nothin here...your just paranoid" says the man 
"Whatever then...are you in or not?" Says Heechul 
"Not...I don't have 10 G's with me now" 
"Okay, then... Now hand it over" Heechul demanded 
The guy looks scared...seems like he's going to do something stupid
He huddled the drugs and pushed Heechul and ran 
"! You did not mess with me!" Heechul screeched 
He flinched out a knife and ran towards the other man
As soon as I thought Heechul was gone I dropped down
I would have never expected Heechul to be this way... I mean I always thought he secretly like guys or something but I didn't imagine him to be a drug dealer.
I wonder who's his boss is...
10 grand for drugs...that's a lot...his boss must be really powerful.
I Turned right and walked back
As I walked I saw red drops on the floor and they increased as I continued
It really looks like blood...don't tell me something happened.
I continued to follow the trails until I reached the janitors closet
I hesitated and opened the door...
My eye stretches...it was the guy with Heechul
He's dead
"Oh Minhee ah! There you are, what are you doing?" Says Xiumin 
He comes closer and his eyes stretches    
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mimichi #1
Chapter 26: ^o^ WOO NEW UPDATE
Chapter 25: Please pleasssssssssse update! I love this story and miss it!
Chapter 25: kris.... T_T
randomm #4
Chapter 25: Kris is Draco I hope. That'll be awesome =) Great update author-NIM
Chapter 24: O_O who's boram,,,,,? O_O XD

sh!t just got serious.,
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 23: DRACO??? :o
Chapter 23: omgah i'm so confused. O_O
Chapter 23: OH MY GOODNESS!!! IT'S DRACO RIGHT?! Please let it be Draco, I'm so scared for Minhee, what if that bastard does something to her? Please don't let anything bad happen to Minhee author-nim.
Kpop2000April #10
Chapter 13: I BET EVAN IS DRACO !!!!