Falling Again

K-pop OneShots!


Is it wrong for a boy and girl who broke up to still be friends? Well Yesung doesn’t think it’s a problem.


“Chaeyun can you make the popcorn?” Yesung asked playing with the DVD player. I watched him wack the player hard once.


“Yea no problem! Extra butter?” I questioned him walking into the dorm’s small kitchen.


“Do you really need to ask?” he chuckled hitting it again before the TV Started making sounds. As the popcorn popped I couldn’t help but remind myself that this was kind of weird trying to be friends with the guy I use to date. We only date for a short time; things didn’t work as well as we hoped. But we agreed to not let out past relationship get in the way of a real normal friendship. Though now I’m pretty sure he sees me as another male. Witch I’m ok with. The alarm goes off of the microwave and I put the popcorn in the bowl adding plenty of butter. I walk back into the living room and I see that ‘Blind’ is starting to play on the large TV. Yesung signals me to sit next to him but I sit a little further away than what he wants. Putting the popcorn bowl between us I turn my attachen to the movie.


“Eh Chaeyun! I asked for extra butter not a lake of butter!” he almost yelled in a teasing voice. I chuckled a little,


“Sorry” I said stretching, since it’s been a while since the movie started. “oh it’s raining!” I told him after taking a brief look out the window.


“Yea so?” Yesung mumbled keeping his eyes glued onto the TV.


“Let’s go play! The movie can wait!” I said standing up and pulling on his wrist to come. He finnaly gave in, and we went to the roof the apartment. Without shoes I ran out to the poring rain. Yesung stood in the doorway making sure he didn’t get wet. I danced around and I quickly got soaked but I couldn’t care.


“Come in before you catch a cold!” Yesung called. I spun and danced towards him reminding myself that he was still here.


“ah, stop worrying and come dance with me” I said cheerfully. With a few more complaints Yesung finally agrees and pulls my hand into the rain once again. He spins me around, and for once, he treats me like the girl he use to love. Suddenly I feel my feet slipping out from under me, and I start to fall. Quickly I feel a arm around my waist pulling me back up, stopping me from falling. Kind of like a anime, Yesung was holding me close. I couldn’t help but look into his eyes, when I did, I saw that sparkle. I never knew swallowing your saliva would ever sound this loud, as he pulls me up to his chest. His forehead touches mine, and I start to think, “is he gonna kiss me?”.


“Are you alright?” he whispers in my ear, witch send chills down my back. It was official, I had feelings for Yesung again. I swallow hard and back away smiling way to big.


“Yes perfect!” I said. I sneezed suddenly.


“Bless you” he said “we should back inside before you get to sick”. I follow his instructions we head inside. He hands me a towel and I dry myself off well he changes his clothes. I feel stupid for not bringing extra clothes so he lets me borrow one of his black button up shirts and a pair of Shindong’s girlfriend’s white short, witch I was lucky we were both small.  When I come out of Yesung’s room I see that he made me some coffee with a ton of milk. I laugh a little laying on the couch with Yesung with my feet on his lap, and he is watching the movie that is still playing. As I sip the coffee I can’t keep my eyes off of Yesung.

“Why am I like this?” I asked myself.


“What?” Yesung turns his head. Did I just say that out loud? Opps.


“Nothing” I giggle really fakely.


“I know that giggle” he said raising an eye brow. I nearly choke on the coffee when he said that.


“What do you mean?” I asked, my voice went higher, Great….


“you always giggle when your nervos and your voice only gets higher when  you lie.” He said. I saw the corner of his lip turn upwards. “do you want to tell me or do you want me to read you like a book?” he asked.


“fine” I said giving up and blushing. “I’m going crazy because of you” I confessed.


“because of me?” he said finally giving into a smile.


“I don’t think we can be just friends, you make me fall to hard.” I told him not looking into his eyes. but his lips. Before I knew it he leaned over and I felt his lips on mine for the first time in forever. His sweet lips fit perfectly to mine. I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed him back.

When I needed to brake the kiss he looked straight into my eyes and said,


“I’m glad you think that way because I can’t keep myself from loving you anyone” 



Hello! this was written for a cool person on Tumblr named cloudforlife i hope you like it!

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KimHeeChullie #1
Chapter 15: omo ;o; that was so cute Sehun <3
Chapter 14: lol
that was cute!!
Chapter 12: ooh..
that was naughty and nice!!
Chapter 11: haha
that was cute!!!
i kno a real couple like that!!! X3
Chapter 10: aww!!!
and she even knows how to fix cars!!! wow!!
that ws sweetness overloaded!
The gaming partners became couple!
that was cute!
They both fell for each other!
omg its amazing~ I LOVE YOU~ *Cloudforlife here* -sorry took so long to comment but I'm dying omg-