
K-pop OneShots!



Well there he is, right across the room looking perfect as always. Darn you Donghae for making me love you so much. It’s been 3 years of intense crushing and eye flirting that I have no idea how you don’t know yet. I fixed my bangs of my deep red hair and tried to look pretty if he ever looked at me. I only had one class at the university with Donghae, Parenting. I didn’t know why he was in this class since he was a top star but I didn’t question it. The more I got to look at him. No I do not like Donghae because he’s famous. I truth liked him. Ever since he said hello and started talking to me I feel for him right then and there. This was the only class where I could stair at him all day and not be called out for it.


“Today we are starting a new project” the professor said. Everyone groaned including Donghae. “I’m putting you all in pairs. You must find out what would you and your partner’s child would look like and the cost of raising your child.” The professor explained well handing out the papers. He called out the names of people that would be paired up. “Yeunja Lee” the professor called my name, I looked up and he smiled at me, “Donghae Lee, you are partners”. My mouth almost dropped to the floor as I looked to Donghae. He got up from his seat and sat beside me. my heart pounded a little faster suddenly and I felt butterfly’s take flight in my tummy.


“Get a hold of yourself yeunja, your just making a baby with Donghae, nothing much” but that didn’t help at all. I just ended up blushing at my own dirty thought. Suddenly I heard a chuckle from Donghae so I pealed my eyes off the paper and tried to look at him in the eyes.


“So” he laughed a little at my reaction. My head started to spin from that smile of his. ‘Stop it yeunja’ I mentally smacked myself. I really hope I don’t say something stupid.


“Ready to become a father?” I asked. Never mind I’ve already said something stupid.


“As ready as you are” he said opening his laptop. Luckily he didn’t think too much of what I said.




As time passed we started to develop our jeans to make a child.

“He’s going to end up with short legs like you” I giggled teasing Donghae.


“And a big noes like you” Donghae reflected the joke. I covered my noes,


“is there something that wrong with my noes?” I asked a little worried.


“your nose is beautiful” he said rolling his eyes as the class ended. “Come to my dorm tonight. We can work on this project and get it done quickly and then play durning class” he said packing up.


“Sure thing Captain Hae!” I said leaving the class. Was this truthfully a study date?



That night I went to the dorm surprised to see Eunhyuk with this really un impressed look on his face.


“are you ‘THAT’ girl Donghae invited over for the project?” Eunhyuk asked in a serious tone. I nodded slowly, almost scared to see Eunhyuk react like this. “He’s on the roof of the building” he said before closing the door. I would like to take this opportunity to ship like a mad woman.

I walked up the large stairs and knocked on the roof door. Donghae opened it up and let me in.


“So did you get that research I asked for?” Donghae asked bringing me to a desk that was pre-set up and good smelling candles lighting up the area.  


“yea” I said pulling out my binder out and handing what my family is like. He said he couldn’t share his information since he was a star, and I understood that.  


“So your family is half amarican?” he asked. I shook my head,


“British” I said pointing it out on the paper. When I looked up he was looking up at the same time and our eyes connected. My heart started to pound.


“So big dark down eyes” he said at almost a whisper not letting the connection between our eyes brake. I felt his warm breath on my cheek and I heard him his lips. Before I knew what I was doing I leaned forwards putting my hands on his shoulders and kissed his pink lips. My heart spun out of control as the kiss got warmer. Then my head caught up to me and I pushed myself off of him and sat back down in my chair blushing hiding in my hair embarrassed. I looked to Donghae carefully; his lips were frozen in a half kissing face the way I left him.


“I’m so sorry” I said quickly as I saw him his lips and sat normally again, “I have no idea what came over me. Well I kind of do because I have this large crush on you for like years ever since I meet you. Well I don’t know how this began but all I wish is we were more than friend because I REALLY like yo-“I was cut off by rant by Donghae’s lips. He was holding my head to his well his other kept him up. He fit out lips perfectly together. He backed away ever so little and tilted his head to the other side. I kissed him back, amassed of how much of a good kisser he was. When he had to brake the kiss from lack of air, and our lips were a little sore from all the surprise kisses he sat back down with a black expression.


“I love you too” was all he could say. A longer pause came over us, and all we could do was look at each other. No talking, no moving, just admiring each other.


“How long?” I asked breaking the carful silence.


“Since you fell in front of me the first day I meet you” he stuttered.


“So all this time…” I couldn’t finish my sentence worried I would say something wrong.


“We could have been together” he said sliding his chair up to me. He took my hand in his and smiled. “I didn’t confess because I thought you were scared of me, and that you wouldn’t want to date an idol.”


“I don’t care what your job is. It’s you that matters” I said blushing a light shade of pink. He kissed my cheek. “so are we like, a couple now?” I asked.


“why not? If people dislike that you make me happy that is there problem. I love you and that’s all I really care about” he said. He’s so amasing…

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KimHeeChullie #1
Chapter 15: omo ;o; that was so cute Sehun <3
Chapter 14: lol
that was cute!!
Chapter 12: ooh..
that was naughty and nice!!
Chapter 11: haha
that was cute!!!
i kno a real couple like that!!! X3
Chapter 10: aww!!!
and she even knows how to fix cars!!! wow!!
that ws sweetness overloaded!
The gaming partners became couple!
that was cute!
They both fell for each other!
omg its amazing~ I LOVE YOU~ *Cloudforlife here* -sorry took so long to comment but I'm dying omg-