
The Ride of Your Life


Twelve boys lounged haphazardly in the bleachers, watching a few of their sunbaes go through their daily runs. To the casual observer, their charismatic yet casual air and sophisticated, modern clothing would have made them seem like idols.
You however, were far from impressed.
"You're making judgements, I can see it," stated Sooyoung, who was helping you get dressed.
You turned your gaze from the one-way windows to stare at her in incredulous amazement.
"SM wants to put them in the Arteries? Them?" you demanded in borderline outrage. "This isn't just stupid, it's suicidal."
Sooyoung merely tsk'ed and tweaked your jumpsuit zipper.
"They're not racers, Sooyoung. They're pampered brats," you huffed, gesturing to their carefree demeanors before tying your hair up into a tight bun.
"They're tougher than they look-"
"Have any of them been in a 720? Or even just a 360?"
"Well, no..."
You grabbed your helmet. "My point is made. They've been in a safety bubble, and the tracks are the last place they should ever be." You made to exist the changing room, but Sooyoung's hand on your shoulder stopped you.
"Give them a chance, okay Jinhye? They've actually been through a lot."
You said nothing as you left, but the seriousness of her tone threw you off a bit.
"Hey, who's that?" Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun, disrupting the game of catch he had been engaged in with Kai. As a result, the tennis ball whacked him squarely in the face. Eyes watering and glowering at a grinning Kai who held his hands up in defence, Baekhyun turned to look in the direction the group's Happy Virus pointed. A young woman in a skin-tight black racing suit was striding purposefully towards them, a matching black helmet tucked under her arm. In contrast, the taller woman walking behind her carrying a clipboard was dressed in a deep red pant suit and red stilettos. 
Kai let out a low whistle. "Well who ordered y this early in the morning."
"Kai," Suho muttered warningly. Kai shrugged but said no more as the two women drew level with them. He recognized the one in red now.
The group quickly stood up and bowed at the sight of one of their sunbaes. They couldn't help but notice the critical examination they seemed to be undergoing as the eyes of the other woman raked over them.
"Good morning, Sooyoung-sunbae. And who might this be?" Suho asked with a bright smile. He felt it upon himself as one of the leaders of the team to state the question on their minds, since Kris evidently wasn't going to say anything.
"I think I'll let her introduce herself."
The black-clad woman shifted her gaze to Suho. Now that she was closer, they all saw that she was younger than they expected. "My name is Lee Jinhye, and I will be your new trainer."
Their reactions were immediate and predictable. You mentally rolled your eyes. The speaker's smile had frozen in place, but you could see the surprise and confusion in his eyes. They seemed to be the dominant emotions in the group, mixed with some disbelief. However, you could see expressions of barely hidden contempt already forming on two of the twelve faces. Only one, the tallest, remained expressionless, his sharp features a perfect, stony mask.
"Oh! Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Jinhye-seonsangnim-" Suho began, after recovering from the initial shock that his new teacher would be so young and, well, female, but was cut off by a snort of disbelief. All eyes turned to the male standing beside him.
"You're kidding, right? Is this some kind of joke? Did we fail our last test or something?" Kai asked sarcastically, smirking.
"Kai-" Chen began, trying to contain the situation.
"No, he's right. She's practically our age, and your saying that she's going to teach us? How could she have enough experience?" Luhan interrupted, looking straight at Sooyoung, who looked more uncomfortable by the second.
The rest of the boys did not make eye contact with either of you, but it was clear that they all had the same doubts.
You only smiled, and then turned to Sooyoung. 
"I told you so, didn't I? Pampered brats."
"Hey-" the one called Kai stepped forward, but was quickly caught by the two beside him.
"I concede that you have grounds to question my qualifications though, so I came prepared," you stated plainly, unfazed by Kai's sudden advance. You turned to Sooyoung.
"Race me."
Sooyoung looked taken aback, as did the twelve boys. "W-what?"
"You heard me."
"But Jinnie, I don't think I'm- I mean, I can't possibly- I haven't--" Sooyoung stammered for a few moments before you took pity on her.
"Fine, find someone else for me then." You looked out to the cars whizzing by on the track. "Shouldn't be that hard. Who's on right now?"
"Uh...well, Yunho and Changmi-"
"No." Your face hardened immediately, and your body grew rigid at the names mentioned.
"No, Sooyoung. I don't want to see them."
The woman sighed.
"How about Kyuhyun then?"
Your lips rearranged themselves into a hard smile before turning back to the boys who had been watching your exchange in bewilderment. 
"Watch closely, then."
Suho's the perfect leader while Kai's a ist little . Excuse the stereotyping. 
I love Kai, but he makes it too easy to stuff him in that role. 
Anyhow! There you have it, Jinhye's met the boys now, and she's not happy with them. At all. We'll see how that works out later.
Questions? Comments? Either is greatly appreciated. 
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I'm working on it guys, I swear! There's just. A lot. of fluff. And I need to intersperse it with out stuff to not choke on it. X3 - Ace


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wonderdream #1
Chapter 28: I like your story.. Its cute, funny and written well. I hope for more later;)
Chapter 28: So I happened to come across your fanfic and I think it's great!! A little sad though because it seems like you're not updating it anymore but I'd like to say thanks for writing it !!
atnight #3
I miss this fic.... I miss it so much......
yunhee_ah #4
Chapter 28: that must :( but i hope u did well in ur finals ahahha :)
lovedrunker #5
Chapter 28: omg no please continue the story it's amazinggggggg!!! (I felt like crying, reading Jinhye relive Jae dying ughhhhh)
yunhee_ah #6
Chapter 16: friggin chapter like soo soo soo ..... OHMIGOD LIKE WHAT THE -pulls hair- -bangs head on wall-
yunhee_ah #7
Chapter 5: -heart eyes emoji-
yunhee_ah #8
Chapter 3: I like this story , altho u said in the author's note that it was slow , i think it's in a good pace :)) it's fun to read not all those typical kind of thing :>
downinthedumps #9
Chapter 28: will you ever update this story? at least on Christmas ;-;
Chapter 25: where did the kitty go? ;A: