sickeningly sweet overdosages of fluff - I

The Ride of Your Life


Your mind was racing a mile a minute as you stared at him, frozen stock-still, his words ringing in your ears like the echoes of a gong.
You were tempted for a second to think that you ahd simply imagined it, as an aftereffect of either the antidote or the poison, but the nervous, apprehensive expression he wore said otherwise.
It was as if Sooyoung suddenly hacked into your brain.
'Say yes, Jinnie! Why aren't you saying anything!?'
'B-but I-'
'But nothing. Say yes, hurry up. Poor guy's probably freaking out right now.'
'I don't even know if-'
'Lee Jinhye, you are in pitiful, pitiful denial, and if you pass up this perfect, golden opportunity I will never let you forget it for the rest of your life.'
'...what the hell, how are you even in my head?!'
'I'm merely a manifestation of your subconscious desires that you stupidly, consistenly repress. You just decided to give me Sooyoung's voice because you associate her with these thoughts most. Anyway, that doesn't matter, what matters is that look that he's giving you right now - I mean look at it. Look at him. How, why do you even keep resisting so hard-'
"Look, I'm really sorry, that was out of line, I-" his withrew his hand from your arm, raking it through his hair instead as he turned away. "Just forget I ever said anything."
To your mingled horror and surprise, you realized that you didn't want him to go. Now it was your turn to be painfully speechless, muffled, disjointed 'uh's' and 'uhm's' tumbling from your lips as you tried to figure out what to say.
'Are you deaf or just dumb?!! YES!'
He turned around sharply, and then you realized that you had more or less shouted the latter part of that thought. You clapped a hand to your mouth, positive that your face resembled something along the lines of a nice, ripe tomato at the moment.
"I- I mean, I'd actually-, I mean, I could, if you want-" you stammered, looking anywhere but at him, pulling at the your scarf so hard you created a sizeable hole in the knitting. You were kicking yourself with every word, wondering how on earth you managed to sound like the stereotypical vapid teenage bimbo straight out of one of those popular dramas Tiffany and Yoona watched. You drew in a slightly unsteady breath and lifted your head to meet his stare.
"I mean, I'd like that, actually."
There, it was done, it was out, and simultaneously your heart felt both lighter and heavier as you waited for his response.
His gaze was strange, unsure.
"Y-yeah. Uhm. Yeah, I- yeah," you spluttered, looking away and hiding your face behind your hands. "Stop looking at me like that!"
It was quiet for a second, and you started to worry that he had changed his mind and left, but-
"Why? Does it make you nervous?" His voice, which seemed to have dropped an octave from its already low register, came from right above your head.
Your heart leapt to your throat and stayed there, pounding furiously, causing you to almost choke in shock. You backpedalled several paces, tripping over your own feet.
"Don't do that!"
Kris was trying very hard not to grin like a fool.
The two of you were sitting side by side on the subway. You were still disgruntled at his behaviour at the station, but you probably didn't know how adorably and tempting your pout was to him. Thus, this cold shoulder treatment was not exactly punitive, as it was meant to be. Nonetheless, he figured that it was probably not the best idea to leave you in a bad mood so early in the date. 
"Anything in particular you wanted to do?" he asked casually. You glared at him.
"Yes. Shopping. Lots and lots of shopping. It's Myeongdong - you don't mind, right?" you replied just as casually, though he heard clearly the vindictive, poisonous notes laced through your words, ending with a tight, sweet smile while your eyes were firing daggers at him. 
He grinned back warmly, nodding. "Sounds good."
Your eyes widened slightly, then narrowed. "I want to get a new closet, to be honest. There are so many stores I want to check out, because they have...uh...different clothes, and...stuff. And you're going to help me carry everything because I'm still not completely better."
"Mhmm, of course."
He wanted to laugh at your dumbfounded expression as you scrambled to find better ways to annoy him.
"I actually don't have my credit card or any money on me, so-"
"I'll pay, don't worry about it."
You gaped at him, then threw your hands in the air.
"What's wrong with you? Doesn't that- I mean- doesn't any of it bother you?"
He allowed himself a small chuckle. "Contrary to what you may think, we all have our own hobbies - outside of the track."
You raised an eyebrow. "And yours"
"No. It's Tao's."
You were silent for a second, before snorting. "And he bbuing-bbuings you into going with him." He shrugged, having long gotten used to the boy's demands.
"Usually. So I don't think your shopping habits will faze me at all - that is, if you actually did want to do what you said, which I doubt."
His smirk widened as your pout returned with the redirection of the conversation. 
"...I actually wanted to visit the Han River, in the evening though..." you murmured, gaze dropping to your hands in your lap. He was mildly surprised at this, but did not pry. 
"I guess Myeongdong wouldn't be too bad until then, though," you glanced at him, gaze almost questioning, as if seeking his approval. "I mean, it's almost lunchtime anyway. We can probably grab something to eat once we get there..." The statement trailed away to resemble a question.
You appeared to be satisfied by his noncomittal hum, turning your gaze to the window. The silence that fell wasn't awkward, surprisingly. Instead, it was simply a comfortable silence that allowed each of you to delve into your own thoughts. 
Myeongdong was as crowded as ever, and you moved a little closer to Kris after getting bumped around several times by the other shoppers. Apart from being over six feet tall, he exuded an intimidating aura that parted the crowd easily. Even so, this aura didn't seem to affect everybody, because a couple of merrily chatting little old ladies nearly bowled you over with their stuffed shopping bags as they headed in the opposite direction. He caught you by the waist before you could crack your head open, however, helping you right yourself. 
"You're not even in heels this time. Are you actually just clumsy?" he chuckled in your ear, causing heat to sneak up your face.
"Just because not all of us are six-foot-two statues- "
He laughed, but made no move to remove his hand from your waist, clasping you to his side. The feeling of your bodies pressed together, even though in a relatively innocent manner, did nothing to help your blush.
"Uh, you can...let go now..."
"Oh, right."
This time, the silence was awkward as you tried to simultaneously keep close to him and not touch him. Thankfully, the cafe wasn't far.
The waiter found you a table for two near the back. You picked up a menu while Kris looked around the restaurant.
The decor was simple, but modern and stylish in muted pastels of brown and beige. The chairs were straightbacked but surprising comfortable, the dark upholstery concealing firm but soft seats. A single lamp hung like an upside down bowl above each table, giving off a soft, incadescent glow. 
"Do you know what you're getting?"
He glanced for the first time at the menu on the table in front of him. "Um...what do you recommend?" he asked as he flicked through the pages.
"It depends on what you like," you replied, pausing when you realized again how little you knew about him. "Sweets and pastries or an actual meal?"
"...they have a Chinese section." It's less of a question than a statement.
"Oh, yeah. I've never tried it though," for some reason you hurry to correct yourself, though you're not sure what exactly you're correcting, or why you felt it necessary. "Not that I have anything against it, I mean, there's lots of things I haven't tried, and- "
"It's fine, you don't have to explain yourself." His lips twitched into something halfway between a smile and a smirk. You glared at him, but did not say anything else due to the arrival of the waiter, immediately after Kris raised a hand.
"Ready to order?"
"Dim sum and black tea - keemun, if you have it, no sugar or milk."
"I'll get the Belgian waffles and fruit, vanilla ice cream and maple syrup. And a cappuccino, thanks."
When the waiter left, Kris raised an eyebrow at you.
"Waffles and ice cream? I didn't realize 'lunch' meant dessert."
"At least my order didn't seem like it belonged to some boring old man," you retorted defensively. "No sugar or milk - why don't you just ask for bitterness and tears in a cup."
"I've never understood why people insisted putting that stuff in. The whole point is to appreciate the original aromas."
"That is totally something a jaded old man would say."
"How is that even- " Kris shook his head. "Forget it. If I'm a jaded old man then you're a five-year-old. Only a five-year-old would ask for that much sugar in one sitting."
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with indulging once in a while," you said firmly. You hadn't had a chance to satisfy your sweet tooth for quite some time, and this shop had the best waffles in the city.
"There's a difference between simply indulging in something and pigging out," he replied lightly. "The latter is going to give you a sugar high - I'm not sure I want to babysit a hyperactive five-year-old all day."
"This five-year-old is your map around Seoul, in case you forgot, so you'd do well to treat her with respect," you shot back cheekily.
He simply rolled his eyes as the waiter returned with a small ceramic teapot and cup, and a tower of wicker steamer baskets, both of which were steaming lightly. You caught a whiff of the scent of the tea, and had to admit that it smelled quite tempting. It had a woodsy, yet fruity fragrance, and you leaned forward slightly in your seat when the waiter placed the pot on the table.
Kris seemed to notice your curiosity.
"And another cup, perhaps," he said to the waiter, though he was smirking at you.
Your lips twisted into a pout in embarassment. "I never said-"
"Mhmm." He picked up the pot by the thin, delicate handle, pouring out a stream of dark amber liquid. He blew gently across the top of the cup, wafting the scent towards you.
You glared at him.
"Your order, miss. And your cup, sir."
Now it was Kris' turn to stare as your plate was set down in front of you. Two thick, golden waffles sat, slightly overlapping, decorated by no small amount of fresh berries and caramelized bananas. Two large scoops of vanilla ice cream rested on top of that, drenched in a generous quantity of golden syrup. To top it all off, there was also a substantial dollop of fresh cream beside the already monstrous confection.
"Are you sure you can finish all that?"
You smiled at him angelically. "If you want to try some you could just ask, no need to be longwinded."
"I'm good, thanks for offering."
You shrugged as you brought the cup with your own foamy drink to your lips, only to be stopped by his hand on yours.
"What, you want to try this too?" you said, trying to sound incredulous and ignoring the shiver that ran down your spine at the touch.
"Hardly, but coffee tends to ruin the palate for finer things." He poured some tea into the newly arrived cup and pushed it towards you. Despite the sweet smell, you wrinkled your nose.
"I bet it's bitter."
He snorted a little derisively. "It's probably much less bitter than your espresso shots. And you seem to down those without a problem."
You blushed as you picked up the drink, partially because it was probably true, but mostly because you were surprised and pleased he noticed your drink on those early mornings, when everyone else was busy keeping themselves awake.
You took a tentative sip from the steaming cup before moving to set it back down on the table, but Kris was already shaking his head.
"You need to drink more than that. You have to spread it evenly with your tongue, otherwise you won't be able to get all the flavours," he said, taking a sip himself as a demonstration.
"I know how to use my tongue perfectly well, thanks," you snapped icily. 
He choked on his drink.
You felt your face heat up as your brain processed the double entendre. "...that came out wrong," you muttered with a brave but sad attempt at nonchalance. He didn't reply, choosing instead to busy himself with his steamer baskets, his face slightly pink.
You followed his example, digging into your waffle with a fork, taking relief in the coolness of the ice cream.
In the silence that followed as you both ate, you mulled over how surprisingly easy this was. The conversation wasn't forced, nor was it as awkward as you'd feared (except for that little slip just now, which was kind of your fault, anyway). It wasn't very different from getting a coffee with Kyuhyun or Changm- or your other friends.
'Except none of those other friends made you feel like he did.'
'What the- I thought- why are you still here?!'
'Honey, I'm your subconscious. I'm going to be here so long as you try to lie to yourself.'
For some reason, the voice in your head had taken on Heechul's persona this time.
'Shut up.'
'First you try to deny that you like him, now you accept that you like him but try to group him with your 'friends'. Your repeated attempts at denial are so sad it's almost amusing, sweetheart. But mostly sad.'
Kris raised an eyebrow when you stabbed your waffle a little viciously, but didn't question it.
So yeah, here ya go. *throws chapter*
Thank my playlist of slow, sappy fluffy fuzzly-feeling inducing ballads for this....thing. idek what to call it. It's suffocating OTL
and Wu ing Fan for this. HOLY WHAT THE HELL MAN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOira'pewortigseoruaw\#R:OISWPOEIeFG:LKDS:ELZKFApo'iew'4gs------
I'm okay.
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As usual, comments/subscriptions are loved! :)
- Ace
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I'm working on it guys, I swear! There's just. A lot. of fluff. And I need to intersperse it with out stuff to not choke on it. X3 - Ace


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wonderdream #1
Chapter 28: I like your story.. Its cute, funny and written well. I hope for more later;)
Chapter 28: So I happened to come across your fanfic and I think it's great!! A little sad though because it seems like you're not updating it anymore but I'd like to say thanks for writing it !!
atnight #3
I miss this fic.... I miss it so much......
yunhee_ah #4
Chapter 28: that must :( but i hope u did well in ur finals ahahha :)
lovedrunker #5
Chapter 28: omg no please continue the story it's amazinggggggg!!! (I felt like crying, reading Jinhye relive Jae dying ughhhhh)
yunhee_ah #6
Chapter 16: friggin chapter like soo soo soo ..... OHMIGOD LIKE WHAT THE -pulls hair- -bangs head on wall-
yunhee_ah #7
Chapter 5: -heart eyes emoji-
yunhee_ah #8
Chapter 3: I like this story , altho u said in the author's note that it was slow , i think it's in a good pace :)) it's fun to read not all those typical kind of thing :>
downinthedumps #9
Chapter 28: will you ever update this story? at least on Christmas ;-;
Chapter 25: where did the kitty go? ;A: