
Hipster Exo Drabbles

                He knew he shouldn’t have gone out so late at night, but Tao had really wanted to walk by the river. But as he was heading back to the dorm, his fever got the best of him. He collapsed on the ground, unable to move any further.

                “Oh my g—Tao?” Kyungsoo ventured, rushing up to the sidewalk and squatting down next to Tao and poking him. “Are you okay?”

                “Uuh,” Tao managed to groan, and Kyungsoo sighed in relief.

                “Okay, back to my dorm then,” he said. He lifted Tao up in a sitting position, and then helped him up, supporting him by holding his waist. Tao latched onto Kyungsoo’s neck, vaguely aware of just how soft Kyungsoo’s skin was. It had always looked soft.

                “I’m back,” Kyungsoo called, “and I brought M’s maknae too!”

                “Why’d you bring—oh God, he needs help,” Suho said, coming into the room.

                “Relax,” Kyungsoo cooed, and Tao loved the feeling of the slight vibration of Kyungsoo’s chest Kyungsoo’s voice made. “I can fix this. I’m an expert at home remedies. I think it’s just a fever.”

                “If you say so,” Suho said, turning around and going back into the sitting room. Kyungsoo helped Tao into his own bedroom, and set him down on his bed.

                “I’m going to make you better, Tao,” Kyungsoo said softly into Tao's ear. Kyungsoo’s soothing voice was enough to reassure Tao completely. “I’ll be right back.”

                “Kyungsoo,” Tao said, grabbing Kyungsoo’s hand. “I love you.”

                “T-Tao,” Kyungsoo laughed nervously, “you’re delirious.”

                And Tao almost believed he was when he heard Kyungsoo say “but I wish it was true.”

                Kyungsoo returned with a fever patch, which he placed neatly in the middle of Tao’s forehead. He had a glass of water as well, and he lifted Tao up just slightly so he could sit up to take some fever medicine.

                “There,” he said, “that should help you. Sleep now.”

                And Tao did.

                When he awoke, he saw Kyungsoo, asleep on the ground next to him. He smiled at him, touching his soft cheeks with his fingers.

                “Kyungsoo,” Tao said quietly. “Kyungsoo.”

                “Huh?” Kyungsoo said, looking up. Upon seeing Tao’s face, he smiled goofily. “Oh, hi, Tao.”

                “Hi,” Tao replied, still looking at Kyungsoo sweetly.

                “Man, Tao, you were completely delirious last night,” Kyungsoo said, rubbing his eyes cutely. “You said—”

                “That I loved you,” Tao nodded, and Kyungsoo looked shocked. “I remember. I wasn’t delirious.”

                “W-what?” Kyungsoo stuttered, his eyes wide.

                “And if I remember clearly, you replied,” Tao smiled.

                “I-I mean…” Kyungsoo said sheepishly.

                “My confession still stands. You can take it or leave it, but I’d much prefer if you’d take it,” Tao said, looking at Kyungsoo seriously.

                “I-I,” Kyungsoo stammered, and Tao took his hand gently and played with Kyungsoo’s fingers, Kyungsoo becoming more and more flustered with each second. “I’ll take it. I’ll take it.”

                “Then can I kiss you?”

                “Kiss me, Zitao-yah.” Tao took Kyungsoo’s chin in his fingers and turned Kyungsoo’s face towards his own, taking Kyungsoo’s bottom lip between his and breathing in. Kyungsoo’s plump lips and Tao’s bow-shaped ones fit perfectly together.

                “You hesitated before you accepted my feelings,” Tao breathed into Kyungsoo’s ear once they’d broken apart, and Kyungsoo bristled in excitement.

                “I shouldn’t have,” he replied. 


Picture credit to dropletsofcolor@tumblr :) I LOVE IT. This picture was the inspiration for the chapter~ I hope you don't mind me using the pic D:

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Chapter 34: True I feel you too. What I love between them would be a very amazing untouchable and protective kind of friendship :) Yes, both bottom, exactly. Just cannot be that easy to imagine for me bwahahahaha...

No Chanyeol-Lay though? :(
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh that photo.. I can totally dig this (although what I've been waiting and looking for is ChanLay).. It's fun that you have there a picture to clearly imagine that first scene.. Waaaa and naive and oblivious YiXing is liiiife! Hahahaha so cuuute
Chapter 23: Lay's face though.. In the second gif. Hahaha. So cute! It looked like he was in all sorts of pleasure haha!
Chapter 16: I liiiiike bossy Layyyyy.. Damn
Chapter 4: Oh that's... Hmmm.. Pretty fine! Su-Lay are 2 members who are the nice and silent ones
Chapter 3: Hahahaha Kris causing the mayhem
MysteriousNeko #8
Chapter 12: I actually like bottom kai more than bottom sehun :)
nightingalesatnight #9
Chapter 32: Oh gosh Chen was so damn cute in this and Lay was so bloody oblivious. They are just so perfect together!
nightingalesatnight #10
Chapter 24: Cuteness overload!