Chapter 5

Hmm...I Might Like This Country More Than I Thought

A few days after I started to live with Subin, Taeyeon, and Tiffany it became hell. They bossed me around; Taeyeon and Tiffany hide my homework or stole it, and other things that I don't want to talk about. And a few good things happened like meeting Bao Yu (now she's my best friend), have transportation, and finally showing someone my hidden talents. Now on to Kris...WE ARE DATING!!!!
















Just kidding. We don't talk to each other only if we need to in class or if we want to make each other mad. So we hate each other, plus Krystal is getting on my nerves. Oh and another thing I learned about Bao Yu, she can design clothes.

Now I'm at school in first period hearing the announcement.

"And now for the last announcement for today. There will be a school dance this Saturday in the gym. The theme will be black and white masquerade ball. And any groups can perform at the dance."

People in my class that are in a group cheered and clapped.

"Are you going to perform?" asked Bao Yu.

"What?! No way!"

"Why not?"

"Because first, I don't think I'm going and second, I'm not going to perform."

"Come one Mina, you can do it. Plus I'm going to design your outfits."


"Yep, you are going to the dance in a dress and performing in another outfit. You can do Bubble Pop."

"Bao Yu, I'm not going and I don't have a date."

"Neither do I."

"But I bet Chayeol will ask you...nobody will ever ask me," I groaned.

"Mina, you are the prettiest girl here, plus Chanyeol didn't ask me yet."

"he will."

From the corner of my eyes I saw Bao Yu blushing, "Well I bet Kris will ask you."

"No he will not, we hate each other."

"To bad."

After class Bao Yu walked me towards Biology. She stopped me at the stairs.

"Mina, can you please come to the dance," Bao Yu puffed out her cheeks.

"...alright..." I said, giving up.

"Yay! I'll find you a date!" Bao Yu jumped up and down.

"No date!"

Bao Yu stopped jumping, but still smirked at me, "Okay," then she left.

I walked in the classroom, but little did I know two people was listening to our conversation. I was sitting at the table when Kris came in.

"Are you going to the dance Saturday?" he asked.

"Why are you asking? Do you want to go with me?" I .

"What?! Hell no! Plus I'm already going with someone."

"Oh really? Who?"


When I heard that i felt a little jealous, "Well guess what, I'm going to the dance too and I have a date."

"Who?" he raised one of his eyebrows.

"..................." I couldn't think of anyone."

"That what I thought," he laughed.

"Shut up."

At lunch I met up with Bao Yu.

"So did you find me a date?" I asked her.

"Yes, but you can't meet him until Saturday."

"What? But I want to know who."

"I'm not going to tell you," she said, smiling.

"Fine," I groaned.

After lunch we went to our classes. I tried to avoid Kris, Taeyeon, and Tiffany. Bao Yu begged me to come to basketball practice, but I decline and told her to bring me home. Since Suibn was there she made me cook dinner.

(with Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Subin 3rd POV)

When Taeyeon and Tiffany arrived home, they told Subin what they know.

"Mother, we heard something interesting," said Tiffany.

"What is it?" asked Subin, watching TV.

"We heard Mina talking about going to the dance on Saturday," said Taeyeon, "And getting a date."

"Who will date that thing?" said Subin.

"Well don't let her go. Make her do something," said Tiffany.

Subin thought about it then went to the kitchen where Mina was cooking.

"Mina, Saturday I'm, going out with friends and I will be back at midnight. I want you to clean this whole house before I get back."

"But I was planning on going to the dance," Mina said.

"Well you aren't going. Even if you did go, who would date you? And your friend miss-don't-wanna-be-popular will not take you," then Subin left.

(Saturday, Mina POV)

Since Suibn told me about cleaning the house, I told Bao Yu I can't come. She was mad at first, but accepted it. Now here I am cleaning the first floor while Taeyeon and Tiffany were getting ready.

"Well orphan, while we go party you will stay here," laughed Taeyeon.

"Bye loser," said Tiffany, and they both walked out of the house.

An hour later someone was ringing the doorbell.

"Coming!" I yelled.

I opened the door and saw Bao Yu and some maids.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Bao Yu.

"When you told me you couldn't come, I made a plan," Bao Yu smiled.

"So why are they here?" I pointed at the maids.

"They are my family maids. I told them to clean a house. Plus I made you clothes and you are going to wear them," she handed me a bag.

"Thank you, but will everybody know it's me?"

"Nope, remember the announcement said a black and white masquerade ball. You will have a mask on and when you will perform."

"BAO YU! I told you I'm not performing."

"you are. Now go show the maids the rooms and put the dress on."

"Fine," I led the maids to Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Subin's room.

I might have cleaned part of the house before, but those three rooms were the worst. There were food and clothes everywhere.

"This is too messy!" said one of the maids.

"But we promise Ms. Wu we will help her friend," said another maid.

"Oh okay," said another maid, then she turned to me, "Have fun at your dance."

"Thank you," I said, "And remember, Subin will come back at midnight, so leave the house before that," then I left to get dress.

I looked at the baby blue dress, shoes, and mask Bao Yu made for me.

This is a black and white dance, why will she give me this? But this is really beautiful.

baby blue prom dresses Custom baby blue prom dresses, Best Idea For Prom  dressNew_style_2012_spring_summer_design_ligh13087391340.jpg

Korean Textured Soft Curls Hairstyle with Long Hair for Women from Han Ga In

After I did my hair and makeup I walked back to the front door where Bao Yu was waiting. I saw Bao Yu talking to two people.

"Bao Yu?" I said, she turned around to face me.


"What's going on?"

"Well you know when I told you I got you a date? Well..." Bao Yu moved so I can see.

And my date was...


















"Yep, hey Mina," Henry smiled and showed his chubby cheeks.

Um...hey," then I saw another boy, "Bao Yu, whose that?"

" is my date..."


















"Hey Mina, I finally get to talk to you," he said.

"Well lets go," said Bao Yu.

We headed towards the school in Bao Yu's car.

"Where's Kris?" I asked.

"He's driving with Krystal, Jessica, and Donghae," said Chanyeol.

"So Mina..." Henry tried to start a conversation.

"So Henry..."

"You do know we have art together right?"

"We do? I never saw you."

"I sit in the back."

"And I have Calculus with you," said Chanyeol.

"Oh, well I don't talk a lot," I said.

"We noticed," said Henry and Chanyeol.

"So Mina, are you routing for is at the talent show and the dance?" asked Chanyeol.


"Chanyeol, she's new at this. She never listened to any your songs," said Bao Yu.

"Oh right."

We arrived at the school.

"Come one," Henry put his hand on my waist.

"You're not performing?" I asked Henry.

" and Zhou Mi will not perform," said Henry.

"Why not?"

"Because even if we are in Super Junior we will not perform. Me and Zhou Mi are the newest members and nobody liked us, but we stayed. The rest of Super Junior are like brothers to us."

We walked inside the gym and everybody looked our way.

Probably because of my dress.

"Do you ladies want a drink?" asked Chanyeol.

"Yes," said Bao Yu and I.

Chanyeol and Henry left to get us drinks.

(Kris POV)

I arrived at the dance with Krystal. I hated that I asked her, but Jessica told me to do it. All of us were in one part of the gym drinking, talking, and dancing until four people came in. There was a girl that came in with a baby blue dress, shoes, and mask.

She looks wonderful.

"Who is that?" asked D.O.

"I don't know," I said, watching her.

"Where's Chanyeol?" asked Suho.

"He's coming with Bao Yu," I said.

"And where's Henry?" asked Zhou Mi.

"I don't know," said Leeteuk.

"Someone needs to tell that girl she got the wrong memo," said Taeyeon.

(Mina POV)

"Do you want to dance?" asked Henry.

"Sure," I said.

Henry grabbed my hand and walked towards the dance floor. The song was a fast beat song. So I felt the beat and moved my body.

"Wow, I didn't know you can dance," said Henry.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me," I said.

"Okay everybody, with the of the dance there will be some performances!" said the DJ.

"First up, TVXQ!!!"

Yunho and Changmin performed Maximum.

"Awesome! Now Super Junior.

Super Junior performed Mr. Simple.

"Cool! Now SNSD!"

SNSD performed The Boys. I saw Taeyeon and Tiffany shaking their butts off.

"That's hot! Now SHINee!"

"SHINee performed Lucifer.

"Now F(X)!"

F(X) performed Hot Summer. I saw Krystal looking at Kris.

"Now welcome the group that won last year...EXO!!!"

"It's time for me to go!" said Chanyeol, hugging Bao Yu.

While EXO were performing History, I was looking at Kris. He looked really handsome dancing and rapping.

"Mina," Bao Yu said.


"Look," she pointed at the clock.

There's twenty minutes before midnight.

"Here," Bao Yu gave me my outfit and mask.

I went to Henry, "Um Henry, I need to go to the bathroom I will se you later."

"Okay," he said.

I ran to the bathroom and changed into the outfit.

What the hell, Bao Yu want me to wear this? Oh well.

After I changed I went to the DJ.

"Okay everybody that's the last performance of today. The next time you will hear them is at the talent show," said the DJ.

"Wait! Let me perform," I whispered to the DJ.

"Um...okay. Well everybody there is a mysterious girl that will perform."

Everybody stopped and looked at me. I gave him my Ipod and put it on Bubble Pop. I went to the front of the crowd and performed. (pretend she have on a  white mask and no backup dancers)

(Kris POV)

After we performed we went back to the groups.

"You did great oppa!" said Krystal.


"Yo Chanyeol, where were you?" asked Suho.

"With Bao Yu," said Chanyeol.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Over there," he pointed at the three people. A boy, the girl with the baby blue dress, and the other girl is probably Bao Yu.

"Whose the girl?" I asked Chanyeol, but before he could sat anything the DJ said there is one more performance.

We all looked around with a confused look on our face. The music came on and a girl came out. I couldn't tell who that was because she had a mask on.

"Who the hell she think she is!" yelled Tiffany.

"Her clothes! It makes her look like a !" said Krystal.

To me she is the best singer and dancer I ever saw. Her outfit looks cute on her and I love the song.

"She's really good."

Everybody turned around and saw Henry and Bao Yu.

"Henry! When did you get here?" asked Yesung.

"I came with Bao Yu, Chanyeol, and-"

"Well that's all for tonight everybody!" said the DJ.

Then the clock dinged at midnight. The girl stopped and ran to get her Ipod from the DJ. Then she ran to our group and got Bao Yu.

She knows Bao Yu?

Somebody must have tripped the girl because she fell, but got up and ran out the door. I saw her Ipod on the floor and picked it up.

Who is that girl?

"Bao Yu left me," pouted Chanyeol.

"Where's my date?" said Henry, searching for his date.

(Mina POV)

"I still can't believe I did that!' I said when Bao Yu and I went to her car.

You did awesome!" said Bao Yu.

"Now lets hurry up!" I said.

Bao Yu drove faster towards the house.

"Oh no," said Bao Yu.

"What?" then I saw Subin's car.

"Park in the back!" I said.

She drove to the back of the house and i jumped out.I ran up the stairs and saw the maids, "Get out! Subin is here!"

The maids hurried up and left the room. I told them to go to the back door. I didn't want Subin to see my clothes so I found a robe.

"Why are you wearing my robe?" asked Subin when she walked in her room.

"I love the silk and colors," I lied.

"Oh," she sat down next to me on her bed, "You did great on the rooms."


"I'm tired," the she was knocked out.

I'm soooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating in a long time, I was lazy and I had to do my summer project.


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I made a mistake. I didn't add SHINee to the poll...


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Chapter 5: this story somewhat seems like Another cindrella story
Unnie4 #2
Chapter 23: Did you get the broken arms, legs, and lost voice part from Another Cinderella Story?
frostysnowprincess #3
Chapter 21: Nyaaa I really like your story!
Chapter 20: How about a co author to help you I think that will help
And pls update more I really think that this is a very very good story so far
jjunghoeseok #5
Chapter 20: Update plssss ToT
SH4ever #6
Chapter 20: What will happen!?
Kris! Get her!
Chapter 20: Noooooooo............... I love this story!!!!
Chapter 19: Please keep writing! I'm curious about this story.
Chapter 18: ahhh... You need to write more.. please....
OhMinHa #10
Chapter 18: She was rejected?? Was that the girls doing??