Dara's Little Brother from Mblaq

[HIATUS] What Can Love Do?


When I woke up, I heard Dara talking to someone on the phone.

Dara said “Yeah, Sure, You can come today.”

I was wondering who it was because I was shy to ask.

Dara asked “How long have you been there?”

I replied “Just now..”

Dara replied “Oh..”

Then she went to her room.

I was so hungry and there was no food at the table.

I decided to cook my favorite meal.

After finishing my meal, I heard a knock at the door.

Dara opened it and I saw five men walk in.

One said “Hi Dara! I missed you.” He hugged Dara.

I don’t know who that person was anyway.

Dara said “I missed you too, my little brother!”

Dara has a little brother? Wow.. I never knew that..

Dara called me and introduced to them all.

Dara said “This is Hyejin, the new member of 2ne1.”

The 5 men said “Hello, We’re Mblaq.”

I asked curiously “Mblaq? What’s that?”

One man replied “Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality”

They all introduced theirselves.

“Hi I’m Seungho, I am the leader of the group.”

“I am Lee Joon, Pleased to meet you.”

“I’m MIR!”

“I’m G.O, How are you?”

“And I am Thunder, Dara’s little brother.”

I replied “Pleased to meet you all.”

Mir asked “What place were you in the finals?”

I answered “2nd, Why?”

GO asked “Will you sing for us?”

I replied “Uhmm.. Sure? I guess..”

I started singing Love Moves in Mysterious Ways.

Thunder said “Wow! Nice voice you got there.”

I said “Thank you.”

Lee Joon answered “You should have been the first place. You have a very nice voice!”

I was kinda blushing so I said “Thank yo—u”

He was cute and kind too.

Dara said “Thunder, I want you see something in my room.”

Thunder replied “Sure sis!”

Thunder and Dara went to Dara’s room.

Mir and GO said “We’re going to cook in the kitchen.”

Seungho replied “I’m going outside for some fresh air.”

They left both of us in the living room.

It was an awkward moment because I kinda like Lee Joon.

Good thing, CL went out and started the conversation.

After a few minutes, Mir and GO’s cooking was finished.

All of us ate at the kitchen together. We all laughed and told jokes.

Mblaq sadly said “Goodbye! See you all around. We had fun.”

We all said “Come back next time. It was fun.”

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I'll update soon, I promise! I have a pretty hectic schedule!


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Kimkim091612 #1
Pls update soon authornim: )
baby_moon #2
Is it jonghyun or mayb gd? Oh gadd....update soon