Last Day of Practices

[HIATUS] What Can Love Do?


 “Yes Sir, It’s about Gdragon and Me.” I said

“You and Gdragon are now together ? You’re now a couple?” He asked

“Well.. Yes.. Sir….Is it alright?” I said

“Yes it is, as long as it does not interfere the whole practice and concert. Now, all of them need to practice but you’ll stay with Gdragon and Jonghyun. You have to take care of them for a while, they might start another fight when nobody’s watching.” He said

“Yes sir.. I understand Sir..” I said

I went back to the clinic and told the guys “Guys! Mr. President said you’ll have to practice, I’ll stay right here.”

They all went to the practice room.

I first went to where Jonghyun was lying down, I told him “I’m so sorry if I let you hope for nothing.” He didn’t answer, He just closed his eyes and tears started to fall.

I went to Gdragon’s bed and said “Are you alright?” I kissed him in the forehead.

“I’m alright..” He said

“STOP IT! It hurts.” Jonghyun shouted

“What hurts? The fact that she said yes to me and no to you? ” Gdragon said

“Gdragon! Stop that!” I shouted

“It really hurts Hyejin..” He said and tried to stand up to walk away.

“Wait… Jonghyun…” I said

“Let him go Hyejin..” Gdragon said

“I can’t, he was there for me when you were gone. I have to repay him.” I said

I went outside and helped Jonghyun in walking.

“Let me help you, Jonghyun!” I shouted. He didn’t say anything but I still helped him.

When we reached the dormitory, he slammed the door  and went inside.

I went back to the clinic to watch over Gdragon.

“How can I practice if I have to use the wheelchair? Mr. President said it’s the last day of practices.” He said

“We can work that out , After all you’re GD..” I said

A meanwhile, there was a knock at the door.

“Hyejin! The concert’s tomorrow, you have to practice..” Taeyang

“Who’ll be with GD?” I asked

“I’ll be fine, Hyejin.” Gdragon said

We went upstairs and Jonghyun was also there.

It’s the last day of practice, so we have to fully give our best.

Big Bang collided with SHINee in dancing.

The practice went great!

After the practice, we went to the canteen to get some snacks.

I bought some sandwiches and biscuits for us to eat.

Taeyang bought some drinks which were very refreshing.

After eating, I brought sandwiches and biscuits for Gdragon.

He ate it and said “Thank you!”

I also brought some to Jonghyun, he just ate it and said nothing.

Mr. President called me again and said “Come to my office now.”

I went to his office and knocked.

“How’s the practices? You’ll perform tomorrow, Don’t forget!” He said

“It’s fine sir! We’re ready for tomorrow.” I said

“Good Job Hyejin!” He said

After talking to Mr. President, I went down to  tell the groups.

“Guys! Concert is tomorrow!” I said

“Yea!!” Everyone shouted

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I'll update soon, I promise! I have a pretty hectic schedule!


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Kimkim091612 #1
Pls update soon authornim: )
baby_moon #2
Is it jonghyun or mayb gd? Oh gadd....update soon