A Date With GD

[HIATUS] What Can Love Do?


I opened the door, it was Gdragon, my date for the night. He wasn’t on the wheelchair anymore. He just have this cast on his foot and he was holding a crutch. It wasn’t really severe now unlike a few days ago.

“You look stunning!” Gdragon said with a smile on his face

“Thank you.” I said

I tried to wipe out the tear on my eyes but he still noticed.  I sat on the couch and tried to stop tearing up.

“Why are you crying, Hyejin?” Gdragon asked

“I just remembered my bestfriend when I was 11.” I said

“I think we found our topic for our date! C’mon, let’s go.” He said

When we were going downstairs, we bumped in to Jonghyun.

“I see, you’re wearing the dress.” He said

“Yeah! Bye. Gdragon and I have a date.” I said

“I can see that. “ He said

Gdragon and I went to the restaurant. As a gentle man, he offered the sit to me. I sat down. The waiter gave us the menus.

“What do you want to eat, Hyejin?” Gdragon asked

“Anything would be fine, I guess.” I said

“We’ll just order your specialties.” Gdragon said

The waiter nodded and went to the kitchen to tell the chef.

“So.. Umm.. Who is your best friend when you were 11? Gdragon asked

“Her name’s Kim Yuri.. I miss her..We’ve been a lot together..” I said

“How’d you met her?” Gdragon asked

“We were both half-American, we met in Oman, a country from the Middle East.” I said

“Oh. Why are you there? A vacation perhaps?” He asked

“Well, my mom and dad were working overseas then. When we first met, we haven’t given a chance to talk.” I said

“Then, How’d you became close?” He said

“Two years later, they went back in Oman. At first, I thought she was not nice. I first met another friend before her but we weren’t that close as Yuri. We started to chat every day. In every gathering we were always together and were like a magnet.” I said

“Continue..” He replied

“Sleepovers started. From her house to mine, we were like sisters. My family accepted her and I was accepted in their family too. We also started texting each other.” I said

“This is so interesting.. Please continue..” He replied

“She went back in America and continued her studies. I kinda cried when she was leaving. My friend, My sister was leaving me. After a year, she came back because of me.” Tears starting to fall from my eyes

I can’t help to cry. She was my best friend, my sister.

“I just hope I get to see her again.” I replied

“You will. Don’t demoralize, Hyejin!” Gdragon said

“I just hope so.” I replied

“So.. Umm. Where does Yuri live now?” He said

“I haven’t heard a word. Her last address was in New York.” I said and gave him the address in the note.

A few minutes later. The food was there. The soup was served first.

“Good! Soup.” I said with a smile on my face

Then, The main course came.

“The food looks delicious!” He said

“Yeah! It is.” I replied

After eating, Gdragon asked the waiter for the bill. The waiter gave the bill and Gdragon gave his credit card.

“C’mon Hyejin!” He said

“Where are we going, Gdragon?” I asked

“At the park. Let’s walk around.” He said

“Won’t that be hard for you because you have crutches?” I said

“No it won’t, besides I can take the pain for you.” He replied

I kinda blushed, but I’ll get used to it when he will do that.

We roamed the park while he was telling very interesting stories about his life. A moment later,  Gdragon was getting tired so we sat on the park bench.

We looked at the stars shining, they were amazing. I put my head on Gdragon’s shoulder.

“I hope we can live in a world like this, a world of peace and quiet.” I said

“Yeah. And with you around, I feel like in heaven.” He said


“Because I’m with my angel.”

“Oh Gdragon..” I pinched his cheeks because it was so puffy.

“How about we move on the grass?” He replied

He got his crutches and slowly sat on the grass. It was such a beautiful night. We layed down on the grass.

When Gdragon was telling stories, I suddenly fell a sleep.The wind was also breezy.  That made me fell asleep even more.

The next morning, I was still at the park, still on Gdragon’s arms. Many people were staring at us. I stand up and woke up Gdragon.

“Gdragon! Gdragon!” I shouted

“Wha---a---a—t?” He asked

“It’s morning!” I said

He opened his eyes and said “We slept here?”

He got his crutches and stand up.

We went back to YG Entertainment.

There were newspapers scattered around us, it’s about me and…………

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I'll update soon, I promise! I have a pretty hectic schedule!


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Kimkim091612 #1
Pls update soon authornim: )
baby_moon #2
Is it jonghyun or mayb gd? Oh gadd....update soon