



Hi! So sorry for updating late! I am super busy these few months! Kind of weird that I'm apologising on every chapter;) Anyways,I hope you will continue waiting for each and every update for this fic patiently and I hope you can understand my situation. I have major exams and it is still ongoing so I try my best to update as fast as possible! :) Please enjoy reading!


Sungmin's POV


Frowning,I took a littered can and threw it onto the ground purposely to attract Kyuhyun's attention. Kyuhyun turned to me in surprise whereas Siwon just frowned.

" Sungmin-ah,what are you doing here?" Kyuhyun asked innocently,staring back into my eyes. 

However,all my eyes showed to him were fury and rage. No other feeling of sympathy or care were shown in my eyes towards him.

" I don't need to explain. I'll just leave since the both of you have found each other already," I replid coldly.

Immediately,I left taking huge steps.

" Wait! Sungmin-ah! Don't leave!" Kyuhyun screamed.

" What? You want me to apologise? Fine! I'm sorry! Happy now? Just go back to your new best friend! You don't need me anymore!" I snapped after turning to face him.

Then,I ran.

I didn't want to face Kyuhyun anymore. I didn't want to see him crying again. But,what have I done? Was I a bit too harsh? Did I just let the feeling of jealousy ruin my friendship? I sighed.

I don't know why but something pulled me back home. Was it Kyuhyun's pillow? My bed? Weird.. It was like some force in me wanted something or wanted to do something at home but I didn't know what was it.

The moment I reached home, I ran for my laptop. Why? Well,Siwon-sshi looks so familiar. Like I had seen him way before meeting him after he saved Kyuhyun. But where? Why hadn't I thought about this earlier??

" Siwon " , I typed onto google. Millions of results came popping out in a few seconds. My mouse 'strolled' along the page but stopped when it saw something suspicious.

Seoul Children's Home. That was where I was from. But, why did this come out under the results for Siwon? By that, I knew something was definitely amiss.....




Kyuhyun's POV

I paced up and down the pathway of the park,scratching my confused mind frantically.

" Should I go apologise to him?? Um.. What should I do,what should I do??" I asked myself aloud.

I didn't want Sungmin to misunderstand. He was always and forever will be my one and only best friend,brother and so much more. It was just that I had a fight with him so I needed someone else to comfort me.

Plus,I couldn't depend on him all the time nor could he do that too. I was in a dilemma. To let him be and stay right here with Siwon-sshi or to apologise to Sungmin and leave Siwon.

It was a matter of choices definitely...



Siwon's POV


Kyuhyun paced up and down the pathway of the park,scratching his mind frantically.

" Should I go apologise to him?? Um.. What should I do,what should I do??" Kyuhyun asked himself aloud.

His face and body was drenched in sweat and I could definitely tell that he was feeling guilty and didn't know what to do just by looking at his poor helpless face.

I wish I could do something but I would just ruin it again like I did before. Because of me, Kyuhyun feels guilty and wrong and Sungmin is upset with him. I caused all these problems to appear. This is all my fault. If I hadn't hugged Kyuhyun this wouldn't have happened.

This is all caused by my selfish body and mind. I shouldn't have let greed taken away my morals.

Whatever Kyuhyun was thinking about now,I felt like I had to make up to it.

But,I myself was stuck. What should I do to make up for my mistakes??



[A/N:] HI once again! Thanks for reading! Please subscribe and/or comment! Do enjoy reading it too! :) Like I had mentioned earlier,I will try my best to update as soon as possible. So,please do wait patiently for the next update and try to understand my situation. Thanks! Kamsamnida! :3


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Chapter 14: Ah I forgot to say that I'm happy it's wonkyu ^^
Chapter 14: no no no , I didn't stop I just didn't have time..sorry but I swear I always read your updates on my phone that's why I couldn't comment :(
I really loved this story and can't wait for your other stories too :D
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 14: finally...the happy ending I was waiting for..=) thanks for sharing with us this great fic..It was a great journey..hope to hear more wonkyu fics from you xD
Chapter 14: Finally, I'm glad they get married :D
Thank you for the happy ending..
They are quarrel couple
Siwon wants to make his wedding perfect :D
Chapter 14: Happy ending please :D
onewphew #6
kibum oppa!!!
chemist4kyu #7
Chapter 14: happy wonkyu ending please? =) enjoy your stay in korea
Chapter 13: Wonkyu wonkyu wonkyu :D
hit0rigurashi #9
will this have a happy wonkyu ending? i hope it is, coz i think i'll pass if it'll be kyumin
chemist4kyu #10
Chapter 13: thanks for listening to our pleas..im happy that sungmin got kibum who will give him all the love he needs..love knows no boundaries kyu, its best to accept siwon's undying love for you =) it is sad to hear the end of this fic coming soon..thanks for the great story you shared with us authornim =)