Meeting you Again


Warning: This contains Wonkyu moments,Kyumin shippers dont worry coz its(Kyumin moments) in the next chapter:)



Kyuhyun's POV


I sat there quietly and took a sip of my delicious latte. Emm.. There was a lush green scenery waiting for me outside of the cafe,pulling me close and closer to visit it. This was one of the most peaceful cafes I have ever visited.


"Ring ring"


I turned to face the main glass door of the cafe. A man had just walked into the cafe. It was someone I was familiar with... But who? Siwon. Flashbacks of what happened last week came through my mind like a video clip. Siwon,helping me when I choked. Me,in the hospital,chatting with Siwon. Him soon leaving..I remember now. Siwon glanced at me and walked towards my direction. A smile crept across his face.


"May I take this seat?" Siwon asked politely.


"S-sure," I stammered. Why was I stammering? I wasn't like this that day! My heart started beating quickly as Siwon pulled the chair infront of me and took the seat. I was confused. Why is my heart beating so quicky? Why?


"Are you here alone?" Siwon asked,interrupting me from my thoughts. I looked up at him suddenly,still procesing in my thoughts


"Huh? A-ah..Oh,ya. I am h-h-here alone," I stammered again. This time,I hit my head for being so careless of stammering again.


Siwon chuckled ,seeing my reaction. I looked up,confused.But soon I was smiling.


"What are you laughing about?" I asked in a not so serious tone.


"Sorry. Don't misunderstand me but you were so cute when you were hitting your head like that," Siwon said,chuckling.


The word CUTE emphasized and repeated itslef in my head. He thought I was cute? Once again,my heart beat faster than ever. I started beaming at myself awkwardly. Even though I thought maybe the whole cafe was already staring at my weirdness, I didn't give a  damn about it.


"Do you come here often?" Siwon asked.


"Yeah..Anyways this cafe is really peaceful and it's near my house,"I replied,still smiling to myself.


"Could I u-umm h-have your n-number?" Siwon asked,stammering.


"Sure," I said,smiling.


I took out a piece of paper from my mini notebook in my bag together with a pen and began scribbling some numbers. I passed the male infront of me the paper. Suddenly, my phone rang,breaking the silence in between us. I reached for my phone in my pocket. Unfortunately,it slipped out of my hands when I grabbed it. Seeing my carelessness, Siwon bent down to reach for my phone under the table. At the same time,I reached for my phone as well. The moment I grabbed hold of my phone, I felt Siwon's hands.


It felt so..Warm


I paused. Feeling this warmth I have never felt before. It felt so real. So warm. So alive. I looked at the tall handsome male infront. He looked back at me. We stared at each other long and hard. His eyes were so lovely. Even my phone stopped ringing. Everything was so peaceful.




Once again,my phone rang,interupting our silence. Siwon went back to reality and when he wanted to go back to his seat,he hit his head underneath the table. I chuckled.  Seeing my expression, Siwon laughed along. I took my phone and returned to my seat. I glanced at the screen. 6 missed calls from Sungmin. ! I promised him I meet him at the shopping mall to get some stuff for our new house. After living in the orphanage for  a long time, we decided to buy our own house with the money Sungmin earned from working. I kind of felt guilty at first, but agreed later.


"Hey,um I kinda need to go now," I told Siwon who constantly stared at me since I checked my phone.


"Sure,so I'll see you around?" he asked, impatiently waiting for me to answer.


" Yeah."


I looked at Siwon. He started pouting and looking disappointed. I couldn't do anything about it since I was actually suppose to meet Sungmin. Although his pouting was so not cute, I felt guilty. It was his face looking so disappointed that made me feel guilty. I stood up from my seat and glanced at him once more.


"I'm sorry," I said,apologetically. Siwon didn't reply. He continued looking upset and bent his head down. I sighed. I trudged my way out of the cafe and closed the main glass door. Again,I spun around to look at Siwon. He was still the same.



A/N: Okay..That was the second chapter. Sorry if the first chapter was short. Anyways, this whole chapter is about Wonkyu so those who ship Kyumin, Kyumin moments are gonna be in the third chapter! And thanks to anyone who subscribes or comments on my fanfic! Its my first fanfic! *Hugs*





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Chapter 14: Ah I forgot to say that I'm happy it's wonkyu ^^
Chapter 14: no no no , I didn't stop I just didn't have time..sorry but I swear I always read your updates on my phone that's why I couldn't comment :(
I really loved this story and can't wait for your other stories too :D
chemist4kyu #3
Chapter 14: finally...the happy ending I was waiting for..=) thanks for sharing with us this great fic..It was a great journey..hope to hear more wonkyu fics from you xD
Chapter 14: Finally, I'm glad they get married :D
Thank you for the happy ending..
They are quarrel couple
Siwon wants to make his wedding perfect :D
Chapter 14: Happy ending please :D
onewphew #6
kibum oppa!!!
chemist4kyu #7
Chapter 14: happy wonkyu ending please? =) enjoy your stay in korea
Chapter 13: Wonkyu wonkyu wonkyu :D
hit0rigurashi #9
will this have a happy wonkyu ending? i hope it is, coz i think i'll pass if it'll be kyumin
chemist4kyu #10
Chapter 13: thanks for listening to our happy that sungmin got kibum who will give him all the love he knows no boundaries kyu, its best to accept siwon's undying love for you =) it is sad to hear the end of this fic coming soon..thanks for the great story you shared with us authornim =)